a——————— eS — Sr To ctr nh DENTRE REPORTER. : KILLED LARGE BEAR, Calvin Riley, of Boalsburyg, 303 1b, Bear Kills a EMBER 4. 1002 and a Doe y Lil wraposed of Cals vid, dw ard, aod Thoms Riley, Os- car Stover, Samuel Bailey and Robert McCrea, of Boalsburg, last Friday hunted in the Seven Mountains, and returned with n lurge black bear which weighed three hun- | dred and ninety-three pounds and a PEIVIIVENIGELIBURIIRIN0 Everybody's 8 Shoes Are Here rec@OeP0e0ee2000800000 Both were brought down by of the venerable hunter, Calvin Riley, brother of ex-Judge Riley. the largest that has brought out of the Seven Every kind of Boot and Bhoe for everybody-—men, women, children and the babies, and for every business, every dress and every sport and pastime use. Whether you walk or ride play golf or ball, whether you fish or hunt, dance or go a-bieyeling, or you like to be dressed we have Shoes and for all is ever A “BARE” COINCIDENCE. hunt- ® 0000000000000000000060000000000C00C00RCRQBETAAGUILIBRIEDBE Tuesday of last week another whether up and keep so, for all uses these purposes, Our Boots and Shoes the very best, and our prices the very | routing a large bear, and of the | hunters, Daniel Meyer, wounded Bruin. Bruin was followed, but the darkness set in and the trail of blood was lost. Wednesday morning Merchant Will- one these are least, Agent for W. L. Douglas’ $3.00 and $350 Shoe for Men, and Queen Quality the famous $3.00 Shoe for Women, If you want correct Footwear, come to headquarters for it, . ’ Shoe Mingle’s Bruin weighed over Store, BELLEFONTE, PA. | pounds. Mr. Foster 0000000000000 000000000000 | with killing a fawn the same day. ian Foster, of Btate College, the mountains for a bit of { in due time spied a huge bear fast | asleep on a corduwioy bridge. | his bearship scented the | charge of buckshot ended | Mr. Foster did not see the t nor did the bear see Mr. hunter, his career. eur move, two sree V00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is in er infpiifsmmp—— Very Productive Soll, Harry E. Bhaeffer, a : | farmer, had ten acres in corn La | farm, which yielded 2440 240 | Twenty-four ears filled a bushel basket | and weighed forty-five pounds. Perry | County Advocate, A receipt, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Presbyterian-—Centre Hall, 12:30 Potters | Mills, 2:30 p. m. United Evangel den Hall, afternoon; Cen ne Mill a.m. Perry on his ical—Lemont, moming; tre Hall evening Union, utheran ing; evening Tusseyvilie, ¢ Mills Bunday, Please. mg instead of Dec. 7, | : i I will preach at Bprin 3 Wc fly at 2:30 p Dec, 14 2:80 p as announced from the pulpit J. M. REARICK, ns A A LOCALS, Marriage Licenses, John D. Lydia E. George W. Woodring, Port Matilda, Irene Yeothers, Julian, Pastor. Loutz, Millheim. Hoover, Pleasant ( ap. sl time will | rt or young and old. Prof. Crawford in a open a 810 Are ging ciass= 1 Ammon LL. Bubb, { ‘olyer. Potters Mills, jettie NS, Kinson, - -> — nas Plotures ie vou were ordering place We can sho finest them, ith the to them get the The WwW you finish. THE LOUAL NEWSPAPER. ing up nu Town, The editors of the papers Lake a greater interest in aud do more for the welfare of the locality in which they live than sony other class of business men, yet they are no more directly benefited by the results of their public spirited efforts than the merchants and property owners who, perhaps, neglect to have their names on the editor's subscription list or fail dully sud In attracting trade to the town in which it is published the immense power a local newspaper possesses can He who will im- The lo- living patronage by home business men will guard well interests of his individual cus- But if a niggardly support is doled i i { i | cannot in justice to those patrons exert town as it otherwise would. Try a system of lib- erality in the matter of advertising expenditure and mark the result. msn ps ly LOCALS, of office health tonight A meeting of the board be held in this {(Thursday.) Miss Mino accom panica in this place Mon R 3 . 