The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 14, 1902, Image 8

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Are Here ....
Every kind of Boot and Shoe
for everybody-—men, women,
children and the babies, and for
every business, every dress and
every sport and pastime use,
Whether you walk or ride play
golfjor ball whether you fish or
hunt, dance or go a-bicyeling, or
whether you like to be dressed
up and keep so, we have Shoes
for all these uses and for all
these purposes.
Our Boots and Shoes are the
very best, and our prices the very
Agent for W. L. Douglas’ $3 00
and $350 Shoe for Men, and
Queen Quality the famous $3 00
Bhoe for Women.
If you want correct Footwear,
come to headquarters for it,
Mingle’s sion
6000660000009 0000000002¢
C000C00000000000600000000060000000000000087 ssgpezcoOs 0000
Evangelical—Lemont, morning ; 1 inden Hall
afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening
Preshyterian—Centre Hall 10308. m
Mills, 2:0 p. m. ; Spring Mills, 730 p
Luthera: —~Tussey ville, morning ; Spring Mills
afiercoon ; Centre Hall, evening
p. m : Centre Hall 7:20 p.
a —." a —
Is, 1¥350a. m
Rpring Mil
Potatoes Blighted,
Potato vines are badly blighted, and
every indication poiots toa repetition
of the experience had last fall as to ro’,
Tuter-Garner Nuptials,
John 8. Tuter, professor of mathe-
matics at State College, and Miss Mary
Garper, stenographer at the Experi
ment Station of the
were married Thursday of last week st
State College,
the home of the bri les parents, the
Rev. H. B. Garner officiating.
lf on ssa
84 000 for a Farm.
W. B. Duck sold his farm
000. The farm is located about three
miles west of Spring Mills at the foot
of Egg Hill. Included in this tract
are sixty or seventy acres of the
choicest timber land in Centre county.
i a——————
York Gets African Trade,
The return of peace to South Afries
has been of great importance to the in-
of York, Pennsylvania
Agricultural Works, baving just re
an order for 18,000 S-horse
plows. These plows are made for the
South African markets alone.
The Hallock Company, of Yoi Kk, bas
also shipped several cars of weeders (0
dustries the
Cape Colony.
enema sa alsa
Newspaper News
The Philadelphia Public Ledger and
Philadelphia Times have been com-
bined and will hereafter be published
from the office of the Philadelphia
Ledger. The price of the paper is one
cent: Sunday edition two cents.
The price of the Philadelphia Press
has also been reduced from two cents
to one cent per copy.
Mrs, Mary Steele Dead,
Mary, wife of Newton Steele, died
very suddenly Friday evening of last
week, at her home bear Boilivg
Springs, thiscounty. She was sitting
on the porch talking with her hus-
band when she suddenly fell from her
chair dead, the cause of her death be-
ing heart disease. She was aged forty-
nine years. Surviving her are her
husband, three sisters and a brother,
Mrs. Lottie Morse, Philipsburg, Mon-
taps; Mrs. Naucy White, Milesburg;
Mrs. A. B. Bteele, Bellefonte, and
Zach. , Tyrone.
Carson- Wilkinson
Frank A. Carson and Miss Kathryn
Wilkinson, both of Potters Mille, were
married this, Thursday, morning, at
6:45 o'clock, at the Presbyterian Manse
fn Centre Hall, by Dr. W, H. Behuy-
ler. Mr. and Mra. Carson then took
the morning train east for Philadel.
phia and Atlantic City, where they
will remaiu for a short time,
Both bride and groom are prominent
in their home town, the groom being
the leading meichant, and the bride
one of the most popular apd aceom-
plished young ladies. Congratula-
tions. .
The attention of school directors is
called to the overzealous school book
agents and publishing companies, who
evidently are beginning 1o believe thet
all school directors are vulnerable, and
have engaged lobbyists who are well
earning the priee they are to receive
Hehool boards should ignore enmpa-
nies who resort to unfair means to in.
stall their text Looks, Agents who
studiedly misrepresent facts, distort
sentences and act the part of a garbler
in reviewing a competitor's production
are unsafe persons to deal with. All
authors invite eriticism, but no work
1s so perfect that it will bear misrepre-
sentation, distortion, garbling.
