a —— —— Ho A SA BAA VIT Zar rgaant ivanrpd Nn fia ressaias first dav’ fr Kline's (iros” Nervellsstorar, 82 rial bottle and trasiisalrans De. Beaxe, 144, 9 Arch Bt, Pally, Py Hr Barvots. | i { 168 13 i Same non would | rather hale and repent » Fmt ry pale a rival repenting ot *‘ My mother was troubled with eo consumption for many years. At eo Tha "rd { The Jahn Ronloe sd Ca, La Croser, | last she was given up to die. Then SURE SA nd hit? a, #iways have comelnmg pew, sor she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured.” Avoca, N. Y. arlie«st Green alans, b <, HE @HCI + 25857 ne mndierchie! only two hie lat birin + clip 0 smear their naw maser ps’ y vogntshl . : : ! : ; D. P. Jolly, and styled narrow f the coll firectly be an Eariiref en } ne nin i ; New City. ~The peculiar grace separates it from York bertha has a flint ery i MW point The becoming waist illustrate in sr the coll: th an irregular number ill others, SIMPLICITY been roughly dotted production are torn, among Swiss paper is another these chnrming No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It’s too risky to wait until you have consump- tion. If vou are coughin today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Three sives © 25¢c., 80c., 51. Al druggists. Simplicity is rapidly becoming an | While pn ; phaolete quality the of resembles chiffor The surface of this the new century, who are evolving at} mbies chafion and is sprinkled with | IATEE Or smaii i feminine fancy | Wikile white | best of taste, new among maids a pace that is simply bewilderin dots, accordinz to the firms a writer in New Yorl pune Not long ago a young § whatever her status in jety, gowned simply, and jewels were con- | taste Now she vi women in rich ness of her attire, and glitters diamonds Then, she guarded as much as poss Lady Doll's Walking Costume, the r irl | paper is always in the still colored stations ry is 3 vr Ot . 3 ‘ f drossod ns Is Lid little awner and must The newest short notes of acceptance and regrets are being penned is that of topaz hue. Parchment paper, with a mottled surface, in blue-gray, is a noy grays and paper ot -toin te carefully was being used color upon arious \ « | Which sidered bad ea with the in married the with was carefully ible from tha | eity, while French free speech Now wledge and how knowledge of evil, and was restricted her she partakesz of the fru of good and evil with her elders, is no longer Girls ave! are it hy any The ment vantages they have of an up-to-date girl in society, uniess ghe is exceptionally this and priately, the day, tips at ents, hundred Vanity Fair tants, make would been considered a libe lowance a fow vears ago seem totally inadequate req l of tO hat Lek l by presence of Kn the ingens the ingenu pot having an easy time ol means {franchise ad- gained The life obligations of iar ontweigh the sup] d well #Hoo is, is world's strenuous one according for every house part! : and which inhabi- have hansoms heons and one iments exa ‘om iiS8 ral a to 10 day ¥ undisciplined, ‘ures oiten ifirements of a gir wonder the elo © thoughtie into trouble ms that get incur obligati for them bills that open women like asso financial difficulties, and no a rich marriage or an tance on the part of their in atives will save unpleas exposure land ho, in spite ant of her strictures ican fast liv ahead of {0 meet, that canno that manage to adress lates they DAY secrot some of who their ricter enforeed enseaq re ing, manages America alreg & bank: in ady had npt THE SMOKING Considerable the furnishing make its to iecoratio oye, gtihsers and to rend: rosy. and at the sams 1 rflucus : 11 154 all sug be srposeful in its thea shiect furnisl along decoration The boards witogether and taken up and may bo us The win leaded warm PAE EE and srhaps, a to color the curtains should warm ing, should by n to while be and substantial y means be of a fabric which memories fragrant are no fragrant inen. with borders weed will cling fonge of applique and should reach no farther window sill stencil or be used. than the Serge, with borders of contristing color, There ®erron might also be uno i of SBoanish placed in front door as a pro tection from draughts An inglenook is ir lispensable to the ideal smoking room, and the chairs should Le deep seated and wide-backed There should be a