AN INSULT TO THE FLAG Santo Domingo Rebels Fire Upon Yankee | i Launch, BALTIMORE A CITY OF RUIN BOXING PLAY WITH A BIG DOG. | SUSPICIOUS OF THE BEAR| THE KEYSTONE STATE Latest News of Pennsylvania Told in Short Order, Mao Who Had Taught ths Animes! fe Fight Him Peceives Lunge iphia, Pa | Japan Fxasperated By Russia's Delay in Reply. { Special) After Business Section of the City Almost Completely Wip- ed Out. Fire, wl Sunday morni cally the trict Monday with as mu To all ag ness section Of principal leading trust wholesale h office Ss, many stores and thou lishments went Most case pletely destron What the man can ever will be so the ay tude. loss, + business | ruption to firms wh making business There formerly by the Many of surand the insu to pay and tl \ time ment. All day ed the to the out of d so by the pol Spectators before their eq with hopeless expressions fact, i the n scarcely of it. They st silence, and word of de were alm ent to the is little fell wit from a cl At 10 automatic fire KILLED BY YAQUI INDIANS NEWS IN SHORT ORDER The Latest Happenings Condensed for Rapid Reading. Savages Hold Up Stage and Mounted Troops Are in Pursuit. Denv i special Passen the Sonora news of a I Yaqui Indians The stage + and Las Cruce and all i sons, were killed Salvador Flores cisco Flores, nent in Sonora dans, Francisco Fi until he was vaqueros traveln rection. When the officers in charg Ortiz were n of mounted troop of the Indians UYNAMITE PLOT ON RAILROAD. Domestic on according otihed Superinl tent Receives Demand for $10,000 and Threat Hazenton, Pa. (Speci an alleged dynamite plot ; high Valley Railroad, «x of White Haven, came t Pindell, of Wilkesbatre, of the Wyoming Diy high Valley Railroad, ed an anonymous letter ¥ a sell in Kansas $10,000 was not deposited at Lake Sta nd the prohibition counties of Texas tion, on the Wilkesbarre reported that a band of Yaa: between 10 a. m and the | Indians had the Passengers same hour Sunday morning, tl 5 on a between Ortez oe tion ot the line wonld blown up } ( Mexico : sion Sheriff Albert Jacobs notified, | tal call for and he, with a posse, patrolled the Venton tracks 24 hours, but no attempt was x a made to carry out the threat. A guard |” Theodor Le wald, the German is still maintained by the railroad com- | missioner to the St Louis Exposition pany between Fairview and Lake Sta- reached New York on the . | Kaiser Wilhelm. a i— i Icreign. 3 hin Crown Prince Frederick William of , Washington (Spec ial).—~Much of the Germany was thrown from time of the Cabinet meeting was con- | while riding at the head of his company sumed in the selection of a commissioner | of guards at Potsdam, but was not in- to fill the vacancy on the Philippine | jured. or : The Hereros in Ger 3 ¢ Commission caused by the resignation of | Africa murdered A Sestiwest Governor Taft and the promotions of | Hoepner, of the Colonial Bureau, and Messrs. Wright and Ide. It was stated | Herr Watermeyer, an agricultural ex- that the choice has been made of a per- a - G f it : { M . ’ : n eruption of the volcano of Me- son in the United States, but that his rapi, on the Island of Java, 12 persons mame is withheld until his acceptance is | were burned to death and 20 severely in- received. jured. number 1 § ast who acted \ ’ 1 » Saturday acred mas 3 tage that runs JTces eds im was Prohibition Indianapoli Ihe offi the National ( in June 29, has been issued com tion, Philfppine Commission Vacancy, | ENGINEER OF THE BOAT KILLED. Un ted States Minister Powell Instructs the Captain ol the Cruiser to Take Measures to Avenge the Shooting aod the Marines Pro. Drastic Insult to the Flag American tect the German Consul FLAG LOWERED IN CUBA Act in Insuring the Island peoadence “BLUEBEARD™ BOND CONTEST. laternational Fight Grows Ou! of Property Lost io lreguo's Fire Lencry, i¥ 4 y - 1 fe 8 ted at ix tie ¢ he and «¢ Sio0.000 and $0.00 a Government for evem ft fi § to 1d pro duties re to the in the plant origin a bond of $1800 British underwriters msured erty mn part for the