THE KEYSTONE STALE. News Happenings of Interest (Gathered From All Sources Governos pointed al Joard of lows: Society, delphia; Brighton; burg tion of land was at work on fonte his cloth He was thrown legs and Lyons feel rel and arms, Baltimore and un down and Castle Was fr a train at New Lauffer's general store at Manor was burglarized and citizens | « organized a viguance committee At Hollidaysburg, Mrs Rachel Brode and Berry Dodson were con victed of involuntary manslaughter, re sulting from the fatal shooting of Am brose Gelh, during a masquerade party at the woman's home dvidence 18 being collected at Potts ville by the United Mine Workers to show that there were proportionately more arrests of soldiers during the strike than of miners. This will be pre- sented to the Strike Commission to demonstrate the impracticability ol keeping good order large body of idle men, “oop 4MmMUeng a COMMERCIAL REVIEW. Ceneral Trad: Conditions, R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of itade says: Heavy transactions in reported, but there 1s the slow movement ol situation as to general ted by the precedence other 1.1 Die merchandise much com- scdine regarding freight except Not ive increase nu i OOds during been nts and number one was 1 vie 101 provid + avail Janua 's by § sr cent ractically every sec that despite high l and of the betler irnings thus SUrpass ra LATEST QUOTATIONS. Flour—Spring clear, $3 30a3 Patent, #4 NM! cho Wheat— New Philadel No 2 He. Co Large, 60-1b, 14aldke; me 1b, 1455aldsg; picnics, 23-1b Hens, 12all2ie; ol LOUIC | Furkeys, 14210 Ducks, 1241) Hides, H« AYY ateers, associat on ang rs. late kill, 60-1bs and up, close = , 11al2¢; cows and light steps Bulk shoulders and Hog Produots ex, 9p: bulk bulk ham butts DRACO! k bellies, 1040; clear rib sides, 1040¢; should spgar-cured breasts sired C alife mia hams, d or uncanvased, 12 sc:refined lard tierces, bris refined lard, walf-barreis ang new tubs, lle shoulders, 1034 ? 10¢ 12¢; SUZHT C UAT cure a SAIN Canvass iba ind under, 14 snd 50 1b cans, gross, 100; Stock. Mostly 154200 low Tr, good to prime steers $4 50a HBO; medium $3 2504 HO; mockers and feeders $2 27 14 50; cows, $1 40a4 40; heifers $2 20a } 75: Texas fed steers £3 5004 40 Hoga Mixed and butchers $6 25a6 60; good to shoice, heavy $6 60a6 90; Sheep, shee; and lambs slow to lower; good to choica Western shoe Live Chicago, Cattle, i BM 2506 20. East Liberty, Cattle steady; choice ¥5 25aD 40; prime $5 00ad 0 Hoga wavy Yorkers $6 60a6 60. Sheep steady, Best wothers 84 Had 60 culls and con non $1 76a2 00; choice lambs $5 THud 0 SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY, One's share of the world is 23 1-2 Acres. Great Britain has 500 physicians whe women Rawhide 18 now aheels and mauls used for pinion The deaths from storms and floods nm 1002 were 12,000 I'he five volcanoes active during last year destroyed 65,000 lives There was a sudden and stratling in srease in suicides among women last year The United States imported last yeas nore than $40.000,000 worth of raw silk The Electrical World puts the valve i electrically produced goods for 1902 it $140,000,000 Cuba has ordered two new revenue utters at $100,000 each, not from ithe United States but from England CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. a ee a a ee mn TeagtAana edt ete A En EEE ER EE Re Tee ee MernaniSON Or Oni, Te ee Ne ee eee ee ee ee ee 8) Meek nos well k He beg ree ¥ re eo at et ee ee ee" ee ee of P fited thereby Jjrom my catlarri of the head. 1 feel ¢ necouraged to be- I have used several bolties runa and | Jeti greally bene- tieve hat i} ! use it a short time longer Lwill be fully able to erad- David {cate 1h disease or! thirty years’ standing.’ Meekison Memb rv of EE ee BN RE a ete ee ee f ONGress TERE En a « RAR ES RR * ¥ Droggicte Genaine stamped CC C. Never sold in bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “onething just as good.” NUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES STRAWBERRY PLANS SHRUB ROSES GRAPE VINES ARPARAGES ETH £F Catalogue sent on ADE cation A nice jot © Hrown Leghorns and Barred Vigmounth Rocka Pull Moodedt ockrels and Pallets at 2) each Ales pipe POLAN] Hilva BHOATS ree toouths MATRINS & BRO Ha'ishbore Va 4.0 Is the Standard Rheumatic Remedy. The ONLY compound on the market that cures this terrible disease without deing irreparable harm to the digestive organs. UNEQUALLED as a BLOOD PURIFIER. CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDS IT. Farverare, 8. C., Aug. 18, 1002, Gentlemen: =I had rheumatism for about twelve years, Great deal of the time 1 had to use crutches or cane, Was confined to bed, nearly helpless, three months at a time, several times. Last spring 1 began to take © REEUMACIDR.™ | used two bottles before 1 noticed any benefit. Altogether 1 used seven bottles and the cure seems to he complete, as | have bad no symptoms of rheumatism since. I can cheerfully recommend your medicine BR. F. FENIGAN, For sale by Druggists, or sent expressage prepaid on receipt of $1.00. Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Nd, repeat. They don’t jam, catch, or fail to extract. In a word, they are the only reliable repeaters. Winchester rifles are made in all desirable calibers, weights and styles; and ate plain, partially or elaborately ornamented, suiting every purpose, every pocketbook, and every taste, WINCHESTER AMMUNITION made for all kinds of shooting in all kinds of guns. Send dress 1 FREE ror ot nn hirsmared Sotalog. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS €O., NEW HAVEN, CONN, EW DISCOVERY; piven wok relinf and sores worel and 10 days’ trontment BORE, Bex B, Atsnia, Gn | «MW, GREEN’ VEeuar eslr ved OF ““ An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My [friends said I had consumption. [I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly.” A. K. Randles, Nokomis, Ill. You forgot to buy a bot- tle of Ayer’s Cherry Pec- toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1. All druggists. Consult your doctor. If he says take it, then do as be says If he tells you not to take it, then don’t take it. He knows Leave it with him. We are wi AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. ADVERTISE’ IT PAYS PURITY on the Subject. of Beauty. besuty a short priviie ge of elightfal brace, 8 bru 10 8 goAWi: 8 its fangs 0 paroxysm of 1 the neck multiph ¥ h eat away the great peari-iike scales grow from h-like inflammations in sw NARS Crean + Bh the every dozen, whic reonal were : known, eczema alone Wi a sufficient infliction pervades ail dlseasd nankir Classes, at igh generations, constantly enveloped in it, it couflr i CATS, On 5€ ceip, on l:ands, evervwhere i's & a small watery jster, which discharges an acrid {. causing beat, inflammation, and ize itching. Ring-worm, tetiter, d head, dandru.¥. belong to this gcaly and itching order of discases Psoriasis, :ur modera leprosy, witl its mother-of-pearl scale, situated on a reddened base, which bleeds upon the removal of the scale, is to be dreaded and ave:ded, as of im- petigo, barber's lich, erysipelas, and a score of minor aisorders make up in part the catalogue of external Giseases of the skin. Thus far we bave made no allusion to those afflictions which are manifestly impurities of the blood, viz. : swelling of the glands of the throat, ulcers on the neck and limbs, tumors, abscesses, and mercurial poisons, with loss of hair, becan-e the whole list can be comprehended in the oue ward sero fala. It ie in the trealment of torturing, humors aod affections of the skin, sealp. and blood, with loss of hair, that the Cuticura remedies have achieved their greatest success. Orig. inal in composition, scientifically com- pounded, absolutely pure, unchangeable in any climate, always ready, and agree. able to the most delicate and sensiilve, they present to young and old the most successfal curative of modern times, This will be conside ed strong language by those acquainted with the character and obstinacy of blond and skin humors but 1t 1s justified hy Innomerahle sne- cesses where all the remedios and meth ods in vogue have falled to cure, and, in many cases, to relieve, even. The Cuatlcura treatment is at once agreeable, speedy, cconomical, and comprehensive. Bathe the affected parts freely with hot water and Catl- cura soap, to cleanse the sur ace of ‘erusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry. without hard robbing, and apply Cuticura Oln tment '" to small on the palms of ihe ibs, etc., bat feature old. 3 viedge 4 cura i exten r loriur the »x alr, In Vue Ww ‘ : sth with Co and foil ywed Int) severe casts y Mall dose of ¢ ura Pesolvent, is ficient to affo1 imme liste relief In rs of §¢ send IUmMors, per: ad i {0 ar s i e most Jdistre i tft roet and sleep, an Gy cure when all othe. Y i all. (tisespe cially 20 in the infan's anG children, cleans’s otlhing, and heal : infan. - ow -fs . t burning, an ing 1} . ing the most humors, and J 1 ossesses., al the same ye, ihe chaim of satisfying the simple »f tollet of at ages, in caring for the skin, sca’p, hair, and hands far more effectually, agreeably, and economically than 1h. most expensive of tollet emoll while free from every ingredient of a doubtfrl or a character. 1s “ One Night Treatment of the Hands,” or ** Kingle T +~atment of the Halr,” or use nfter athictics, cycling, golf, ten- nis, riding, sparring, or any sport, each in connection with the use of Cuticura Soap, is sufficient evidence of this. Of all remedies for the purification of the hlood and circulating fluids, nono approaches in specific medical action Cuticurn Kesolvent. It nentraliges and resolves away (hence its name) scrofa. inherited, and other humors in the blood, which give rise to swellings of the glands, pains in the bones, acd torturing, disfiguring eruptions of the gkin and scalp, with loss of halr. Cuticura Resolvent extends its purk fring influence by means of the pores to the surface of the skin, sllaying irritation, inflammation, itching, and burning, and soothing and healing Henee 118 snccess in the treatment of distressing humors of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, which fall to be permanently cured by externs! remedies alone. The grandest testimonial that cep be offered Cuticura remedies is ther world-wide sale, due to the persoral recommendations of those who have used them, It is difficult to realize the wighty growth of the business Jone under this name. From a small begin. ning in the simplest form, against pre}. udice and opposition, against monied hosts, countless rivals, and trade In. difference, Cuticura remedies have be. come the greatest curstives of thelr thine, and, in fact, of all time, for no where In the hi