The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 14, 1903, Image 1

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New Penrsylvania Highway
Department Created — $6,-
munities, was the Sproul road bill,
governor, The law is here printed for
the study of all interested, thus giving
every farmer and tax payer an oppor-
tunity to learn the exact conditions
under which an appropriation from
the state may be secured by local dis-
tricts for building roads.
Section one provides for a state high
way department and the appointment
of a commissioner, who shall be a civ-
il engineer by the governor for a term
of four yeers, with a salary of $3,
The ap-
pointment of an assistant at a salary
of $2,000, clerk at $1500, stend grapher
and $500 or less for expenses,
at $1000, are also provide d for.
Section two provides for the effice
of the commissioner to be in Harris-
burg and that a detailed account be
kept of the expenditures, etc.
of th
sald rep
shall det
be mad
in what n
curate plans
and report the
pervis I
¢ids that i
the work
wake the
les, to carry out
of the Stat
the cost of the
REcesio Ts
grade, and a
the improv
per centum
two-thiré~ =-- -ant
and sixteen and tw 1
by the township or townships ig ®hi
the portions of sald highway, impr
As herein prov may lie
That the State shall t
ed among the several
Commonwealth ac
age of township or
gach gpunty, but
femain in the State Trea
plied for under the provisio
act; And 4
constructing county road der tl
provisions of the act of June twenty-
gixth, one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-five (Pamphlet law, three
orading tv the mile
county road
the said am
and amendments thereto, shall be en-
titled to re the same of
State ald as if sald roads were con-
ptructed under the provision of this
act: And providdd further, That if ths
appropriation, so apportioned by the
State, shall not be so applied for a
period of two years after it has become
available, amnunt so apportionad
and set aside for
eive amount
that county shall
pe returned to the State Treasury, anf
added to the appropriation for the cur
rent year, and distributed anew under
the provisions of this act: And pro
vided further, That nothing herein con-
tained shall prevent any county and
townships from agreeing to appropri
ate a larger amount for such road im.
provement than the amounts specified
in this act: And provided, That coun-
tles and townships may agree among
themselves to contribute their com-
bined proportion of the thirty-taree
and one-third per centum of the total
expense of coastruction, herein pro-
yided to be borne by them, in different
proportions from that hereinabove spa.
¢ified; but in no case shall soy town-
ghip or county pay less than fiye per
gentum of the entire expense of such
improvements: Provided, That the
county commissioners shall furnish,
under oath, to the State Highway Com-
missioner the total number of miles
of township or county public roads, by
townships, to the State Highway Com-
Section 4, All highways improved un-
der the provisions of this act shall
conform to the standard of construc-
tion estahlished by the State High-
way Department, as best adapted to
the locality in which they may be lo-
i he constructed
engineering practi
hwi this
wroved por-
elve feet
tent with
\ Depart-
al system
av omm attested
f clerk of the State High-
partment, out of any sapecifie
s made by the legisinture
t the provisions of this act;
i » of the county in which
improvement, as herein
provided, made, shall be a
upon the funds of said county,
shall be nald by the county treas-
+ order of the county come
missioners. The ghare of the township
or townships In which the said high-
way improvement, as herein provided,
has been made, shall be paid by the
township pervisors or commission-
ere, as other debts of sald township or
townships are paid. The State High-
way Department, the county commis-
sioners of the county, and the super
visors or commissioners of the town-
ship, or townships, in which any high-
way is being improved under the pro-
visions of this act, may, with the ap-
proval of the State Highway Commis,
sioner, make partial payments {0 the
contractor or contractors performing
the work, as the same progresses; but
not more than two-thirds of their pro-
portionate shares of the contract price
for the work shall be paid, in advancg
of the full completion of the same, by
either the State Highway Department,
the county, and the township or town-
ships, so that at least one-third of the
full contract price shall be withheld
until the work is satisfactorily com
pleted and accepted, and the exact pro-
portions of the cost thereof apportion
ed to the State, county and township,
or townships: Provided, That a cash
road tax be levied by each townshin,
where such road improvement ls beir 3
made, to meet the cost of such perma
nent road improvement as is provided
in this act,
Section 9. Every contract authorized
to be made by the State Highway De-
PArTIOGDL, URGr tho Provisions Of yas
urer upen in
1a Lae game or Ln
Pennsylvania, and
gality, by
uty Attorney General of the
wealth, No cont
Attorney General or Dep-
* any highway
by the State
work bs
gions of
ers of thi
or con
townships, in which sai:
provement is
this act,
of the
county and the
of the
all any
i provi-
until the written
county commission-
to be mad
thelr respective
cost thereof, as hereinbefore
shall be on file in the office
been approved, as
pros :
of the State
Department, and
; to form and
by the Attorney General or tl
General of
iS witon 10 The
any county may
1 to them of a
Control of Party Organization Will Have
Bearing on Next Year's Fight,
The following dispatch was sent to
the North American from Bellefonte
under date 9th instant :
More political interest is now attach-
ed to the race for the Centre county
Judgeship next year than to the ap-
proaching primaries of either party.
