An Alarming AMair. Her head re ted confidingly on his shoulder, but it was suddenly raised "What s the matter, George?’ she asked. "Nothing," he said reassuringly. “*sut, | can hear your heart tinkle.’ Oh, no.” **1 can, too, George, are vou such a glatt t that vour heart rings for per?” : >] sup assure yvou''- I tell vou | hear aw d.suinet siivery tink ling. you'd better see about that hear ) ’s See a doctor? Here w 5 AN the a man Clan and I won't marry Art ring whenever agate x.’ sce aad electr wires disconnected whose he The Courage of Childhood. late Genreve Forgot and Looked Back lack i Hand Power Hay Press 828.00, Greates age. Al 48 i» Y bale th 1 It in easy have good bas fre. Winelos feething, 8¢ if LD HEn I do not bei ion has anequal for coughs and F.Boves, Trinity Springs, Ind eve Piso's Cure When it drawing sil women are natural born artists, comes to This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Constipation, Fever. ishness Teething Disorders, Stomach Trou. bles and Destroy Worms; 20 000 testimonials of cures, All druggists, (80. Sample Free, Address Allen 8, Olmsted, Lo Noy, N. Y, What a pity it is that people who wor ry over triflea haven't something worth while to trouble them. For 81.65% Money Order. The John A. Salzer Seed Co, La Crosse, Wis., mail postpaid 15 trees, consisting of Apricots, Apples, Crabs, Cherries, Plums, Peaches and Pears, just the thing for a city or country garden, including the great Bis mark Apple, all hardy Wisconmn stock, are sent you free upon receipt of $1.65 AND FOR 16C. AND THIR NOTICE vou get sufficient seed of Celery, Carrot, Cabbage. Onion, Lettuce, Radish and Flower Seeds to furnish bushels of choice flowers and lots of vegetables for a bie family, together with our great plant and seed cataloe. [ACL.) Puram Favkress Dyes color more goods, per package, than others, The trouble about people who troubia ia they alwave vay it back. borrow NARROW ESCAPE big vou heen "oo Ave You en doing demand the "S.amok “Smoki “No: ng replied the ng cigarettes smoki in sun spot eh?” I'm Ago Chi News OF COURSE here, don't Briton me of a man who called his goat Near ly," because it was ‘almost.'” Ha, ha, you mean because it ‘all but.’ “Well but,’ "- ye know,” ‘almost’ is the same Philadelphia Press WILLING TO RELIEVE HIM. “It is a generous and helpful world,” said the multimillionaire. “Indeed?” “Yes. when It was announced that I desired to die a comparatively poor man there was a general movement to gssist me in the enterprise.’ Yashington Star. — —— Mr. Chamberlain's organization has already circulated more than 16,000, 000 pamphlets, setting forth its views as (0 protective tariffs, and the Free Trade Union has Issued 14,000,000 COMMERCIAL REVIEW General Trade Conditions R. G. Dun & Co.'s “Weekly Review of Trade” says: Business conditions would be most satisfactory present high prices for the leading staples were the result of wholesome demand, but the prominence of manipulation pre any on : t tim vents such gratifying con Ii temporarily stin quiet, tie vity LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. 3 ' Live: Steck rime weth- nm $203 veal calves INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES It costs $2740 to kill a man in war he average labor in Spain 48 cents a day The annual cost of Boston's schools £34 98 per pupil lost Wage ior Colombia 150000 San Blas In diaps with the isthmus, American fashion plates are used ip German tailor shops. The United States sold Korea about $400,000; worth last year. ne frst cultivated rose is said te have been planted in 3eigium in the car 1522. It takes nearly 160,000 fair and 16%, soo crown hairs to cover adequately ar srdinary head. The port Niu Chuang, at the moutt i the [iro river, is the greatest beay market in the world Korean commerce amounts to abou! $15000,000 per annum; the mnports bo ing double the exports The cost of taking the first census was a little over 1 cent per