§ [SENDS BACK THE NOTE | Bulgaria Declares That Turkey's Terms Are Offensive. PRESIDENTS DAY OF REST In One of the Most Beautiful All California. THE LATEST NEWS IN SHORT ORDER. Domestic. Eight hundred employes of the Mo bile and Ohio Railroad—conductors brakemen, vardmen and baggagemen { went on strike 10 per in wages for freight a 7 per cent, Inc for service Sergeant-at Ransdell, of KILLED IN DEATH TRAP| Accident in a Tunnel on the Norfolk and | Western R. R IT WILL BE A GENERAL El Sultan Forced to Apologize. Sytems in Vogue in Postoffices of First in | (irade to Be Looked Info. Spo:s An enced by mdication of the trouble Mr. Lei to Turkey, in hi experi hman, United State L§ 3 1 ministes washington, with lor a cent, in dealing $ ¢ DECLINED TO REVIEW THE TROOPS. : eament is d fore the . pr crease Service and pH | CRUSHED UNDER BiG ROCK SLIDE. eT | Strata of Solid Rock Gives Way When Its | Foundations are Removed and Strikes a | FRANCE HAS SENT SOME WARSHIPS. | sent postoffice depa that HOVE isclosed in the rease pa Turkish diplomatic public at the a telegram to the departn “(y spondence just | corresy ence ln | Reported That the Porte Has Withdrawn the State Department i . vent Mr. | Note Mustering of Turkish Troops Con- | 1x The President and a Small Party Rode Horse: back Over the Famous 17-Mile Drive Along the first made In arms the Sca—Governor Pardee and Some Others of the Party Drove Over the Route in Carriages Attenled St. Joseph's Chapel. Hote! President de M Roo restful most his ir about dent hotel Fhe star at 8 o mtention the KILLED IN HEAD-ON CCLLISION Accident Near Fulton Chain, N.Y. —Disobey- FiCrs. INSULT TO FLAG RESENTED Minister Bowen Peremplorily Demanded An Apology and a Salute yiert ove A £34 x the fa On pressed flag Hundreds of Houses Burned. Ottawa, Ont } A pec 1¢ d d from pene alter serving a term arson, was caught near where the fire first discov ered. He was taken to the police sta tion, and charged with starting the con flavration. The fire onginated within a stone's throw of where the great Hull fire April 26, 1900, was checked Poor Man's Rich Flad. Rahway, N. J known here that Patrick Moore, a flag- man at the Ne» mmprisonn 10 was { Special) on Wednesday, a check for Long Pranch through here t've Merchants’ express as it Ihe cheek was drawn on National Bank of Chi- cirherable. road Senate, received word fre Pre Roosevelt to expect a summon extra im session of Congress immediately the fall Leorge Reynolds, arrested in New elections in \ugu t felmon employed him The Supreme Court the uables irom decision of the sie Morrison illing Mrs Day, the entire paired thi had done to th { har ge Of Chancellor onven Railway Employes, in legram to 11 alleged in street opening troubl President l of Roosevel AdDUSEeSs { ¥ Ol strike gram rred tO ocean vessels 11 von Loew. a German was sentenced to 18 months’ for having lied m ngs involving the wife of d engineer. L ni States Ambassador and Mrs Meyer gave a banquet in Rome in hon- or of the Duke of Aosta, heir apparent to the Itaban throne. Twenty-two Albanian chiefs, leaders of the cpoasition to the reforms, have been banished to Asiatic Turkey Mwanga, the former king of Ugan- nited Financial, Banks are ahead of the Subtreasury American Cement earnings in April mcreased 20 per cent, P: Morgan was elected a director of the Michigan Central. Michigan Central last year earned 100 0s Andrew Carnegie says of every persons who embark in business fail, There were fewer commercial failures in April than in any other month for i (lang of Laberers Fairly-—-Besides the Nize Killed Five Oilers Are lojured, Three of Them Fatally. fatally, nd tunnel were engaged in IUWANG IS RE-OCCUPIED £ Sudlien and Man Sarprising Move in huria Sparrows in a Bank r Special ’ busy recen fine Bank. Arrows Ww fle about the apart into the we railing of the desk They were olested until one of them attempt ed to carry away a $5 bill. During the When he went for his hat after closed he found in it the be- { a nest. et of Straagled in Her Room, Paris (By Cable) ~The mysterious murder of Mme de Brienne, who was found strengled in her room here, has aroused widespread interest. The police at first followed a clue indicating that it wae the act of an Englishman, but they now claini that an American is impli cated. The police do not know the name of the suspect, but they are following vague descriptive clues. The victim, who was a well-known figure, came from America Leishman Vizie Sp SC nin complained that r. who had repeatedly clined 1« Naa countern nulled a number the Munister acted favorably to exhan dem Mi n order inded Other Changes Are to Follow. Federal Clerk Confesses Forgery in the Departments. State Department has receive i United States Minister L ie Russions re-entered and then retired. Secretary ed that there 1 CONVITK was n« Cireat to Manchuria B. F Mec Farland, ative Henry District of Columbia, entered upon his second term of three years The Postoffice Department was noti- rural free delivery carrier of Gallatin, Tenn., was stopped by an armed man and warned to discontinue his work under penalty of death. Philippine Commissioner Henry C. Ide says the friars there hold somewhat the same relation as the landlords in Ireland The War Department published Col. onel Mills’ report exonerating General Baldwin of the charge of harshly critic cising his Filipino soldiers. / Secretary Root accepted the pesig, nation of First Lieutenant Charles P. Faulkner “for the good of the ser- vice." + Save for an altruistic desire for the higher civilization, the United States has little or no concern in the outcome of the nresent rurmoil in the Balkans, tinues Turks at Monastir rives at Salonica. CZOLGOST'S BROTHER ARRESTED. He is Held in Detention st Los Callfornia ACQUIRE BIG VIRGINIA CONCERN Witiams Co. Great Rival of Britis Am T £ ricen Company KILLED WHILE EATING BREAKFAST Caught in the Wreckage of Caboose ani Burned. Laborers wher fram were at a work tram been loadmg 111 the men caboose, or boarding in the : the tram A end of fnger were cating, overturmng the car Of the men in th 12 were instantly killed or bummed death in the wreckage, where they had been pinned by the overturning car. Eight others were seriously injured, Met Death Under Wheels. New York (Special). Edward Kelly, of Red Bank, N. J., an engineer of a steam road roller employed in repair ing the road between Red Bank and Eatontown, was stirring the fire under the boiler of the engine today when It struck Kelly with sufficient force to kuock him into the machinery next instant he was ground into pieces in the ponderous cogwheels, The es caping steam from the engine scalded the man fearfully, He died a few mine wire after being extricated. Payne Congress of Mothers Only Three Saved Abandon Lend Tax Mrs. Burdick Will Get! Children. \ 1 will pass sought by tha books SPAKKS FROM THE WIRES. rebellions Moors defeated the imperial forces alter a 10-hour battle near Fez, Morocco, mm which both sides lost heavily Fireman William McNally, who rushed through flames to save a man's life in New York, died of his injuries, 1) Fhe The British- American Tobacco Come pany, it is said, will acquire control of the T. C. Williams Company, of Rich- Severe criticism was made at the Corrections of the unlicensed ciiizen relief of vagrancy. ’ Twenty persons were injured in a collison between electric cars in Chi cago. One woman was fatally hurt. Agnes, Souna, a {amous German ac- tress, is suffering from a nervous male ady, and has canceled all her engage