FOOD AND THE SEXES. The Male Haman Needs to Eat More Than the Female, According to a writer in the Lancet, the male human needs more food than the female not only on account of his larger stature, but also because he Is the more katabolic of the two. The man tends to expend energy and the woman to store it up in the form of fat; he burns the faster. This sexual difference shows itself In the very blood. The man has a larger percent- age of chromocytes than the woman, showing that he needs n proportionate ly larger quantity of oxygen in order to maintain his more active combus- tion, a fact which one may associate with his comparative freedom from chlorosis. Moreover, weight for welght, his pulmonary capacity is greater than that of the woman, whose smaller re- spiratory need is further shown by the facility with which can without discomfort diminish her breathing power by means of the corset. “The great contrast between the metabolic activity of the two sexes,” continues the writer, forcibly brought home to me by an military dis- play given by a troop of dusky ama zons, with whom were also a f« mile warriors. The women, in spite of their daily exertions, were all rounded and plump, sce very much so, muscle showing throuch the skin, and it was noticed thu wir movements, though full of grace, lacked and ‘go. The men, on the other hand, were spare, their muscles standing out plainly under the shiny skin, and they, in further contrast with the women, displayed a truly amazing agility. bounding about and whirling round in a most astounding fashion. The won en, in short, were essentially anabolic, and the men were Kkatabolic. I may here draw attention to the faet that men are apt to be larger meat eaters than women, just as they are, possibly in consequence of this very fact, more prone to drink tobacco.” she “was no single energy alcohol and to smoke SLEEPING HEROES. Mighty Men of the Past That Are Expected to Return. that A correspond race has iy pointed out that the time f fulfillment of the prophecy that tenth of Krishna will Willi restors her every independence nation ha whom the peop rustics still savior to country thur did not die, but sleeps Is and that in of Britain's deliver the In that day wake to reign Portugal, Denmark, Belgiu land. Thousands of French hold that Napoleon is only and that at ti reappear and rule. And Mi has enshrined the Devon leg Drake is only listening for the The Irish peasantry fuse to believe the hour awake, the golden popular soe age, German belief Charles from slecp over Germany, some future steadfia Mr They assert tha that he wn £ that really dead 4 ruse, of was was a funera time comes lu spectator his « wien the from retirement to give Ire dependence. Every true ) Heves that when antichrist Mohammed Mohad! will conquer him. A Moorish Bobadil el Chico clares that spellbound near Alhambra and he to re-es that one tablish the Moors as rulers of Grana- da. The Sbrvians look to King Lager slain by Turks in 1380, as their final hope, and should Switzerland again by tyran folklore declares that the three mem bers of the Tell family who are sleep ing at Rutili, near the Vierwald- Btaten-See, will rise from thelr en- chanted slumber and maintain the freedom of the lafd.—-London Chroni- cle, awnke legend sleeps the will day awake the be threatened Swise Hop! Courtship, When a Hopi maiden decides which of thie eligible young men of the tribe she wishes to marry, she goes and sits in his house and grinds corn until be is sufficiently Impressed by her indus DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr, {{ Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, , liver >. and bladder remedy, ¢ ltisthe great medi- “4: cal triumph of the nine- { teenth century; dis ill} covered after years of Ul\| scientific research by § Dr. Kilmer, the emi- y nent kidney and blad- wn der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble, Dr, Kilmer's Swamp=Root is not rec- ommended for everything but if you hava kid- ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address Dr. Kilmer & Co., hamton, N. Y. . $s regular fifty cent and Home ot Swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists, A New Remedy, The old friends of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will be pleased to know that the manufacturers of that preparation have golten out a new remedy called Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and that it is meet- ing