ROOM FOR ALL GRADUATES Nature Adjusts Matters and Always Preserves an Eguilibriom, of the country harvest a crop of grad- of the land write essays for publica- tion on enter the law, medicine and other callings that are open to the newcom- ers. If the wise men are to be be- lieved, it would seem that all the oe- cupations were filled and young man bad arrived too late. Fortunately for the tenderfoot, the wise men have always been wrong. No philosopher has ever presented a logical argument that did Trev bam arrived, and that new crop has ‘even- tually become the stay of the race. continue, themselves. It is no argument that lawyers have thelr signs staring you from every hallway half the streets within several blocks of every courthouse in the country, vest that includes n on new lot of law- Nature takes equilibrium, medical schools do not find saw, of them turn to sawing wood. The boy who has gone through college with the intention of becoming president of the United States finds n satisfactory job as master of ceremo- nies in a coalyard. the new care to preserve some usual. It is unnecessary to become alarmed about the surplus man. If he is in law, medicine, theology, horse trading, ped- dling milk or anything else, he some way without any upheaval In so ciety. The surplus man only until he gets his first job, After that he is one of the establishment.— Pittsburg Times. is “SCIENCE SIFTINGS. “acing, Venditioni Exponas, ote, , issued ont of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, | Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to miblic sale at the Court House, in the Borough of jellefonte, Pa, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1902, | at one o'clock, p. m.. the following described re. | al estate, to wit: All that certain messuage tenement and tract of i land situate in the Township of Spring, County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and | described as follows: Beginning at a post, on the west side of Logan's Branch near where the end of the Mountain road crosses the same | thence south 53 degrees west 66 perches to a pined thence by lands late of Matthew Adams now of Miller north 41 1.2 degrees, west 51 1-2 perches to | a post, thence north 52 degrees east 60 perches to the shore of the upper Forge Dam, thence by the several courses thereof to the place of beginning, containing W acres and allowance, be the same | more or less, it being part of the Hugh Turner | survey, commonly known as the Forge Tract of Valentine and Thomas. Seized, taken in execution, and to be | the property of Robert Valentine, ALSO All that certain messuage tenement, lot and | piece of ground situate in the Township of spring. in the County of Centre, and State of {| Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows to wit.—Beginning at a stone corner, thence along land of Dennis Donahue or Mis Alice Kane North 27 degrees west 46 perches to stone, | thence along land of Curtins south 353 degrees | west 82 perches to stones and corner; thence along land of same south 50 degrees cast 38 perches to | stones and corner, thence along land of the same | north 31 degrees, east 11 6-10 perches to the place i of beginning, containing five acres and thirty- four Jetchen It being the same tract of land {| ‘which John Curtin and wife and others conveyed { to Michael Dougherty party hereto by Deed dated | the 10th day of July 1884, Thereon erected a ¢ house, sta and other outbuildings sel , taken in execution, and to sold as the property of Michael Dough rity. ALSO that certain messuage and lot of situate | Benner Township, Centre nty and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and «das follows to wit: —On the north by D. Bhugert, on the east by land of J. D., t, on the south by public road, and on the west by land of Sarah BE. Schrefller, containing | two acres more or less. Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable and other out. i buildings. Selzed. taken In execution, and to the property of James W. Houser ALSO All that certain tract or ple { Gregg Township, Centre Cou i bounded gi sold us be tenement desoritx be sold as ¢ of land kituate in ¥, Peunsylvanis, ws to wit He 1d of Daniel Bart 6 wrehes to William Krise north stone itn perches to ills Weaver Mperches toa s by Wilshn Beck and described as | ng at a stake, thence ba 142 degrees west { ay land of hes to A stone } degrees cast degrees east wae hos to Weaver thence pert a= distance of 350,000 miles from its sur- face. In dry air sound travels 1.442 per second, in water 4,900 feet and in fron 17,500 feet. The amplitude of vibration of the diaphragm of the teleplione receiver in reproducing about the one twenty-millionth of inch. speech is Fresh air conta of carbonic acid in 10,000, respired air about 441 parts, and about five parts ty, Pennsyl Hows viz tout, thence south wrehes 10 & post, thence by of Henry Koftsker (now George } north 64 by land degrees east Oe “olose.