This is owing to the fact that there is
little at stake in the county here this
year, aside from the control of the par-
ty organizations. The latter point,
however, is quite important in its bear-
ing on the judicial contest,
Colonel Wilbur F, Reeder, the pres-
ent Republican county chairman, and
the recognized Btlate Administration
leader in the county, is generally re-
garded as a candidate against Judge
Love, who will seek a renomination.
teeder is also after re-election as coun-
ty chairman, while the followers of
Judge Love have brought out Wilson
This, in the
On the Democratic side several
William C.
and J.
of ex-Senator
Elis L. Orvis Calvin
likely to be chosen is Mr, Orvis,
time of his death Cal
M. Boser was generally conceded
Up until the
the man who would be given the
n, but now the field is open
There will probably be
skirmish for the judicial place on
party ticket, accentuated by the
gy —
Michael Young,
died at her home in Bellefonte Thurs-
Barah J. wife of
week of a complication of
diseases alter an il
Iness of three weeks
Deceased, whose maiden name was
Bolt, was the daughter of
Mary Bolt, was born
Daniel and and
Centre Furvace about
died at her
Mire. Abraham Snyder
me in Shingletown last week.
seventy-four years, is
prov amen
day 5
for hig
ship, under t}
a petitiv
real estate |
ed by the
bald town
against s
expenditure upon the part
ship. then the
for imprGayvs ment, but shall return the
same to the supervisors or mmis-
sioners from whom it was received
Upon the receipt of a petiiion, signed
by the owners of 4 majority of the as-
sessed valuation of real estate in
township, requesting the ap on by
sald township for the imp: nent of
any highway in sald togWaesh!p accord-
ing to tha of this act, it
shall be the supery or
commissioners of sald township tg pe-
tition the county czwnors in the
manner hereinbejore described
Section In case the county coms
missioners of any county shall neglect
or refuse to 40, wpon the petition of
gny township or townships for highway
improvement, as herein provided, or
shall refuse to petition the State high
way Departinont fou seate aid in such
ropused improvement, after said town.
ship or townships shall have complied
with the conditions of this act in peti
tioning said county commissiuners, the
supervisory L. vommlissioners of said
township or townships may, through
their proper officers, petition the court
of quarter sessions of sald county for
the appointment of a jury af view to
examine into (Le weusssity of sald pro-
posed highway Improvement; and upon
the sald jury of view making a report
favorable to sald improvement, and
with the approval of the court, it shall
be the duty of, and the court way by
order require, {he suid county commis-
stoners 10 petition the said State High
way Department for the co-operation
of the State in the sald proposed high-
way improvement, in the manner here-
in provided. Bald jury of view to be
appointed and compensated in the
same manner, and to have the same
powers, as juries of view for laying
out or changing public roads have by
gxieting law,
Bection 13. The supervisors os eom-
missioners of any adjacent townships,
in the same eeunty, in which any por-
tion of a principal highway running
into or through sald townships may
He, may by resolution jointly petition
the county commissioners of thely
county to make application ta the bate
Highway Denartment for the co-avera-
county ners
no action on sald petition
duty of the isors
and Bertha Duck, of
Mills, were in town Saturday,
Misses Florida
Pr. { E. brother
Emerick will set out a peach
Emerick and
Mrs, George Barper and daughters
W. J. Mitterling went to Philadel-
If you have say thought of taking a
trip tot
by advising the Reporter of your in-
he nortly west, you will profit
Alexander Bhannon, of Smiths’
Centre, Kensas, formerly of this place,
will be visited by Mrs. John Arma-
Lock Haven.
Mre, Ramus} Bhatt, of Centre Hill,
was a caller Haturday, aud stated that
Mr. and Mrs Calvin
seriously ill,
Vonada, wak
The engagement of Miss Rebecca
Blanchard, daughter of Mrs. Mary
Blanchard, of Bellefonte, to Dr. Geo.