Realized 8230 nt Festival,
The annual festival held by the
The sum realized
Fifteen hundred people are
said to have been in attendance.
iis fo
Bought a Farm,
Peter Bmith, of Centre Hill, pur-
It is located in Pore
Clinton county, near
$4807.00 was the price paid, that sum
being $7 00 more than the sppraised
vemm———— ————
Correspondence Course In Aig: bra,
A very helpful and desirable course
in Algebra is offered to teachers and
those preparing to teach. The course
aims to give the teacher work in ad-
vance of the school work and help
him t> feel at home in presenting his
own lessons. Work to begin Monday,
September Sth, 1902. For particulars
address, J. D. HUNTHR,
State College.
sr om ee —
Coulerees Meet
The Democratic Congressional Con-
for the district comprisiog
Clearfield, McKean and
‘ameron counties will meet at DuBois
on Friday, the 15th ipstant, to nomi.
uate a candidate for Congress. The
couferees from this county are Messrs.
Pat. J. McDonald, of Unionville, John
fodd, of Philipsburg, avd W. Harri
son Walker, of Bellefonte,
ain —— —
Fire at Deliefonte,
The building in which Joseph
Cender’s bakery was located wus de
strosed by fire Tuesday morning.
[he fire originated from an overheated
The loss to
Ceader is about $1500, partly covered
by insursnce, and the loss to J. H.
Sands, owner of the buildiog is the
sae, fully covered by insurance.
ER ———
Kind Words,
Mrs. 8B. E. Keller, of Kansas City,
Mo., I enclose you here
with check for $1.00 in payment of one
year's to the Reporter
t comes regularly every week, and it
writes: *
very welcome visitor to
home, as it contains
was raised, and
woman-hood. In fact
A fp
Balldiogs Assuming Proportions,
Be noer
aud the dwelling house of Dr. George
Lee are assumiog proportions. The
former building operations are being
superintended by John F. Hagen,
and the latter
The store house of George O
of Farmers Mills,
mechanics, and are not doingaoything
to lessen their record while engaged in
Centre Hall.
cs A—— MA A —
diy morning.
Miss of Mill
heim, is the guest of Miss Grace Lee,
Catharine Weaver,
Mrs. D. J. Meyer today ( Thursday )
will go to Millersburg where her son
Charles H. Meyer lives,
Rev. J. Youtzy, D. D. of Belinsgrove,
is expected to preach in the Lutheran
churzh Bunday evening.
Milten Kline, one of the young snd
progressive farmers above the Old
Fort, was a caller the other day.
Miss Kate Dale, of Lemont, came to
Centre Hall Wednesday to spend a few
days with Miss Emilie Alexander.
Lloyd Brown, of Linden Hall, made
his annual eall at this office last week,
Mr. Brown reports crops as very fair,
Rev. Those. F. Land, of Millersville,
will fill the pulpit of the Reformed
church in this place, Bunday evening.
Miss Elizabeth Schuyler, of Lans-
downe, is expected to visit her broth-
er, De. W. H. Bchuyler, on Saturday.
Adam Bartges has been elected pres
jdent of the Millheim Banking Com-
pany. The former president, Jobn
Stoner, resigned,
The Y. P. 8. C. of the Reformed
church of this place, will hold a festi-
val on the church lawn on Baturday
evening, August 16. Every body to
Miss M. Eloise Schuyler will return
from Binghamton, N. Y., to her home
in Centre Hall Saturday. Miss Behuy-
Jer will teach at Long Island, N. Y,,
beginning her work on the first of
Rev. W. H. Groh, of Carlisle, is here
for the Reformed reunion, having come
yesterday, and is being entertained by
Mrs J. C. Dale. Rev. Groh was pas-
tor of the Centre Hall and Boalsburg
charge for many years, and no ope
will be welcomed more heartily by
members of his church and others
than he,
Nosh B. Frank, of Gordon, Bchuyl-
kill county, made his sppearance in
Centre Hall, and while here found his
old friend D. J. Meyer, whom he had
pot seen for thirty-one years. He
hails from Rebersburg, and is a brother
of Constable Philip Frank, of Centre
Hill. Mr. Frank has the unique repu-
tation of having taught school for
thirty-one years at Gordon, having
taught his initial terms at Plum
+ 3»
G rove, east of Centre Hall,
Meeting in Court House Tonight to Discus
At a meeting of the senatorial cone
ferees of the Clesifield-Centre-Clinton
senatorial district in Bellefonte this
( Thursday ) morning, Hon, W, OC,
Heinle was renominated without op-
position. The record made by Senator
Heinle in the State Fenate during the |
past two years was the only price paid
for this recognition. When candi-|
dates are nomivated for public office |
solely because of special fitness and
previous record, the should |
give their united support.
