v Smith, the Photographer. | THE STATE CAPITOL LOCALS Frol, Young Not an Applicant | re W. W. Bmith, the photographer, Miss Martha Farner, of Colyer, was Prof. J. A. Young is not an appli- | > » al 1 ¢ ' i will be in Centre Hall Friday, |W!" be Lavishiy Furnished, but Legisla- | o agjjer at this office Tuesday. cant for the principalship’of the Cen- | rr tors Wil Miss Gifts. Special Desigus | . . June 17. for Farollure. | The fifty-fourth commencement of | tre Hall High Behool, which leaves | SSO BoNe EHH —— | The new State Capitol will be equip- | Bucknell University will be held atthe place open to ‘a new man. Ibe GRAIN MARKNT. [ped with special furniture, carpets, | Lewisburg, June 17th to 22nd. salary is $60.00. RYE ae. il aan ens fA —————— BREIGY......ociirisnrens 3 a | fittings and decorations to conform | Mrs, W. A. McClellan and children, pace the splendor and grandeur of | of Pleasant Unity, visited friends at PRODUCK | LN, the building | Linden Hall and Tusseyville the past J leuey Margaret Mothersbaugh an al | lard... 08 | Butter............ 1 Marion Fortney won the prizes offer- | POtatoos......c.orcs 1 15 | Egg . : 16 | Plans for nearly all the furnishings | week. ed by Theodore Davis Boal for the | THE THING TO DO land decorations, the cost of which | M. L. Emerick is making prepara- —— - i i { best two papers on the loeal history of | Q tC { G < Lhe fe mn yw who tries to do his friends | Day © xceed $1,000,000, have been pre- | tions to build quite nn extensive poreh, | pap 2 iy of | Is to look over our stock of Spring oods Boalsburg. The prizes consisted of | ‘ . . . . ‘ often finds himself undone. | pared by Joseph M. Huston, of Phila- | This addition will greatly improve |, scholarships omy sonlobare ae in all the lines, The Ladies will find sewing ma- | delpt ni of y Capitol. ids | s meric idence | 14D : or oy . ‘ ‘ . oe | del piiia, ase iteet of ihe Capitol. Bids | the Emerick residence, lect school under Prof. Ward 8. Gram-| @ terial, and the Men will be interested in other lines. DO YOU GET UP a 11 be . Pen Y ! Sour of FabliC| Miss Myrtle Fleisher, who spent ley. One of the papers, and possibly | | Grounds and Buildings June 7. | more thaw & year with her sister, Mrs. | both, will be printed in the Reporter, | WITH A LAME BACK ?| The board has omitted from the | j.,.e6 Wagner, of Mifflinburg, return- a pf ———— | schedule fountain pens, penknives, | her he ar Colyer, A ME ‘me 7: . | finoy cnr cases, cloths” and has) 1" bet home near Colyer ¥. and Yi, Endowment $13,000 OVERALLS and PLOW SHOES Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, | Mre, John Frazier, of near Centre At the annual meeting of the board | brushes and olber articles of this kind, | . * , . : i which were formerly bought for the | Hall; Mrs, Foster Frazier, of near Tus- | of trustees of Franklin and Marshall | i HICH Were 0 e My { ‘ » i | far gh : seyv ille, and Mrs, Charles A. Miller, of | College Professor E, M. Hartman, who | {use of members of the Legislature and | . . - = la 4 +8 Colyer, wgre in town Friday afternoon canvassed the Reformed churches, re- | § ROCERIES ’ History of Boslsharg, + | Btate oflicials and employes, | oy ; Babi : emp oy . | of last week. { ported that he had secured $73,000 in | I'he equipment iucludes specially de- i rn 3 ; | * {signed furniture, fittings, furnishing | I'here will be a meeting of the Res i