with much success in the treat- ment of constipation, biliousness, sick headache, impaired digestion and like disorders. These Tablets are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills, then they not only move the owels, but improve the appetite and correct any disorders of the stomach and liver. For sale by J. F. Smith, H. F Rossman, J. B. Fisher's Sons. cn fon esi Tourist Rates via the Seaboard Winter Tourist Tickets are now on sale at greatly reduced rates, via the Beaboard Air Line Railway, to all prints in Florida, also to Cuba and Nassun, as well as to Pinehurst, Cam- den and the leading Southern Winter Resorts, These Tickets are good for stop-over, either going or coming, until the end of the Winter Season. The Beaboard is the short route from th: North and East to Florida and the South Atlantic States, For further information and Book of Winter Tours, apply to Agents of the Seaboard Air Line Railway and those of connecting lines. Also, for ** The Land of Manatee,” about a region on the west coast of southern Florida, in three booklets: No. 1, Historical and Descriptive; No. 2, For Gardener and Fruit Grower; No. 8, For Tourist and Sportsman. Ask or send for the one You want. C.B. RYAN, G. P. A., WnovHe Portsmouth, Va. RBLE avo GRANITE 23 H. G. STROHNMEIER, CENTRE HALL, . . . . PENN. Manufacturer of and Dealer In HIGH GRADE... MONUMENTAL WORK in all kinds of “Wn = ", " Ya ay! 7 i =F; - of - ’ = FER 7) ER in each pound pac kage of at Your (rocers. Fw CRT a se CARPETS. - S0n, Gentre Hall, Pa. Holiday Present Buy a Pair of Fancy Slip- pers, Rubbers, Boots or Shoes. A fine line of these goods bought especially for the Holicay Trade. Come to see our stock before Holiday Purchases. prices Spring Mills, Pa, P.V.S.STORE. Goods exchanged for Produce. . . C. A. KRAPE. you make your The are an object. Watch for Holiday Goods Advertisement Next Week. H. F. ROSSTIAN, Spring Mills. ——— si C. J. FINKLE NOTH the town ~Latters of of H INISTRATOR'S stration srege ¥ Ersnte on og been Wy would ross themseives immediale psa agains the = cabled for settieme \ROLINE CAIN pring M w 5 minis and will ag } have these 1 rion sh BH 10s to po mse properts After Jas properties will not be for C. P. LONG, Spring Mills a i EJ OUsE AND LOT FOR BALE «The under signed offers al private sale a splendid howe o; pewite the Lamar raliroad sation, ou the Central Railroad of Penn, The dweliing house has eleven rooms and is new, well fokhed and conveniently arranged, and sa imirably Jooated for a club or summer boarding house, te ing con venient to a fine stream of water and hunting ground. Also coal yard and tressel and an established business in fuel Good water and fruit on the premises, Universal keyboard, ® Removable type action. Instantly cleaned. Machines sold on easy navy parties who can furs A & f fap referendy end t Calta 208 To Suit All BEAUTIFUL FINELY FIN echases, you money, MILLHEIM, PA. COMMERCIAL asd BELL TELEPHONES THE ONLY strongest uction, rapid ac- touch, and I to all kinds of TOrK, WOrkK, ood, clean work. ore oo { © on “0% ah Ooo Jireet, Pitts burg, Pa, goers # vii . oe ® @ The satisfaction ex- ugnt nere 1s gratdying ¥ secure your JFurniture at all, and I am will- : CARY “ a alec oad 4 The Lamp of Steady The lamp that doesn’t flare « k 0 use bad langusge : the | t on pet it and stays good ; the nos you have it ; ame ———— a— - : fi ] 4 x ) iy part with, « at's AUTION, ~All persons are hereby cautioned 3 i Th KR b that my wife, Lucy Breon, lefi my bed apd A: ¢ cw OC ester. e W ore . board, without canse of provoosiion, and thst . Other lamps may basoferad vou ae © 4 J He no bills contracted by her, for board, clothing, they may be, in some respects, bus for ; New Stock . . . .. try to marry her. Spring Mil Is, Pa. After the ceremony, which is an elaborate one, the couple go to live in the wife's house. If she tires of her hushand, she can obtain a divorce by merely throwing his saddle out of the house, After marriage the house, fields and all their property except the herds belong to the wife, The Hopis are For furtlier particulars address JOHN EMITH, Lamar, Pa Marble ano Granite Don’t fail to get my prices, * Holiday Goods. ® KRUMBINE'S The right of the children to they please is never questioned. Furniture Store. How an Woman liets a Seat, Centre Hall, Penn. CRuSh you 2 3 $ wl you never wilk Habits eo on i n ty ed shelter, or any purpose whatever, will be paid by Desa, there's only