. THE KEYSTONE STATE Latest News of Pennsylvania Told in Short Order. Wark tramnshed on the Wabash Station and in Pittsburg was stopped by a strike of bricklayers. The con tractors, the George A. Fuller Com pany, sublet the contract for pomting and ¢ mg the building to a non union contractor who was employing lab to this class of work The Fuller Company was mnetified that the pointing and cleaning of the id properly belonged to ie bricklayers’ organization i not have the trike was ordered ican rers do mem desired ef neral Directors’ Pennsylvania, n elected the folle wing ofh President, F. C. Benl Pittsburg: v Hookey, Pi tladelphia; Wi Sample, Sh Joseph Newcastle: secretary, Geos ler Paul, Pi ser, Associa im annual con venti cers ice-presidents, S Ke treasurer, + Sharon: iladelphia; Philadelpha: dele conventon. George , Philadelphia; S. G Pittsburg: A B® Ho key, i paa; E. S. Lawrie, Alle heny, and Joseph Steph Altoon the ne Hid Paul ens, a ‘hiladelphia was selected xt piace of meeting Ponti telegraph oper Seh IK] Jv f the as Pierce B n the Pennsylvaniz leave ator « ison Of apphed for » and trip .eeK ten days au pleasure three i by t the Cat} Penn av of $3000 cess to senting had are building len been sic It was Superior’s ger hilowed to for the purpose inspec At noon, alled to prayer, the stranger cin tHaor Was came ting pre; ‘ 1568 when the cistere were fre the fire escape to the third then came doy the Mother He jimmied room, broke away } box A robber Railway o'clock and charge. The ing the fer 803% one contents of the the Reading Souderton entered station at the other afternoon the telegraph operator, shot from his wound, operating key * assistance with ¢ thief was captured raigned before Souderton, jail. The pris Raymond T Py 3 go cannon Sargen’s his face w Kugle lo Both men are War and mem ham H. Child wet, of gle n artilleryman War 3 Lieuten Marietta was a durmg and bh He held his th hole, and S charge home discharged charge of the cannon mb over rammnmung ad the tou ATRECN Was when Amputation arms, hoped, may able to life if shock He 1s 61 years « § age a wife and family. The accide curred in the Mar the Memorial Day exercises were in progress, Six cadet from the regular squad at the Penn Military College, contested Bergiels medal. The too Robert K. Mosser John 1. Wetherill, of 2 Henry, Jr. of the cannon at the it is RAVe Sarge withstand the and has tit ¥ he 3 » 3 1etta Cemetery while cavalrymen, selected sylvania for the was awarded of Noxen, Pa Chester, and James Philadelphia, received honorable mention, The judges were Major George A. Dodd, Third Cavalry, U S. A; Major John T. Kmght and Captain James E. Normeyle, Quar- termaster’s Department, U. 8S. A. 5.4 nieaa i COMMERCIAL KEVIEW. R. G. Dun Co.'s vieckly review of trade says: . Retail trade is stimulated seasonable weather and the inJdustria outlook is brighter on the whole, al several adverse factors appeared. Manufacturing lines re. port a shight improvement at woolen mills and shoe factories, and, while there is more idle cotton mmachinery it 18 worthy cf note that the last Fall River statement showed very little reduction in dividends Railway carnings thus far for May fall per cent, same time last year, @ It is increasingly difficult to find pertaming te and steel try Pur small and frequently” ef ncessions, aithougt » find definitely » except from pig which now averages from $5 to $7 fon cheaper than at the corresponding date last year Textile markets £OnMe extent weather reported short of the ¥ 1% Sof mdadications indus the ir chases on are difficult quotations it 1s lower iron have during the past conditions being favorable for retail trade, orders for waol crease more tha manufacturers Failures the United year, and 7 in ( 7 & year ago Bradstreet’s save: Wheat, 1 the week ending May 26, aggregate 1.132157 bushels aaginst 1,225.63 las week, 4.677.678 this week last Year 3,000,645 in 1902 and 4.1 WR.a7o in 1001 Corn exports for the week ARRregate 233.605 aga 118,337 las’ Week a VEar ago, 71 sR i! 1902 and 2,037,348 