A public meeting will be held in
the Court House this ( Thursday )
evening, at which prominent speakers
from various sections of this senatori-
al district will speak.
— oe Tn
Will be in Town Friday,
Photographer Bmith will be ip Cen-
tre Hall Friday. his studi
if you want first-class work at a rea.
sonable figure.
(ome to
—— —
Timothy Secd
Foreman and Bmith have on hand s
choice lot of timothy
seed, guaranteed
to be clean. reasonable, Call
to see the seed before purchasing.
Wo Ay ly
85.000 Fire at Flemington.
The large warehouse and phosphats
Frogrim for Boston ss Men's Pies le, Hecln
Fark, Thursday, Avgust 21st,
+50 A. M., Tub Races, Ete.
100 Noon, Add ress,
180 I’. M., Band Coucert of
al Aire,
all Game
Lock Haven,
, Rui ning Races-
£50.00, divided 50, 50 and
20 per cent,
two-thirds mile beats,
Horses from Centre snd
Clinton only
2:00 P. M., Renovo ve,
4:00 P. M
eligible for
Wednesday, August
to Mr. J. CC. Meyer,
Feeretary, Bellefonte,
Cake Walk on Daucing
Pavillon by the
brated Richmond,
3:00 P.M. Fire Works by the Roch:
ester Fire Works Co,
Rochester, N. Y.
7:00 P.M
The soldiers and the Strike.
ge De trad
leaders of the miners
that th
If what
strike alls ey unre op
pored to intimidation and law-break
there 8 no desire upon thie
(nn miners to return to Work excep!
(i. Watson
Flemington, were totally destroyed by
The ori
There is
house of Fredericks, at
fire early Tuesday morning.
gin of the fire is a mystery.
a strong supposition that the building
was set on fire, The loss is estimated
at $5,000.
No insurance.
- Ld -
Corner Stone Lajing.
The corner stone for the new churel
for St. Mark's
congregation of Spring
Evangelic al
Init on Sunday at 2:30 Hev
Youtzy, D. D., of Beliusgrove,
the Eve
welcome to attend these se
J. M,
preach serinon. rybody
IY i0es
teduced Hates to Willams Lirove,
For the Twenty-ninth An
State Grange Picnie Exhibition,
held at Willis’
Compauy ell
from August 25 to 3, in
return on date of
one fare for the roun
- ——
Baliding Hace Ce
There was great stir snd
Grange Park
ond section of the rece course
on that ground was being coustruet
It was a beautiful day, and
ine, road scraper, horses and Wagons,
¥ ’
work pro- |
gressed undisturbed raction en
picks, bars and shovels were br
completed the park will have
did speed way. = 2?
wo“ . ’ . s
a— ——
into use to perform the w ben |
a i
At Huntingdon Helormatory
Centre county has four instr ie |
in the Huntingdon
Prof. W. A. Brown, formerly of Farm- |
ers Mills, isthe
C. C. Bell, formerly of Asronsburg, |
teaches the boys how to lay brick: |
Charles J. Taylor, of Bellefonte, in-|
structs io plumbiog, including charg- |
ing for the same; J. Frank Adams, of |
instructor in music;
prepare paint,
This indicates that Centre County |
pot only bLas good mechanics and |
ents have the power to impart them, |
Marriage Licenses
Joseph C. Hassinger, Kishacoguillss, |
Sarah J. Gormen, Coburn.
Korman Yearick, Nittany.
Sarah B. Whitman, Nittaoy.
John A. Witmer, Bellefonte,
Elizabeth M. Garman, Fillmore,
Maurice CC. Bower, Feidler,
Katie May Veoada, Feidler.
Boyd N. Harter, Miltheim. :
Alma A. Bierly, Madisouburg.
Benj. F. Clewell, Wilkesbarre, i
Dorcas M. Sharer, Hannah.
Wm. F. C. Lucas, Milesburg.
Essie 1. Daugherbaugh, Howard.
Irvin Bhnars, Philipsburg,
Nellie Fahuer, Philipsburg.
a—— A A ————
Centre fall Hotel Register,
E. BH. Willlams, W. A. Baumgardoer, Boalsburg:
El Sellers, Oak Hall ; John Hicks, Akron; A 8,
Winkelhleck, Jacob Winkeibleck, J. C. Morris,
J Mover, Rebenburg: H C. Brouson, Chicago,
IH. W, Glass, E. P. McUlasky, Sunbury; A. M
Allison, Bpriog Mills; H. H. Glase, Bridgeton, N,
J: C. A. Kerstetter, Miss Lavine Gonsolas, A, F.
