"ORTER. and Proprietor : SENT S. W. SII ITH, PENNA AR) 1903. ¢ription to the Re AAVANCO. for thre rach ine 811 Ds made ¥nowi DEMOCRATIC O COMMITTEE 1903 Ww circus farm- rural mail OJ than vas ad pled. tem (HH) ' exo mplish addition CArriers in 100 18 1 vee k fe and sOn last thier Smith wn lot of wood haule Stover did the It takes tw ls the mil ollow go Harvs orner cut Bradford + ya la Job i selling Mrs Mattie week. Quite place attended Hall last Friday evening, haulin of eh opp iis to keep wood for Al it week. hel intention of off his sto ‘ Dick Armbruster and daughter made a trip to Bellefonte last this Centre a few young folks from the lecture in ———— Nittany Mountain, One of Baturday. (leorge W. Noll who has been sick with typhoid fever is nol improving very rapidly. James Cala Will Houser were to the county seat Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Houser is not gaining in strength very rapidly, Toue Noll and wife spent Bunday at Pleasant Gap with their daughter, Mrs. Samuel Wasson, George Glace was laid up with a bad cold several days last week. Asron Luiz kiked a couple of fine beeves last week, Lonbarger's hands left on han aad Spring Mills. Dr. Wolt's school as well as the termediate was closed Friday in- the Mame last, attendance at uel Gramley'’s funeral in Rebersburg, Hi friend of the Doctor's and grandfather of Miss Orpha Gram- ley Archibald Allison and Jittle ter Catherine, of Bellefonte, spent Sun- day at the home of Wm. Allison, The | latter has been confined to his room | for a few days, suffering from the ef- | fects of a heavy cold. At this writing teachers being in was an old daugh- he is improving Wm. Goodh: west of town, , diving a few miles w To has for the last months been atling not well A ago gaining ar tinued to grow until few is BO ns usual few weeks he began | better grew the | d col nfew ago, when he to (ays WOl se All sre sorry note change. Mra. € poeumonin Long is suffering Abram Alters’ sOIrY to Mrs con- dition AM f 1 lost some of Is Wap learn. mt, Hil HIE Shires is again convalescent; he is surplus flesh during his illness Those wi tended the lecture in Hall Fi Dr. and Mrs. F. H Verna, and Centre night of last week Bruucht, Mr. ick and daughter Miss They and are aay were, Mrs aud Rear Miss An the DAR DOWeErs lecturer tell speak very well « eady and “How to any one Filling t1 Now o¢ct pies a number Some very ith of which fine ice i and ap- se Rinking Penns cr will be preciate ater extent on hot day August than per- haps it Don't Fie Per select int Saturday is caucus I; Democrats turn out for day at and the various offices W. H. Smith made a business trip to Lewisburg M W. Cray lay, Ruhl, E . Heckma ight to adisonburg D. install the good tax instaliment King several days wit ure dealers, f urance agent, of Saturday in town on nt Saturday and he Ll service of i church. iid make a good su- he right a day at where wo ik the ion would th side fie piace ewis. osition with (he candidate fi erseer of poor, ile at work on Fin- t ipped aver he station, sl Carriage passed badly mashing it. Way - Beech, I meeting Saturday Decker Brush Valley t Greetie moved his mill KAW from in doit ) this place, Ig S80 ipsel Dis engine in a sDOW ig shutters urch. James Faust is maki the L Misses Eva Grove cl and J Sunday at the oes home onfer h A. CO, { timber on Aan Oa I.rtle tract. Fredrick the George has trapped shot a number of foxes this winter Newton Behe in this Inst week. ‘Rengost was ing foxes The Decker school house needs re- the children suffer this winter weather, of the pairing very badly, from the cold Some prop teams have quit hauling. a Linden Hall. Howard Miller, one of Reberaburg’s merchants, Friday visited ned mother. Miss Bertha Goodlander, ert, his of Wick- isspending a week with her father, Oscar Goodlander, Thomas C, Heims Heims, of Osceola, and Mra, Hess over Bunday Mrs. Luther Royer went fonte Wednesday. Arthur Kimport spent several days racently with his James | Kimport. Jacob Zong Friday received a tele- gram announcing the death of his mother at Knousetown, Juniata coun- ty. The funeral took place Baturday afternoon, Joseph Brooks is home for a week's stay with his parents. He js a fire. man on the Pennsylvania railroad from Greensburg to Fairchance, Quite sa number from this place en- J oyed the banquet given by the I. O. O, . in their hail in Boalsburg. and Miss Lenore were guests of Mr, Belle- to uncle, Get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets at C. W, NBwartz's, Tusseyville; F.A, Carson's, Potters Mills; C. J Finkle's, Bprin Mills. They are easier to take an more pleasant In effect than pills, Then their use is not followed by con~ stipation as is often io sang with pills, Regular size, 250. per bo i i Aaronsburg, Miss Mazie Foster spent a few with friends in Bellefonte. Mrs. Maggie Btephenson, of Haven, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs, M. J. Deshler; she returned to her home Friday, her mother, Mrs. Bhoe- maker, accompanying her. C, A, Weaver and daughter, days Lock ver's aged father, Catharine Bower returned home after berland. Messrs, Troxel, Kreider and SBmelty, of Bnyder county, were the guests of their aunt, Katie Crouse, over Sunday. Miss Effie Kreamer, of Beech Creek, Hello! here we are; we are not dead | but have been sleeping since the cold | weather set in. week filled SHOW last with The snow storms some of the cross roads as | high as the fence, Next Saturday, the 24th, will be the time for the Democratic caucus which will be held at Penn Hall. Let the] citizens of the North side turn out and see that good men are nomioated for This is something should inter the various offices. that every voter