- THE HEARTLESSNESS OF MAN. They quarreled trifle, No doubt, that induced the That caused her to bid him to The that had bloomed in hi on day, stifle love heart saw him turn leave her, bye; She To and sadly He loved he: madly; 1¢ held her head proudly and hig for himself He did not return, To humble Another arriy Fate havi meet He told her And some reas her | they she, height en quiet "The other And, i there sing the fair Poses Won Syria a Tyra youths of Now, eat delig} 4 snmvyviable rians as a a playmat ime or another gheor Fant hrust taliation adminis narely tikewl pare: A care whe t he ¥ Wor . fence, le i preat a man ful better ised And so he wa 1 ith With appre Ouis many general and Tyra set { his mousy Now _ in the lisdainfully dwelt stowed ws orphaned Frail she was eyes that Tyra me object worshiping Nor was this maiden whose heart handsome, dashing lov omit Dig smiles seemed as the Assyrian Desert She loved him and devotion of her semi fare, and when, at the urgent invita tion of his neighbors, Tyra took «departure (rom the city, she put destiny urn one upon all his ye the ever iwoved her his affection of Syria. t WO yound with all the passion barbaric na her walt for him until he should return "Then she threw herself upon the burn wept, and would not be comforted After ho had gone the good people ef Syria, conscience stricken perhaps of the unusually harsh treatment they had accorded her lover, bestowed such unlimited affection and kindness upon Leodesia that the poor girl actually learned to love thom as she loved her awn life, Contrary to the predictions of the dyrian wiseacres, Tyra did not throw himself upon the desert and die a mis orable death, The trouble with Tyra was that, like many great men of to day, he was without honor only in hire own country, Along the Euphrates he tound many wild and adveniurous apirits, who flocked to his stundard with amazing loyalty. He did not care that bis fol lowers were nol rich In jewels and 3 —— —————————————————————— deadly accuracy, far more So it w had a mi that shiy time doors of tot in a few army at his thay rad, tering empires an princes and hi advancing I.Like a mizhty as YOA/rs back, knocking fl patentate coimns armi avalan triumphantly l Dead laughtering the And finally land of Upon the gleaming 1 upon his bs a simg and fill giadness and re ng { B tead of moans ‘and anguish Tyra! How she loved him! | haif-barbaric na ried out at ment his name To he ever been loving and true and When fo] lowe d him promised And yet A ney with fo with Joy the had voted kal to the city gat to wait for him And now that he it for her to choose lips, under the guise of greeting. the beverage that should still his heart should freeze his smiles—ahould drive the love-light from his eyes Bat—the thought of blood: the! slaughtered be. | made her tremble and! ion of her te TOT sua he away she had and had until his Was come, was | to placa to his eq re. cry ont When finally she arose the'liglt of determination was on ber face Al ready there was a blare of trumpets outside the wall. Tyra, the conqueror, the lover, was come and was hurling deflance at the city Dazedly, yet calmly, lLeosdeda gazed out upon the frightened multitude and saw the venorable sage advancing to- ward ber, “Come, Leodesia,’ her hand in his. thee” She glanced into his eyes and saw a gleam of pathetic entreaty. By his side she walked, her held erect, ker eyes shining, upon her face. The populace made way before them, Women prostrated themselves at the maiden’s {est and kissed hey sandals; mothers held thelr he sald, taking “Thy lover awaits nead amile habisa antreatingly toward her: oid thelr lent salutation, And a cry went up-—a wild ors thousand throals tha Tyra's horn a! lxoode stlvery locks mn mt from drowned the Say 18, Leo rown apr r lover, ing into hig face @rd to her f sunlight CTIVES ict Dissec and Yard Chi : mes ted ef. ed 0 He ge of his priceless value a ab to the in her a poker! And fan it one practi some jog Sir Rot Holmeos's jibe at expense of Scoiland Yard serjousn There is a difference.” he says. “between the the respon police officer business it ig to bring crimin it the work of the ‘private detective,’ who has merely to ascertain the facts and to solve geem ing mysteries But the difference is not #0 vital as hat which distin. guishes the fancies of the novelist from the facts of rea! life “He must be a poor sort of crea ture who cannot solve his awn prob lems. And it is delightful to notice how accurately the Sherlock Holmes keys invariably fit the Sherlock Holmes locks, and how invariably his two and two makes four. But in real life Keys ara apt to got missed or mis. laid, and two and two have some times a way of making twenty-two: ali of which may be quite unprevent. able and is always moat embarrassing «London Jota to Washington Post, ho presence Le breaks thus the at however takes ive goes on Evidently derson does not the with great an wida of ible The present plan for Increase of the metropolitan water supply provides for an expenditure of about $50,000,000 for briaging to New York 200000000 gal lona daily from the Wappingers Creek and Banous ragioos omplains impoas? obtained in { examination two 1 for country tt} is which REary to clever The remedy me, which every farmers apply. The remed; inoculation of readily done : ATE an of the fail rough lack the th ALONR ure tae Is and nece actd sol