OL. L XX VIL. CENTRE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR, 148th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. fy 1. P. Me yer, Sergeas nt ¢ Regiment, P. V. {To be Continued .] CHAPTER VIII. There was not a mess of four men in the Regt. that was the physical equal of Beck, Meyer, Weaver Grilbert, the mess of tent No HA While we stuck together brothers against we tussled each other in true war During the daytime we Kept going, even though we wood a mile on our shoulder for 0. A., 148th and of ( like constantly 6H 0. all outsiders, fashion, our fire carried i; & bayo- and would aniuse~ the net served as a poker, ment and pastime we heat bayonet point, and burn holes into the mantel log ; the mantel full of deep holes, filled the tent with smoke. cold, suowy day, Comrade Bepjumin Beck a Fort C ummiogs guard. 1 would come in half frozen, so a good fire. I Kuew relief and I concluded to have some I if 1 point of the bayonet poker iu we soon had and often rr One Was Knew he 1 made his to the minute, fun at his expense; laid the the fire, and Lave il red hot, would oles already that I Lomrade Knew Beck simmuse himsell burning thie Bo | loaded oue of mantel jog. ueavy in the them with a an pe int the ‘ { : i & before it, for him aad we sal charge of powder, d piaced Lhe of the bayonet 1n fire, aud set blo was ready the result. aud through the two and “all fours,” LO sit ou. DAacK Lo the awall Soon he ran to a hail fool high door, on dropped on th at for him, rubbed Lis hands vigorously for a while, fire ; ft placed looking red steadily into the he saw the ker ; then bie picked it up, and barged hole in the | hot je with & qui g& uove- thyust it in- A tre- immediately Be C agatust the log Then td og Lo Li &£. mendous explosion fol- low d, and Comrade K Was ofl | wall ol 1% bioek stool, over Lhit Lent. uid Lgtining flash, Weave: Juiupr a up it i inking be Bat uj, Lh Ll Wwe Wie Links we Were RIWays ve Lode prevaiie fighting ) % we butned Lhe ola Great excitement uf Feb. Sih ; some seat ll OF Liew front ; ug the lives ; great masses of troog artillery and eutire parapher War, IoVIDE soullward. al + Afluy seemed packed up, ing trouble ; night came iu ootny. Shortly after midnig isth also joined in Lhe geueral we lore down our lenis and pack 1p, | 1 rit night sid 80 remained and all BE OrGels, veather col ight Chie t cose, and the their t wer troops returned to Many of bt, boys again pul uis on the same log huts d heir fc Inove before ; matters quieted down su $ i ail Ter ‘ yy LLiese vy Wele, cam 2. no dou made only to keep the army 12 and the boys vccupied, Feb. lay morning inspection ; th and the entire pew line of and dug in # On Sunday, 12th, the Regt Su qu Cniy went out on the i picks and shovels, all fate in ended, 34 works, wil the tre camp no Sundays, ¥ tremely cold, it moderated and terrible continued by day, and came back to War HCnes the night, weather 4th rain ir some time the Was eX Feb, t in, but on the of WE which upelis for three But and beautiful ; a followed, of mud and water. in clear weather oceans 1Sthy cane week of line resumed, “Old Vir. ive operations were again On Feb, 19th, (1865) gio ¢ the barding the Confederate works, by | #8. C., with all the fortifications, | ard two hundred heavy guns, This glorious news stirred up boys and unbounded enthusiasm d ; prolonged cheering along the lines and throughout the camps of our griat army. Our heavy guns ton, the vii! and nrmy, “in salute,’ for “sheer joy," for some time, then quieted down late in the night, The Army of the Potomae, and, in fact, the whole country, was only wait- jug for the coming of spring, when the dogs of war might be set loose, as never bef re ; and the Confederates who had © ough of war, must come in soon if they wished to escape the great cam- pian, which would come as early in the spring as the weather allowed, 11 erefore desertions from the Confed. erate Army were daily increasing io utimbers ; they said that they were not willing to meet the great and ever in- creasing Army of the Potomae, in the avwiul and relentless campaign plan- ned for the early spring in an abso. oN Foe HALL, PA. T lately hopeless cause, federates came over on the night of Feb, 21st, at our