t fund. which it § i 38) A bg LA Revaiate af the x oof endowment fund, which it is proposed | {and decoration of either woodwork, | pital Aid Society at the home of Mrs, | “5° : Tas WE KEEP THE CHOICE 'T { stone, marble, bronze, mosaic, glass | Mary Rearick, Monday evening, June | to 'nefesse to a half million dollars, | S { George F. Baer, of the Reading Rail- | land olstery, nt ax ice | 13 4 i attend RE sire 8 | ’ | and uph ste Y, ul a maximum price | 18th : A full attendance is desired a Lay, wae reelssied hiurident of the GROCERIES TO BE HAD cas > of $20 a foot Ibe furniture will in- | there is itaportant business to transact, | elude designed sofas and seatings® | y Inev | board. I LY : ! g Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Henney, and | either upholstered wood, metal or| gn Ralph, of Burnham, last week | stone, at a cost of §15 a foot, visited in Centre Hall. I'he former : | BE. Wel p tuaid year} : | Bamuel E, Webe y ( y Besides these, there will be designed | 44 permanent employment at that He Yeber, of Altoona, was ot | decorative exterior lights, whieh will place and is well pleased with the home over Sunday, having come to | cost not more than $15 each ; mural | wrk. te his iather, John HL W eber, Mr. jand art paiuting, at cost of $50 a foot ; i ? Weber is a special apprentice in the » cash and pledges for the permanent | willis ——— -— LOCALS As a result of a visit made to Wil : } . ; 0 inting + ' +$1 . necihanica: engineering department of and paint I, which will liamsport by Pure Food Agent R AM. BY ha p ! ? gr { * toons of hau $3 a foot : state Simmers, of the State department the Altoona car shops, eco0000 P0030000000000000000000000000000000000000000 HE HORSE GOODS special desks and This week I will tell you about Horse Goods. I have something to blow about. A set of Sin- gle Harness at $11.75, that is hand to beat. You must see it to realize how cheap it is, eight butchers were ar ested charged William SBeholl, living on the Har- it i le > + x . 3 3 4 id Eoglish laid in with using sulphite as a meat preserv. | per farm below Centre Hall, has been id rubber parquetry ative. Each one was ned £50 and unable to look after his farm work $15 costs. sitee the opening of spring Atl Limes Congressman Mahou was re-uvomi- he is confined to bed, and at other utiding will cost not more than | need in the seventeenth district. He | times he is able to walk about. The t Fhe maximum price fixed ling or sculptor decoration was supported by the co Lie ailment, appareutly, is rheumatism. designed special-finished 2 lin Sul 3 | Franklin, } hut the Reporter ta an nion he fit of Sny- ¢ P11 “wr ata and | ANDOU LOS } ess of John H. Web. der, Mifflin wee Culberson typhoid fey vhoid fever, wid panels, Auabus- . >. id . ‘id 2.3 ph 4 Judge Parker already hs 194 dele. he sickness no doubt was contracted snd electric fixtures for the past week clude designed ' brocade, silk gates instructed for him, as 1 Is cer ile staying at the home of his of not more than : . : (ain to gel the vols = 2H Tia brother, it «¢ family the disease equipment will also . wd elock fittings or fix- fF wl h i his ly FP delegat srisiins © he wil this writing ( Weduesdas Mr. Weber st of which is \ ” gel some more, but the tide § etting |} vali well. pr 4 ! strongly in Buggy and Team Nets, not the cheapest on the market, but best goods, cheap. White Cotton