Relsh, Misa Maud M. Morris, A. 8B. Laubach, Mis
Mary Goodman, Loganton; Chas. J. Gutelius,
Mm. CC H Guelios, Miffiinburg; Chess EF
Thompson, Phila; J. H. Reger, Burham; W, 0.
Daugherty, State College: N. T. Yooum, I. L.
Fisher Heading: C. 8 Price, Williamsport; Fao.
kuji Nishida, Japan; Wi. Rubl, Spring Mille; W,
B Chamberlin, Milton; W. A Basyder, Salons:
J. i. Mouser, Philipsburg: J. A. Williams, Port
Matilda: W. I. Burne, Pittsburg; C.G Cleaver,
Lock Haven; F. H. Cotsert, Danville; G. M King,
York; J. 8. Kamp, Watsontown; F.C, Cox, Maze,
Pa; J. A. Mack, Tyrone; B. W. Yoder, J. W. Rouk-
le, Middleburg: IL. C. Runkle Willlamsport;
Frank Zimwe mar, Shamokin; A. H. Fury,
Geo. W. Glace, Centre Hall: Jewe F, Osman,
Altoona: H. FF. MeMsnaway, Millbelm; Harry
Smith Millhelm; J. C. Morris, Rebershurg; Jos, 1,
Winters, New Berlin: H. EK. Colonponse, Phila;
W. KE. Seliews, Bangor, Pa; John Ebaflner, Pine
Grove: A. W, Houser, Davis, W, Va; A. H. Kin:
sely, Miss Leona Wetzel, Shamokin; M, C, Eberly,
Reading; W. A. Snyder, Salona; Geo, Bpaid and
davghiter, Reavertown; 5. M, Vagor, C. E Graves,
Phiia.; Prank C, Waters, Danville; H. Uhl, Axe
Mann: G. F. Roush, Harrisburg,
sins A Qo,
Dorothy Dodd,
on the grant of the concessions they
sked for i
the region
be soldiers in miniog
assist lo the repression of G3
On the contrary, if
the operators be true
| the soldiers should be kept
fare until the sirike is over
tion of work ora
there should be
Bair foot, .
sutic City
BIODRE reinliy
ya, Miss In
of Bel
i vill
h Mus
: ”
Roxanna Brisbin,
inst ves
Ned r
wio RF 10
farm pear the Old
ceived a severe scalp wound by a horse
starting when Mr, Miller was aligh
jog from a buggy
The Intern
pany with an authorized capital of
ational Harvesler
harvesting machin
and agricultural implements of all
Live, §
n this place, bav-
extended visit in All
turn from an
Mrs. Mary Shoop, of Scranton, sr
ter. Mre. W. 8. Musser, who is suffer
tertained of her recovery.
The excessive wet weather is telling
growing in great clusters in the fruit
orchard of W. B. Mingle, E«., on
Hoffer street. The plums growing
ity, and almost come to perfection,
when before it can be realized, they
burst open and rot. Many bushels of
this fruit disappeared by the way of
Rev. Thos. 8. Land, of Millersville,
is being entertained by J. D. Marray.
Rev. Land was formerly pastor of the
Reformed church in this place, and
came up Wednesday in order to be
here a day in advance of the Reformed
reunion. When pastor of this charge
Rev. Land was exceedingly popular,
and since his departure has always
been held in the highest esteem by
his former parishioners and acquaint.
Miss Florida Duck, daughter of M,
B. Duck, of pear Bpring Mille, bas
been elected teacher of the Centre Hall
Grammar school, to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of James B.
Stroh, who wes nominated by the
Republican party for the Legislature.
Miss Duck is a graduate of the Lock
Haven State Normal, and bas had
considerable experience in the school
room, in both graded and ungraded
Dorothy Dodd,
Dorothy Dodd.
in our stock of diy-good,
s hardware line. Thisls
ire new stock to offer
soerisl 2 od things in
{1 Fan
I notions,
MOLE as i 3
Conse Kg nH Ww 8 3 Dara 4 R22 ( ier é ya
goods and st
whi opes
ins § ©f
This ware ia beantifo'ly
if you need dishes don’t falls
salicen per yd. 10¢
Wi uml, three dinner sels
{ :
& ‘ 1 st toy glagn
iow price for them,
, a
| BELOW 18
" A 0 SR SR
| A Special Cut
RY & CO.
| Progressive Clothiers,
20th . . .
