oO Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it, How To Find Out, Fill a bottle or common glass your water and let it stand twen hours; a What to Do. mfort in the Velvets, Satins, Dress Goods Hosiery / and Underwear Pants and Ov ralls Produce Wanted and £ £ ws H. G. STROHMEIER, CENTRE MALL, . . . . . PENN. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HICH GRADE... MONUMENTAL WORK in all Marble ano Granite, kKinas of CRANT HOOVER of the Life Companies in the world The Best is the Cheapest..... Non Controls «ix tee; Fire Insurance inrygest aed THRs {| DO assessanien ta, +. Money fo Loan on First Mortgage Ofer in Crider’'s¥tone Building, Bellefonte, Pa, gE Telephone connection When you feel blue snd that every. thing goes wrong, take a dose of Chamberinin’s Stomeseh ard Liver Tablets, They will eleapse and fuvig- your stomach, regiiinte sour bowels, give vou s relish for vour food and meke sou feel that in this old world i a good pines to live For sale by C.J Finkle, Bprivg Mille: (', W HBwartz, Tosseyville; FA. Carson, Potters Miile, ms A AP SAAN AINTE KA Cures Loss of Appetite, OTE are Loss. in Baltimore is 25.000 000, yoy Sith, the Photographer, W. Smith thie oe Hall until abou! i Hussain at War, t had their val battle ut wt Arthur night in whic former came out viclorious - » - Puschased uw Home KF. P. V« announces public sale Mr, Station Agent Staver, at mada, of near Penns Creek, March the Oy —a— of for home ( ‘oburn, Vonada purchased 21675, and will the sum of that move plac inthe spring. only Election February 16 I'he great of No the without officers is 1 ty anal sSeieciiol } POCA | ipo localities, way from ction interests more at the general polis Tuesday, is Boalsburg store will be The mer. susion April 1st tock of eldest son of James Boalsburg, and Pittsburg, John H. or thelr inten- Isiies8 €n- the mercan- about fifteen i plone Rate mpany put into tminating tel aflfecta the for calls from order with ovides covered Wiil Fe commits repeated, » passed, or at whether walter HEH A measure vil times, and eq Ke the size e hydrants 0 weath- hould not 10 matter ful the water CENTRE COUNTY ASSOCIATION Tuesday Evanlug Philadelphia, which in composed were formerly in Centre county, held their first mid-winter banquet at Done ner’s hotel, Philadelphia, Tuesday evening The toast master was Dr. Roland G, Curtin ; guests of honor invited, Hon. | Jumes A. Beaver, Hon. Alexander K. | McClure, Hon, A. O Furst, Hon. John | G. "Love, McClure and Love being the | ouly ones present. AFTER DINNER SPEECHES. Hoo. John G. Love gave an histor- ienl review, beginning with the war of 1812, he referred to George Potter, and dwelt the patriotism of Centre | county from the earliest existence of the county. On General Fisher, at the hour he was peaking, 10 p. ma, celebrated the for- Lieth aunive reary of his escape from Libby prison, and gave a thrilling de- scription of the event. Col. MeClure dwelt ou the well es- tablished fact that country bred boys the Colonel Spangler feelingly referred to the of Centre county, Not all of prominence, he said, were but make the men of aflairs in cities, great men Irish, deoteh-Irish and Yankees, He pealed to those present to be loyal to fellow “Du ehmen us well, the ussociation and each other. Rev. Dr. Harkinson, pas- to Dr. Temple Baptist church, formerly of Potters Mills, re- assistant tor Conwell, Inted reminiscenses Prof Pp. Burnside also epoke, (iearge Bible and C. 8 THE PARTICIPANTS an aged citizen of t gaining in hesith. of Bellef nite, was a aud advert ised imp “Hie stents March of the re, makes Mills riant Npris & an imp advertisement nevrment io his i wee The eastern mail Wednesday was veral hours late, which bpecessitated | the omission of several communpics- | tions received | C.D Runkle and son William Run- kile, of Pittsburg, dav or two will are in town, and in a ship a car load of borses purchased by the former