7 Sidney 7 IAarri Farmer Pi who is ex! manure a caller ti Hoov was about (srant t and lef and usef great The D by one Yarieiy column swelled up on ae t machine News has improved ! after the Herks Hal) Berks county, ing hejd in i 1 {Oo raise Irinity church, £35,000 DE, Tes on the new by ohlenberg uildis Hall, ii ilding sien wi ue sigunated as Be: A nn | gation, and these are (o report { their progress on Easter Monday. ns sn A —— —— 4 Fabs State Grange, tik JUN D. last The wi P ich will eet ut ( will be who for nnsylvania State nn innit vias (range ap, took plac ge Brow H. Reedsville, their first trip to since living in Mifllin learfield attended a number on by Hon, of years | n officiating. : LD Instant Meyer - L.. Rhone, Satur- was master of that and r Miriam, of day expect to make i ganizat on, Centre Hall county. A. F. Rote, of near this place, is one of the Reporter subscribers who is al- ways here to the day to renew his sub- scription, He made a trip to this | office for that particular purpose the | first day of this month. Kbone and daughters, Misses May and Florence, James A. Keller, J. J. Ar- ney, (ieorge L. Goodhart, Mrs. Mollie Mrs. Johu W, Owen Ross, place; burg: Very Special, he following well known ¥ ties in Dr. W. H. Schuyler Friday attended | Lis town, Messrs, GG, O, Benner, D. A. the funeral of his uncle, William Bar- | Bo er, “W m, Colyer, G. W. Horter- ber. The deceased was the father of | { nan, E. M. Huyett, Kreamer & Son, Miss Grace Reznor Barber, who gave { D. F. i A. P. Luse & Son, Meyer an entertainment in the Presbyterian | & Musser, J. D. Murray, J. A. Rees- church recently. | man, H. G. Strohmeier will receive in the next few days a communication wood, of Potters Mills, were callers | Which we promise will possess more Thuraday of last week. Misa Farner than the ordinary interest. We re- planked-down her money with such | #pectfully ask in advance their careful apparent satisfaction, that it made the | consideration, Yours ete., editor feel he had really given good | J. 8. Comns, Mgr, money's worth during the past year, — Boals- Miss Martha Farner and Mrs, Bweets | tases ff iinnieniminins Wm. A. Wagner, of Kipple, recently | pald a visit to his old home near Tus-| The remodeled M. E. church at La- ville. He was accompanied by his | mar was dedicated HBunday. Rev. Dr. wife and little daughter. Mr. Wagner Gray, Presiding Elder Black, Rev. W, came to his old haunts principally to !( end Rev. Samuel Creigh- enjoy a hunt, and although he did not | ton were present and assisted in the have the good fortune to kill a deer, | dedieatory ceremonies. The church one of his comrades did. | bas been entirely changed under the | direction of the pastor, Rev. H. D. attractive manner describes apropos of | Flanigan, A new roof and belfry, the great Spanish coronation Bull- | new pews, new furnace and an acety- ght “The Gentle Art of Bull-Fight- | lene light plant are the improverients, ing.) He not only gives a vivid de-! The changes cost $1,400; of this aniount scription of its exciting sud its repul- | $750 were needed Bunday. The entire sive features, bu: for the first time he | mount was raised, so that the indebt- makes the real hero of the bull-fight to | edness has all beer: provided for. be the humble attendant known as the chulo whose business it is to sweep up | the ting, You will find it in McClure's for Decomber Bededionted Free of Debt, . Robbins, Richard Harding Davis in his most - Boil of Honor, Xx Primary School, Auna Bartholomew Teacher,—~Mary Dinges, Amanda The first be Krumbioe, Bara Odenkirk, Alice Rear considered +, over which | ick, *Verna Rowe, dean Shultz, *Ruth there is likely to be a sharp contest and Smith, Jennie Bahl, *Carrie Sweet- a long debate, is the Btatehiood bill, | wood, Harry Arinstrong, Clarence which comes up for consideration De- | Miller, Paul Neese, Adam Sunday, eembor 10, The ing that Leslie Sunday, *Roy White, *John the Benate couituities not report Whiteman, favorably of io @ Lute tetmedinto. A. Terrilorie tegohier— Win, Prt ord, Muwer Col- snd Oklal dren, Guy Foreman, William Kerlin, Banat it uphold Hobert Krombine, *Charlle Miller, comtnitiens a Stroy ig opposition *Johin Odenkirk, Roy Puff, Calvin to tho admission of Lhese Territories 1s | Brith, *Eredg | siley, Sylva Kram- developing, and a sharp Szhl over the | bine, *Rhbea Keller,” *Lmbel Rowe, bill seetus certain, *Luiu Shultz, "Nellie Smith, dnpuriant weasure to in the He ninke belief is grow will simitting in, Now inten, and tha ikels Id. It i bil A SF ur Tong UN 00 ithe tio talk to Bell DE, ti trons of Lhe age 3 Grapau n of N Lutheran church, wil Rev. J. M The installatio Hey ities Ra ! The Repul to study the tari! | aid of a Commiss probably keep on On, i studying fs practical lesson, J. W: Breon,son of J. A. Breo: Lock Haven, died at that place day night of Bright’ age was nviopeteen years, Intern was made at Rebersburg Wedne forenoon, Rev. Buck officiating. W. Harrison Walker, Eeq., in issue again furnishes the readers th court news in a complete, vet manver. The news of the Court Hod is of interest Lo all, and will be give special attention, a disease Cones Congressman J. K. P. Hall has re. signed as congressman in order to act as state senator, Unless special election is held there will be a vacancy in this district during the present short session of Congress, a Read the advertisement of Montgom ery & Company, clothiers, of Belle fonte goods for Christmas presents You will find Montgomery's goods the best to be obtained in the market, chicanery in dealing, either. will be Bold at a cash sacrifice sale, be- continue until January 1. eousists of dry goods, notions, shoes, rubber goods, ete. Adam A. Brown, an well-known builder and contractor, died at his home in Milroy, at the age of sixty- eight years, nearly all the dwelling houses ¥ Haves Fuel and Dispenses With aud Dast 1. Cal Keuuelly, son Janes Keuuely, of Spring Mills, has about completed an invention which is cer- Smoke f vin Of expense attending the use of steam power, invention will also do away with dust smoke and the offensive odors arising | from the use of coal and coke, motive and stationary engine, and the | same amount of steam can be produced | with only a quarter of the amount of | fuel required at the present time. Of | course, the saving hardly be calculated. A week or ten days since Mr. Ken- nelly visited Pittsburg for the purpose | thoroughly testing his invention in one of the large machine shops in the Smoky city. Upon arriving there, ill and before anything could be ac- complished was obliged to has ever since home, and not nvention, Mr. Kenn Hy does details of Lis thoroughly test any after for give but it will apply patents in this country As previously remarked, if this inven- born. hearing, failed to observe the train. 3 i i i Mrs. John Luse, of this place, callers Wednesday, Mrs, Maxon has! been the guest of Mrs. Luse, cousin, for the past two weeks, She is | Leltzell. of C. Dreisbaugh’s Sons salesmen, will save th gh fuel, renerais the same CoUChivs, TOCREer binary been so « Dou't miss these never Lins no gh We lead, others follow a Contre Hall Hotel Reg ints M. Hauch, Montandon: H. Myers, Milk helm; Geo, Spmid and daughier, Beavertown; 8. J. Barnetz, Mifliinburg, H. B Bellctonte; Joseph Window, Lock Haven; Frank Roubb, Nittany; Wm. Chamberlin, Milton; HH. McMana- way, Chas. W. Ereeby, William