A REIGN OF TERROR|SUMMARY OF THE LATEST NEWS Domectic. Morgan is said to have that President ading and the Jersey NATIONAL CAPITAL AFFAIRS, Ridiculous Farm- “Area Statistics. Bureau is keenly alive to the harge: curacy ot fats il re hd IN COAL HEARING | 5000 MAY BE DEAD. ils of Volcanic Disturbance in Guster mala. TRAIN ROBBERS BIG Loor| Rock Island Fast Express Successfully | Fhe Cen i nportance of Held Up. ; | The Operators and Miners Will Try in} Make Agreement. Many Kilied and Wounded in Front of Palace at Havana, 1erpont decided (ico Erion: F. ti the Re ¥ LIVES AND PROPERTY Police Captain Maso Officers Were Wounded and Two Strikers Were Killed During a Demonstration in Front of th: Palace—In Policemen and Several Strikers Wounded. IN DANGER. Havana conflicts men on and 8:2 Five ant of a strike juries wornded eral I rouble ng whose street were and the walk int the British eral car tormen The cars until tendent S100 f ling to the officers pre tect suspend had ask Govern The retary had during pressed given force these to cope The point mg tal itself, Mase and puncture the tIC8 « ratlwa VET meas iting afterno none tha the to President No bread the day an will 3 The trou veterar HOTEL WRECKED BY DYNAMITE. Owner's Sons Work ed Daring the Strike and Miners Suspecied. Shenane most cd that has the % since red fected + 1 A Wreck. "1 niran We £ 1 incon dynamite plac NEINnK bar members of his fan ily, who were sleeping on the third floo were thrown from their beds by the shock, but escaped without serious in jury. ‘The front part of the house, from the second story was blown ACTOSS The two adjomning the street. buildings were wrecked, and the house in the square through a with a ‘use atta ed the end of the fos (or Portland and the down, also windows in every were shattered, Portland's two sons were employed at the mines during the strike and the ex- plosion is supposed to have been the work of union miners, Girl Shor Man Killed. Nichols, S. {Special).~-A serious shooting tr “ocentred here about 5 | p. m., resulting in the almost instant them is not known, Miss Burns kays that Sarvis fired both shots, shooting her first, then turning the revolver on himself. Sarvis s about 22 years old and was a Sident of telegraphy here. His home 1s near Loris, Horry county. ’ hall sicceed Alfred high Valley, nee i 1¢ COal of the 1 cCia { the Superior FIC ave ued the H unt S 100,000,000 aid hrous adeor Delta ~ . 1 Y ork Breas Phi fn New I riots prred in the Ural districts of Russia, Fhe police of Paris are still trying to solve the mystery of the tragic death of Mrs, Ellen Gore, the young Ameri- can artist, who, It NOW appears, was separated from ker husband, a man who made a large fortune mn land spec Mexico City. Financial, are Irie d to have ox Fee { and the mints may be sct to work coin- {ing it “Buy Pennsylvania Steel preferred as an investment,” says a man who knows the company like a book. A syndicate 1s offering a portion of the New York Central's 3 1-2 per cent. refunding bonds at 104 1-2 and inter- est, Outside of England there has been a great deal of selling of American stocks during the past two weeks in Europe pao CARS ARE DAMAGED BY EXPLOSION, the Usual Method Through Safe is Then Dynamilted and Its Valuable Contents Appropriated. GREAT DOCK FIRE. Railroad Vaud a Million Dollars Destroyed. Wisconsin Ceniral Property at Over Hal, A Mule for 8 Bride 5 cring mn i WwKiay wound m the hand, When admitted already firmly set, mily possible that his be eased during the rem He grew worse for a time and all the signs of the disease were present and practically all hope was abandoned. He given the tartar cmetic treatment ETS ARO hospital lus jaws and it stifferings vinder of his life Were and now he 18 well on the Co-Education to Cease. Chicaro. (Special) ~~ Segregation is to be started at the University of Chicago after the Christmas vacation. The ap- plication of the idea i= to be gradual. In each of the junior college courses, for which 30 or more students register, the class will divided on the basis of sex. Thirty is the limit set by the uni- versity authorities for the number of students in any clase. Eventually the segregated classes will be conducted in different buildines, port made by a ny iat mittee of Mr. Hart ng the Nat al Board ot | Mommesen, the mn of agriculture rade divisie of the pre m The Lile-Saving Service. imit Uniformity of Rates. ¢ (ilob:-Clrcling Naval Bases Getting Chalera Under Contral. fre if 1 0 recent visit aid n ha fefeat f Repres r re-election Anpropriations Cut Millions. of appropriations ky 6 wri the necal j Ow 20 ACK Na & i de ¢ oo. will 11.42 nates for $20.04 GUN I year and : connparet] 903. 70035 as appropriated for the Items of Interest. arney General Knox made public line ng lay the across the Pacific, Superintendent retary Moody's attention to the fact appropriation. Ex