of the Millheim Miss Rosie Maize, one tele- phone operators in the ex. y Pend venty-four VOars, lu : lay after. « daughter, the | sucht, Spring ill from i £ B B Mills. Mr. heart trouble one time Mills Friday at ten o'clock H wl been eal Spring Dr. W Dr Flea Belle- | P. Long, Allison, Or | wife of | ig Mills ; Har- Mrs. Alli-| Alnely : ¢ Hall: {0 do, $ It A srgaret, Dr. H 8, Bra t, Spri ry Allis son died al 3 ! go The deceased was u resident of How: | ard and Bellefonte prior to moving to | Bpring Mills, ber of Lhe He was an setive meni | Presbyterian and | esteem by all | chureh, was held in the highest who kopew him. iy A Popalar Attorney, The following is taken from the Phils ipshurg Daily Journal ; Ju our rounds we hear it frequently i retarted that the many friends of our | friend, W Esq, the tell fife Helle for ie, yeuvg | Walker, r Burge ws Of wyer Harrison | ¢fMeient | are urging him Inte for assembly He is a biight aod popular attorney, has all the qualifications, i that the office seeks the man, but on the contrary the man usually seeks the office. If he nkes Lye step and agrees to weome a candidate he will make a strong one, sud if nominated nnd elected he © ould | be a member that would be a credit to his county, his country and himself, {as he 1s upright, honest and one who F would do his while duty come what Few , oung attorueys have risen present to become a8 candle thix year, abd it is pot every day Btek Hewduche, Dyspepsia, Indiges. WY. . 4 fon, Billvusness, Constipation, Dig. | 88 rapidly as Mr Walker Liss, and he giness, Jrandice, Torpid Liver, Heart | has made himself just what he Is. He . is the Junior partner in the strong law Burn, Foul Breath, ete. Try abot'le firm of Fortuey & Walker, whose and be convineed, If it fuils to benee | maine is favorably known far and near. fit vou your money will be refunded, | J. D. Murray, Druggist, Centre Reporter, $1.00 a year, sickness. At present she is confined to bed. Henry Keller, of Kansas City, Mis. sour, is at in the | guest of his sister, Mra. Mary Hellman, and later will visit in this county. Mr, Keller went west about twenty yeat y from this place. present Lebanon Vill Keller has been very ill for th week the | home of his father, James A Keller, | He ia the over the rural | free delivery route from Centre Hall past irom pueumonia at mail carrier His eondition during the past three —— ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 to announce William J, | ship, as sa candidate for | deciles | gus ows for Legislature, subject to the emocratic Convention NOTICE. From this date I will dis- on all amounts punched. My reason for stopping the premium is this; In next week's issue I will quote you some prices that will be of more benefit to you than the So watch this premiums, space next week, C. W. SWARTZ, COURT HOUSE NEWS, fonte by a Npecinl Correspondent, Letters Granted, Letters testamentary were lssued on L: Kurtz, late of dellefonte, deceased, to Mrs Harriet L. Kurtz Letters ¥ of administration ise sued on the following estates : Estate of Cornelius Dale, late of Col. | lege township, to John M. Dale and | Georgiana Dale. Estate of David Harter, late of Murion township, to C. M. Harter and 8. E. Koontz, were i son en Alot Marriage Licenses, George F. Waite, Bellefonte, Sadie Gi. Gray, Bellefonte, Joseph MeMahon, Bellefonte. Jessie Levy, Tyrone, Edward A. Gross, Bellefonte. Badie Freil, Runville. Samuel L. Reeder, Tusseyville, Annie E. Mersinger, Tusseyville Frederick C. Briets, N. Y. City. Emma Shuman, State College. John Beguner, Btate College. May Garman, Spring Mills. R bert Park, Jr., Snow Shoe. Nora Bicket, Moshannon om ——— Transfer of Real Estate. Wickaoff Pipe (0 | Lumber Co, Hall land in Linden April 20, 1901, | Haines twp, —§1500 W. D. Crosby, et. ux., to C. T. Ger- brick, Aug. 14, 1903, lot in Philipsburg. ~$750, to Adam Mayer, et. ux., to William C. Sale Suits $13,000, H. 8B. Taylor, sheriff, to Clement! 