How He Came to Swear. 1 It was four in the morn | THE KEYSTONE STATE. Was So, 1 1 whem he | —— Kg around News Bappeniags of Interest Gathered ) for an hour. stotter in his » tall awaken every one in the neigh All Sources. i with unseeming noise, He | Ww ober: hadn't drunk a drop ¥ . ; A 3 ; i runk roj | Pennsylvania patents: Edwin E. Ar Instead. he struck the keyhole at the | nold, Pittsburg, valve for gas engines; | o attempt and A PASTO BY AN EMPEROR SAVED BY PE-RU-NA. WHO WAS BEFRIENDED 3 1 entered All Adoniram J. Campbeli, Media, sad won; | nniet, He put his hat and coat on the William CC. Coffin, Pittsburg, blast fur hi and was about to. take off | nace; Charles A. Conn, Pittsburg, oil going up-stairs when | filter; William P. Flint, Pittsburg, 18° | , old, familiar voice sounded grating { miter apparatus for gas engines; Andrew | 1 0 Lis ear W. Graham, Bradford, surgical splint; “ls lack?” “ William S. Halsey, Pittsburg, means 101 “Yes. “Then he. began It's | transmitting fluid under pressure; Mar- | three 1 after four. 1 did not let | shall W. Hanks, Pittsburg, treating | he cut follow me in. I've just returned | glowers for direct current electnc | {yom one of our lodge The was is | | lamps; Washington D. Keys, Kittan- | (00, are all) | ning, apparatus for annealing glass ry niend I paid | | John H. King and E. M Wolt, Beaver is af : Falls, mill for rolling seamless tubing; he measle hat isn't our Harry M. McColl, Pittsburg, starting ' valve for explosive engines; Lemel Pat terson, Warren, sash lock : John C. Reed | Allegheny, mold emptying apparatus Frank Siegrist, Coopersburg, attachment for rocking chairs; John A. Titzel | Franklin, electric motor or generator William G. Waring, Tyrone, extracting zine, producing pure white pigment, mak ing pure hydrogen sulfide from furnace gases While 2 1o-month-old child of Harry McKinley, at Burnham, creeping sbout the floor on January 6 it was heard to utter a scream I'he mother ould find nothing wrong with the child, hut he continued to give evidence of suf fering until Saturday morning when the nother bl in one Was ii Tal K, his shoes before ' 1 . : ’ GOW ow GOOrs s baby’s dog | Nell and | bed, sleepy eyes The Almanac, The druggists have already been sup] lied with Peruna almanacs. There is sure be a great demand for these almanacs on account of the articles on astrology which The subject of astrology us to most peopie The Peruna ai they coniain a very attractive one articles on astrology in the manac bave been furnished by a very com petent astrologist, and the mental cha teristics of each sign 1» given, constituting horoscope A list of | Fibroid Tumors Cured. | A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor, nin which baffled the skill of Boston doctors. of the hid’ pt. nis proved to be 3 questions Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass, in tried to remove the thread BE Or A OO a Jo ges | the following letter tells how she was When a mun in forced to choose between | cured, after everything else failed, by two evils he is apt to choose the Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. hasn't tried before Mrs. Hayes’ First Letter Appealing to Mrs. Pinkham for Help? Was aimost a omp.ete questions and answers on Ssiroiogy we nt request There will be a great } nother we found it was of ! frightened ar [he two w SIC ceeded in WRI lengt! Se became ] ed t reighbor nity, ith a needle attached, which had — cr encn i’ ies) i 8:00 Reward. $100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to earn that there is at least one dreaded dis eases that science has been able to cure in all ite stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh nly positive cure now known to {ical fraternity, Catarrh being a con ntered th Way “Dear Mrs. Pixknam:—1I have been under Boston doctors’ treats ment for a long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. y abe ter domen is swollen, and I have had flowing spells for three years. y ap- ix ; 1 a petite is not not walk or be on my feet for any length of time. Columbus In r as 3 malls TG SUT a raf . . af ne $ nplom 1 given in little book ac- curately des y case, 80 I w i E. FF. Hayrs 2562 Dudley St, (Roxbury) Boston, ; Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham’s advice—al- though she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to take her medicine — which she knew would help her — her letter contained a mass of additional instruc= tions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring about the happy result. “Pear Mns time ago I wrote to you describ- my symptoms and asked your adwi You replied, and 1 followed and to-day I am a well woman » use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely the tumor trengul il em. can walk ariel { your yo} tr anaq siren Seneca my wiowe sysL Cure is the « Rev. H. Stubenvoll, of Elkhorn, Wis,, is pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran St John's Church of that place lev. Stubenvoil 18 the possessor of two