in week notably while the worsteds in sanguine and the most anticipated this week number 226 ir States against 206 las’ ‘anada, compared wit} 18 including flour, exports fou bushels 1,170.730 nst "es 101 WHOLESALE MARKETS. FLOUR (Juiet more : > pred cream Ya iagie, 14 ais: Store packed ii . EGGS CHE} 112 Steady and SE and BI a: med; Ri4@ fs unchanged, 17 Firm unchanged Bn 10 lave ire, small, " New ceipts, e exira, 1s ax um, BUTTER Fi creamery, common Minute Guiry tr J3@17% Steady cream r to good, ce. : do good white colored fair to gond 63i@ ~ 14.22 I near by fancy fir &t 5 vi whl FIG Iva 18, pec i214 spring turkeys wis rem re to York 689; 1X mon to extra. CHEESE State full 7 ree 1.832 ored, choice smal! 4 eipts 1 small ¢ wl fos 7ARTN fair to and receints ¥ ern ¢ hrm: Is, 14: 12. dressed, Western 13; turkeys FLOUR 21 changed prices ARD.—Firm: refined exports, Western steamed ent 600 American, 7.15; compound, 534 new Sauth and Western sweets, 31.00 fi Rs: South POTATOES ern, 4.00@%.55:; sacks, 2.500 2; cont faney hand omestics, 314@ Live Stock Good to prime steers. 5.2 @s.7 poor to medium, 4.400@'5.28 stockers and feeders, 3254.75: cow and heifers, 1.75(@5.00; canners. 1 200; Bulls, 2.50@4.25; calves, 2 575: Texas fed stecrs, 4.500510 HOGS -Mixed and buchers, 4.551 4.75; good to choice heavy, 4.70@ 480; rough heavy. 4.35004.6%: hight, 4.50465; bulk of i x 0 SHEEP--Good ta choice £255.60; fair (a's 00; native lambs, ox lambs, 5.0m 7.50 New York—STEFERS 4.75% 60 stags, 5.00; bulls, 1.570 4.60; cows, 2.00 (04.0% Cables quote live cattle slow at 1i@ratic. per pound; few tops 12¥ic. dressed weight: shee dull at 120@14¢c.; dressed weight: yD ie ater beef steady at g@9lic. per pound. SHEEP AND LAMBS Sheep weak; winter lambs and pring lambs 25¢. lower, Sheep, 3850@s500: no thoice here; winter lambs, 550@6.75; spring lambd 6.50@8.25; one dcck choice, R50 HOGS Receipts, 2,183; State hogs, £15; light Ohio do., 5.00 mixéd West- ern, 4.65. Chicago.- » 3 ’ & < < oy ales, 4 4 wethers hotee + od § OF to ¢ : spring ¥ WORLD OF LABOR Butte (Mont) granite cutters re ceive a minimum wage of $6 a Jay. Lynn (Mass) Bakers’ Union has rejected the arbitration offer of the Winsor( Canada) plumbers are on strike, a demand for 35 cents an hour having been refused. A dispute at the Denaby-Main col lieries, in Wales, has resultedein » lockout of nearly 1,000 men. In the matter of salaries paid to highschool teachers Kansas City, Kan stands at the bottom of a list of § cities, : Ihe Longshoremen at Manistee, Mich, have returned to work at so cents an hour. and the strike on the lumber docks is ended, The annual convention of the Inter national Brotherhood of Bookbinders will be held in St. Paul, Minn, the second week in June, Formation of unions among women will be encouraged in Towa. During the past year these organizations in- creased more than 100 per cent. ' | i { { What is of chief significance In result of the muni tions in France is the isive of the Nationalists, who have the governments of several cities, including Paris It show that the French people are tired at las! of Chauvinizsm and its eterna’ incitements international conflicts What the French th their neighbors: ne longer a disturb they elec defea/ controll large i recent ipal de 0 ed goes to need ie peace w they that relia and will tGierate party the friendly have establish Professor l.ounshu another ] uy English in Harp question of t ERIE ar's Magazine, treating scholarly and entertalr in his paper the Now, in “The tSory of the in 10¢ manager split infinity an ldiom,” beginning iq belter ng ar on ano for outlines the wou had better, a practice of tion, which bids fair t« if not checked by a knowledge facts in tj Would ne Professor 1 iry is carefully growth of use of recent acep increase of the better BE un iiomat ¥ lenge the people whe thought Lhe but real Case BAYS Aunsl grammatical which as it will number fentious] { thems statement at of tention have heen training uid better a On A eEsly use of wo Ee the simplest A Jag anese ho La, py ow i * * 3 * 4 3! » LINE In ne i { : ie posal at each {ine May say it the a daytime small house roomy tired of Afri at his London or who knew ‘he work had ’ , v : Ee prs Ha we Neyer Ome home al that wae and nfidence nits ing done He that He Hved tions teen Cunieg RUR"* YEARS mn had ae die EE few Pt Mrs mp magazines in demanding Ansem tera and American h it of | «and RE rarely dr their Weekly writer contrary. “great intorrigibly ad and get rites Mark Di As SRY ite wi YIEOTr, RULER taracteor slice derided family and WD a a8 oO she the magazine authors gon men who eat well nk, Are wives t du iu The taat are the 9) to be bored by Harper's on the a most romforts of an,” and he Stevenson, Kipling and Bret Harle “Xam is noiaing. he the with curren! American litera "The publishers print the best can get: the magaz nes glories they can gel. the MELA con rejoins guthors f fe dicted to them if they Twain Thackeray ples her matter ture kena, - books they print the public reads the best books and zinea it can find There iz no spiracy put down talent, and some notable minds that ought to mak ing literature are otherwise emploved We fear that there ig po better reason for it than the on that the other jobs pay host 0 be aordid hetter.” The Outlook says: The Department of Agriculture reaporta most interest ing experiments made by Poffa, of the Univeraity of California upon men engaged in hard manual la bor most of the time and students working to support themselves while pursuing their studies. The professor declares: “Nuts ars the cheapest source of ensrgy, peanuis raaging far ahead.” The price, 3.6 cents per 1.000 calories of energy, is at less cost than any animal! food, or potatoes at 90 cents a bushel. Peanuts deserve spe ciel mention because they are the Professor i i | { ! percentage of proteine, with value aad minimum highest maximum fuel refuse purchase more proteine and when spent for flour or meal. but these are raw materials, requiring con siderable preparation before they are eaten. This is not necessary with fruits and nuts. Tea cents’ worth of of proteine and 2.767 calories of ener bread, they are outrahked by dried beans, which, at five ceats a pound, will supply for 10 cents over grame of proteine and 3,040 enlories of energy. If more peanuts and dripd beans were used by the frultarians the diet would be enriched and the cost decreased. Fifteen cents a day wan the average cost, with fruit, nuts, begns and a limited quantity of cotiage shecse and egw ot — wr BEAUTY BENEATH THE WAVES of Remarkable Formation. “Yon may talk about the beauties of the Yosemite, Niagara Falls. the Alps, or any place on the top of the earth,” sald a well-known gunner in the United States navy, “but they are not to be compared with the beauties of old ocean, particularly such as can be seen from a diver's helmet.” “You're right fald another gunner. “The Jubbers do not know what they have missed. | remember once when | was a gunner's mate sit ting for more than an hour on the fluke of an anchor 1 had been gent own to and gazing with awe m a beautiful coral bank It was really the most beautiful thing 1 ever saw. Every color of the rainbow was there and aside from that there was enough variety in the strangeness of the formation in the to keep one busy several hours cogitating or the wonderful things nature had seep fit to hide beneath the waves I woule probably have remained for severa hours, gazing with rapture on the bank, and was really think ng tha! down there in the depths, away fron the noise and strife of mother earth would suit me for the rest of my days when a ‘soup-and-bully tin throws over the side of the ship dropped be tween me and the coral bank M3 Cream Was over It was a case of quick transition from the sublime tc the ridiculous and 1 immediately gave the signal to be hauled up.” Diver Tells Cos there,” recover coral but Honest. honest man,” sald the am poor, | know, hut name, and that alone of which my child I am not 100 oid my Poer I am an bank clerk " I have a good ur ‘Sir inheritance may well