point; | they received payment. Wy Feb, 220d, ‘ipack the forest and field, 1865, the up’ ! heard on all sides, and entire wing of the Army seemed to great commotion and “packing up.” The 148th was soon packed and ready with clothing, startling orde of lett | be y “sling knapsacks,’’ outfit of ele , and waited our camp for around .y ete We tents, {LO move, stood in each other, growl d on our while some, ground night ; knapsacks, frozen waited many on the and slept, lay SO we all morning came, and still no orders move, sight of muniti Daylight tr ambulauce vast ains of artillery, i and trains, waiting r Lroops. a - — WORLD'S FAIR, Excursion vias HRallrond Gren: June Peupsylvania ol) June 9 16, dates for the 23, aud are the next great rosd e exe ursions to A Coaches ach Fair at St. Louis. special train of will Le run on and excursion standard day the following schedule, i i ROOQ will be tickets, only on Altoona for | at 7 Pp Eastern Boling train, from All Air sold rain leaves ONS it & ¥, time si waves m., Central Indisvapolis Terre Haute St. Louis I. art Breakfast Luocheon iii. ' tion) 4.00 p- Tickets will also be SLuilions on Pitt kl the Pennsylvania Railroad, ied el SUUTKE BiG cluding vd aud ire Livan, a * OL Railroad, Ne “a , RUG "Norfol i TeguiIing sw Y Ork, | Hallroad, trains eCiag #3. / JH: LLEND AAR & JUNE Several of the great religious denom- | inations have held their national meet- {ings during the month of May as well All re- ports indicate that these have been un- for one reason—their actions looking toward The sentiment of unity has “been in | € i i { i i | § Feguiar rains nion = Liiin ten days, in- 4 itis other stations ieCling trails fectit LEVIS, mimasters crediting to i slamops re- lice, for ers 1 { another o It was poli titties prix Customary past, 5 iti of mail : i adde U ol ww I the office aller under * Lew regulation Tepe Jdnasters FL aii unl receive the person or iatter, and in case is Lhe watmasier allowed the cancellations thus made, Wo Muy Iie -model Chureh, The gelic coat of members of the United Evan- al church are remodeling their chureh in Cen- The structure , aud the of is a two-story wish the congrega- # story building, add a vestibule and eut audience for Sunday school room. Lise iain rooms ioto two auditorium and The plan is a good one, and would greatly improve paris to be used R ——— Dr. J, Frank Meyer, At the commencement of exercises will receive the degree of Doctor of post graduate course in physics and mathematics. Mr, Meyer, who holds i & position as instructor in the Univer- {sity of Pennsylvania, is a student of the true type and has devoted his whole life time hus far to study and the conferring of this degree comes a well merited reward, During the summer Mr. Meyer will teach physics in the summer school of Miami University of Oxford, Ohio, ————— Miflinburg’'s New Industry, Mifflinburg is to have another new industry, styled The Mifflinburg Brick Company. The Hopp Carriage Co, composed of A, A. Hopp and Hon, James R. Ritter, together with Henry Htrunk and Michael Hartman, com- prises the firm of this new plant, Having recently purchased a site along the banks of Buflalo Creek, for- merly owned by Wm. R. From, where abundance of good clay is in evidenes, they will in the near future start the manufacture of brick. MSL MP ANA. ,Lentre Reporter, $1.00 a year. : | however, it has been brought down to tearth iu remarkable fashion. As ifby a common impulse every one of the de- nominations has taken definite action concerning closer relations with some other denomination or denominations, The Methodists, North, the | work of a committee been ratifies which has co-operating with & committee from Methodist South, in the catechism, hymnal The ¢ Episcopal Church, preparation of a4 common of tinued order ser. and ynmittee was con Mean- HL tO ta to go farther. the action was taken lookis ODS He Lo O the of the negro question, by removal of one great reunion these lwo bhurches, The Baptists, their form of denomina- { other act as a tion in the same way thal mos Muinations act, st thing sn hristian taey dia out in indorsing President Btrong’s and In d copie distribu union, ing one hundred thousan | printed for s widespread ongregationalisls, Baptists in