large and useful table, capable holding ash trays, | books, reading lamp, etc, a book wag: on betide the easiest chair, a burean bookcase, with a flap for writing, and book shelves in conve. nient corners, with tops capable holding masculine knick-knacks {ae 1 should be portieres, but a leather may be of the of letdown of | NOVELTIES IN STATIONERY. Wkile the conservative woman rare. | ly changes the form or fashion of the ' paper and envelopes upon which shel indites her noles and letters, &Hil | there ae those who like such fancies! as the stationers put temptingly forth. | Many mails and matrons select a! certain style of paper and then year | after year, cling persistently to it. With these the choice is more often than not Irish linen, on account of its simplicity. This they have mono gramed If the taste rums that way: but the really good thing upon one's stationery fa the house addicss. Re. cently the busy society woman has realized that it saves time and energy ~-and often temper, too-—-to hares the number of her telephone follow direet. iy under that of her house, For those fair young girls who are constantly seeking novelties the fash. fonable stationers this season have in. troduced several. Ragged odged en. welopen, looking as # they had Just ing materiais.~New York American. GUARD AGAINST WET FEET What woman who has to go out in not hould dress her all sorts of weatker ha worried as to how ghe feet on and slushy days? wdinary hes (eep out the AVY wel. Galters and but they are elum- fire bad amo to adjust, weathe ible and perfect there ig a8 bet gat tory footgear for busi 3 gh wat nm or tan Ti % rain and more women the hb boot, in treated »s¢ boots are ten inches high way enough tongue is fastened all both ww, but wide the oma on and easily If you want mfort and which means no colds or other evils ontracted from i VOL PSY rnd +f improperiy ad Duy hoses and enjoy the luxury of comfo health DD HOUSE DECORATION Everybody haa heard of the last iry rake who papered his sanctum witl 5 and of his humbi date who decsrate : i simila ’ idea, says r} have occurred to Mme, Chris ils tine son, who in private life is the im room is in rt from tesse de Miranda, Her dining hung with hotel bills interiaid wainscot, say Madrid. “Each plained madame, ROmeiiing that m 1 me Angrs me, onfin, th vi } no § an 5 rE I p one has its story ex "something funny mething, perhaps bea nas anal h # someLa ng in her private fn More pers are all n the costume ol Great artists,” as Whistler once sald } always i to contemplate themselves with equanimity 3: {0 me an Herd LOT a THE COLILARLESS Collarless wherever WAIST taking the bed ice are % there is any drosainess This fe re two attempted particy of tly i s itself ar:y fvmtumoes gird upo softens and very much to have lace fil coliarbone space charm quite beantifies the fa up the rigid in is a very great wear the nes to be able wncoversd on sing ROWNE are 'o | in th observed in for the jewel are Debutantes arried out ne to be either a point or § Raphael square, or a These lines relatively vpon feat: and ahape of the {ace A long oval face is and improved by a square apening at the neck, a very round {ace by the jointed opening, while a face with (he nse 8 little too prominent greatiy Im proved by the circular opening. with its tendency to broaden out . mar n the neck i one of ghano, a shallow tilar Hae the three ow ir hear shortened is Various dangling ornaments of ero chet are as modish as ever, One of the add new cuffs is made ni a moderate size medallion; a square might serve, The newest greens are hard to de scribe. They are not emerald nor sage nor olive ner leaf green. They are dark, yet warm, and have little yel low in them, inclining more toward a bluish shading. Blirt gores take on enough shape to puzzie the uninitiated. The fashionable shades are red, sil vey-blue and daffodil-yellow, The usual pale shades of pink, bine and yellow are completely outshadowed by the heavier, darker colors, Colored hems and small finely em ¥roidered Initials, also in colors, are shown in the new handkerchiefs. Tiny colored butterflies are scattered over the surface of some. ae 4 wo i i i hi id for fis Ce aAppligne tntes * fintions t i» ay to drape well mig he any oth erin: Ww ' aint 1ale pYer a smoontnis foundation and Ihe lining high neck indicated