The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 05, 1902, Image 8

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Are Here....
Every kind of Boot and Shoe
for everybody-—-men, women,
children and the babies, and for
every business, every dress and
every sport and pastime use,
Whether you walk or ride play
golf or ball, whether you fish or
hunt, dance cr go a-bieyeling, or
whether you like to be dressed
up and keep so, we have Bhoes
for all and for all
these purposes.
Our Boots aud Bhoes the
very best, and our prices the very
Agent for W, L. Douglas’ $3 00
and $350 Shoe for Men, and
Queen Quality the famous $3 00
Shoe for Women,
If you want correct Footwear,
come to headquarters for it.
Mingle’s sir
these uses
Reformed —Centre Hall, 7:30 p. m.; Union, 10a.
m.; Sprirg Mills 2:30 p. 1
Lutherar—3pring Mills, morning: Tussey ville,
afternoon; Centre Hall, Children's services in the
i) m
Saturday previou:,
Presbyterian —s a com-
munion, preparatory serviog
2:30 p. m ; Sprieg Mills, 230
& —————————————
Twins—boy and girl were born to
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Royer, Monday of
this week, T parents and graod-
father and grandmother Alexander
are exceedingly proud over the affair.
fn fa
Democratic Governor lu Oregon,
Oregon elected a Democratic govern-
or, George E. Chamberlain, to succeed
T. T. Geer, Republican. The Repub-
licans elected both houses of the Leg-
islature by 10,000.
Bin fon
Mifllin County for Quay
General John P. Taylor, the Repub-
lican delegate to the State convention,
has been instructed to vote for Penny-
packer. General Taylor was counted
with the Elk’'n faction until Tuesday.
Four Weddiogs,
June has become rather favored
month for weddings. During the re-
maining dayseof Juve four weddings
are booked to taks place among young
people well known to the readers of
the Reporter: W. Gross Mingle and
Miss A. Mabelle Boal; J. C. Bryson
and Miss Nell Woods; W. KR. Bray
and Miss Sara Moyer; Rev. Heary R
Kreider and Miss Elz beth Moyer,
Ee —
Sixteen Dulidiags Barned.
A conflagration which raged for two
hours Thursday of last week in the
town of Jersey Bbore destroyed 16
buildiogs in the busioess portion of the
town, and caused a loss of between
$25,000 and $30,000. The fire started
in the hay mow of Daniel Bowers’ liv-
ery barn, and quickly spread to adja-
cent property. A west wind was blow-
ing at the time and the flames spread
so quickly that 20 buildings were socn
on fire.
Double Wedding.
It is rumored, and not without foun-
dation, that a double wedding will
take place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph K. Moyer, at Captre
Mills, some time during the present
mouth. Misses Sara and Mary Eliza-
beth Moyer and Prof. Wm. R. Bray,
of Wilkesbarre, who holds a professor-
ship in a Bethlehem institution of
learning, and Rev. Henry R. Kreider,
of Pennsburg, Pa., a minister of the
Reformed ehureh, will be the contract-
ing parties,
Republican Uo, Convention,
The Republican county convention
met Monday to elect delegates to the
state convention, The delegates se-
lected were John P. Harrie, Beliefonte,
and George W. Hoover, Philipsburg,
Mr. Harris i» a Peunypucker man,
while Mr. Hoover ls supposed to be for
Elkin. There is no doubt about Mr,
Hoover's convictions, but General
Hastings has sich a clever, winning
way of supporting his political favor.
ites, that the Elkin followers will
naturally be un little shskv na to where
the Philipsburg politicien will fidally
Commenormenut nt State,
The commencgmenty at Hiate Col-
lege are usually uttended by a number
of persons from this section, but that
number should be largely Increased,
The lustitavion is one of the best lo
the land, and shold be visited at least
during commencement by such who
care to keep in touch with aflsirs in
their own community. Every intelli-
gent farmer and tradesman, men ino all
professions can profitably spend a day
or twoat State College. Those wh)
have never visited that jnstitutio,
and there are plenty of them in Penus
Valley, should do so next week, See
the program elsewhere in this issue,
But Seven Teachers App'y for Professions)
Certificates Males Lead in Number,
There were but seven applicants for
provisional certifieates who took the
examination Thursday of lust week ot
Centre Hull, The examination was
held for teachers in Centre Hall bor-
ough and Potter township,
The class was very small, consisting
of but seven—two females and five
males, namely: Misses Cora Love and
Jennie SBweetwood; Messrs, George
Smith, Harry Darkbolder, John
Spangler, Clayton Johnston, Blaine
The examination was not considered
difficult. The examinations in Civil
Government and Algebra were quite
easy, and in the former instance were
such points as every school teacher
should know.