Encampment and Exhibition
ofthe . . .
Patrons of Husbandry of cents
Grange Park, Centre Hall, Pa.
September 13 to 19, inclusive.
Encampment Opens September 1 3th.
Exhibition Opens Monday, Sept. 15th.
farmers. T
Ample ten
A larg
cereals, aad every p len.
The Pennsyivani la ze will mik2 a larg: display o
the College ani State Experiment Station
G80, GINGERICH Chairman.
3 rs ani fr
Nall 130 PATP Iss
{ the work of
Miss Isabel Miller, of Boalsburg, is
of Miss Nellie Kerlin.
| G. W. Bushman ani loss
are gOND
Isaiah Fleisher and wife, of Phils.
deiphia, are expected to visit Miss
“leisher this week,
Henry Eisenhuth, of High Valley,
| iw joyous over a stalk of oats with elev-
tems, the tallest of is
Kate F
which five
eh 8 Mis: Annie Haupt, of Pleasant Gap,
feet, four lost a plain black purse on the road be-
Miss Edith Herlacher, dsughter of tween Centre Hall and Centre Hill,
C. F. Herlacher, of Stormstown, was 1 be finder wiil kindly leave it at the
in town Friday of week. Miss Reporter office
Herlacher will teach school in Aarons-
burg next winter.
Oa account of the inclemency of the
weather on Sunday evening, the Un-
ion Evdeavor meeting was held in the
sudience room of the Reformed church.
Despite the weather a fairly good
crowd assembled and the meeting was
carried through with good for all.
Mrs. Mary A. Lonbarger takes this
method of returning thanks to her
friends and neighbors who so kindly
assisted ber during the illuess and
after the death of her husband, the
late Gi. Washington Lonbarger.
Benjamin Gable, an employe of the
Jenkins Iron aud Tool Company
i wR tate (sllewe ’ “3
Mrs. John Ww. Stuart, State College, | jr, ourd, was struck with the point of
Mrs, James Stuart, Boalsburg, Miss! jot 58 ine wire, with su h
Clara Keller, Boalsburg, Mrs. Sophia : : 2 °
. ) $ SOPRA | force as to pass through the calf of his
Keller Hall, are guests of Mrs. Lizzie joo Iq his effort to remove it, both
| leg. ove it,
{ Jacobs, Mrs, Hall is the wife of Rev, i bis bauds were severely burned. Later
| George UC. Hall, now located at Hobo | Lis leg was amputated !
| ken, New Jersey. Mrs. Hull was one |
of the school teachers in the old brown | Ample provision has been made to
school house in this place during the | #ecure meals at tle Business Men's
seventies. | picnic, Hecla Park, August 21. Here
| tofore considerable inconvenience and
delay was caused, and no little gramb-
ling on the part of those whose stom-
ache were gnawing for food, but it
may safely be said that there will be
no necessity for such an experience
pext Thursday. Harrison will be the
I ——————— ATA ———
For farLpg~A house and lot in Cen
Andrew Moyer, wife and children
| Saturday evening of last week had an |
{ experience that they will pot care to
repeat. At the time mentioned Mr.
Moyer and family were driviog a livery
rig across the mountain to attend the
great Pleasant Gap band festival, and
when Bilget’'s was reached one of the
shaft bolts came loose or broke, leav- |
jug the shaly drop on the horse's heels. | : :
The animal became frightened and | *® Hali, weil located, Buildings are
started to run at full speed and po | ReW 8nd compiets. A Very desimble
amount of pulling back by the driver home for any one. For farther partie.
was able to check her. The animal | UI8rs 8pply at this office. avglé-de
continued to fun until the toll gate Found-—A pair of gold spectacles, en-
was reached where, by the aid of sever closed in a leather case, were found on
al men, the animal was ran sgaiost the pike oneball mile south of the
the fence and quickly grasped by the Old Fort, From the markings the
bit. It was a frightful ride, and every glasses were evidently purchased at
minute the lives of the occupants of Milikelm, from jeweler Leitzell. En-
the buggy were in great danger but all quire at this office,
terminated well,
: n———— Lo ————
Dorothy Dodd.
Dorothy Dodd.
Dorothy Dodd.