Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes, The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil- ter the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. out wesandrheu- | me from ex- acid in the to neglected mistake | id The mi i i i i when writing N.Y { i Ome one 45 ! plen licd Line of ALL AND WINTER O( el rit the Bar } 12S y . . J uA reeeir gain Emporitm L- OT. 2 DRESS GOODS RING MIL ENGLISH HOSIERY & *% CTWEAr COMPLETE STOCK OF JEWELRY FLO i OR COVERINGS rita At } 3 HATS and CAPS OCEANS OF NOTIONS Mir lin its Fine Outing or to 10e i Hose for the Family, medium ight chilly do $ i loot thie ruenr for hess ve ine Mo ip, 5¢ the Ib More f meta the A new poptiiar Shirt Vast Hine of Trimmings. see our 100 assortment of Dishes Fhint lines of popular priced Granite Ware 10 at leet, At least a thousand pieces to piek from . GARMAN’S. This in the season of the year when lenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Pe Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter Is over, and restlis are much more prompt and gatisfactory when it is kept at band aud given as soon as the cold is cone tracted nnd before it has beeome set. tied tn the syaem In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely ns soot as the first fndiestion of the eold appears There Is no danger in giving it to enlflidren for it contains no harm. ful substenes It is plesswdnt to take « both adulise and children like it Bay Bomnd you will get be best, It always cures Foreale by UC. W Swartz, Tus. peyville; F, A, Carson FHE COLT SALE Thirty Anlmals for 8016.00--One Escnpes lo Mouontafos, Sold Monday afternoon was largely attended by persons from a distance. The colts sold readily at an average of $3050. There were some decidedly pretty animals in the lot, and the average of them had the agility of a cat Those who Burrell Bie slong, 7 Ed. Havise, Milroy, 2 Adam I ty, B alsburg, 1 The ¢olt sale price purchased were ; t il ers, CC, Li. Grimm, Madisonburg, 1. | John A, t, Centre Hall, 1. Robert tinger, Spring Mills, 2 Dr. Kidder, Boalsburg, 8 Corma He hom Boul, Cont rove, Namuel 8 3 y Lusgey ville, 1. B. H. Emerick, Centre Hall, 1. Kilmer Hott er, Centre Hill, 1. Wm. Hagen, Farmer itis, 1. Irvin Burris, : 25. H Weaver Bi mules the Valiey i inndea Af ind + His, 8 vera Carl from dowt drtish in a circling road, =a HB number I jumped fence | gotten little | to « fiually { A Bit pretty rd ue day afternoon | ed Mh top of Nittany | Mitterli was | ith a little per- | ras § town a ran Hg Mountain town | We re | ire «nce t#, aud in one | the | of | Harb on flesh led, it made, i tiie is La ‘ri | Cap- | Fhis was | ually the | mployed, | «1 forded his ee X- curious made great ostinate wever, there | Christmas Mhotos i+ week, 's gallery tatier, which 15 and reported, ry iias Lien ¢ i Of eve afits Will- Furs. birief ciy de- eid ny limits of wi seed Corpora i Binir | niefinitely, | “wy, § of | red m-n out i pen the in the] wale BIXVIHe, securing $00 a LOUALS tment Linden morning; « W yk iday re ned ie fron Vioientiy ill Vis} £9 Saturday, wivered seal WwW day wi Ke oh HN. Musser, : Mil ge of his new Hie ta will of Sprin #, Tues Ar duties " nily not follow u Li spr Robert Film section Van Valzah, who is taking work at Princeton this year, in His wpent | Phanksgiviog vacation Npr 1 is g Mills, Lis old home frie J. 1. rive this week TOW. nds were glad to see him. hing Vrs Potter is expected to ar Hall from Clairton, her home, {o remain several « Thix first visit here wines mm fur last in Centre will viog f.om the wer bow be her spring. Ross Gregory, wile and two ehildren and Miss May Myton, of Stone Val- ley ; Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of Al- toons ; P. H. Meyer and wife, of Belle- fonte, and David J. Meyer and wife, of Centre Hall, attended the Meyer- Ross wedding at Linden Hall, Wed. nesday of iast week Frank T. Armagas , who is Bolomon Dingle’s right hand man on the Cols yor farm esst of Centre Hall, was a enller Tuesday evening to have his tnme placed on the Reporter list, and informed the writer that Mr, Lingle, fo the spring, would beeome tenant on the Brockerhioff fam south of Old Fort, new occupied by J. Audrew COUNTY INSTITUTE, Fifty Saventh Annual Session Will Con. vene in Philipsburg December 28 The fifty-eighth annual session of the Centre county teachers’ institute will be held in Philipsburg the last week in December, opening at2 p. m,, M nday, December 28 and closing Fri- diy, January 1. The sessions will be h id in the high school room and the opera house The instructors are : Hon, Nathan OC, Behaeffor, State Supt. of Public In- gtroetion; Dr. F. M MeMurry, Teach- er’ College, Columbia