LOCALS, The wheat fields are well protected, Three-fourths of an inch of snow fell Wednesday morning. Better sledding to Bellefonte than has been known for years, The Democratic National Conven- tion will be held in St. Louis July 6th editor of the brief caller * ‘entre Tuesday Kurtz, Was 0 ih 0 D maoerat, a Ministers Have Similar Accident, While Rev. G. W. Mellnay, odist minister, was returning from Centre Hall lust Sunday night he ex- | perienced something decidedly like a spill, He had reached the Zubler farm when his horse became frighten- | in front of him, and jumpiog to one side land- | ed the Rev, ina snow bank. With | the exception of a bruises he is ed at nu cat crossing the road few evening The entire countiy admired General Gordon's bravery, and his death is cause for general regret. Tomato plants, when plaptiong time | New Jersey | express, comes, can be bought in for Mrs. Fl mnie from 1 25 per thousand, plus ). Bairfoot Philadelphia, ral weeks in that ra is expected Saturday, shie having spent seve oily William Hartzle, seventy years old, MeV M:fHin fond dead in old town, county, Was an shed pear his home Friday. d off on Suits, One-thin men's. bove' and children’s overconts aud rain MAIR MONTGOMERY & CO, i: e Bellefonte, another column is published the meeting of the 8 ASS Ev the first for ‘ounty Behool Director sh none the worse for it however. John | Grenoble apd family, also returning | from offered to take him home when they reached the Presbyterian church they overtook Mr. Melinay's horse and sleigh mov- services, but ing along as though there had been no The Rev. th the horse aad reached home in safety, spill. n took charge of Rev, Daniel Gress was thrown from us driving in the neighborhood of the short turn in Valley road Blue Ball Previous to re point, his bis sleigh slay while the Brush aut hing that a horse became excited and began run- ning. In order to « fore the speed be- the into Hegd resching the short tarn in road, the aoimal was turned un snow drift, with the above noted re- slit, Rev, Gress was not injured, A Iroted Uflcors he officers of Cen- ring Mills, for | the vnsuing six Ler n J ot] was | and was the i Wee { i MON Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys, ealthy Kidneys Make Imp ure Blood. | wags $3 wore fUNES Me on 0 er 23 wa wn mp-Root, © he oe # . O ~ reer Loaded Velvets, Satins, Dr Goods Ha at Gordy ort & ty asd 1 d Underwear | Hosiery an S58 ii Lo £1 i f Hats and Caps, and Overalls te Lr Latest Pants x oes Over sylvan ine of Cordurar and Dress Pants Boys and Yontus., The 1 3 “ASL theney., Ju forse best § ' % 13 department of Jewelry, of ever | i } over hall value. | Ant endless Goods Ladies’ Wrappers st a trifle variety of Notions and Staple line Queonsware and Glassware have a [-w of the Celebrated 1900 Washaors, it whit 1 selling at prices to astouish you, We tains eotiuts £37 Hy ancien not store or Department is complete and ron. gi generally kept in a ¥ Fresh Oyoters every week, also Lemons, Orpges Malaga Grapes and sil kinds of Con. fectionery Produce Wanted Wanted Immediately, aod will yay Cash or Trades pples, Potatoes, Cabbage, Poultry, Pork and Beel Hides, Call and examine my imwenne stock before - purchasing elsewhere, f Vin-Te-NA The Great Nerve Tonle, Body Builder, Blood Purifier, A Rpe. Al SAI NDA ing a Ponie-strengthening Medicine, It innkes Pure Blood; gives Strength snd Vigor to both the Nervous and Muscular Systems, If pot benefited money refunded, J. DD. Murray, Druguist, ss ns fp ft smn If you have something to sell, ad- vertise it in the Reporter, Past kman ; Noble i Vies Chief, J D. Rip- Z Z-:aby: H P. Alexander: Bitner ; smith Worthy Cham- i, John ey, Jr | I Becoud (3 H Irustees, 5 Hep U ‘asthe, R turday, Jan- | for y, ward, Persons : i i time CRUCUReS, rmmitiee. HRITILAD Phntograph-r 4 Oger Friday, 15 sphier a sn smont, # { inst week the degrees be | £ Kk Hal Houserville, | for Daniel Houser | fract i itn of white | farm te ear Tyrone, pine iL # Mrs of hier ivother, r= was the guest | 1 fre w st flor. | nt few weeks. | vi! ¥V Tinssjuger hias been ing f is thie ls I'he fitute iii ory “1 $f 1 g > 1 LERCLIVTS Bre § dome from ine profitable | that teachers nied report A very tite as the instructors und with the Kind treat- | were all could be asked for, the ' Philipsburg People are putting away ice for next when the will not sinner mercury Willian Bumgardner, of Stone ! | i Jacob Houtz, Mra, Martha Ray and list the last f-w days, and being old people, are Improving slowly, Berry Ray, of Kipple, was home last Wednesday to visit his sick mother, | The Loeal Institute for | District No. 2 which includes Potter, | Har i=, Ferguson and College