D. Green, of Lock Haven, was an-
nounced last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bower and fami-
ly, of Potters Mills, spent Friday in
Centre Hall, stopping with Mr, and
Mrs. W. J. Mitterling and Rev. and
Mrs. J. M, Rearick,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huyett and
daughters Leilaand Miriam, Saturday
went to Werneraville, Berks county,
Mrs. Huyett's former home, where
they will remain some time,
On socount of the space taken up by
the Sproul road law in this issue, the
local news is somewhat condensed,
The new law, however, eftecis, more
or less, the readers of the Reporter,
Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Krise and
daughter Elsie spent several days Inst
week at the home of their daughter,
Mra. J. W. Brown, in Milroy, aud on
Friday Mrs. Krise started for Johns.
town, to see a sick grandchild,
Harry N. Meyer, of Millhelm, agent
for the Penn Mutual Life Iosurance
Company, made a business trip to
Boalsburg, Oak Hall and Linden Hall
Friday sud en his return tarried a
short time with friends in Centre Hall,
Miss Nettie Cook, daughter of Chas,
F. Cook, Esq., received the J. C.
Meyer, Esq, prize of ten dollars for
the best biographioal essays. Three
ensnys wore written by ench contest.
aut. Miss Cook selected Benjamin
Franklin, Oliver Wendel Holmes nnd
Robert E. Lee,
So Wrote Old Colonial Tyrant, Troubled by
Disrespect of Authority.
Present day official alarm in Penn-
sylvania over the dangerous teachings
of the printing press had its counter-
part, history says, in the colony of
Virginia nearly two centuries and a
half ago.
The old colonial Governor, Bir Will-
iam Berkley, noted for his acts of
cruelty and oppression, found it neces-
sary to sternly combat a popular dis-
respect of men in authority, just as
Governor Pennypacker sees the ne-
cessity of striking at the same evil
Writing to the paternal English
government in 1665 Bir William ex-
pressed himself as follows :
“I thank are no free
#chools nor printing in Virginia, and
I hope we shall not have them these
hundred years; for learning has
brought heresy and disobedience and
sects into the world, and printing hath
divulged them, and libels against the
best government,
Governor Pennypacker, a devoted
student of colonial matters, is proba-
bly very familiar with the historic
Berkley communication to King
Charles 11, quoted above, aud from it
God there
God keep us from
he may have derived some of his ideas
on the suppression of publicity, ap-
plied in the press muzzler.
iif ssa
From the Sugar Valley Journal,
raid on Ardy
Fbureday. Mr, Kleckner fired a volley
of buckshot after bruin, but
aim, owing to the darkness.
Haavey Schrack and his saw mill
hands are on a strike for higher wages,
They doubtless will get it.
R W. Friday
morniog on an extended business trip
to California.
Kleckner's sheep last
Jameson departed
consumed three
staves, owned by T.
Elhattan, April 50
I'he of T. R. Harter aod
the of Mre. Annie
Shutt, east of Carroll, were in danger
car loads of
R. Harter, at Mec-
saw mill
dwelling house
of being destroyed by forest fire late
Saturday night and Sunday morning.
Mrs. Shutt toa bed
with to the
A large gang of
men, by heroic efforts, subdued the
angry flames and saved the mill and
the house,
, who is confined
sickness, was removed
home of a neighbor.
dmmmmmm—— ———
Marriage Licenses
Samuel T. Williams, Philipsburg.
Della Woomer, Yarnell.
Elmer F. Corl, State College.
Agnes Bartholomew, Coburn,
John Smay, Julian.
May Straw, Julian,
Michael P. Feidler, Feidler.
Maud IL. Wolf, Woodward.
Willis Shuey, Bellefonte.
Daisy Haines, Wingate.
John H. Croft, Yarnell.
Clara Heton, Yarnell.
Robert M. Hood, Lewisburg.
Rosie A. App, Bellefonte.
H. GG. Reese, Port Matilda.
Mary Resides, Bandy Ridge.
Jacob Meyer, Julian,
Maggie Meyer, Martha.
A ll A ————
Converted Marked Logs Into Wood.
Patrick Welsh, who has for some
time been engaged in converting prize
logs into kindling wood on the river
bank at Lock Haven, was arrested
Monday at the instance of Bowman,
Foresman & Co,, of Williamsport, on
the charge of sawing marked logs in-
to wood. It is alleged, Welsh first ob-
literated the marks and sawed oft the
ends of a cherry log belonging to the
firm which was valued at $20. Ata
hearing before Alderman Smith,
Welsh admitted his guilt and was sent
to jail in default of $100 bail for trial at
——— A ——————————
Sermon by Rev, ierly,
Last week's Reporter stated that
Rev. W. C. Rishel would deliver a
sermon to the veterans at Spring Mills,
May 24, 10:30 a. m. This is an error so
far as Rev. Rishel’'s name is connect.
ed with the services, The sermon
will be preached by Rev. C. W. Bierly.