Fall, but they ira 5 CRT, until union i Methodist It fing with Protestants and United Brethren. will world should Baptists and Congregationalists coalesce, Che | terian and Lhe forma’ betiothal of the Presby- Cumberland Presby hurches is siill {rest I ia Li lic prin [i the worthy | y Northern Presbyterianism will ere lon ti while, © turn to her home in t Or Lhe summer B. Homa of is week { siler spend his parents H MOan Mr. and Mra, Fran} 11 a“ i fri MOONE in Ag y ' wWoiliinns i pot having gone there and by Mr oN They will salurday Mon turn the was followed (jeary doy morning re attier part of this week, J. Irvin Quigley, president of ti Lewistown Reeds 1 .il and ville electric hurt Vira, concussion of seriously accident near | the brain and probable fracture. fu snother column will be found the advertisement of A. ville. Mr. Lee is handling a full line of road farmi implements, binder twine, ete., and will found ready for business at all times. Read the adv. John B. Wert, of Tusseyville, caller Friday of last week, He was ac- companied to Centre Hall by Mrs, Maria Wagner, Mrs. M, F. Rossman Mrs. Wert and Mary Rebecca, a little daughter of the latter, who represent four generations. They B. Lee, of Tnssey- vehicles, be Was n 4 i made a call the United | Evangelical church, at Tusseyville, is making great preparations for a chil. dren's service to b: held on the even ing of the 26th inst. That school has been noted for having well executed programs on previous similar occa sions, but the service this year, il is edicted, will be better than ever, J. Bhannon Boal returned from Philadelphia Saturday afternoon, at which place he had been since the be- ginning of January, While in the city he was at the Will's Eye and Ear hospital and received the personal at- tention of Dr. MeCluney Radelifle, Mr. Boal, when he went to the hos. pital and for a year or more previous, was totally blind. At present his sight has been partially restored, and every day vision is becoming clearer, and it is expected that after the in-! flammation following the operation for the cataract has been entirely reduced, his sight will be quite sufficient to enable him to distinguish objects without difMeulty, Mr. Boal is in good physionl condition, and was de. lighted to return to Centre Hall Ee aa The Sunday school of ¥ Bend the locsl news to the Reporter the Associate Reformed have been drawing closer both are conscious that ere will parent organization, In India all the many elapse they be at home in Indeed, the vristian unity uch attention bad their beginning almost a generation sgo on the sid. Most remarkable of all movements toward Church. PS tracting so tian rian tions of which are at- countries foreign mission fi the ecclesiastical ness is that reported from Canada, of the and where atives Pres Methodist leading represent byterian, Congregaiional Episcopal Churches are confe union. holding ren Ces ( looking toward organie omity is already As. sured ; the former scandalous os HEED Dee EER EL tition on mission flelds and in small Mnmunities thing of the ith to Lhe of in “n 11 ¥ i $ All denoininsiions, amazement of even acl- > p i genominati sanguine 1 “"w 1 £34 8 1 ! . ocates of denominational Liiree great S118 representin OC iesinslical eri and the ( two sivinism Armi IRR planning bord #, mag- | BRTrefnenls and come Lo- e Christian Church fis week {f Belle- their home Mr. ville, visit I and Mrs . of Tussey- ighter, Mrs sither Bo wer % > Ts Mra Bitner and with Mrs Magu son, of spent Sunday 'a aged mother, Spring ditner AM & ills, Miss Hettie Bmuli, of State week with » attended the Haines -Gram- College, spent a day last rents ; she wW# ley iding at Reberaburg. Harvey Rider , of Tioga e s Mrs, moly, ited his sister Wilson Sunday. Lid Maggie Krei Misses bbie snd ler, and Annie Ulrich, of Troxelville, spent a few days at the home of Harvey Crouse, Mra. Wilson Burd has goue to State College to spend a few weeks with friends. pp Crop Reporte The weather conditions have been very favoreble to spring crops. Oats, barley, corn, potatoes, grass and gar. den truck are making wonderful growth, The mow fields present a beautiful appearance, and their prom- ise of a bountifal crop is mccepted, in part, to make up for