Falk, Millheim: Springfield, 0. Amos Koch, Penna Furnace; D. J, Meyer, GG. W. Hosterman, J. A. Fleming, Contre Hall; W. W, Smith, J. ¢. Calbut State College; H, W, Glass, Sunbury; C. D Musser, Bellefonte: H. M. Shossly, Shamokin; E E. McKissick, Harrisburg: H.W. Medes, Will Philadelphia: A. R. MeNitt, Higlerville; KR 8. Gockiey, Danver: Ross Gregory, D, Gregory, Stone Valley: N. Yocum, Reading; M. Mulfinger, G. Mulfinger, Pleasant Gap. Chas Pontius Ss AIL A AGP AAAI, Sale Register, Tueslay~Mareh 17-8amuel Durst, south of Saturday 1 im ~Deoe, 13-Lydia Foust, at Potters Mile, 4 goods otsehold , one horse, road Saturday, 1 p. m., Dee. 6-J, C. Dale, Agent, on top of Nittany Mountain, on Bellefonte bike, ave ote, 2 cows, 3 helfurs, 2 ealves, harness, cle, Monday, March 23-M. B. Duck, miles west king Mile a large farm stock fa rm ime Thursday 1 p.m, meBiAICh 19a), 8 Bhowons, 3 lementy. m «March 24-—Perry Hreon, Large sale in Wed - sects: ———— a RIE. SE 565 PROPRIETOR, WE Wal HED 1889. 0. BENNER ® © 9 6 & 0 2A NN ora to YY ona. necessary for us to say that we are in better shape WO wel inn one with the situation. During the pest thi A getting ready. 80 sx to sell you goods right and have come and gone. We are stil on the “Flat Tron Con | Hen Coop,” it having been crowded to the rear, but 3 BOON 8 It serves that purpose very well In fis place stands to y, ni remarked by out hearing, “the best lighted, the most convenient and he xi ted of any busine ley Come and see for yourself, Here are a few pric IL asten |! Men's Army Bhoes, § ladies’ Dress Shox & Ladies Os ershios ¢ Men's Overshix 5 Horse Rasp. ou ESTABLIS git than ever Inying the s, (hers ‘fAttle 8 ware wlomer in tand in the It ix hnrdly | yous goods Aare { Dave s the is b dept in [A 4 pairs Men's Dress Hose | 4 pairs Men's Heavy Hose, 2 4 pairs ladies Black Hose, 25 ¢ Calico, Pretty Patterns, per yd..be. Bleached Table Linen, 25 ¢. Better Quality Table Line 1, 85 ¢ { Cambric Linlog, ver §d., 5 « Men's Sweaters, 5c, | Men's Leggings, 60 ¢ { Hunting Coats, §1.50 Bed Ticking, 10 ¢, a yd and Men's Corduroy Pants WN | Men's Dress Shoes, ¥1 up i ished and Dns ire Halr Lar Patent Plast { Oyler Shell, W Wagon Jack | Smooth fence ‘ Hinges fs mite, Caps and Fuse, | Ar pe, Chain and Doc { Felloes, Toe Steel, Horse We bave the agency OUR BPEL &, Cora Meal, WANTED Plastering 1 ding Paper, P r Rooting, Cement aut Hook. Cr Mas : Fi 4 i I 3 Bart ner, for Ca Knives ax ses’ Pocket Baoan A Oranges Lemons wheat Fir aloes, ni War yng, Walnuts, Bullernuts —at- THE STAR. | Blankets, Comfortables Plush Robes, &c. Some of these mornings you will waken up wishi d horses, so I will ing for u that 1 still have a good assortment of Blankets, ne ral Robes, iC. cover the bed, too, not the half, like some 89c., $1.20, and the All-Wool Homie M 4 » Lede y more cover for yourself an remind y > ow , (and they ) th en é5¢c., ~ Bed blankets [start at 55¢. per pair, in ’ a4 Ne 4 ang $5.00 per pair. Horse Blankets Horse Blankets at $2.75, $4.50, ish Lap Robes Plush Lap Robes (all double) Yarns and Floss am 55¢, 68c, $1.50, $1.75 wy 4 1 lling more yarns this op ole vr J unless on acc Fl now wh for either Golden or Shetland Floss. Table Oil Clot v's 5-4 ount oo LAA or ¢ Oil cloth $1.9 ~~ re hes d you get any rol the / cakes.” prunes { going - W. Swartz, Tusseyville. on Sales WILL BEGIN Saturday, November 15, And will continue for . . . Thirty Days JoMa ke Room for Holiday Goods. Special inducements will be made to reduce the stockof . . Fall and Winter Goods. Dress Goods Outings Conor Flannels| These Goods in every de- Dry Goods EE aced Pitas. | Destoacst Boots & Shoes Umbrellas at 19c. TEN DOZEN UMBRELLAS will be sold at nine- teen cents to families who have not been supplied, w - You will save money by at the ain Store, Mills BF. ib Sl onst of implements,