eria on £0 gurceed wi rin for the sour eoil is | krows Row (0 the ba which for teria may iw the soll, taking he by Rrown succezefully and scattering it lightly over the field which lacks the bacteria t A Tew bushels of such soll sown broadcast will cover an acre, and. if the soil ix not sour, there will likely be no trouble in growing clover on it The samo thing also applies to cow. an extent as to clover. bacteria, specifying whether It wanted for peas, clover, bsans or vetchae This bacteria is dried. and a-amall quantity is usually dissolved in wat :r and the water sprinkled over 8 lot of soll, which is then spread on the ficids. As there is no charge for this dried bacteria fiom Washington, hetter send for it PROTECTING G MANU RE. Commenting upon manure pits, Country Gentleman says: We believe that asy method which rognires the Limes Othe method iN fair to would HORSES gay that always are under from coli inere ing arising rent causes. ordinary com name it known to nsually corrected Take Pnermi of ginger of remedy ue nd i tin ing four oa of « of pe opiu m and ure Epirits nitre; two tal nfuls of napnt of warm wate from a bottle minutes give half the pain bowels HOEDOC this mix HOrge enty If relief doez not fo! doses every until iin is less severe not move freely, horse a pint dose of pure raw iin seed oil. This remedy for colic should do the cares of colic may occur which are be Yond the reach of the remedy, it will be found to effecl a cure, or at give relief Duty, The immigrant gir! had been care to provide herself with a false but the quick eve of the cus inspector penetrated her dis beard, toms guise, “You purpose going service.” he sald. “Yes.” sald Gretchen, perceiving that equivocation was useless, “You know how to make bread and you want only one afternoon off per week.” “1 cannot deny it" “Then you are a jewel and must pay duty accordingly,” said the inspector, we Puck, into domestic SA I BRI SU AS, United States money is extensively used in the northern part of Colum. bia, amd In many stores prices ara annted ie American gold, ! fie Hall Hotel PP toa——— CENTRE HALL, PA JAMES W., RUNKLE, Prop. “wo equipped. Bar and table supplied with the best. Bommer boarders given special attention. Heslihy iocality, Beautiful scenery, Within three miles of Penns Cave, & most beauti. ful subterranesn caveru, entrance Ly & Lost Well located for hunting and fishing Heated throughout. Free carriage to all trains, Hotel Haag BELLEFONTE, PA. F. A. NEWCOMER, Prop. Heated throughont, Fine Blabling.’ RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. Bpecial preparations for Jurors, Witnessety and spy persons coming 0 town on special of casions. Regular boardem well cured for, romse— Spiing Mills Hotel EPRING MILLS, PA. GEORGE C. KING, Prop. irst Clams accommodations at &'l times for both man and beast, Frees bus 0 and from olf trains. Excelient Livery stiached Table board first-class. The best liquors eal wices ai the bar. 0d Fat Ho te ISAAC all a SHAWVER. Proprietor. oo Locatioy : h of Centre Ball, | Accommodations fretclas. Good bar. Parties wishing 10 enjoy an evening given special sllenilon. Meals for such covasions pre paied on short notice. Always prepared for the transient trade, RATES: $1.00 PER DAY. : —— mmec————————— Penn's lly Barn Company CENTRE HALL, PA. W. B. MINGLE, Cashief Receives Deposits . One mile Sout Discounts Notes . — —————— ATTORNEYS. ——————— ——— J.H.ORVIS C. HM BOWER QE&vis, BOWER & ORVIS E L ORV ATTORNEYE-AT LAW BELLEFONTE, Pa. OfMoe in Crider's Exchange bullding on second SOT, roe DAVID 7, Ee —— Ww. HARRISON WALKER FoRTNEY & WALKER ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW BELLEFONTE, PA Ofioe North of Court House. roe UGH TAYLOR - ATTORNEY-AT LAW BELLEFONTE P. ¥o. 24 Temple Court. All manner of legal bust Bess promplly attended Lo re CL EMENT DALY E ATTORNEY AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, ra. Office KX. W. corner Diamond, two doors from First Nations! Bask. jr» Ww. G 6. RUNKL K ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, Pa. All kinds of legal busivess stlended to promptly Fpecial attention given 10 collections. Ofioe, M8 Soor Crider's Eachanes ree S. D. GETTIG ATTORNEY AT-LAW BELLEFONTE, PA, Collections and all legal business sttended so prompily. Consultations German and English, Office in ashange Bandit yee —————————————— N. ». SPANGL rx ATTORKEY-AT.LAW BELLEFONTR. PA. Practices in all the courts. Consulistion lo Eogiish and German. Office, Crider's Exchange Butiding, ire G L OWENS, . ATTORNEY AT-LAW, TYRONE, Pa, Our Speciaity : Ooilections and Reports. References ou requesi. Nearhy towms repre senied Bellwood, Altona, Hollidersburg and Hr wiagdon. Tiowp 00 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE Traoe Manns Desians CorvmanTs { ac. Anvone sending a sketch and | fokly ascertain our opinkn free a pv fl is probably patentable. i a theme striet) Senfaential Handbook on pent fren. Oldest agency for seruring pet a taken Rn Made hk Co. aobice, without "Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly, iy as euiation of i Jal, Mu four months, a 81. Bold by af DEE. New ot BARGAINS! A The readers of this pa per are constantly apom the alert to ascertain where goods can be pur chased at the lowest prices, and if a merchant does not advertise and keep the buyer conver sant with his line of goods, how can he expect to well them? LE a