CATARRH OF LUNGS. v . er A Prominent Chicago Lady Cured Ju by Pe-ru-na, Miss Maggic Welch, Secretary of the Betsey Ross Educational and Benevolent Society, writes from 328 North State street, Chicago, Iil.. the following giowing words concerning Peruna: I “Last fall I caught the most severe cold J ever had in mv life. 1 coughed night and day, and my lungs and throat became so sore that 1 was in great distress. All cough Miss Maggie Welch, remedies nauseated me, and forded me relief until my rather in a joke, ‘l guess Peruna is only medicine that will cure you.’ . “1 told him that I would certainly it, and immediately sent for a found that relief came the first day, and as I kept taking it faithful grad ually diminished and the soreness left me It 1s fine.” Maggie Welch. Address the Peruna Medicine ( free Jumbus, Ohio, for fy literature on « nothing al doclor said the bottle 7 the cough The Chestnut Going. 3 Unon ated HBIOHD ated unions bership of Another club woman, Mrs. Haule, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregulari- ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. ““ A while ago mv health fail because of female troubles doctor did not help me. 1] that my mother had used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound on many occasions for rnd uterine troubles, that it could not harm me to give it a trial. began t« The remembered irregularities I felt sure at anv rate ana ‘1 was certainly glad within a week [ felt werrible pains in my were beginning to and time of menstruation I did not have nearly as serious a time as hereis fore, so I continued use for months, and at the end of that time | was like a new woman. 1 really have never felt better in my life, have not had a sick headache since, and weigh 20 pounds more than I ever did, so 1 unhesitatingly recommend Vegetable Compound.” — Mere, May Havre, Ed gerton, Wis, President Household Economics Club. — $5000 forfeit if original of ehbove letter proving genuineness canrot be produced Women should remember there is one tried and true remedy for all female ills, Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Re- fuse to buy any other medicine, you need the best, much back Cease, its twe A Chain is no stronger than its weakest link. A fertilizer deficient in . POTASH is just as dangerous as a chain with a cracked link, Our money winniag books are man who owns gs For Colds snd Malaria 10 Fe val £¥ " . » Adiiress A. We War v Mex Cy Aven, N, ADVERTISE ™ * SALE" |T PAYS News Happenings of Interest Gathered From AH Sources nenchin Heghe Allegheny, 4. tark, gm 1) ley $2000 dams taking half an acre of the farm in Exeter hip 1 Bear, and for the ‘meanness of the company” in iO Ng occupie d f own near refusing f hav } returned a ver lict of $230 in favor of the plaintiff Viewers some months ago awarded the state $350, but the plaintiff appealed t ourt At the meeting of the Miffin County | School Directors’ Association in con i nection with the Teachers’ Institute | the habit among teachers o Stop cars where sired aft tobacco i warmly condemned by all { lowing officers were elected W. T. Horton; vice-president, J. | Wagner: secretary and treasurer, I W. Trout, of Lewistown. Thieves effected an entrance to the office of the machinery establishment of Edward Conrey, at Malvern. They drill | ed a hole into the safe, but three citi rents noticed a light in the office and started to investigate. Before The fol President entered the thieves had escaped. A row of frame dwellings along the Pennsylvania Raslroad on the outskirts of Pottstown, were burned. the fire being caused by the upsetting of » lighted lamp during a fight among the occy pants, The Krupp family of Lansdale are related to Herr Krupp, of Germany the famous gun manufacturer, now dead. Rev. John Krupp bought a far in 1828 tiree miles from Lansdale, ir New Britain Township, Bucks county, near the county line of Montgomery He was a Mennonite preacher and his grandson. Abraham Krupp, owns a portion of the same track. Why It is pure, It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. 1s used by Ns BP PON ti aris m swine pn riled 4s o rich OVerT. as a laxative, with physicians. rel A 314g oh 1 Fos ts 3.7 FOR GRADUATES. Han Up Against The Trust, “One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but without re- lief. We then tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and three and one-half } bottles cured her.’ — Emma Jane § Entsminger, Langsville. O. Avyer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly curesmany cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping - cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Three sizes: 25c., fic, $1. All dragyista Consult your doctor. If he ante take it, then do ss he says. If he tells you not to take it, then dont J. A knows. Leave Hh him, Weare ve ll wih SC AYER CO, Lowell, Mass. CANDY CATHARYIC ba RT ea A Lhe. S0w, Progriste Genaine stmag CCL Never sold Ia balk. Beware of the dealtr who tries to sell “gometaiar 1°t 4s good NL PENSION LAWS. Act of Jane 27, 19 pen. sons corisio survivorasn dl their wid swe of the fo. every good Uonirss iat Givier this scl. Act of duly L, 1s peasions cefin soldiers who had prise Cond erate Yor vio, Also Wao way oe chnrged with desertion. No pessoa Bo ies Advices tive Por inks and Ol asicaetions, sd Lress tae W. IL Wills Penson Agency, Wills Buds, 312 Indians Ava, Washingwon, . Mglon. Uapies Of Live Lawn sonal 106 » ceuia Loanigradustes in busigess Write for 0 i Hirmigeham 4 Never Heard of Her. To are the boat, men more effort than to make it eoates some to spend FIT Monocs FITS permanently cared. No fits or nsrvons. nessaltor rst day's uss of Dr, Kline's Grea! Nerve Restorer, $2irial bottle and treatiselres 931 Arch 8t,, Phila. Pa Made Him Understand. vesterday silsgta todd Youll Ie FOIE at Aaiy ral men would say they were.’ I haven't been absent frony illness for nearly a year.” You havent?” surprised y sir. It has he time.” “What has?” “Hincss of some sort But vou said that yesterday Yesterday | was absemt on account of illness, sir.” he old man thought the aver for a minule two, he said. “Yes, yes; I see. You're particular in your use of words.” “Yes, sir. Study to use them cor- The ol No, heen wit matter and then oF rather "OI course; and I'm a trifie careless. Now, please sce if this sentence is cor- rect: ‘Hereafter you will be absent "Yeon, sir.” : “Youn will also be absent on account of my displeasure,” “Ye-o8, sir.” “And because of my displeasure.” “"Ye-es, sir” “Quite right. I'm glad that 1 have stufficient command of language to make you understand me. The cashier will pay you your wages. Good-day.” RA SR A A At Saratoga, N. Y., the strike of the trolley employes of the Hudson Valley Railroad has been brought to a close, the company granting the demands of the strikers, me Cabmen in Berlin are on duly a little Because Its component parts are all wholesome, It acts after-cflects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. gently without unpleasant It contains the laxative principles of plant It contains the carminative principles of plants, which are It contains wholesome aromatic liquids agreeable and refreshing to the taste, — All are pure. All are delicately blended, All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. — — Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. ‘I'o get its beneficial effect: buy the genuine, Manufactured by AvtroryiA fig VRUP ¢ San Francisco, Cai. Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y. FOR SALE BY ALL LEA] G DRUGGIST A Gift Worth Giving JN TTA el] The best bal Mrs. Winsiow 's Soothing Syrup for ehiidran teething soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion allays pain cures wind colic. 25¢, ab Frery day gilts are the maeful gilts ’ heane shoud have 8 good Dictionary, This year vi) ted Ee mmne one 8 WEBSTER'’S International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. The One Great Standard Authority. The New Fhition hae 25,000 pow words. £360 pages i ts Sew pistes hironghoyt Let Us Send You FREE £ Test in Prongscistion Lf verdes plenssnt abd tractive sttartainmest Y« $1 Cant make the head of a y heads are pele ANY ¥ aan one yor Wha Txt Bry All ereameries use {ier not do as they do se JUNE TER COLOR themselves wings with both feet nes may lake unt hey also gel thers sdicine we ever Used r all affections of throat and lungs. Wx, ¢). Expsrex, Vanboren, Ind., Feb, 10, 1900 “ive Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. » 00 That rat ions, Sige T3103 £08 incbow Fost arigon in ganda. seoondelens in wise it MIBATED PANPELETS als0 Furs C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs, Springfie g Bae The man the one Who 208 WHO realizes Dig OWN PpOWEDr i» LC. & % his weaknesses 0 KNOW IS NOT A CURE-ALL, BUT IT curRes RHEUMATISM And all diseases aviving from impurities in the Mood It powitivelsy will not injure the digestive organs Catarrh, Kidney, Tivey and Stomavci: troubles disappear under the powerful blood purifging gualitics of this medicine TWO BOTTLES CURED, . Ravrign, K. C. curative propert If this will « JOU can use it, Institution for Bind tiemen:~] tak leasure in bearing testimony to {he FrEUMA nt 11 iin sdyertising your forious W.H. RAND. Steward N. 1 ro botlies cured pon oF td case eDoey ¥ 4 cpaid Baltimore, Nd., U, S. A. | Druggists, $1.00, « Xpressage § Bobbitt Chemical Co., i EEE CE TERE CN Portable Saw Mills with Pagloes and Bollers Complete. 5 Mal seven som, friction feed, cable patent ohain sel works and dogs. AJAX reved of engine and kee the bos saws outfit on earth A.B. Farquhar Co., Lid. a York, Pa. nter Crank « ENGINE. Had Done Her Part. For four years I had been || troubled with constipation, which brought on piles. | was induced to try Ripans Tabules. The results were better than 1 expected. a regulator of the bowels | believe Ripans arc without an equal, and 1 am ncver without them now. Al druggists. ite Five-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, 6! conta, containe a supply for a vear, ME out ol d 3 «1 yep 1 vhen there came a « She dropped uddled into the house, 1 COMIC After ' 3 igor wai willl we went to . OOOO URO0TOVGNNLORODN0Y ST. JACOBS j| EEE = Vaseline Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and SBaperior to Mastard eo» any other plaster. and will not blister the most { delicate skin. The pain allaying and curative | qualities of this article are wonderful. 11 wili | stop the toothache a1 once and relieve head sehe and selatica, I We recommend it as the beat and safest ex. | ternal counterdrritant known, also as an ex. ternal remedy for pains in the chest and stom. ach and all rheumatic neuraigic and gonty com plaints. A trial will prove what we ciaim for it, and ft will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say “It is the best of | all your rations.” Price 15 cents, at all & 14, or other deal: | ere, or hy sending this amonnt to ns in etampn eo will send you a tabe by mail No article should be accepted by the publie unless the same carries our label, a8 other ise 11 is not gentine CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO, 17 State Street, Now York City. POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS A A A SMR A SN i La si DROPSY I io com ene. Book of tediimonins and treatment Free. Be BON. GREEN'S Sona Dare treats Uw Wels: Thompson's Eye Water v 8 a