conn, The Ne Puen t Ne me; and this shall be sufficient notice, sure the lamp offered you ie ver for the nae JACOB B. BREON on it; every lamp has'it. (30 Variet } . : Old Lamps Made Now. Wa can fill ovely lamp want. No matter wi 3 wanta new Imo or stove, gn old one repadred or refine § ished, a vase mounted or other make of launp transform. © od into a Now Rochester, wo can do it. Let use gend you literature on the subiect We are SPECIALISTS in the treatment of diseases of ; il mps. Conseltation FRED, Wows; THE ROCHESTER LAMP [HS 38 Park Place & 82 Rorclay 58., New York, CRANT HOOVER B50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Controls sixteen of the largest Fire and Life Tosurance Companies in the world. The Best is the Cheapest..... No mutuals ; no assessments, «Money to Loan on First Mortgage Office in Crider’s Btone Building, Bellefonte, Pa. #™ Telephone connection. Livery... D. A. BOOZER, Prop. Centre Hall - - Penn, Sm ——— JFTRAY. Came to the residence of the sulseriber. in Boals burg. on or about the first of October last. one red heifer, supposed tobe about one and a hall youre old, with no marks; «is not dehorned. The owner Is requested to come, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dis posed of as the law directs Lrosipas Moraenspatron. indulgent parents, do as you I will be pleased to have a call from all persons wishing to purchase goods in my ine. ........ DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, and at’ prices that will surprise you. “1 will tell you how to work it.” said a woman, whose figure showed she would be tired by standing, to a com- panion In a Broadway car. "When there is no vacant seat, watch for two men who are In conversation and stand right in front of them “Each one will want his friend to fink he Is very polite, so both of them will jump right pp and offer thely seats, That's the way 1 do, and it nev- er falls.” New York Herald. OUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATE BALY. A house and lot, al Centre Hill. The property contains five actos, and upon which is erected a good dwelling house, stable and out bulidings; also two gardens and fiuit trees, It ie A very desirable home. 2n0ves MRS. W. W, ROYER, Centre Hill, Pa. ROCKING CHAIRS SMYRNA RUGS MOUQUETT RUGS BAMBOO NOVELTIES EASLES, WALL POCKETS MUSIC RACKS BOOK CASES, R. SMITH SALVE for all kinds of sores Tr DR Sui Go, Geos Hala. ‘A cS tia : a ———— Traoe Marks &e. CorymiauTs aunty aroertaI oor Crim free. wheter ah invention is proba ¥ Daten on unio. Lions Reeds oo Andbobk on Patonts ha ih a Scientific American, A handsomely A Farmer or fia Sen or a townsman will be red by ue at $60 MONTH. LY and ggpenees, or 30 per cent, conimision to tarde for our Farm Seeds, Fruits and iowers, We sell four grades of frolis, so an petition oan be met, Our stock warranted. You do uot deliver or collect. devote sil or part time, Wo pay you each week Cond but waa afraid to do soon account of [chases fo carn money this wir. Write for ones. pain in his stomach, which hie feared | free outfit at Rochester, N. Y. An Effective Way. “They say.” sald the young drama tist, “that I shall bave to cut my play down, but 1 really don't know where to begin.” {Why pot start at both ends” hig gandid friend ask “and work tg ward the middle?'—Ohicago Record: Herald. Si ——" NA Ar a A. J. Bnell nie to attend a party would grow worse, He says, “I was Perry Nursery Co. teiling nv troubles to a los PPR, | eon sree bo met ‘Chamberlain's Colle, | oe = Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wil] | TO" STH SALVE for owinigier, sic t you in condition for the party.’ 1 , Oe bts bottle and take pleasure in Red of ten per stating that two doses cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the on all couches, side boards and d bed room suits from first of De- | Bummer Hil, N.Y. "This rensedy in for sale by J. F. Smith, H, F. Ross cember to January Ist. man, J. B, Fisher's Sons, ’ Opposite Meunings. “Cleave” is the Best Jisiance of an English word with two opposite mean ngs. “Nervous,” “let” and “propugn” are other instances, ! Write GrantfiHoover for prices on nsyrance. ooo . Apples Wanted Five car loads of apples ave wanted within ten days | mast be hand-picked Aud carefully handled, UC. F. Lox, Spring Mills, PP The unddisigned offers at vate {sale two at yore ; | Mills, containing two acres, and one at Potters Milis containing mores, House aad sabia beh For further