The news was received by telephone,
which asccounts for the mis
AI MP —————
Their Deaths Coincidental,
Bylvester Brought, of Granville,
Mifflin county, was run over by »
freight train near that place Saturday
night and instantly killed. The young
man’s father, Daniel Brought, was
killed about a year ago in much the
same manner, within a few hundred
yards of the same place,
The Sproul Road Law,
The most important bill that passed
the legislature was the Sproul road
law. A full textof the Jaw will be
found in this issue, Read it over cares
fully ; study it. Lt ale
W. B. Mingle, Eeq., and D. J. Mey-
er went to Coburn
Tuesday on busi-
When you want to buy an organ get
# price from Bmith Bros, Bpring
A new
planter is
style of double
introduced in
Miss Bertha Wolf was
over Bunday where her
Mary Btover, is very ill.
at Coburn
aunt, Mrs.
If you want the latest improved
cream separator, consult Bhook Bros.
advertisement in this issue,
Teachers’ examination for Centre
Hall and Potter township will be held
in this place Tuesday of next week,
J. Frank Bmith, of the Centre Hall
Mtore, advertises men’s and
boys’ shirts, shoes, straw hats, ete., in
this issue.
There is much plowing for corn to
be done yet, Many farmers have been
obliged to discontinue plowing on ac-
count of the drought.
Two members of the family of H. D.
Gray, of Williamsport, are under the
doctor's care as a result of being poise
oned by eating canned corn.
At a meeting of the consistory of the
Hall Reformed
Centre charge, a for-
) :
mal call was framed asking Rev. Dan-
iel Gress to become its pastor,
I'he school year closes the first Mon-
in June,
aa) Persons holding bills
auywhere in
present them prior
school boards,
¢ Senna)
tate, should
to that date,
I'be fire company held a
l'uesday evening and
the pre-
Id a festi-
Hminary arrangements to he
val on the evening of Memorial Day
in the Public Behool Park.
Jeweler Krape is putting up the new
opp Kreamer's
If the miniature light
gasoline lamp site
store. house
works all right,
you will hear
thing about it next week.
George Kaup, of Boalsburg,
caller Saturday.
was a
Mr. Kaup for a num-
from Oak
sold the
ber of years drove the hack
Hall to Boalsburg, 1 late
same to Kidder and Alexander
The Ww.
tholomew, agent for the Mutual
advertisement of H. Bar-
fit Life Insurance Company, of New
Ark, N.J., will
column. The
n existence
be found in another
company is one of the
strongest , and the
agent is one of the most active,
W. B. Chamberlain, of Milton, who
stands six feet two inches in stockings,
weighs over two hundred and fifty
pounds, made his regular visit to Cen-
tre Hull Tuesday. He represents the
well Known tobacco firm Reed &
Company, Milton, and is always a
welcomed visitor by his trade from a
personal as well
as business stand-
Messrs. Paul Murray and Claude
Stahl, who are closing their sophomore
and fresbman years, respectively, at
Pennsylvania State College, Saturday
came to Centre Hall to visit their par-
ents and friends. Both these young
men had quarters in the University
Ion, the destruction of which by
fire they lost considerable clothing
and all their books.
W. A. Krise, while on a visit to Mil-
roy and Lewistown last week, met
William Austin, of Lewistown, an en-
gineer employed by the American Axe
& Tool Co., who stated that he had
worked for that company for 21 years
continuously, and only lost two days
of his own accord. There were times
when the works did not run, but when
they did he was always at his post,
save those two days. Mr. Krise also
met another employe of the company,
named J. C, Relph, a relative of the
editor, who has worked for the Manns
for forty years. The latter sent the
cash and subscribed for the Reporter.
A singular coincidence in the meeting
of these persons is the fact that all
three were born along the banks of
Spring Creek and all within three
miles of Bellefonte,
Mrs. John C. Bible, of Centre Hill,
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas L. Moore in Centre Hall, and
before leaving town calle at the Re-
porter office in the interest of her son-
in-law, Daniel C. Rossman, who is
living happily with his wife in York,
Pa, where he purchased a home.
Probably it isa breech of confidence to
say #0, but the truth is, Mrs. Bible
paid for the Reporier for one year for
the use of Mr, and Mrs. Rossman in
order that they might regularly re-
ceive the local news of Centre county.
This act shows a due appreciation of
her son-in-law, daughter and the Re-
porter, and is an example, which, if
followed by other mothers and fathers,
would fifty times a year cause their
children to praise and thank them for
the good judg i ed :