— DROVE GERMANS AWAY A Venezuelan Bombardment That Turned Out a Failure, WOUNDED. ONLY THREE MEN WERE Pagther Shelled Fort San Carlos, Which Com- mommands the Entrance to Maracaibo, and After an Hour's Exchange of Shot and Sheil, Retired—The Commandant Claims He Forced the Warship to Retire. Cable) .~ shelled Fort Carlos. at the entrance to Lake Maracaibo, for or fort re turned the LUNs I'he Panther withdrew in the direction of Cu- i »zuela (By Maracaibo, Ven The German cruiser Panther San lhe four fire «with racac Fort San Carlo nles from Maracaibo, of the lake or inner bay and con here | received The correspondent 128 the following letter from the commander of the fort: t 12.30 Fort San i shelled, without art, without General Bello, ‘Sunday afternoon a Carlos was attacked anc any previous notif ultimatum 3 Panther. which tried to force an entrance. After a fig it last 3 which the Panther was oblis and retre fhe tort provoca an (yerman cruiser an hour, dun tort ated 1 SURPRISE IN WASHINGTON. Attack on Venezuclans Expected. Amother BIG GUN IS FRED. New 15-lach Rifle, Well Largest in America, 26-Mile Range. year res could 1 those burst, der The READ HIS OWN MESSAGE. fiov. La Follette, of Wisconsin, Urges Legis. lature to Pass Anti-Trust Act. AM adic Madison, hovses [5 met in joi the Gover? Governor in person matiers and the con consin On the nor YOur ding y manner fo nior of sue laws preve fition of where, ators fhe enactme byist 4714 Perish at Andijan. Petersburg (By Cable) figures that 4714 their lives and that 33.112 houses were destroyed as a result of the re- cent earthquakes at Andijan, Russian Turkestan ot «1 he of ficial show persons ost Conditions of Arbitration. tions which are about to begin at Wash the are further determined result of quite that the President Castro shall pay or give col . lateral security for the specified, to raising the blockade until Venezuela complies with this unalterable condi- for further delay upon Venezuela THE LATEST NEWS IN SHORT Domestic. steamer St Line, arrived at passengers landed at the The delayed the American York and the oughly indignant During the voyange an neeting was held and re denouncing the them the New thor comp indignation | olution Louis, of | | 1 i iny passed company sending crippled ship Five sailor apolis, at lL. dang of 1C¢ ACTOSS belonging to the [sland Navy ague had a rous ride cake herr The nto is new in Delaware rescue was very dramaty Hanover National Bani building and $63 was carried safely through the ed of New Yorl Ohio Society Ol inquet to Secretary plomats the streets = NCW Hay from ended Mrs prominent mitted James R Philadelphia suicide at a hotel City in ill in New Commerce his testimony the Interstate Mr of dud not Belmont, former [ouisville and Nashy know that John W possession of 4 ma vad until August the { Gates secured ority 1 1 stock Of the 1 51 in control At Riverhead, L. | was acquitted of the charge of kill , Lou Clarence Foster at Good Grou night of June 9. The verd ed by the jury after ch before the creased duties provid tria- Hungary ¢ 1 he i person los offs earthquake dis urkestan Dr. Jean Charcot anno the plans for an Arcti is to be exclusively French Prince Frederick Wilhels Germany arrived at St. Petersburg on visit to the Czar expedition Crown Dardanelles with the sanction of the Sul tan The Berlin paper, the Vor waerts, publishes the story an at tempt by the palitical police to bribe an employe of the paper to betray the | secrets of the office. socialist Of Financial Price of cut nails advanced 5 cents on 1000 pounds. Lehigh Valley is earning 15 per cent on its $40,000,000 capital stock The Gould group of stocks is the cas iest of manipulation on the list. They are in excellent control It is reported that the United States Steel Company will buy the Eastern Steel Company's plant at Pottsville. i Country banks are pouring money in | to Philadelphia and New York as rap idly as it flowed the other way six weeks | ago Six Men Are Killed and Several Others Wounded. MAGNIFICENT DISCIPLINE While off Culebra Island Engaged in Target Practice Explosion Was Due to Accidental Discharge of Percussion Prime While Breech | of Gun Was Open. Ric men wert and wounded, two of them probably a powder oard the United practi tar hortly before idental dis primer { he explo board after 8 wa harge of a percussion of the on inch due y the ace rret, noon, and while open [he full » exple and killed or miured all the w of the gun, nu MEN Ward K. W the turret, gun wa ded in the turret bering nine men man, who was in charge of escaped injury, though he was near the scene of the explosion Magnificen | shown by the ofhcer Harry Lee, guard of the ves Abele 1mmed pline was