Ear Nets, Heavy Collars and Hames, Sweat Pads, Whips— (Full Rawhide at 25¢), Lap Robes, Tie Ropes, Halters, Curry Combs, Horse and Cattle Cards, Mane Combs, Hame Straps, Snaps, Buckles, Rings. uninstructed delegals 58 { cnrst TE a1 during the past year, At 5 “a1y rile 8 jolly crowd oo mp wed of York Judge rl . ‘RE. #« Rebicea Heckman, Della Heck- Wedns« sday afternoon of last vk man, Jenni Brown, Edna Mallory, party of bright boys and girl etn. | Jull amb, accomp nied by Will bled at the hom r of Mra \ jel. | Brown ss an escort, drove to Bpring new furniture for the Capitol Pp desks, oak oak flat-top | or ma- hd of Tasevville. n honor of the Mills where they partook of a sumptu- ninth birthday of her grandson. Rob i Ler repared by Mr. and Mrs ert Burehfisid s 1 folks had obert Smith at their beautiful home If you don’t see what you want in this line, ask for it, I may have it, pleasant time although refreshments at the aboy entioved place. They x f r ’ pati ’ : = Remi ate. could not be served on the lawn on ac. | arrived home shout midoight.— Belie- FLOOR COVERING "hie IE DeSe nt count of the rainy weather. Those | font sily News, On resching Cen- exercises at rE. present were, Willis an Craukli tio “ t isd ty fou d iiself drench- > . * > * i é i i: fate allege will open Heck ms FOO Tie atid s . d to thie aki \ * b on overtaken bacealaure- ' 13min i 3 i 4 i STRAW andPANAMA | Sunes morning with th —— C. W. Swartz, Tusseyville, Pa. Hats at One-Half Value ee wide - i i ¥ Yer 8 ~ 5 § § x ¢ fem y dry the! bee I » s Onasitied Huinohurg | t Aud Sara Frantz, th i iry their belong CO0000000000CO000000000000000000000000000000600000080 i May sud Be Han. ]ing he i 2. hot rape i MARS ' ME fe inn, § 0 i } if ' ROE, Ric Fdward byab ver of raja The Rind : : i rd Wagner, su of Mr , W. Kreamer enabled : enders ns i nable ts =attls who ahall + Burchfield, Tosey ville ; Grace | lator proceed, in good spirits, on theif | SS VV 20000 000 ®eees Desse and White Goods " vty anal ott] "ive xb eClelian. Plata bo ate thin. y TV VVC VTTCTCTTEE NTE... : . wg i 554 Ind Wh i je ivi A at Money-Saving Prices Irawal of Oliver the Elkin faction has C. P. LONG, SPRING MILLS A 1 CALS truck the steeple of the Lutheran chureh but did pring and Summer own], | : suitors “ta em il t the & New Spring Suit ; NE pr— ZN fi $ - : : Fe 1 a ol board sppes iti # jsaue i Pants and Overalls cana re kk conine, or | Pair of Trousers ‘ Se uvemlis for Men, 0, were ars in Centre Hall | visiting their ({ L Moore, {i VP0QOPEB PLC 0000 BO00CODS POPP 0IPPOYYROOO0R000% 2400 PO0VPPOIOII0000000000000S PO00BOLVOLVOPLBVOLOOODOYD DISHES OF THE BEST ASSORTMENT PRICES RIGHT. vill be celebrated | | id you see our display of Suitings and Trouserings in our North satheran eon regs window 0 many neat styles for the quiet dresser, Merchant Tailoring ving, June 12th, at has never been so reasonable, so up-to-date, as nov Call in and see John Fan Ho “|| nw Dry Goods and Notions [day at 2 p. veryvor : We have THE stock of Dry Goods and No- tions at prices so low that you cannot help but buy them, . . . . = "I << 1! Ti Beliefonte school board was or 0 ; " iganizd by re-electing its old officers, f R d WwW Cl hi fs RANITE 0 ao a ly, president, A C. Mingle ; seo i ea y-to- ear ot ng Si wit i 4 } © tretary, H OC. Quigley ; treasurer, John | | +1 | P. Harris. Jupe 27th was sel as the time for electing teachers, i Am - -— C— Is in great demand, also . . * LT ® Up to Date Furniture |B Come to see our Up-to-Date Furniture at | The auditors of Potter township, | | Special low prices. Bed Room Suits Meusrs, George H. Emerick, John B Bi | Couches Dining Room Chair. Rocker : \ ’ Sy Ss, Beds, Mattresses, Springs, Wall Paper. CENTRE TABLES ‘ve . bse to $2.50 BED SPRINGS . . ue 1.95 MATTRESSES . . . . +... ALL PRICES RANGES & COOK STOVES It will be to your interest to visit this store where you will find the largest stock of goods in Penn’s Valley, and get our prices. C. P. LONG, SPRING MILLS Will do lots of work 2 i IF HIS HARNESS FITS, ang - { J] We can fit you and fit vous pocket-book Look at our Top Coat © Potter School Report } and Rain Coats and Nobby Spring Suits, Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Ete DLTOT | Fortney and H. F. Musser, and Town | { Kk A. B Lee met the Potter town- | Lair edie board in the Bank build. | i MONTGOMERY & CO ting to audit the school board's ae- i . I BELLEFONTE, PA. count for the year closing Monday, | June 6th Affixed in a brief stuternent | | of said seecunt i il. G. STROHTMEIER, | CENTRE HALL, . . . . . PENN, —————— fo oo 000600000000000 | a alee Wt THEATRE RIA ARR SEE See HIRE TR - ww JUST A a 4 COMMON HORSE § vows TOROE § eon wl Taxes ley r i I purposes § IMIR 48 Manufacturer of | TREASURERS ACCOUNT—MONEY REX FIVED | State App riation . « $ 2164 68 | 4 and Dealer in | From Coll taxes of all Kinds 3547 52 | | 180 HIGH GRADE ... From a ED dua —— Total Receipts $0013 70 EAR ACCOUNT-MONEY PAID OUT MONUMENTAL WORK! Te ram oi wa205 00 | 18 | Paid Teachers for atte nding institute 0 20 i ! Hons L and repaim.,, Srbenie 108 11 | in all kinds of | For fue boa en 22 | | Colle Hors Toes, $131.54 Treas §8564.82 Ma Marble AND | Salary Sec, 875, Stationery, eto, S581 78 81] | fore’ foes ‘ 0 | Debits Paid, $583.49, Interest faid $12.72 se a dt Don’t Le ” | Text Books...... cheney 315 00 Granite, Don’t £411 10 get my prices | Supplies on * | Tuition CR - » ee on eT) 20. Pe SPSS Ec0N00sIN00ERRRRRRRES 0000000500000000000000000000 But the best animal on earth Can’t do himself nor you Ares Pune: fir Sr Justice if it does not, . , : Vers 1 my this over and over in. Total money paid out 40 a GRANT HOOVER cp et A EE TT | An organization of the new board The best laxative. oval Tan: Want y re: BEN BUCKINGHAM'S DYE DRLOGIETS ORR F, BALL & 00, RABEUA, EE 109 largest, Fire and Life | was effected by electing the foliowing Insurance Companies {oMicers : President, P. B. Jordan; § 3 i : rance Con [eas DY tras Ww. Double or Single Harness for Farm, Delivery or Road Wagon, 2; 2 th Ch {i McCormick. The other members | i Buggy Harness is a specialty of ours. This ad. will entitle you to to per @ your Health The 8s is 8 gapes saves | Are Joho Heckman, Win, R. Neff, and | cent. cash discount on Harness purchased, : No mutuals ; no assessments, The retiring members ure Messrs, W. | | ™ o T . XK ; 0. o : | H. Lucas and Dauiel Daup, both of # Me CALTON | «.« Money to Loan on First Mortgage | whom were actively and sincerely in- | 5 i C . . ' | : s », Sr oto is | BELLEFONTE, PA. vith JAYNE'S, Tonic] VERMIFUGE. Bellefonte, Pa. The rate of millage laid for school I | Adam Heckman, nd Strength terested in school work for » number sar Telephone connection. and building purposes was five mills, ' Swern DLE A wr aon 5 | A pleasant, potent and