THE RUSSIANS REPULSED Attacked Forces at Chu-Chia-Tun, But Had to Retire. JAP DIVERS WILL REMOVE MINES. General Kuroki Reports the Result of an En counter With Six Hundred Cossacks Near Simatsi-—A Force of 2,000 Russians Press. ing Japanese Cavalry Engaged by a Large Japasese Force and Retire to Telishu. Tokyo, (By Cable).—The Japanese and north of Pulatien, which brushes during week, had another near Chu-Chia-Tun. On Ja panese cavalrymen met the Russians Russian forces located were in a series of early part of last unter the ence that day the noon The and at 2,000 men de numbered of cavalry Russians were composed infantry, of They were pressing the Japanese cav alry the their entire force and The Russians drew off grad 30 o'clock in the after noon they retired to Telishu. The Japanese suffered four men kill and four men wounded in this fight ng. tachments and artillery. when Japanese engaged enemy wally and at 5 Cossacks Defeated. has been received Kuroki saying ti Friday last a detachment was patched from Ai-Yang-Che: Yang-Pienmen?), to Yang-Cheng, to make a sance toward thirty-five i Cheng) ed Goo engagement General Russian I ese three A report here from General at « Aj Feng reCOnnos cast Cossa $8 was suffered only wounded Wireless at Port Arthur. It 1s suspe 1 1 tl } s1ans ing wi by means was reported had been eres i lage of Peh-Wang, one of the Miao-Tao in Pechili strait, and cruiser Chitose investigate . thing. It is such station been er Shan-Hai-Kwan, and are mvestigat this n The Liao-! han promos four masts and a v coast {ine i was fhtted for erations : Emplacing New The Chitose ports having series of lose and belies from blast placing of The Jar stroyer lkazuchi ploded a large mme land at the entrance Divers Removing The Jag gaged the vi rected 1 siften the +t id Chitose steamed masts ev teiegrapny Batteries, 1 DROS PR F , r 5 are taken t¢ Japanese peopl PASSENGER TRAINS COLLIDE. Colorado Flyer Crashes Into the Accommoda- tion Tramp Killed. Kansas City, the headon coll Pacific 22 miles south person has been been injured, most passengers. The the Colorado Fl No. 36, a Hosin dation train Both trains were behind ule and were trying to make up No. 36 h toy Mastin, t tion, bey nd Mastin by th gines were ol coach on the was telescoped, as was the flyer. All the ¢ were thrown from track and roadbed ed. A relief train was sen City with a dc ! of the in at Mastin, to Kansas ( passenger their ee} tr take a syn reac ad orders had not met on and was aCCOmMm?e Peace in Santo Dominge. Washingyvon, D. C., Navy ha: following cablegram miral Sigsbee, dated Porto to Domingo “Representatives met Detroit, according. te made with the commanding of the Detroit. Peace has been on in Santo Domingo and a cessation of hostilities for the next two days to { Spec ial) Department fre m Re ar Plata, aboard the Arrangements fficer of agreed | i government. The Newark arrived op gortunely as the conference etter arrangements, Murderer Lynched. Grangeville, Idaho (Special). --T M. Myers, who killed George Brown. lee and wounded Wallace Bennett, neir Crooks Corral, three weeks ago, was taken from a party of officers near White Bird and lynched. The lynchers were masked and outnum- bered the officers three to one. The officers rode onto Grangeville, The method of death is not known, Myers was being taken to the county jail when the lynching party overtook the officers. . NEWS IN SHORT ORDER. The Latest Happenings Condensed for Rapid Reading. Domestic. Tornadoes did consierable dgmage in Dallas, Tex, Joplin, Mo.. Arkan sas City, Kan, and other places in the southwest. A number of people are reported injured. Floods have demoralized railroad traffic in Kansas and Missoun The Philadelphia and Lehigh Val ley Traction Company's bondholders have adopted a reorganization plan by which the entire system be made compact, with a new first mort gage for $4,600,000. The convention of Federation of miners port and 1 Wiii the We: adopted the re recommendations of the committee on afthihation with other labor organiz; Counterfeit lars and gq Vancouver, make that cities The casn M. Smith, Tradesmen's