ested in. G. F. Sunday with his parents, be Weaver spent Saturday and is visiting her parents, after spending a few weeks at Mills, with friends at Woodward. Following the report Intermediate the fourth month ending R. Wolf, Whole rolled, 19; per cent, of School, is for 14, E number en- Aaronsburg Jan. teacher. male 21, female, attendance during month, male 97, fe- The following every day during the Wert, Arthur Weaver, Harry Bower, John Btover, P ver, Willie We Willie Harry Fred Lim- bert, are WATCH, Wert, Willie } Harms: Dora Stover NH lover, Throssell Mary E ane A, va Kreamer male 96, were month : Grover aul saver, i ver. CFurne y Ardrenna Mary Grammar Harrison ; R73 . teacher. Whol number males, 7; femal total, cent. of atlendand montl S8, females tending every Marion Stover Or Ber rv Kre Bower Miss Hp nt Mrs John Ishle hope for hi J. Wm Sunday at C his anele, D JH. MM hauled their | wer ast cornfodder maxis with Ig Aa sled, they had to hau! it on A the numbeg spent urday evening TY pitasantiy at of Miss Nannie ightful they after to Meins supper returned having enjoyed them- ich. Mrs. Henry Moyer spent sever al toter. Rockey, at Tussayville, Leslie Treasier spent several days in Mifflin county C. 8B. Bottorf purcl from Wm. Reiber. Miss Ella Smith, insed a fine of Potters Mills, extended visit H. Moyer Quite a number from this TH making an cousin, J. with piace at tended the banguel at Boalsburg. Greely Jordan and Ella Phillips tended the banquet at Boalsburg avd — - Florida first of ania Railroad, The Jacksonville tour season via the Pennsyly allowing two New York, ington by special Excursion tickets, transportation, Philadelphia, and Wash- train February including railway Pullman accommo berth), and meals en route in both directions while travel- ing on the special train, will be sold at the following rates : New York, $50.00; Buflalo, $54 25; Rochester, $4.90; El- mira, $51 45; Erle, $64.85; Williams- port, $50.00; Wilkesbarre, $20.35; and at proportionate rates from other points, For tickets, itineraries and full in- formation apply to ticket agents, or address Geo, Boyd, Assistant Gen- eral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. a AA SAH : ibe {one Writing paper bought by the pound; the only sensible way to buy it; 10, 18 and 20 cent quality, about 110 sheets to a pound-—Garman’s, — Laundry soap at 5 cents per pound, 40 per cent. below price—Garman’s, was a big crop of ice harvest- was from There six to ten inches thick. Some of the farmers attended the Farmers’ institute at Millheim Thurs- The lumber company { side of the valley started a | they cut the timber first and then pay. { How is it boys ? of the sunny new rule Miss Barah Ilgen is on the sick list | John Wert will for | business; he has put his saw mill abovi James Werts, Harvey Wert made a to Penns Valley Baturday. There was a sled load of soon be ready on the old mill site. business tri} young thie end to have a end thought jred east end of VRIES the west party. + of Lhe west were coal strikers, by the confu- they made and the scribe hopes quieted down until « past end. - > - Potters Mills. to Altoo treatment is no MeKinney, who went te ago jor ong is not improv wish. house Ints produc HK. Strong, who i for the Reporter. and time Presidin Wednesday | Rev. Rishel will be there ing and Munday the , spent a few in Luther Smith, one ol i men of Johnstown and sister with his Drother plod In a Glass of Water. Put a coffee in wash off the yatin look at it: it fit to dri LioN COFFEE It le avesthe water because it 's jus ! handful « fplazed water, © is the same fest. bright and clear, Pure « off¢ i packages insures uniform fr ort « Honda mach abi ache, dication « will prey Bumple Remember Our Goods Are all NEW ToPlease Customers. | Pottsville anied Miss Emily and was accomp Brow, from by who will remain a few weeks New Insurance Agency. ’ is, remind my frie the public in general, thet minty ! ] ement from cley kahip in the ( ounty ¢ I have purchased ‘ maa Comnuissioners ofc the Insurance af John which I Agency will oe ney al fo Jwe my one | (1 Miller, {| fire atientfion. ; ; This agency represents a strong (ine of Standard Fire Insurance Companics; Accident Insurance; and is the lo- efor the “NORTH WESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.” | which has many large policies in this also cd offi territory and is recognized as one of the best and cheapest, When considering the matter of In surance in any form, you can make your wishes known by addressing me by card, by telephone, or onlling personal- 2nd floor Bush Arcade, y and I will promptly ly at my office, Bellefonte, Pa supply you with the neecssary informau- tion and data. A portion of your patronage is re- apectfully solicited. BOYD A. MUSSER. i RAN A a 325 ay Late arrivals, long and short sleive corset. covers ; knitted light gauze underwear, very desirable—~Garman’s, ARI A IAS he Reporter $1.00 a year. f ye oOme have H. u have not been here, to been sage is if von here come BACK Spring Mills Seasonable Goods Seasonable Prices We have a line 2 goods that are entirely scasona- ble. Ours is everybody's store, with Derid prices | to none—all prices are low | enough to be termed bar- gains, GROCERIES and— DRY GOODS are the principal articles now needed in the house- hold, These goods are here and are sold at the lowest possible price. WOOLEN GOODS at the right prices. Come to see us. C. J. FINKLE Spring Mills, Pa. Acetylene Gas - - - will light your Homes Churches Stores Offices cheaper than Coal Oil by using the ,..... Martindale Acetylene Generator. For further infor- mation and refer. ence address— J. S. ROWE, Centre Hall. KINNER kNra Cou Warren, Po.