Bibles presented to him by Emperor William of Germany. Upon the fly leaf of one of the Bibles the Emperor has written in his own handwriting a text, This honored pastor. in a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co., of Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Peruna WOU — (Signed) Mrs. ripe my ca Vi ad C The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, Mass Gentlemen: “I had hemorrhages of the lungs for a long time, and all despaired of me. I took Perwna and was cured. It gave me strength and : | i ‘ Courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It increased my weight, gave me Bevel ys a1 3 Taree Lh io i ” : fend for lst of testimonials a healthy color, and 1 feel well. It is the best medicine in the world. IJ ere arrested In Shan I Ch He neNEy & CC everyone kept Peruna in the house it would save many from death every fists, 75e 5 pear.” —H, STUBENVOLL. Thousands of people have would be surprised to know it, be n the has been called some other name than ca- | at once to Dr. Hartn . BB tarrh. The fact is catarrh i h wher- | ment of your case and he eyer located; and anot fact which is of | give you his valuable advice gratis. equally great Peruna Address Dr. Hartman, "Hi of cures catarrh wi {| Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR A FREE PE-RU-NA ALMANAC. atarrh who! If you do net derive ause 1t | tory results {rom ti | state » . leased to Pixgnax:— Some The president. Edwar omy secreta AY wae we ¥ . y . ) . al rections careiully, \ “ Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound is worth fiv r= a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted w female trouble of any kind E } trou £23 any hiiild Haves, 202 Dudley St, (Roxbun Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony — or take pl : . Kiss Ltd. 931 Are} Phils . the place of the health and happiness which Lydia E. Pinkham’s Y they ate § ned food . a L a : / Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes. Repeater” a Oe Tous clesman] tof i Weinrpeliy oR Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convinecin : Pe a ate a teduction of the worl evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hewn. : ’ t } for et without a peer as a remedy for all the dist Is of women; all } tumors : inflammations: ulceration, falling and dis- suppressed or painful + of the testimonial let- ters we are daily ave no room for douk t point your gun, buy Winchester Factory rinting in the newspapers can k Louden Shotgun Stills: “New Rival loaded with [| inc fats of George Rovner, of | povays Fapimse Bim coir poe | Mw, Haves ut fier sbovo address will gladly sngver any [eters Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater,” loaded poisoned, a can of poison having 2 th | than : Her gratitude to Mrs. Pi Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable . . i ; oh dap : . 1 : rvars in the Ph Cor ind is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble is too with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester anal El ; ed wit ] ls in ¢ ted at 2 : TY at for he r to take in return for her he Ith and py : Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. § ¢ Lykens and Wicor i" do Bot believe Piso’s Care. ior Conse: lruly is it said that it is Lydia E. Pin) TULA egetable Coms- na ¢ te anthracit trike | tonbanan sau : va and colds ’ pound that is curing so many women, an edicine ; don’t for- ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM c pleaded guilty in the Daug nty Bovzs, Trinity Springs, In., Feb. 15, 1% t this when som : , ; FORFE!IT if we cannot forthwith produce (1 al jeiters and signatures of above testinnonials, which w ¥ oir nh te petiuineness Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. iD out IAS Gaps I um I Vase n : UNION MADE W.L.Dougins makes and seils more tr plaster. and will not men's $3.50 and $3.00 shoes than any other r The pain allayin two manufacturers in ey i pa of ¢ article are w e at once and FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS . »” i ’ “New Rival Leader FEF you are looking for reliable shotgun am- munition, the kind that shoots where you ressing 1s ovarian ur place ms nis menstruation. Hair Splits ““1 have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for Broves their superiority ; a hair dressing and for keeping the they are worn by more fr nd §, people in all stations of F » P, it as the best and hair from splitting at the end DAES GY Othe ako wrnpie ritant aout, ab J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 11. oases W. L.. Doulas - » ternal remedy for pains in the chest 4 ‘ Re ¢ i. i rheumatic neuralgic and trial will prove what we claim for is, be found to be invaiuable in the Many people say “it is the best of SI 8 Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair- splitting is done on your ar other deals lage pr publie therwise equal fl every i? tan % wi CH iG Oise ne nnliess the same Carrie ar iat far ad RE 00 ) for $4 and $5.00 f ts not ' t genni Doagias £1 =D yey i, ae « and $3 sl} not believing they The Standard Rheumatic Remedy. STANDA because able physicians declare that it is the enly absolute cure for rheumatism in its various forms. A premicent Presi — physician recently said: “‘I haye never been able to write a ! prescription that will cure theamatism, owing to the fact that the usual reme- dies do incalculable harm to the digestive organs. RHEUMACIDE com- pletely overcomes this difficulty—benefits rather than injures the organs of digestion—hence it can be taken for an indefinite period, or as long as need the United Brethren Chur be, to effect a permanent cure.”’ od ¢} NN Darts of the Us The Doctor quoted covers the case exactly, '* Pheumactde * is absolutely harmless. ( Ne ting As octatt { : er Lebanon Store clerks of Norristown have ganized to secure shorter hours favor closing every evemng at clock, except Saturdays The ofhcer chosen are George Clem mer: vice-president, William Hansell recording secretary, Emily Shamnlain corresponding secretary, FE la Wheeler; own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of \ i181 Joie was hue n wl ot hard by to en iy theme seot enw | CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO, your ca is a iriend. f have been paying $4 and $5 17 State Street, New York City. Ayer's Hair Vigor in { | “md ge a foieiyn shoe jor $3.20 of $2.0) —— advance will prevent the § and wear of his $37 and $3.00 shoes is just Ider 3 i : as good Place” ade by side 11 is impossible esiding Ede splitting. If the splitting § | io Sc any ai” crence. A trial will convince JACKS has begun, it will stop it. § = “iE {i Sn 33000000 00 2E4 ore. Diack Binnie $1.00 a boitle. All draggiets. A ain of BS, R80, 456.701 Pour Years Jacks for sale, M 10 16 hands W. L. DOUCLAS $4.00 CILT EDCE LINE, nig Ee Oi Worth $6.00 Compared with Other Makes. Tatr usrantend The best imported and Amervionn leathers, Neg!'s Ads = je Pennsylvania / and mud Write 101 a] . KRERKRLER'S JAUR FARM, West Plikten, 'rebie Co, Ohio, ADVERTISE®™ TV INE IT PAYS =Spr: Dhew! Salts and Castor Oil! If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will sxpress you & bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express office, A ddress, J.C. AYER CO, Lowell, Mass, Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vici Kid, Corona Coit, and National Kangaroo, Fast Color Eyelets Caut « The genuine have W. L. DOUGLAS — A A ining and price ramped on bottom. 3 wo Be. extra, Hise. Catalog free W. I. DOUGLAS REROCK TON, MASS, All Druggists, $1.00, or expressage prepaid. Ou Bait! [hey It is of good material to use President . : 1 gold pen to write in the dirt. BRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES ETRAWHERRY PLANTS, FHRLUB* ROSES GRAPE VINES, ARPARAGUR ETC. § Catalogue sent on MR Hoation. A nice lot o rown Leghorns and Harred Vigmouih Rocke Full blooded Corkrels and Pallets at 81 each Also pure POLAND CHINA sHOATS, three months old at 846 00 each, JB WATKINS & BRO, Halisbore, Va rr PENSION LAWS, Act of June 27, 1pwipen. | sons certain survivors aad hele widows of the (a. Alan Wars trom i987 10 18a, We will pay $dod te avery good Contracs Ulan dnder this set. Act of | July 1, iv 2 petisions vecialn soldiers who had prior contedacate ser vice, aly Who aay oe chargel with demertivi. Nu peaswon ue les Advios ifes For blanks aod full iastraetious, a lress the W. ML Wills | Peusion Agency, Wills Building, 213 indisus Ave, | Washington, U. OU. LIweutly years practios ia Wash | fgton. Juples of She laws seat 1070 » vedin PSY FF DiscovERY, ove | Rr quiek relief nod enres worst Book of testimonia's and 10 days’ trestment Pr. ¥. HN. GREMN'S BONS, Dox B, At'snts, On ] eed a ESS LY , Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash They are needed by every man who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. They are free, Send postal card, GERMAN KALI Wo a 08 Nesan Street, w York treasurer, Anna M. Quinn At the meeting of the Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, a resolution was adopted requesting all the clergymen of York to observe Washington's Birthday which this year comes on Sunday, by preaching patriotic sermons and that they ask their congregations to ris? while singing or listening to pa triotic hymns. Yorktown also Council of Dunker churches ordered a Snyder county preacher fo answer sect by shooting a robber. In the trial of ex-County Treasurer Thompson, at York, his counsel charged the District Attorney with forcing the Grand Jury to render a true bill. Two robbers forced their way into the house of a Lancaster family, one gward- ing the husband while the other orders the wife to secure a sum of money known to be in the house. The husband crawls stealthily out of bed in the dark and succeeds in giving an alarm, where. upon the robbers fled, disguise the taste. Don't ever believe that anything tonic you find in Never sold in bulk, nteed to cure or your money back. A NS AN HOHE, 15 USE TAYLOR’ Remedy Tor disutie.. dos tested