COMMODORE NICHOLSON OF OUR WAVY Recommends Pe-ru-na---Other Pro: minent Men Teslily, COMMODORE Nicholson THE KEYSTONE STATE Latest News of Penasylvaaia Told Short Order. in a letter Washington States Nt... NX United from 1837 R D.C, says “Your Peruna has been and is used by =o many of my friends and a qualntances as a sure cure for catarrl that 1 am convinced curative qualities, I unbesitatingly recom mend it to all persons suffering from that complaint.” —8, Nicholson The highest men in nation have given Peruna a strong endorsement Men of and stations are equally represented If you do not derive isfactory results runa, write at once fo giving a full statement and he wil valuable advice gratis Address Dir. Hartman The Hartmen Sanitarium, Columbus, the Navy, Ww HOW ¢ of its our all classes prompt and sat the use of Ve Dr. Hartman your from of Case President o! 0 Ask Your Druaggii:t for a free Perune Almanac for 1904. Ihe I'rench 1500 work: , op : Hall's AITO nets dicectly Inces of Lue ires ¥. . sold by a Praegist To 11 Vas ABE JIA TA fii bh world, It of water from bas The aver New York U00, and The “ves in Farseprent vielded re . Vormer, vr: Calrer's through ra or a Now them, M wij Farmer je sESD 10¢ IN STA tn the Joka AN Wis. and vou wil SrpR red th & r ' a. La Crosse Tig cata’ free. [ACI] Baconians Incorporate. Among recent registrations companies at Somerset house we find the following: “Bacon society, incorporalcl. re~i tered Aug. 20, with 600 members. each liable for £1 In the event of up. Objects: To encourage the study of the works and character of Franc fs Bacon and the study of evidence io favor of his authorship of Shakspere's plays, etc. The word ‘limited’ is omit fed from the title by license of the board of trade, The management | vested In a council.” Westminster Gazelle. THREE YEARS AFTER. fugene BB. Lario, of T61 Twentieth avenue, ticket seller in the Union Sia tion, Denver, Col. says: “Youn sre al liberty to repeat what | first stated through our Irenver papers about Doan's Kidney Pills in the summer of IS. for I have had ro resson in the interim to change my opinion of the remedy. | was subject to severe at fucks of backache, al ways aggravated If | sot long at a desk. Donn's Kiduey Dill absolutely stopped my backache, | have never had a pain or a twinge since.” Foster-Milburn Co... Buffule, ce rer Reed got their peed samples % of farm the N ¥Y. Price BO For sale by all druggists, cents per box, ie total ing vas $19.10 al WW. A Everett. hay ¢ ome ) Alexander druggists in been arrest ed. charged with ating the local option law, The were made by a Pittshurg detective at the instance ol the Woman's Anti} quor League o Everett [he figlt between the faction has Intter, the license advocater declaring that the morals of the towr have been worse since the faloons have been abolished The Schuylkill county refused naturalization papers to ter foreigners because they dul not know whether they came to this country be fore they were 18 years of age, fds Marr has added a new qualification for naturalization Every applicant from the mining towns must prove that he did not take part in the riots during the miners’ strike in 1002, which made it necessary to call out the State troops The Court is endeavoring to bring the foreigners to a realization that the: must not interfere with any man whe wants 10 work, been courts have COMMERCIAL REVIEW, General Trad: Conditions “Weekly Review i fuctuat regarding MARKET QUOTATIONS ¢ 2 N04 Live Stack hea 4.4000 4.70 bulk of sales, $4004.78 cipts, 15000 head: shee} closed lower: good wethers, $3584.50: fair te $1000 37%: native lambs and choice choice $4 2866 1s Pittsburg, Pa Cattle steady: cho $3.00018.1%; prime $3700 4.75; fair $1 ox e300. Hogs