proud man, 1 w, but | down any reflections name But hank Think of that “1 have thou t wh re he an oc to i £004 KOO am ve upon of for the you ght ¢ 5 ! ied the clerk “B al money mpared to “But you No “Once and - of x & ROO Know the clerk that } more ipted + tell on of cash you not ier your bank He Earned. of Chat at the accept ‘the First Money A Bishop Danie! Goode tanooga. Tenn. who New England Methodist Episcopal onference, in Springfield. Mass. was taking the small salaries ministers received and how often they were financially embarrassed “1 re member when | was a very small boy that my father moved to Norwalk Conn, and | first began t« enjoy the pleasures of life in the country i the job from a neighboring farmer of driving the cows home from pasture night and at the end I received a quarter for presided of which secured every of the week this service FITS poy pens after frat Aaya NerveHestorer $2 riall Dr. RH Krise, Ltd 993 ' 1 se of Dr. Kline's €3reat treat “Pe I's file an Ar ne bh =t s Strawberries 1 siranberrivs £9, but prunes go on | ME BT 1ETeY Ladiss Can Wear Shase One sles smaller after usine Allen's Pas. Ease a powder. It makes tight or new shoes cary, Cures swollen, hot sweat ng hing feet ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all droggists and shoe stores. 25. Don't an eopt any substitute, Trial package Farr by mall. Address Alles 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y When a warn troubles t's 3 that she the celebrat: her birthday anniversary her resumed Irving over hae Mre Winslow s Sonthing Kv ip forehildren testhing, soften the gums. reduces inflamma tion, allays pain cures wind colic, 250.8 bottie If it weren't for their mistakes a great many men would never be heard of Plso'sCareafor onsamption isan infalilble medicine for coughs and colds. —N, W, Bamoxs, Ocean Grove, NX. 1. Feb 17. 1900, People may not think you a fool, vet they may not be in a position to deny ii. - — “- - Cost of Hauling Freight. The cost of hauling a ton of freight a mile on Great Britain's greatest rail way ie 1.45 cents; on the Pennsyivania, forty cents, and on the New York Cen. tral, forty-one cents. 8100 Reward. S100, The readers of thie paper will be pleasad ts learn that thers is at least one dreaded dis. ease that science has been able to cure in ail Hestages and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, Catareh being a con. stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure le taken inter. nally, acting directly upon the blood and me cous surfaces of the syetend t hereby destroy. ing the foundation of the disease and givin 2 the patient strength by building up the con. stitution and assisting nate e in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith ia ite curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars forany case that it fails to cure, Bend Jor list of testimonials. Address F. J. Caeser & Co., Toledo, 0, Eold hy Druggists, 750, Take Hall's Family Pille for constipation, The Teacher Interested, “Miss Biggs is interested pa.” “How so?" she had told me seven times to sit down and behave myself, she said she wondewsed what sort of a father | bad.” in you, The Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor is now stronger in the an- fields, and has affiliated with it about 200,000 men. Detroit { Mich.) tilesctters and help. ers, who were out on strike recently, have returned to work. The helpers wanted $0 cents more a day, which Winsor( Canada) plumbers are on strike, a demand for 35 cents an hour having been refused. DR. WOOLLEY'S OPIUM & WHISKY ANTIDOTE Will care permanently nt your own home, Mr. T M Brown, of DeQueen. Ark ‘Over seven years ago | was cured of the Gpium habit by your medicine And have eon tinued in the very best of health wines Mr. W. M. Tunstall, of Lovingston, Va says: “Iamplad to say that I firmly telieve that I am entirely ard permanently o the Drink Habit, as I have never eve 1 oe 4 wantedadrink in any form since i your eradicstor, now Ik months Ryo it the best money | ever invested