Drury ilure to v of filed prop Com turn the ¢ counts was the i Ane Jrury Lame Company the property loss F will fall Would Not Outlive Wife. Philadelphia ( Special) William An- derson, a young married man of this city, committed suicide under pathetic | circumstances. He was informed by a { physician that his wife, wo had given | birth to a daughter, was dying. He im- | mediately picked up a revolver and say- ing, *“If she goes, I'm going, too,” shot himself through the head. His wife died a few minutes after the shooting, and he passed away late tonight, Be- sides the baby, they leave a four-year old daughter, | imman nm 113 by h iriimng hi heavy thro tig ram, Henry ly RET LIVEWASHINGTON AFFAIRS Significant Action of Dr. Herran Colom bian Charge. Recommends Big Ships Exposition Stamps Southern Tobacco Growers Appeal 4 1 vernni the SOO Ca . Kf & iving them 1th would probably t. of the deposits State Department has advices forces m Uruguay hav back upon Montevideo capital, by the revolutionist United States Marshal B. F of Indian Territory, and number deputies were removed for petency and other It 1s stated that the Cuban has made arrangements government ! forced ern the § Hackett of mncom Causes Connie with a at par The House Committee completed the Naval Appropriation Bill, which car. ries an appropriation of $05.000,000 The Agricultural Appropriation Bill, reported to the House, carries an appro priation of $5.711,240. A bill was introduced in the House to extend the Statute of Limitations to five years The Senate Committee on Manufac- tures took up the Pure-food Bill, The House passed the Dh plomage and Consular Appropriation Bill, The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations considered the treaty bgween the United States and Cuba, carrying into effect the Platt amendment, SITUATION AG ‘IN BECOMES CRITICAL, A Hastity Summoned Conference of the Japa oese Cablpet, the Elder Statesmen and Military sod Naval Chiefs Which Is Be- lieved to Forecast Energetic Action The Two Russian Fleets Form a Combine. MILITARY HONORS I Be Regu TOKIO AT EXTREME TENSION, By Japan is Now Immigent!s Threatcnzd Ut metum ALL IN HOUSE PERISH Desth Mother and Five Children Burned to in Coancil Biufis. w PH ght, d of the bod: » been recovered awakened hn almost fled in bed and her three Christiansen and fames, house was which She leit the baby rushed to a room daughters and a son were asleep. She found the children's full of and she could not enter. Mrs ran mto the street and Neighbors turned in a fire alarm and tried to enter the house the small wooden house burned The house and the children was consumed before firemen arrived moke five where yom Finsncial, It is a long lane that has no turning Asphalt and Lake Superior sharchold ere see their stocks advance while others fall. Joh W. Gates has swung around and is a bear on coffee, cotton and stocks He is not supposed to be speculating heavily in wheat or corn. London sold about 12,000 shares ol Pennsylvania. There are still conflict. ing reports about that company's need for a large sum of money in the near future, y farieq at 2 £3 overt . 24 20,000 Been re Croyern: Have The the irom i# desirous sible thrown oo ion in order to 11 legislatic hat will in the future prevent such a Mr Ruodasig k instrocted reneral manager of the Harwick Ming see that the men i charge of the mine during the cleaning up and repair ng are holders of first-class certificates A broken flange on a Philadelphia & Reading freight car caused it to leave the track two miles south of Rupert I'he train proceeded to Rupert before the accident was discovered, leaving it is wake a badly damaged track. Nears every rail on the one side of the traci for the entire two miles was torn loose over 1500 bolts being required to repair the damage Mrs. Michael 1 2ed of Rothsville celebrated her 77th bLirthdar by holding a family reunion. Her eleven childrer were present, as were most of her sev enty-seven grandchildren and thing three great-grandchildren, 5 cna dent