iL., tern United States half dol arters are abundant in B. C The y are the same lately flooded the Sound embezzled by Douglas teller of the Bank of New 18 estimated at $350.000 H. Miller, of the Ancient United Workmen, died at a um in Battle Creek, Mich Confucianism Taoism iscussed at sanitar and International Mi s1onary ion in Chiton Springs, ne ts at the World Iicated hundred mi cinity of Terre | search for the four Jr. Byers, } SENS and build Indiana s Fair, in St. fiers who h home since abandoned oa mn EYpsy camps nes ' and dest 1 The head box cared al in British that no repre made to Russia regarding the placing of in Far East outside House of sentations or Japan naval 1 of territorial limits After living 57 in water four Newfoundland brought to St. Johns, N. F vessel which had been alrif Laomme ne had been the ¥ bread davs « and a hshing in an ice floe all winter. A treaty of arbitration has been signed between Spain and Portugal. The United States European squad- ron, under Rear Admiral Jewell, ar- rived at Tangier. The Unite States government has sent a message to the Sultan of Morocco declaring that the brigand Raisouli must be held personally responsible for any harm coming to Perdicaris The United States battleship Kear- sarge, hying the fiag of Rear Admiral Barker, commander of the North American fieet, and the battleships Alabama and Maine have arrived at Lisbon, CATASTROPHE IN PEORIA A Large Distillery and Stock Yards Burned. DEATH IN BLAZING WHISKEY. Ten Men Crushed Beneath Burning Ruins and Over Three Thousand Cattle Are Suffocated end Slowly Roasted to Thousand Barrels of Whiskey Buzst Immedi- ately Into Flame. Peoria, wi 11, 1 HCh o (Special sion { i tory Corning largest warchouse the wrecked tl immediately to i & mg ou ot 28 and communicated three buildings, burning 1 Ten ruins men were and burn others 1 OSE on were stored The district, oO Spirits hire Yards termined rither spread PRISONER SHOT DEAD. Tried te Throw Captor Inte River and Was Killed. Message fq send a os FF ¢ Te ie and te ia niable, at many ne of inferred th Passengers were nurt, Get-Fat-Quick Scheme. The abol cago (Special) contests were Ake ivi! been dieting an effort to . : eda e alia required by 5 Microbe of Phthis's. ; Naples (By Cable) Professor the discoverer of life shi nd a Sehron, mM Crys tals, gave a pt demonstration that he had fou new microbe which ite microbe q dif- ferent from that causing tuberculosis, Professor Schron affirms that this explains why Dr. Koch's i i but aggravated it. Boedling Cases Remanded, Jefferson City, Mo., (Special)—-The Missouri Supreme Court reversed and remanded the cases of T. Edward Al- bright, Jerry J. Hannigan and John A. Sheridan, former members of the St. Louis municipal assembly, convict. ed on the charge of bribery and sen- tenced to five years each in the peni- tentiary. The cases were reversed on the brief of the attorney general that the informations were not verified by alidavitg as required by law, LIVE WASHINGTON AFFAIRS. No Surplus This Year. in fv confronted by a the will end on June Shaw, in For Government will deficit at year, which Secretary the first time be the close of present he cal next ant : report to Congress last December. declared his lief tat there would C0 O00) the pre of the Maxing ion, but SeCretary a lus i $14. 1 end of year crnm experts about admit Gf the mark he ¢ € ot be { is deficit will decreased Federal rece i xpenditures, « establish ment on the ed Governmetn « for itary pay ma Canal $4,600, prop Postmaster Upheld. n the protec Justice Peckham President's Plans tentative t made for t ng summer lecided that he will for his summer of Saturday, to receive his only Arrangements he President's so vy «ier the at pend very the mem committee y in July remam here until about { August, when he will Oyester Bay for perhaps a When he returns to Wash Septembe fr. he will re- until election RONG Oyster Bay to c: 118 vote nere day, } i ist Congressman Get's Plum. iter a conference ith the Precident rney-General Knok H Hg appointments Hiam M. Lanning, Trenton, N be United States District Judge