Mrs. Virginia Townsend, of Blirese port writes “No more oplun ! have iu other remedy than Yours, and | make take when | say that my health is Let than it ever was in my (ite. and | owe RNG your remedy. It has been tw siiice | was cured by your treatment Ur. Woolley has thousands of + Bik. with permission to use ment with so many recommendations Physicians and eured patients mu ba Dr. Weolley's Antidote has ire Bil ROOA articles have j—perhapr yo some of them, but there is noth 5 “y's. It haw stood the test «f 1} TRG or woman whe uses oplun Any form, or who has friends should hesitate to write to DR. B. Wm WOOLLEY, 106 North Pryor Street, Atlanta, Ga., for his book on these diseascs, whic h he wi tend free and confidential Money in Chickens For B0e., in stamps we send a 19) FAGE book giving the sx) erence ole pracuon: Fouwivry Haier wot SR MPRSewr, VE & oan working for dollars wird vev—-during B Hay rédl { mie took wa y ich te then wt afl Or i re jeted Bave tor Breedliyy, everything re quisite for proBitalie Poultry rel, mg BOOK PLBILISING basnnrd Mreot. New ¥ vr. A Large Trial Box and book structions absolutely of ine Free and Poste t Antiseptic Paxtine is in powder to dissolve In waler — pon.poisonous and far superior to liquid antiseptics containing sicobol which irritetes inf surfaces, and bave no cleansing prop erties. The contents of every wo a longer - Bors further— has more uses in the family snd Goesmoregood than any antiseptic preparation you can buy, The formula of a noted Boston physician, a Vaginal In jocal treatment of fernale [ils Paxtine is invaivable. Used as 8 Vaginal Wash we chalionge the world to prod: for £ oe its equal A 11 bead ing druggists keep Paxtine; price Se i yours does not, pend 10 us 1 rit. Don't ing like Paxtine, Write far the Pree Boy of Paxtine tow ay. —— ———— | Bors’ How te Pek Out o Gnd Time’ Emow Lavper fee a ton and wo Guard sgnins, Fraoa' Detect [esses snd ESest a Cure when soe be Tell the Age uy the Teoh! What to call the Different Paris of the Animal’ How to Shoe 8 Horse Py periy! AL tube and other Valusole Inforawm tion cay bMained by 100- PALE ILLUSTRATED HORNE BOOK, which we will forward, pos: Paid, on receipt of euly 25 cents in olan ps, BOOK PUB. HOUSE, "ae Aaenard Neo N.Y. Oley. oe One Night Treatment with (UTICURA Soak the feet or hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For itching, burning, and scaling ec- zema, rashes, inflamm a- tion, and chafing, for red- ness, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, this treat- ment is simply wonderful, frequently curing in one night. Oompiete Tumor Cure ronsleting of CT TICUEA Remoivent. 80 (in Sorm of Chovsinte Costes Fisa, ie wer wisi of 80 Chior wl Mw Soap, Be. Deporte Loven, Charterhouse Bs Parts, 2 Roe 80 is Pais. Bostes Columba Ave. Poste rug & Chen Bor Props. BF bend for ¥ Mew wo Ours Every Bumor [PENSION FOR ACE. A rw coder w ® thew for arg A Gu ress THY WwW, is Buildis ! Cry ¥ ve pension ge blatiks mr rin yr . PEXKION XO PAY : wg H. WILLS COMPAN Ave Y. PRE k Washingion, I, © DROPS Y "ocr griek wlief and ourer worst Ones Book of sestimenisie pnd 10 dave’ vestment Free De mn GREEN'S SORE. Bax 8. Atlantis, Ge. NoMoreBlindNorses) 7:5 onthe | Bore Eyes, Barry Co, lows Clty, la. have & sure cure | ADVERTISE ™ T4%24r2 | T PAYS 4 ERY; vom /inchester Take- which will outshoot and n, our WINCHESTER REPEAT! GUARANTEED CURE blood, wind on the pains after esting regularly you are starts and for never with C The genuine tablet Address Frertiay Remedy NG ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. ppendicitis, biliousnens, bad bresth, bad mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, When your bowels don’t move people than all other diseases together, It ng. No matter what ails you, taking until you get you? bowels guarantee to cure or Sample and wn foul MN 6 OF sold in bulk, ew York, YSPE rite, Box 138, TYNE R'S D Ww en an RH MONEY IN CHI Suis for profitable Acts on Bowels. CKENS..... * Book giving the cells everything re. 134 Leo nard Street, New York.