HARD TO BEAR, J. W. Walls, Super. intendent of Streets of Lebanon, ky. liv- 1 ing East Main street, in that city, says: “With my nightly rest broken, owing to irregularities of the kidneys, sutfer- ing intensely from severe pains in the smail of my back and through the kid- neys and annoyed by painful passages of abnormal secretions, life was any- thing but pleasant for me. No amount of doctoring relieved this condition, and for the reason that nothing seemed to give me even temporary relief 1 be came about One day noticed in the newspapers the case a man who wus afflicted as 1 was cured by the use of Doaun's ney Pills. His we praise for this remedy were so that on strength of his statement 1 the Hugh Mur got a box, 1 was exactly as powerful edy quick and lasting reli ney Pills will pr sufferers from kidn them a fair TRIAL of t which cured Mr part of the States on applic Address Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y For sale by all druggists, ‘nts per box A Good Alibi Qtat on discouraged. was and Wid ris of sincere the veut to Tey Drug Co.'s store and ¥ 11114 i Olid a8 represented Ye to any price 50 c¢ Appetite poorre Bowels constipaied? Tongue coated? Head ache? It’s your liver] Ayer’s Pills are liver pi vegetable. —————— {Want your moustache or BUCKIiGili ON RAINY DAYS WEAR TOWER Waterproof afif§o«: OILED , i 3eR® CLOTHING BLACK or YELLOW. NOW) WN IT MAKES EVERY DAY COUNT me mater bow wet he sewer. Joary garment puarsnioed Mb pour denies. If bo WE mat supply you, send for prion Sst of SGeders, Suite, Hain, Worse Covers, and (Dagon Devon »3 edna, Zotar rll, I FORT LARA Do amtirislrails (vr 2 »-— NANO RN SOFT, SILKY HAIR COMES WHEN YOU USE Carpenter's 0X MARROW POMADE (WARE OF IMITATIONS) Rab it into the smlp thorouehly ones a week and it will work eonders. Kestw the hair from falling oat and sures dandeafl, too. Better than any batr of) or tone. PRICE, 25 CENTS, At your drpgxiet's, or by mail Address, CARPENTER & CO., Louisville, Ky. ATENTS, TRADEMARKS AND PENSION, Are You Interested? Millions of dollars have been ads out of Patents aud Trade Marks Miillons of doilars are appropet- sind to pay pensions. 30 years practios Yor Information sad literature, FRE THE W, HH. WILLS COMPANY, Wills Buliding, 27 Ind Ave, Wastdngton, D, ASTHMA TAYLOR'S ASTHMA REMEDY will cure any case of Asthma by persistent use. Regu. Lar size box, by mail, 35¢.; three for $1.00. I. Taylor & Co., Green Cove Springs, Fla, "Wanted Agents Fleas ha Jor na ; rede as SRMITIGE MANOPACTUNING kfiom,, Squiract/ Ye ite HETFETE Thompson's Eye Water STATE Told in THE KEYSTONE Latest News of Peansylvaiia Short Order. inted Penn Ison, Pitis hanism; Ja- can, also Jett, Petro TIRE PIMPS | patents were gi Norval T. And throwing standing valve Pittsburg, ice cream for {ex i avis. Lind Alle Flinn support circuit Hegheny manufacturing ire glass: George W Frazier, Allegheny Jectraly wated | Wal Cravon, y also machine panded metal: Jonah rail joint; John Doorenbos, gheny, burner tip; J } Johnstown, curb box and ce Joseph D. Forrer, John breaker; Nicl Franzen SCY, lsawing are stu! into seitzinger f Rea contam an entrance Barbey ling Horestown, threshing floor let hole in his side The theory anced de Sail and costs 200 ten For gunning without uense, Delcano was fines Deicano these he was fined %; and costs As he was unable tc y the $885 for his combined offenses « was sent to jail for eighty-five days Nine hundred teachers were in attend opening of the forty-first of the Schuylkill County leachers’ Institute at Pottsville. Ad dresses of welcome were given by Chief Burgess George J. Smith, of Pottsville, and W, F. Scheerer, A son of Jacob Hunt, of Courtdale, died several months ago and the father took the loss much to heart. A week ago, late at night, while he was on his way home, he saw, he says, the figure of a man in front of him which, al though he tried to overtake it, remain: od some distance aliead and walked to his house. At the gate it disappeared Hunt was surpriced when a minute later he reached the house to find no one had entered. Since then he says he has teen what he believes is the apparition several times and he thinks it 1s a sort of warning from his dead son. vatore .* OITTIStOown ins and for at the al " Sue HHUA session LCE UMM L KEYow (General Trade Conditions, tate of trade “Trade conditions are still irregular Bradstreet's says of the Business is of fair volume, but not so active the a8 a year ago, partly because of backward season, heavy rains inter col pas movement, and troubles, fering with 1 Crop lection vexatious labor and present, discouraging building ep wie oop g among buyers, based market liquidation and the many pro already erations, and the spread of servative feelin upon stock high prices of tend, of it automaatacally feeling that ducts will has not done so, to check eon sumption “Many wnderiyimg sonditions are however, still lmverable First in 1m t 3 1 i portance should be reckoned the decid wells ly better tone ef ' whic h has devel eller advices from the | a large quail cemed pos Butter-Sey Cream, 20a 21 : Live Chicago. Cattle steers, $¢ 10/7 Bg 1.8001 4.75; stocks L400; cows, $1 3.30; canners, $ 4.35; sicers, 2 $3004.50. Ho ers’ $5.15(08 8 $c 1008.80" 1 « $5 2¢0ms 1.4 calves, £1 $2.98 Sheey Sheen to wethers, mixed, $2.25013.25; (15.65 Herrs 10¢ lower: $133mg 00; fair native lambs, $138 Island—Cattle slow: choice $5.20(05.50; prime. $3osas.10: fair $3400.00 Hoon lower: prime, heavy $5.0000.00; mediums, $6. 