™ Holophane glass is pressed resembling cut glass, vertical prisms on the inside for diffusing the Hight and horizontal prisms on the out- side for directing the light. The following are found to | densities of the planets, water being Mercury, 3: Venus, 5.14; moon, 3.34; Mars, 4; Jupi turn, 0.08: Uranus, 1.69; N The star Arcturus, the b lestial as a This diometer, a ghow the amount of fromm a man's face at tance. ving 1 earth, ives us ndle si ascertain bodies, miles away standard ca fact was the ra n instrument Hy gue IVE ent given 2.000 feet dis He Was “In the Soup.” “Mon aml” sald the Marquis Croisic the other day. “the botel Keep- er's life Is an unhappy ons not look to the least little detail, whole thing goes Ah, yes, on the blink “Here is example of what | When 1 had the Logrerot. there once a dinncre there at which Chauncey Depew was a guest, 1 told the chef to put in the menu some dish in houor of was before it went to the printer “What do you think that Imbecile of a chef had done? There” And the marquis produced an old menu eard on which amoung the “soupes” appeared the following: “Puree de marrons a la Depew.” Gently Sarcastie. The following church notice was re cently exhibited: “The service on Bun- day morning is at 11 a. m. The suppo- sition that It Is ten minutes later is a mistake. Young men are not excluded from the week night service. The seats in the frout portion of the church have been earefully examined. They are give way. It is quite legitimate to join in the singing. The object of the choir is to encourage. not discourage, the congregation” London Answers. Giving Her Light to Die, A small farmer in Aberdeenshire, having a wife that had been long all ing and confined to bed, was of so nig- gardly a disposition that he grudged the poor woman so much as a light. She in a pet one night exclaimed, "Oh, fsna this an unco’ thing that a puir body ‘Il nae get light to see to dee” The husband rises up and lights a cans dle and, placing it at the bed foot, says to his wife, "There, dee hoo!" Beottish American, A Deep Look, Yes,” sald the lawyer; “there are many things to be investigated in this case. 'The first thing to be looked in. to" — “Is my pocketbook,” assented the cli ent, with perfect assurance.—Judge. The Hungry Sea. / “Why do they speak of it as a hun- gry sea?’ “It takes the dinner right out of al person's mouth,”~Town and Country. —— A SA Ao Write Grant Hoover for prices on nsurance. 000 @ TERMS tre hase mon s pial in full CYRUS BRUNGART, Sherif? SS HERIFFS SALE. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1902, | at one o'clock, p.m. i reml estate, to wit All that certain messuage, tenement and tract or pleces of land situate in Miles Townahip Cen | tre County, Penmsylvania, the one thereof bound | ed and described as follows to wit Beginning at | & stone in the public road, thence slong land of H. R. Feidier south 25 1-2 degrees east 218 perches | to a white oak, thence by same south 312 de revs east 69 1-2 perches to stones, thence along { land of Musser and Gephart north 77 degrees east { 69 7-10 perches to stones, thenbe north 3142 de grees west 8M perches to stones, thence north 28 degrees west AR 6-10 perches to stones in said {| road, thence south in sald road 7134 degrees $10 perches to tho place of beginning ng one hundred and thirty-one acres and i ¥ three perches not mensure excepting and reserving ten acres of timber land out of the | aforesaid tract at the south-east corner. There: | on erected a twostory dwelling house bank barn { and other outbuildings. ALSO the following described And the other thereof being lot No. 100 in the | town of Madisonburg, as marked on the gener! | draft of said town, bounded on the north by Jot | No. 99 on the east by an alley, on the south by lot { No. 101 and on the west by Main or Public Street being four rods and seven feet in width along said Main Strectand eleven rods in length or | depth, containing forty-eight and one-half per. ches net. Thereon erected a twostory frame | dwelling house, stable and other cutbuildings. ALBO All that certain lot of ground situate in Madi { sonburg, Miles township, Centre County, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit i Om the north by an alley, on the east by an alley, on south by land of Reuben Grimm, and on the west by Main Street or public road, Seized, taken in execution and to be sed as the property of Reuben Grimm, TERMS-No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money be paid in fall, CYRUS BRUNGART, Sherift, A Farmer or His Son or a townsman will be hired by us at 880 MONTH- LY and expenses, or 30 per cent. commision to take orders for our Farm Fruita and Flowers. We sell four grades of fruits, so an competition can be met. Our stock warranted. You do not deliver or collect. Can devote all or part time. We pay you each week. Good chante to earn money this winter, Write for tree outfil at once, Perry Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. “ Last winter an iofant ohild of mine bad oroup ina violent form,” says Elder John W. Rogers, a Chris- tinn Evangelist, of Filley, Mo. “1 gave her a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the child recover. ed.” This remedy not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the symptoms appear, will prevent the at- tack. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For mle by J. F. Smith, H. F. Ross msn and J, B, Fisher's Sous, IO8, BMITH The DR. LVE for pli ki ol ms — oy ‘mail pa. B conta Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set- tling indicates an unhealthy condi- tion of the kid- neys; if it stains your linen fit is evidence of kid- ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also sonvincing proof that the kidneys and blad- der are out of order, ‘What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part bf the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra- ordinary effect of Swamp«Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won- derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. ‘ You may have a sample bottle ‘of this wonderful _ discovery x and a book that more about it, both sent [8 absolutely free by mail. ; Address Dr. Kilmer & some of Swamp Root. Co., Binghamton, N.Y. When writing men- tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Spring Mills, Pa. P. V. S. STORE. Bargains = - While our Bargain Counter has been well patonized, we still have some left that must go to make room for the large Stock coming in. Come while sizes are full. Goods exchanged for Produce. C. A. KRAPE. P0000P000000000060000000000000000069 GOODS We are now ready with our new Fall and Winter Goods, and would kindly ask you to come and examine our new stock. Latest styles in... Dress Goods Flannels Outings, Etc. A nice line of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Kid and Woolen Gloves and Mit- tens. A new assortment of Caps, Woolen Work- Shirts, and many oth- er things worth looking at UNDERWEAR to suit all. A very fine assortment. H. F. ROSST1AN, Spring Mills. Acetylene Gas - - - cheaper than Coal Oil by using the ...... Acetylene Generator. For further infor- mation and refer- ence address— J. 8S. ROWE, Centre Hall. RIGNTR MANFG Co., Warren, Pa. or a ei Allow me to a few words in raise of Chamberlain's Cougn Reme- y. I hada very severe cough and cold and I would get pueu Monin, but jaking. the second dose of this medicine t better, three bottles of it cured my cold and the os in my chest disappeared entire y. Iam most res fully Yours for health, RALri 8. MEYERS, 64-Thirty- seventh St, Witelin w: a. For sale . . HBmi + * . and J. B. Fisher's Bons, In each pound package of Lion Coffee from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing and instructive—sg0 different kinds, Get Lion Coffee and a Free (lame at Your Grocers. Administration on the estate Cain, Iste of Gregg township, haviug been duly granted of deceased immediate payment, and those having claims | against the same to present them duly anthentd cated for settiement. WM. M. GROVE. Cantre Hill, CAROLINE CAIN, MRS, i spring Mills, Pa. | Administrators. = late of ar TTERB TESTA- susan Coldren having been he would re ¥ persons Knowing them ¢estale to make mn ediate payment, and those having claims sgainst the fame Lo present them daly authenticated for set tiement, WM. PEALER, 2n0v Executor, Bpring Mills, Pa ECUTOR'E NOTICH mentary on the estals Greg township, decessed ted (othe und request LE of signed, BEARD LOT £1 fiers al sad station dw well | und is admirably located h } . t ilshed carding howe, belong trea: of walter sod hus rd and tressel and an established Good water and fruit For further parti oti the pretnises rome HN BMITH lamar, Pa jiars at Spring Mills, Pa. New Stock . . . .. I will be pleased to have a eall from all persone wisning to purchase goods in my ine. .......... DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, and at prices that will surprise you. | ARBLE wo ORANITE VIONUMENTS. - H. G. STROHTIEIER, CENTRE HALL, . PENN. Manufacturer of and Dealer In HIGH GRADE... MONUMENTAL WORK in all kinds of Marble ano - - . * a N. CARPETS. b THE ONLY Perfect Writing Machine made, . . . . The writing is in Plain View of the Operator all the time. Simplest and strongest construction, rapid ac- tion, easy touch, and adapted to all kinds of work. Universal keyboard. e Removable type action. Instantly cleaned he Mac 10 parties refer 8 80ld on casy payments who n furnish po 4 Riad gi 208 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Granite, Pw al ween mom, Making up a Stock of Fu small task, but I have suc my store as a destributing ] is no The popularity of center of- 3 Furniture never diminish 2 . p eka mi I'he satisfac CS. puslisstes. I am anxious rade, I don’t disguise the ing to make an extra effort to secure your Furniture fact at all, and 1 am will to have you pleased. you money. MILLHEIM, PA. COMMERCIAL and BELL TELEPHONES S. M. CAMPBELL. The Lamp of Toet got it and slays good ; Steady Nabits he lamp that you never will ; s be New Rochester. they may ba, in some bess, there's only one, Eh on it § every lamp hao it. ( Olid Lamps Wo can fill every lamp wn 48, but for all around good. 5 ake 1 ' ook for Lhe name 20 Variction) Mado Now. nt. Nomaiter whether you or refine ' od into a New Roches tor, wo can do Ji. Let nag IJ OTICE TO SATISFY MORTGAGE ~ DAVID BARR and REED BARR tw LEWIS SWINEHART. To Lewis Swinehart or His Legal Rep resentatives i— In the Court of Com. mon Please of Cen tre County No. 86, Nov. T., 1902. certain 4 Cen , Pu, in m “ph, I pi odio) Ds at November court, 19052, answer tho tion and show ones why said not be satisfied of record. CYRUS BRUNGARY, Sheriff. Bellefonte, Pa, Oct. 18, 1902, nu. a H. T. Melotyre, St. Paul, Min 1 IJ oTICE TO SATISFY MORTGAGE. ~ DAVID BARR : and REED BARR to | LEWIS SWINEHART | To Lewis Swinehart or His Legal Rep- resent afives owe Notioe is hereby gives that au application has oer made to the Court of Owamon of Cen ~ tre county, under Act of Assembly in such oase | to show caine why you sbould not satisfy s certain | mortgage iu the sum of $750.00 in Seuted oounty, Pe, In mortgage book “1 oJ Re 424, to appear al November court, 1901 and answer Ee as ng} Wh mortgage Cebould ped ve all p ly i CYRUS BRUNGART, Sharif, Bellefonte, Pa, Oct. 13, 1002, in the Court of Com mon Pleas of Oen- tre County i 1 i § No. 85, Nov. T., 190. ed stomach, says, “Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do me F. Rossman and J. B, Fisher's Boos.