the shortage in wheat, Probably not in the recollection of at least the majority of farmers has seed corn proved as faulty as this spring. Fully fifty per cent. of the acreage was wholly replanted, and gome the third time. Nol & few farm- ers who did not go to the trouble to closely examine the stand of corn, will find when cultivation time begins, that their presumption will cost them many bushels of golden ears, Generally speaking, the wheat fields present a sorry condition. The erop in this section will not be more than one-fourth, with scarcely a field up to the yield of last year. Ong redeem- ing feature is that where the wheat js missing, as a rule, there is an abun. dagee of timothy, the growth of which is almost as rank as that in the mow fields. 1904. _NO. 23, DEATHS, | ram MRS, ¥. BOOZER, The death of Mrs. John F, Boozer | ocurred at her home in Osceola Mills, Wednesday of last week, from fects of lung trouble from which { had suffered for JOHN some time, ment was made Sunday, Rev. Barnetz, of the Methodist church, officiating. Bhe is survived by John F. Harry, daughter, ber husband, 18 son, Miss Daisy, years, One daughter, Miss Millie, died lat the age of twenty-two years, and {one son died in infancy. The aged deceased was born in Mrs. A. J. Dale, July 6, 1876 wife of Mr. Boozer. {in Centre Hall until moved to Philipsburg, sud one { Mr. and | ceased. , he became the The couple lived they 1882 when In her youth Mrs, of the Metl pa church which faith she clung to the last. Mrs member :r is also survived by two tives YOOZ Indiana county, and Joha I. Dale, of Osceola Mills, APT. ROBERT tain Robert J. MeNitt, years old, suddenly seveniy- died Nednes. * Mii- t week, home in He r commissioner for one term and ut the He the al his hemorrhages, WHS WR LO civil war. 1 1 iy yafined i t Li Prison at Ov of its aboli D. P. Howard. McKinney died at his He had and held « He also served e of his in was an bopest up- right man, good Lizen always been flices at tithes taree BEV iL wountry du the i Civili War. Rebersburg. Miss Bessie Dubb % pla rs Were seen | samuel saturday and is al $e ares or ner | shafler, at this plac a of Aarons graundm wher, #1 week d Nora Br eRsler, ago Ww Weedon parental ros fing did not fis HE. Te ast Ug ure sgain Li¢ laste the ar stil his ¥ we farmers of y expect heavy bay cor wheat ap The an entire failure. of fruit slmost be abundauce iil be + will an such ss cherries, plums, apples, ete. Jolin Detwiler and wife, Robert | Mensch, wife and child, Ed. Bower , Nels, Wert and wife, all of rg, spent Mouday in and wile Aarousbu last OW Kidder and his grandfather, Mr, took a stroll to Lewistown week, where they visiting the latter's son. . Jared Harper and family, who were visiting relatives at this place a few | days, returned to their home in Belle fonte last week. Mrs. Evens Yearick, of Rockville, is at present visiting her pareuls, near Wolf Chapel. Every Saturday the town is enliven- ed by the many lumbermen employed in the eastern part of this valley. I'hey are all law abiding men, and are quite welcome here. [oe i Fuiline #% one last day are mss a PHAR LOCALS, Last week was very showery. The brisk shower Bunday afternoon caught many pleasure seekers with no roof over them, except the leaking clouds. Progress Grange announces a festi- val for Saturday evening, 18th, at which ice cream, cake, strawberries, ete., will be served. The benefits are for the ball fund. Children’s Day will be observed in the Presbyterian and Lutheran churches Sunday. Services in the for- mer church in the morning, and in the latter in the evening. The Democratic caucuses in Centre Hall and North Potter were very poor- ly attended. In the borough seven- teen Democrats marked the slips, and in the north district but eleven, 8. J. Darrah, with his complement of several men, wives and children, are stopping at the Centre Hall hotel, having engaged quarters for three months, While here they will be en- gaged in selling steel ranges. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS, | HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST | FROM ALL PARTS. The Shafler-Hazel family reunion on | June 15th, at Hecla Park, The select primary grade {taught by Miss Rebecca J. | closed Friday. | E.M. Huyett and from their visit to urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barr, of Bosals- | burg, last week were guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Jacob From, in this place, June 9, 16, 23 and are the next | dates for great coach excursions to St. Louis via Pennsylvania Railroad. pn school, Moyer, family returned Wernersville Bat. 30 Dr. { from the few weeks harles C, Emerick has returned and been west, during the past has staying at Wat- isontown. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. the funeral of Mrs. John Boozer, at Mills. They left Centre Hall [Hider u and returned Monday. Mrs, | was Boozer attended | Osceola . W. Rishel, of Montgomery, yy ied several days at the { home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. From, { Mifflinburg, according to the Times. Mr. and Mrs. J. Will Belle fonte, drove to Centre Hall in Sune day. They arrived with the first in- stallment of the afternoon shower. pa church, of Married E at the June 2, Wallace M. Lee, t the reonage U by Creary and nited vangelical J. F. Miss EV, saultlz, Carrie { near Tusseyville. oth Miss Martha Goodhart, daughter of Lewistown, is ex- She vacation with | James Goodhart, of | pected here from Elmira College. will spend part of her | Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Goodhart. A baby was born to Mr. and | Samuel Griflith, south of Centre Hall, Mr. and Mrs. ps and grand- Mrs. | Joseph Grossman, grand : f il ma, of Bellefonte, were among it ’ t the inf ¥ vO greet Lhe infant. avother column of this paper The N.Y. and their | see N t 3 you lu rite 1 an advertisement of ITHEries, xeneva, o them seLIOE root Nursery stock. nose Wednesday a dout solemniz A. Daley Miss kL. Yu ihe Bellefoute furnace t Wednesday night. uace Is follow ie wedding was John Frank Blanche Oyler, and Daley au Harry Nittany ed at the hos at Romola, Miss Aunie L arick, of me of Col. Daley, when § ana married. of Nittany time h. re- the picking up. Spring Bellefonte, and Linden Hall, are the commencement exer Franklin and Marshall Col- lege, and are the guests of the former's brother, Jake Bitner, one of the grad- uatiog class, Rev. Adam Bierly, of Green Brier, was a caller Thursday of last week ou his way home from conduct. ing the funeral over a little child of Henry Lingle, of Colyer. Rev. Bierly is pastor of the Evangelical As- sociation charge, which covers quite a large territory and makes his duties difficult to perform. went I'he some out ty vo tr ut =i uit during the latter part of the her one of | paired, ire 0 nont the will De Watchman, until pianis says Loe market shows signs of Misses Jennie Mills ; Dora Meyer, Freda Wieland, Bitner, of of of iallending cises Al =. . services Calvin Smith, son of Andrew Smith of near Mackeyville, was seriously in- jured by being thrown from a horse he was riding. The young wan became entavgied in the bharpess and was dragged on ground, which re- sulted in one cheek being crushed in, two ribs broken, an injury to the head that produced concussion of the brain, A. E. Kerlin is meeting with con- siderable success in the poultry busi- ness. He has a fine poultry house, and during the whole of last winter the hens never refused to make their daily returns in the shape of fine, large eggs. Thisspring he began operating the incubator, and at present he has several bundred fine white leg-horn peeps, all first class stock. P. Hoffer Dale, who finished a year's work in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, Phil- adelphia, was home for a few days, Friday he went to Pennsylvania State College of which institution he is a graduate, and from there to Munson, at which latter place he entered the drug store of Dr. Wm. Keller. He will remain in Munson during his va- cation. ; The Mifilinburg Times has this to say : The Rev. C. Luther MeConnel, pastor of the Lutheran Church and Prof, E. M. Brungart, of the Public Schools, of this place, will deliver ad- dresses before the students of the Sus. quehanoa University during the Com mencement Exercises of that institu- tion, The former preaching a sermon to the members of the College Y. M. * C. A. sud Prof. Bruogart addressing the Classes in the Preparatory Schol. the