1006 15; heavy Yorkers, $6006.10; light Yorkers $5856.00, pigs, 35.900 505; roughs $4.0001.5.40. Sheep steady; prime wethers, $3.88014.00 INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES Emperor Menelik, of Abyssinia, it is stated, is establishing a complete tele graphic and telephonic system in tha country, Commerce between the United States and Russia during the last fiscal year greatly surpassed that of any previous ear, y The peon child of Mexico may now pass from his letters to the highest diploma entirely at government ex pense, and the government hopes short]; to make education compulsory | CAaUulr Lune FOR ERUNKENKNELS How One Man Was Cured of All De sire for Liquor. Jones, in spite of kindly, honest feilow, wife, a cozy home yeung family, was rapidly becoming a slave to drink, Night after night he went home in a state which made hi Mttle wife heartsick, u weman's ready wit, devi and with the aid of the f elan gave Jones such a probably never will drink again Like many other men, Jones usuzlly lost all after he had reached a certain period of Intoxication being a really with a loving and a flourishing ntil she with a fuel schome recollection of his actions When, five or home Bix weeks a Lr wife ago, he arrived at his for the bad him put to the state experiment, his bed Ag he lay ner cead to world, the doctor put his right ter of paris an 3 ¥ to bind then Jones roe sense of feell ' i imb Craved Sai we ArTane Came over RERimon er not As An Encouraging Sign. Two retired tradesmen, res the country. were discussing matters ding in Genet Kg aly, wi How 1s remarked the othe for it shows he hasn't had to borrow money yet!” Driving Him to It. u afraid that after we are get tired of me?” “Aren't y« married you'll “Never!” “Sometimes when I'm cross or petu- lant 1 fear vou will get tired of me.” “No; I won't ever.” “Sometimes, perhaps, when meals are y , , hv late, you'll get tired of me—won't you? “Aw, you make me tired. You know ———————— To Prove It B. B, B, Sent Free, These diseases, with aches and pains in bones, joints and baekyagonizing pains in shoulder blades, hands, fingers, arms and legs crippled by rheumgtism, lumbago, sci- atica, or neuralgia; hawking, spittifig, nose bleeding, ringing in the ears, sick stomach, deafness, noise in the head, bad teeth, thin hot blood, all run down feeling or catarrh are sure sigus of an awful poisoned condi. tion of the blood, Take Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) Soon all aches and pains stop, the poison is destroyed and a real permanent cure is made of the worst rheu- matism or foulest catarrh., Thousands of cases cured by taking B.B.B, It strength. ens weak kidneys and improves digestion. Druggists, 81 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Broop Bars Co, 54 Balm Blidg., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter, A Ruropean Rusia has a Jess percen of forest, than the United St yao. (ood Enough Reason. not » marry him?” ettled “My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color.”’—Mrs, E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. Greek Meets Greek. i 11 ¢ wise gus It’s impossible for you rething | # not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you are seventy, and you fike your gray hair! If not, use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. FrT8permancntiy cured. No fits or nervous. | § In less than a month your Neryoliestorer. §dtrial bottle and treatiselros | § gray hair will have all the TR Ley Ph dark, rich color of youth. arest book, $1.00 a boitle. All druggists. nL recent.y i 4+} vif tor st cannot supply yon, we will express i give the name & off A r children niin 8 Address, YER CO w « Mink, wr W. L. DOUCLAS "3.22 § *3 SHOES iif? 2 That Doug spunes Core prus Tabulesare ayspepsia le, us heen Cut Lave United slugile ! flinesa arising fron lis ered stomach Is relieved or use So con originate from 1: | : ¢ safely as- serted there Is undition of 1 Liealith bt w £ ¢ benefited or the GiEVARSeE of Ripans them and druggists “age Is i%ion, an ntaing One twenty year withils Willi sa NEW DISCOVERY give Quack re fof snd onres wored snaesantd JO dns a Free. Dv Tr ix A + ) AUYLALIOL o THROW YOUR CRUTCHES AWAY! RES. Dina CO* ETT T . ith taermiccife) hy Bat more. apd mane re five the #8 AtIROTT, BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO, Baltimore. (4 Scaomacids “ ree sreec—— é oA Anal LAy +0 y Asamacdst] J ” i mmemmm— CANDY CATHARTIC QUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizsiness. When your bowels don’t move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together, It starts chronic ailments and long Jars of suffering. No matter what sils you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your Dowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure of money refunded. The penuine tablet stamped CCC. Never sold in bulk, Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Com p, Chicago or New York. Sick Nervous 7 Neuralgi Headaches UICKLY CURED BY