immedi: and « rew oi battleship apt COMMAan ng Ensign Clarence A flooded the tur the marine with water and Gu EDITOR SHOT IN COLD BLOOD. N. (iL Gonzales Wounded By Licutenant Gever- por Thiman. { MAYOR SENT TO PENITENTIARY. With Other Officials of Brooklyn, lL, Was Guilty of Malfcasance. rong wes confused Nn enors a ooded y The tre the filled up the deck wked a yim about so it about the efforts the deck rendered futile by the tem condition of the weather wins d 1 kn pas SAVE Consular Service Bill By a vote of 7 to 6 the House Commit Foreign Affairs decided to re port favorably the bill Representative Adams providing for the reorganization ol the consular ser vice, with modifications, tec on Claims Powers is Innocent. Louisville, Ky. (Special).~The Cou tier-Journal's staff correspondent at Frankfort, Ky., says that J. R. Mat. thews, First Assistant Secretary of State under Caleb Powers, made an open statement there in the presence of witnesses, that five men were re- sponsible for the murder of Governor Goebel. “There may be others,” he said, “but 1 am satished that these men conspired to kill Goebel. Caleb Pow ers was my chief, 1 believed him inno- rent then, and [ do to this moment.” THE NATIONAL LAWMAKERS. House of Representatives Refuses fo Authors ize an Insurance Bureau the end of a struggle, which pro ater fy '¢ Joc k 10r pit Depar Ihe Repul red the sess until House wassed the tablish a and substitute Labor oroviding Pi INVIGT By 3 Aq vit the and Elsewhere Can Be imported Free of Duty. I wsdl $60.00 stoffice i here Statues of Eminent Texans, Senator to the Gov. to Culberson presented from tendering ni tates statues of Gen on and Stephen F. Austin, to be [all at the Capitol, Texas. " 1. gmmeoendation f Texas rex H oust p aced 1 represent the o sof Investigation of Mining laterests. to the sundry appropriating mvestigation the mining country by the Geo was introduced by Sen An appr apt O00 107 1 vil S100, amendment ation bill the of of the Survey erkins In the Departments. 3111 and the Cuban Reciprocity Treaty { ate The Ad- staff with fleet Mayflower, miral Dewey and his | aboard, arrived at the Navy Yard from Culebra. Roosevelt flagship { President will make an spring. He will spend most of time hunting in the wild regions of Colorado and Montana, The latest accident bulletin, just is- sued by the Interstate Commerce Commission, shows that for the quar- ter ended September 30, 1902, 263 per- sons were killed and 2613 injured in train accidents, while the total number of railroad casualties was 845 killed and 11,163 injured. The House Naval Committee acted favorably upon construction of three large battleshios and ane cruiser conm—— A BIG DEAL IS RUMORED the New York Central, to Doubt. -Sig- nificance of Recent Big Moves by A. J Cassatt—Pennsyivanls Raliroad New York Central is 10,387. CRUELTIES OF FILIPINOS Severn! American Sympathizers Were Buried Alive. we No Chewing Gum, No Work. uis (Special) Because working hours band wr 107 Deaths from Plague. Mazatlan, Mex. ( Special Phere 107 plag January 1 January numbered seven, and many new cases ar reported Most of the higher class have jeft the city, and hardly | Any women are seen on the streets. rade | is reduced to the lowest possible point | Great disappointment is felt in the non arrival of serum on the | Guayamas, Identified as “Bach” Clark. (Special) ~The been deaths from the The deaths on ladies of the Chicago second Pinkerton known as at the Clark, identified Thomas tortious criminals in the countr members of the train crew Clark reco pistol at the head of the wounded ban. Lis Beenie Shae we GERMANY MAKES DENIAL. Sent to U., S. he GCermas the report ' Cable). ernunent ha sent a note to the [ tO acquire States Germany Co interest anama Canal report if retood any’ the ie Forgotten in 8 Fire Twelve Killed in Explosion. (Special) A F904 saan were killed Chinaman were in 2 con in @ the ne bods a recovers i {to rag: others Cuncotton the YS TONS blown cussion starting other exple drying house 400 feet away, where chief loss of life occurred. The ground was excavated to a depth of six feet The build. ing was blown into kindling wood and scattered, with fragments of human several acres Spark Fell in Powder Keg. Pittsburg (Special). —John Muigrea a Slav miner, and his wife, living at Sturgeon Station, near McDonald, Pa, were fatally injured and their house wrecked by an explosion of a keg of gunpowder. Mulgrez was filling a cap when a spark from the kitchen stove fell into the keg. In the explosion which followed Mulgrez was blown through a window and his wife was hurled 12 fect against a wall Both were burned irom head to foot and will The house took fire and was bad. Hams vat