district of New Jersey. Mr now repre ents the Fourth New Jersey district in the house of Representatives and succeeds the late | Judge Andrew Kirkpatrick. i Edward A. Mann, of Las Cruces, | New Mexico, to be assistant judge of the New Mexico Supreme Court This is a new position created by the | last session of Congress. Congressional and Departments, Elaborate arrangemnts have been made for the entertainment of the Filipino visitors in Washington, The annual conference of officers of the Marine Hospital Service was held in Washington, The coinage of gold during May was $44,100,000; silver, $180,000. Judge Pritchard, of the Fourth United States Circuit Court, granted a temporary writ of habeas corpus to gosephus Daniels, of the Raleigh ews and Observer, who was com- announced follow W J. to for t bitted by Judge Purnell for contempt, MAY LET PERDICARIS G0 Raisuli, The Sultan's Representative and the French TASCOTT DIESIN ALASKA. Murderer of Chicago Millionaire Smell tery of Fifteen Years, Mys~ Victoria, B If the tary Will Bring About Release of Captives May Be Settled by End of Week Mrs. Varley Gives Story of Kidnapping. Tangier ( By ( the effe JEALOUSY PROMPTS TRAGEDY. Pittsburg Married Mas Killed 8 Woman and Blew Qut His Braios g | i ngl . exl Woman was prog of wi rieiress the niessed murdacoe when the three wi iw the } Witnesses The me present paying for « have been That the n by a 1 card dis &s tive for the at been woman te ea ey CIHIMe was message ify overed in W card reads 1s Irvin Wis Mrs KR. Wise, Lew county, Pa.” as married and had name £ Town Swept By Tornado. Norton, (Special) A which little Selden, West of Norton, torna- of Rock a ht prop Kan, do struck the town on the 1 [eland rd: demolished irch, much farm SeTVICE Was being church at the time and 300 were in attendance A dozen persons were hurt, none ser ously, however Much damage was done to farm property in the path of the storm beyond Seldegp, but no joss of life has been reported $100,000 Fire in Green Bay. Green Bay, Wis, (Special) £100,000 was Vay, five dwellings and erty A funeral conducted in the persons of nearly canted by and adjoming buildings. The loss ——— $2,000,000 to School Fund, Portland, Ore, (Special). — Mrs. Amanda W. Reed, who died at Pasa- dena, Cal, a few days ago, has pro- vided in her will for the funding of an institution here, to be known as Reed Institute, in memory of her husband, the late Simon G. Reed, a ioneer and capitalst of Portland. he bequest will amount to about $2, 000,000. Ter will specifies that the institue shall combine instruction in the fine arts and sciences and man- ual training. t he 3 nd 1 t the Wa ix Tascott ! knew ELECTRIC CAR WRECKED. Passenger snd Packsge Freight Cars Head-On. { Noose tof iriner Met In the history Norwalk, 8 the ost terrible accident lake Shore Railway, six per killed and n any otherr the between an is ” -y afternoon as 2 cast and late IC DASSENger Car freight les east car at of kage few CW at a pom immediate and vorwalk, the «1 of Was here City 2 ce every phys was called the pla Hrsg and hornies te a special tar When 1 attend ar and injured been were placed on a « city who were k mpartment the ed they brought to All those the smoking ¢« senger car, and death ca instantly, the bodies showing no sign of life when the rescuers went to work after they had recovered from the Aird shock of the accident The of several of those iret are so serious that they may re sult fatally Just why the accident occorced is this led were in f the pas. +1 atl ne injancs Superintendent Strelau, of the Fre mont division of the road arrived shortly after the accident and wil | make a thorough investigation. FINANCIAL. “Traffic is steadily on the decline” says a New York Central official. Call money is as cheap again as if was prior (0 the extensive gold ex ports. There aver 7 ill & Co, of 1,217,000, In the third week of May, gross earnings of the Louisville & Nach: ville decline 1 $66,302. Atchison has earned this fiscal year about 8 per cent. on its common stock 000 creditors of Pettit oston, who failed for “and it pays 4 per cent dividends.