lines The in handkerchief siyvie at front and and that droop well over the anil serves to outline the yoke. neath the berthn the waist in full The are the new are shirred to fit the upper arms closes invisibly 3 3 fan st the contre Bice is faced ta form the yoke when is deaired, when a low effect Is preferred i cut away on bertha i« made i hme with deep IMICR points slepves, 0 and ones soft gleoves that snugly cibows, then gauntlet enffs The quantity of material tor the medinm size is five and one guarier yards twenty-one inches wide, four yards twenty-seven inches wide, are gathered and one-quarter yards of applique to trim as illustrated. New Counts and Wraps, Now coals and wraps in cloth, vel voi and pean de sole are handsome and substantial garments. Peactieally all are three-quarter length, agains the very long coats worm last year, A large number of light colored wrap are seen. A very elegant wrap of deep cream colored cloth Is faced with satin of the same color, the satin being veiled with accordion pleated brown chiffon, with a border of ecfu Ince. Fhe coat f« trimmed nround the shoulders, up per tleeves and skirt with alternate cows of narrow and wide brown velvet ribbon. ———— I ———— Yandyke Points. ace which has three or five Vandyke poluts beneath the chin is far more becoming than that which bas four, ar 4 The skirt in backward fiat " depth » jatest style chied i to produce east is the ccoptled o plain full SOAR Nn, 18 sind govere in Ct includes the sieves that in i awn over of the without ~iffienlty The i the material required for skirt and twenty sev yranand nes ze ix whith seven-eighth yards yards forty-four thireeeighth half yard wide 01 one wide, or thireeqnarier for twenty one inches vide waist yards twenty quarter or one seven inches vard forty fonr inches LADY DOLL'S WALKING OOSTUME, with threecighth yards silk for the fat, Consul your doctor If be says take it, then do as he says If he toils you not to take ft, thes don't take it. He knows. Leave it with him. We sre willing 4. C. AYER CO. Lowel, Mass. DRO Pa KEW DISCOVERY; gives guick relief and eures wore oases Douk of tertimon a s and 10 de ye’ Lrestanend Free. Br KB H. GRIANS SOME Bex BB. AL ante, Go AIIVENRT! CX Adin TAC La AUVYERIT Se Gratitude. . oa The Old Rule. latter of Grammar. i 5 | ! ' % b 5 Mrs. warning Fairbanks tells how neglect of symptoms will soon’ prostrate a woman. She thinks woman's safeguard 1s Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “Dean Mrs Preenay:—Ignoranes and neglect are the cause of untold female suffering, not only with the laws of health but with the chance of a cure, 1 did not heed the wamings of headaches, organic ains, and general weariness, until I was well nigh prostrated. I knew I or to do something. Happily I did the right thing. [I took Lydia E. Pinkham’ Vegetable Compound faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a few weeks to find that my aches and poms dis- appeared, and I again felt the glow of health throngh my body. Sinoe I have been well 1 ave been more careful, I have also advised a number of my sick friends to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com~ und, and they have never had reason to be sorry. Yours very truly, Ins. May Fammnaxks, 216 South 7th St, Minneapolis, Minn.” (Mrs. Fair. banks is one of the most successful and highest salaried travelling sales women in the West) When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstra- ation, weakness, levcorrhaa, displacement or niceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovarics, backache, bloating (or flatnlenee), general debility, indigestion, and mervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irri tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, *sll-gona * and * want-to-be- left-alone ™ feelings, blues, and Jessness, they should remember there is one tried and troe remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's V ble Com at ones removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any medicine, you neod the best. “Dear Mrs. Prxnax : — For over two years I suffered more than tongue kidney and bladder trouble. nounced my trouble catarrh of oaused by frequent de ful, and lum urine. Also - r writing reply to my letter, now, and can do my housework with ns. ns. Avice Lamox, Kincaid, Miss. we 5