head; tha of the last census 17 cents. —. RELEASED BY A TESEN sa RRP AARNE CI CINA CAE NUTTY “The worid of medicine recogni Grip as epidemie Medical Talk SAAR ARATET TR RNR ALAAAn sof La Grippe Evy by Pe«ru-na ¥ — sd A Golden Rule of Agriculture: County an firm will pay ¢ 3 LARS for each and es cannot be y Catanan Cony 4 ] . It money winning Bworn to ’ ion | ro books. per OY Dext me eured — + PE { seas CA GERMAN KALl WORKS, $3 Newman Street, Hali's acts directly faces of the ay free, Eald by all Take Hal The U: eltics of tants, b ebout ER Savings deposi n CR ge anks a LAY SKOT CASH FOR have passed the $100.00 000 rk. In MILITARY LAND WAR 4 BO1 NTY the past year they have increased e | ane war Weite 1 Er IW { > a * ww clans hod dome thelr Dest to cure Saad Wilke of Dilan, had one of the most terrible cases of RMEUMATISM on They oil foiled until one doctor prescribed— IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. Mr. Wilkes writes In the course of 8 long letter, dated Augen 18, 1002 “My lege were draws back until my feet touched my hips. 1 wanes helpless se & baby for mestly 12 months. The muscles of my arog and lege were hard and shriveled op. 1 suffered demh mony times over. Wan treated by o «x different physicians in McColl Dillon and Marion, but none of them could 40 me any good. until Pe. JP. Ewing. of Dillon, told ms to try your RHEUMACIDE. 1 began to take 1, and before the first bottle was osed up I begon to got better. 1 weed 5§ bottles and wan completely cared.” Dr.) FP. Ewing confirms Mr. Wilkes' matement in every particular, FREE TRIAL BOTTLE SINT ON APPLICATION TO BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPAIZETONRS, BALTIMORE, MD OUARANTEED CURR bowel Arable, appendicitis bidad, wind an the an ul mouth, headache, ting trouble, asliow shin end dizeiness, hen your bowels onstipation #118 more propia thaz all other diseases suffering. Po matter what ails you, Surety today Vader abeoisis Loarkmies bo amped C or Bord 18 Pa ork. with ‘A. a prostrated “ PE-RU- #7 pp bias Ait Hon, James IE. Guill af Crain, i 4 vase i { ¢ 0 dest Lincoln, Salzer's National Cats. ¥ esrid The ie wv asd. £ Osis are the red Boris d Oat Chile retrd bm. per ORE Well by ¥i I. an oe COLYineed A Few Sworn {5 Yields, alyor rélms Larder, 120 By pri oie pr vibe, per B “i ba per per § per 4 err by ¢ Fredy mop ! ¥ichoda Salzer's Spelt frais » ’ z Emamer). of Lik gw rw aes ie rte 8 § i ¥ " Per on ren leet earl, oo well eres sw hove > ———— Salzer's Milliog Doller Gross, #1 talked of pram off ear i 'roftasscrs and Aes 13 hout stint: » ¢ ¥¢ ¢ Of psloare besides ——— Salzer's Teosinte., Ealorr's Teoom tie Pre e . » feed, lemly $locoke Ir for % 4 w aavs vo tons of green Poteet ror bk Yew | everywhere, jast Grasses and Clovers, Only Intge growers of grass god vies for seed ary Cigpernte Sr Boaedls are wartarnied We # male Brent specialty of (enews & a over For 10¢ In Stampa f this nd (he name a is pg illus wae, for | posisge Send tor game to-day. OHN:A SALZER SEED 00. Re TE (PUT UP IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES) Asobetitute forand superior to mustard or any other plastes and will not blister the mostdelioaie skin, ihe pain-aliay ingand curativequalitiesol thisarticleare wonder. ful. 1t will stop the tovthache at onoe, a relieve headache and sciatica. We recom. mend {4 as the boot and safest exieraal countersirritant known, ales asanes terns l remedy for pains in the chest and stomach andallirbenw atic neuraigicand goa’ y oom. plaints, A trie] will provowhaet we clan fori, and it will be found to be Invalvabl in the household Many peoplesay “it isthe best of all of your preparations.” Prive rg cin, ata] drageivis or other denlors, or by sendingthisamonnt tourinpociagostamys we willeend yomatnlebymail, No nsticle rhonld basecepiad bt po Lhe same carriesonriabel, asotherwise # Bol genuine, CHESEBROUGH MPG. CO. 17 State Fireet, Naw Yorg Croey, it Cals caCia “avy IT PAYS i A AA