University, New k: Dr. F. B Pearsons, Columbus, O ; Dr. J. R. Flickinger, Principal of Lock Haven State Normal; Prof, Char- les Williams- port he entertainment course will open Tuesday evening with a lecture ** Bun- shine and Shadow,” by A. M. Hawks. Wednesday evening The Original Car- Lose, superintendent of schools olina Jubilee Singers, assisted by Bara and impersonator will give a very delight- fu he cotrse Rirange Croggins, eolored reader entertainment will close Thursday evens Lobert Stuart McArthuar’s nupire of the Czar—The ing by Rew lecture, © Phe E Creat Bear of 1 North.” he oe pnt LOCALS at Potters Kate Carson. Miss Emma Mi st of " # MeCav Mrs is 8, the gue : 1 \ Usicaie Dy the Frank Huntley Cone. cert Company, in the Presbyterian chureh, Friday evening, Dee. 11. J. Andrew Reesman, since Friday of | last week, has been in Pittsburg, Jean- | petie and other points in that vicinity, sppointments for Sunday | smmerville, | Maki M are Kr morn- heim, A Christ sevice will be held in the Po Chis below } lowing RE J Zerbe, of Lock Haven, son-in- visiting at the hot Mr. Zerbe rail Thre the | Bp: is au H down Dreese. one of Jeaver + DB. 1 in igs, Is visiting his son =e, E G itt, f an ture Wh Mingoville, is or, and has cap- One of musk rats, r two feet in length VIN TE NA, 8 spec fle for Blood Dis. edd Pimples, or sr y for Fake it ts like magic in restoring If not J. D. Murray, ene feeling, Serof Vintena New benefited vi D i Kr Kr his mu po Maveabrees Organized wed { ige of Mac sisburg, wilh tw wre, Meet. ug Wi TEs, in e, 1 O OO P., will re Hall, Friday of this week. Mra. T. G will be the reside Pen be afi : ie Distriet Deputy P Haines, of Altoona, tug official. 1 i veniug resident - - - incendiaries Destroy Trolley Cars Ti ten Tu: she of the trie Railway ( i $10,000, parti fire within Inys occurred at Lewistown early destroying the car and five cars at the power house ¢ third incendiary vrsday morning, wedaville Elec The silly covered by insurance, lewistown & olpany, loss A a Mrs, Josoph Gilliland at Hospital, Gilliland, of the St Joseph hilandelphia, where the latter week, a tumor weighing nine was removed from the Indy. She is improviog as well as can be expected Her daughter, Miss Ber- tie, is assisting in caring for her, Mra, Joseph eld, is at : i pit : par 3 Pp of fast pou da A AA Marriage Licenses Fred G. Beatt, Bellefonte, Maude Haupt, Bellefonte, Harry 8. Kinkead, Philipsburg, Marah Leathers, Philipsburg. Charles Evert, Spriog Mills, Lottie Tharp, Shamokin, Jonas Boal 'Co'yer, Laurie Faust, Potters Mills, P. F. Zovse, Pittsburg, Marie RB. Duukle, Bellefonte, Wm. E. Waltz, Parvin. Leah Dorman, Clintoodale, —————— Pine Grove Mills. Miss Mubelle Bowes, one of the effi- chuoge, was entertained by Misa Ma bel Smith over Sunday, Among the sick sre Mrs. R. P. Craig who has been 1 for weeks, but is ime- roving i Mrs. 8. 8, Grein, suffering rou pueumonin ; Isaac Merry man Mrs Fannie Harpeter, snd Mra, B, F, Keo vedy, ail improvieg ; the veters- ble Win Gates seriously il with pulls mouary rouble, : POMONA GRANGE MEETING, m—— At Centre Hall -Election of Officers, Ie ports of Committees, Ete, of the Order The fourth quarterly meeting of the Centre County Pomona Grange was held in Grange Arcadia Centre Hall, Tuesday, Dec. 1. A large representation was in atten dance from all parts of the county. David Keller, master of the Grange at Centre Hall, delivered the address of welcome which was both interesting and instructive, and was listened to with wrapt attention. George Good- hart, of Fairview Grange, responded on behalf of the County Grange. After the appointment of the various committees the Grange Encampment committee made its annual report, showing a balance in favor of the Po- mona Grange of several hundred dol- lars, The Grange Fire Insurance com- pany made its quarterly statement showing an increase in insurance of $225 000 The treasurer of the County Grange stated that ten shares of the invest. ments in Building and Loan Associa- unounting to $1000.00 had ma- tured and been paid into the County Cirange treasury. Free luncheon was served which was a pleasant and social part of the day's proceedings. The degree of Pomona was conferred on a class of ten in a very impressive manner, This being the time for the biennial election of officers, it was promptly in the tions Yarnell, Willard Dale, Lec- George Gingerich, Bteward ; C, D. Keller, Asst. Steward; D. M. Camp- Frank Musser, Treas. Overseer: Johu Marsnall, Flora : Miss Nathan Grove, Miss Edith Lutz, Lady Steward: Dale, L. David Keller Auditors of Grauge Pomona; Florence Mrs Dale, Ceres; Execu Kuone, Col tive committee, Geo, Weaver, Nuthan