town. ships, Centre Hall and State College, will ba beld nt BHoulsburg, February 5th and 6th. It is hoped that all the teachers In the disiriot will take an interest in the same aud try to make it a success John R. and George Williams were to Plessant Valley ta attend the United Brethren Quarterly meeting, Bunday, and report a profitable trip. James O. Williams and family, Sun- | day were guests at the home of Alvin Grove, near Bellefonte, Mra. Maude Longwell, of Philadel phin came home Thursday to enjoy a few weeks’ visit with her mother, - ao Hervices will be held in the Luther Teachers’ an church every evening this week, # Seems to, fu fis Wild St but Not After It Has Become Civilized, SBome reasons question in the by “Popular Mec] the reader, how expect to grow larg, Bays the writer: “It has been found that gold nuggets under favorabl mditions actually tts tte, this given 1 warns : must not from dol wering fnre {oh GV in- have have In Bureau nen of a plece from the under gold bas i of the r formed 1 ors Just gold formation with | not wonder. » born, *» in size i 10 grown on ich mine long been innmer water, Hine iforni: ning museum ther Jointed cap and post take Ol n Comstock, been "4 A Judicious ack, White, Girny her hearers disheli i8 roc ¥ any 0s the yut. #0 follow ng found « ~Modern Sox - - - No fanning Plant For the present the satablishhmont of Hall 3] ft canning factory st Centea a shelved ‘he stibwmerin'ions wards rafsing t he required $12,800 have been destroved A ss May Heotad the Order It is said that the Peansyivania ral l= road will do away with the £10 de pre it on mileage brnka, which ed #0 much talk sipes the into effect. has rests order went ie 5 SI. Mi A Oficial down for trial at Court : Pringle. defendant. American corporated,) va. OG John Luther, vs John Delige and Lichtenthinler. D. C. Bullevan, vs OND WEEK The Lehigh The Clearfield Philip B Cas T W. orge Brew ’ rvOrge Jutnes A, A. Bh rege M Peirvey, ¥y A. W., Kimport RIBRCK, fx Anty. $A. Mot wife, J.C £X andi d gus ve f Pp J RINE J LANSFEK OF Fbomas temtwr Lion Krea i 5 I Pn iWD A D ¥ ’ & ifr K. er $l. L- t iiey ANS ANdrew Note Jut WB merviiie, fy win), JUDE ZZ, twp J 12 £1100 Mary Walker, ot hon side tap ihe 7 $3000 ne, L BEwerick. tn 13 i. Heck cvnsed LOCALS Diphtheria has broken out in Hall for the third or fourth time, » Mil Resd tha Reprwtor’s proposition to secre a Ligket Atinptie City, or $5.00 ensh, in W. H. Lee, of Colyer, announces lils candidacy for the offien of ove racer of the poor, in Potter township Is yeur tax collector aking a monthly statement to the school board of the achool taxes he has collected ? A new law says he shall do so, Rev. L. K. Evans, of Pottaville, ebewhere in this issue, advertises fo rent the property recently oso pled by the late James @ Evans, nesr Bpriog Milla, A specially prepared ehorus of 80 voloes under the direction of Prof P H. Meyer, nseisted by Miss Bossle Dorworth ae plavist, will farnish tle music for the directors’ sesociation * 1 srinte style, ao rved gud roundin Milla, Win, Chie Mereh 15 0 a om, forite, sev Bu horses, © bull, Jor young «© det, i wds, Tusseyvilie, farm stock s i # 4 ar ferm of B. R. va {In- Kachick. ve. (3. H. Fhompseon. 1st, 1004 DUCK COATS MEN’S CAPS WINTER GOODS © We have a few Men's Duck Coats left, we offer them at a... Reduced Price. ® 8 2 © © © A Good line of Men's Caps and and a complete Line or of Winter Goods. g KREAMER & SON. Prices Ri ht. Goods Right, ml Co., vs, Cor-1 @ ’ M. nistrator of coeased, va, wrdisn of Ju- | F.H. Clem- Snow Bhoe Bellefonte ler Smith, Kimport, J. Kell Moshan- ud Youn Compan iz Lf im Ru i “% y $sev rge o00o0oCeRPLCROOGGOTOOBLOLGY SHOES For MEN WOMEN LADIES MISSES BOYS GIRLS INFANTS QR eceeC0BEGR Oy H. G. STROHMEIER, CENTRE HALL, . . . PENN. SH0000Q0B%GECGS ifacturer of Dealer in HIGH GRADE ... MONUMENTAL WORK kKinas of for Prod C. A. KRAPE. Spring Mills, Pa eooOOOGGOEOERSRTBSOBCODT DO § THOT QCe ROBART Granite, Ey _; TL ALL TRADE Ci WILL BE RI WITHIN THI FEW WEEKS ARR ag Tee Stren JAYNE'S >» » _— a a. lB mee " 4 , God = sy ————— Haives ux., 1904, to ' 10% oL{.7T Fry- Ao George 11, 18903, land I in vin OG i fail in Buri ED, 0. O. F. ite mem bers co —R of 6 bisckemith toois, mile south cast of The Red Cross Oak Double Heater is the best heater money will buy. Its come struction is on the right principle to give out the full benefit of fuel consumed. We also handle the Sun-hine Oak Double Heater, Western Hot Blast Heater, See the Peninsular Steel, Retort Peninsular, Imperial Red Cross, Monarch and Family Irvin Ranges. Not only stoves, but everything in our line. THE PLACE TO SEE THE BEST STOVES THE PLACE TO BUY THE CHEAPEST STOVES a Sn an CentreHal . JA.Reesm