1904, tract of land in| $1000, Courter, et, Dec. WwW. F. al., to lot Edward 9, 1803 in Liberty | To Linden Hall. Ross and little son spent | Bellefonte, Miller with | Mrs J. H and Mrs Harry Miss Hess is in Huntingdon visiting | at the home of Lawyer Frank Schock. | F. E. Wieland spent several days at | nsylvania F this week, | and shippiog | irnace where he was buying Krai, Jucoh Bparr, of Ohio, is ex pected | afew days ; he visits his farm here once or twice each year, _ ly Tusseyville. Namuel Filoray returned home alter | spending a few days with law, Rev. N. J. Dubbs and Centerville, as his son-ib- | family, at} d reports having evjoy-| It is rumored that David Meyers | will move to Mifflinburg in the spring Hugh Runkle and sister, from Lock | Joseph Krumbine, of Buffalo Rup, | i= visiting his Mrs. Bamuel | Fioray. | sunt, The scarlet fever cases are improving. | ¥ El lcm scan Oak Hall, i Bleighiog Is over and traveling is Mrs Henrietta Dale is on the sick | proving and all hope for her speedy | James Kusterborder is making ar-| Sorry to lose such a good | Edward Bellers, the enterprising | vundryman, is in the western part of | the state this week looking after his! business interests, i i NOTICE APPLICATIONS FOR | UOR LICENSE ~The following per. | od their petitions for Ligu License | { the Clerk of the Court of Quarters county, and said Jetitions will be presen ted he Court on the ist day of March, TAVERN LICENSE Bellefonte W. L. Daggett, West ward Horton 8, Rav, South ward C.M &C. B Garman, South ward George L Doll, South ward D. B. Newcomer, South ward Philipsburg Wm. J Ramsey & F. W_ Grebe, 2nd ward Mary Walton, 2nd ward Wm B Price, 1st ward Christopher North, 2nd wand Thomas Barnes, 2nd ward James Passmore, 20d ward Dorsey Myers, 2nd ward Joseph Peters, Jr., 2nd ward Frank Test, 2nd ward Tempest Slinger, 2nd ward fhomas F. Street, 20d ward Enoch Hugg, 2nd ward J. L. DeHaas, Howard borough James W. Ruakie, Centre Hall borough John M. Relish, Millheim borough Simon R. King, Miltheim borough George B. Uzeel, Snow Shoe tw Laurence Redding, Snow Shoe twp John G. Uzzel, Bnow hoe twp 8. B. Shaffer, Miles twp James 8 Reish, Potter twp, lsane Shawver, Potter twp. C, L. Beck, Penn twp Philip Drumm, Gregg (wp J, Edward Miller, Rush twp, Wier Bloom, Rush tw Andrew Sommerville, Rush twp, Alois Kohibecker, Boggs twp, EK. F. Emerick, Walker twp, DISTILLER. Noah Eby, Haines twp, WHOLESALE LIQUORS AS BREV ER & MFG. Joseph F. Welst, Philipsburg, 2nd ward Fritz Baldenhofer, Philipsburg, 20d ward WHOLESALE REER. Jesse K. Cox, Bellefonte, West ward Matthew Davies, Philipsburg, 20d ward WHOLESALE LIQUOR. Andrew Rusnak, Snow Shoe twp, David Chambers, Snow Shoe twp, Philipsburg A large line Come at once and Take advantage of This sale. ,., .. Suits and These are genuine s and Children’s bar- ONTG0] BELLEFONTE. DUCK COATS MEN'S CAPS WINTER GOODS We have a Duck Men's left, lew and to have. The hair stops falling dandruff disappears. H. F. ROSSMAN SPRING MILLS PA, + wos vs ———————— LE J To all who may chanes to road this: — We have White Sugar 5 Cts. PerLb. Everything else at propor. tionately low prices. — Some New, Fancy Dress Trimmings . . . vn Come and See. CH H. F. ROSSMAN, 24 000000000000000000000800000000080900089 VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer ir, all the dark, rich color it used HALL & ©0, Kastan, X. 0 C0000000000000UOOROCEORO00 w SPECIAL SALE wOF. Winter Footwear . . . «FOR... 30 DAYS. P.V.S. STORE. dew adn “Rohn for Proviuos - C. A. KRAPE. 3 Spring Mills, Pa. : CONNOR ERR CORN BPR B IRE wed e000 D009090P200D002PPIVOOP0G00000OBO0OD proprietor, is making a clearance sale, A large assoriment, of fl stones and seasonuble goods are being offcred on Frank P Davis, a mouldor of great “kill, formerly employed in the seals wirks in Bellefonte, fs engaged in the moulding department of the Quatre | Hall fowuary,