Grove: James Weaver for three years, and John 8 Fire Iusurance Company, Col . Dale for two years, with James Gilli land holding over. A resolution was adopted instruct ing the master to see that the funds in 'KREAMER & SON. A... er A fine full line of . . . LADIES’ & MISSES’ SHOES, A Complete line . . . . MEN'S AND BOYS’ SHOES, Please do not forget our . , FINE LINE OF CARPETS. — T— Kreamer & Son, Ste Hal, Pa. 0000000004000 OGRRBOOT VIDOE Shoes for Everybody . . My line Box Calf BET Feil ~ ii GRA “pen E of for LADIES MISSES CHILDREN and MEN was never better for the Money. The SOOO P0000G8Q00C00000000000 ¢ H. G. STROHMNEIER, PENN. eg CENTRE HALL, . . . . Manufacturer of and Dealer In GRADE ... MONUMENTAL WORK in all kinds of Marble aso (Uranite. P.V.S. STORE. Goods exchanged for Produces C. A. KRAPE. Spring Mills, Pa. HIGH L200 QRPO%Q0RGOOCOYE?P the treasury were safely reinvested. It decided hold the first] | quarterly meeting of 1904 in the Was to hall | . . 3 5 i of the Bald Eagle Grange, Milesburg | in January { After the work, this, #1 the ex press| f transaction of much other the leasant with i by all that “it was good i there.’ one of most Bensions o ie (irange, closed to have bee BM, on Millinery Announcement (i. N. Wolfe, of Spring Mills, wishes loannounoe that she has made Mrs & cul in prices on her millinery goods A rare chance for a bargain just before the holidays, This includes hats —— Christmas Goods Kreamer & Son will have an ur usually fine for assortment of goods suit- Wateh their Christmas ad- { the of abl the Christmas trade flier Unters and vers isement in the next issue Reporter A Good Roads Bids too fligh The State Highway Department hae | opened its first bids for stretches of | good and Huntingdon counties, but all were | roads in Montgomery, Snyder | #0 far above the estimate that they | were nol made public Wy —- Professional Notice To THE PUBLIC I bereby wish to inform the geners! public that I have purchased the prop- erty of Dr. C. E. Emerick, together occupying his former home, opposite the hotel, and am ready for profession- al work. All calls will be answered in town or country. I kindly solicit a share of the public patronage. Telephone connection. J.RG ArnrLisox, M. D., November 26, 1803. Stn — A; A ABA Court News Before court adjourned last week an | order was made that the jury wheel for 1904 should be filled by the Jury Commissioners beginniog on the 14th of December at ten o'clock. i Col E. R. Chambers was appointed | to audit the various accounts of the eounty officers, {| Commonwealth ve, George Spangler, indicted for selliog liquor without li- { cense at Eagleville, Liberty township, | entered his plea of guilty and was sen- | tenced by the court to pay $500.00 fine, | the costs of prosecution and to be com- mitted to the Centre county jail for | seven months. In the ease of Commonwedith ve, {Orvis N Fetzer, charged with deser- tion by his wife, the court directed a nol pros to be entered. W. H. Runkle use of Peter SBmith | va. Mary A. Black, James Kimport, | and L. W. Kimport ; desumpsit ; plea non sssumpsit. Continued on ace ceount of the illness of the defendant, The case of Wm. Witmer, of Benner township, ve. Dora Witmer and J, C. , Witmer ; action of repievin ; plea non 'oeplt and property. Decided in favor of the defendant, Commonwealth ve. W.. I. Harvey and John Brwden, trespass | case on trinl at the writing of these notes, These parties are charged with cutting | timber on the State lands, 000000OGOGOGIOGOQOGOGOIOIQRERE BRIBE H. F. ROSSMAN Spring \ A. 18S, Ie 3 2 We want our Friends to watch for this space Next Week The teleohore ling to Nippenos Y ail business Holman Morgana: of | Tioga county, the other « his 10204 birthday ann TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersigned havir by simple means aft with a severe lung afle disease Consumption, to his fellow sufiere PRING MILLS T. CORMAN ex res : x Sanz 0 ° &is0 paid they will find a sure cure f Asthma, Catarrty, Bronchitis and ing Maladies. He hopes alls Lis remedy, as it is invaluable the prescription, wt and mav prove a blessing, will g Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOY, Brooklyn, } hw wr LF ous CW SOK The Red Cross Oak Double Heater is the best heater money will buy. Its con. struction is on the right principle to give out the full benefit of fuel consumed. We also handle the Sun hine Oak Double Heater, Western Hot Blast Heater, See the Peninsular Steel, Retort Peninsular, Imperial Red Cross, Monarch and Family Irvin Ranges. Not only stoves, but everything in our line. THE PLACE TO SEE THE BEST STOVES THE PLACE TO BUY THE CHEAPEST STOVES JA. Reesman CentreHall