A pnt
Dress Goods and Trimmings.
Meycr & Musser have just received
a uew live of the latest patterns of
summer dress goods with trimmings
to match.
The Heporter's Balletin,
The proceedings of the Democratic
convention were bulletined at the Re-
porter office. Every ballot taken was
displayed within a very few minutes
after the sae was snnounced in the
court house, This is the first time the
is a pleasure to know that its
wus appreciated,
mates fat —
Horse Hung Itself,
A three-year-old colt, the property
of Joshua T.
the halter chain one night this week
Cummings Bros. hay baler came to
Mr. Potter's burn ou that night, aud it
is supposed that the engine frightened
the animal avd in some manner the
halter chain became wrapped about its
neck and a struggle followed with the
above noted result.
Led Assailant hy the Nose,
Mm. John Hostorman, in Georges
Valley, was attacked by a vicious bull
while ia a pasture Jot. She was
knocked down by the brute and then
the ferocious animal endeavored
trample his victim. The plucky wo-
man managed to grasp the ring io the
bulls nose, and by vigorously jerking
the same the beast yielded, snl was
finally taken to the stable. The lady
was badly bruised, but not dangerously
The Dorough Primaries,
There was little or no excitement in
the borough Baturday incident to the
primaries. A msjority of the Demo
cratic voters cast their ballots and ex-
pressed their choice. Dr. Alexander
and J. W. Kepler received every vote
but one. John (3. Dauberman and F.
W. Bradford were elected delegates
and received the entire vote cast.
The delegates were instructed for
Heinle, Kepler, Wetzel, Taylor, Alex-
ander, Meyer and Frank.
Wedding June 11.
A home wedding, guests limited to
the immediate families of the princi-
pals, will take place Wednesday, June
11, at 3 o'clock at the home of Capt.
and Mrs. George M. Boal, in Centre
Hall, the bride being their youngest
daughter, Miss Auna Mabelle and the
groom W. Gross Mingle, of Bellefonte.
The ceremony will be performed by
Rev. Dr. Bchuyler, of the Presbyterian
church. After the bridal meal, the
vewly married couple will take the
train east for Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington. They will be at
home at the Brockerhofl house after
July 1.
Mr. Mingle is a scn of W, B. Mingle,
E«q., of Centre Hall, and is connected
with the Howard Creamery Corpor.
ation, having charge of the main office
in Bellefonte. He isa young man of
splendid Lusiness qualifications and is
popular among his acquaintances.
Oratorienl Contest,
The junior oratorical contest of the
Bellefonte High Schosl took place
Monday evening anil was witnessed
by the writer, The juniors looked
their best, and did their best. The
Judges, in the mind of thy aa tieqes,
did not do as well as the contestants,
and had the judges been judged by the
audience, they would have been mark.
ed very low, but there are different
opinions io such matters
The first prizs was scoredal ty Miss
Carrie Miller and the second to M 8:
Martha King, by the judges Prof, Ui.
G. Pond, of State College; Rev. Walter
F. Carson, Milesburg, snd Rev. Am-
brose Bchmidt, of Bellefonte,
The Reporter's judgment, which ap.
parently was that of the audien ce,
would have plased Fred W, Chambers
first; Mise Rowe Faghle second and a
mention of Miss King.
————— AAAS
Dorothy Dodd.
Clreus Tealon Pass
Hall nt 4 um,
Main's Great Centre
Superintendent Preston put a pretty
und valuable feather in his cap by sue-
cesstully ranning Main’s circus traine
over the Li &T., passing Centre Hall
at 5:45 with the first rection and 4:00
with the second. The trip was un
eventful. Great care was exercised by
the engiveers who had the trains in
charge. Superintendent Preston's
judgment was correct—the curves on
the I. & T. are not too short and the
bridges are strong enough to haul any
show that comes this way. The Li. &
T. thus becomes of more value to the
Pennsylvania system,
At Centre Hull quite a number of
people gathered to see the second sec-
tion of the show train go by, the first
section haviog acted as sn alarm for
those whose sleep is not too sound.
Son of Daniel Weaver, of Lemont, Drown
ed Thursday Morning.
Roy Weaver was drowned near Le-
mont this, Thursday, morning.
The lad, aged between s'x or seven
years, was a son of Daniel Weaver, a la-
borer. Mr. Weaver and others went
to the railroad Bpriog
creek, where Brakeman Lenhart was
killed Weanesday evening. All were
surveying the surroundings when the
little boy fell through the bridge into
the creek. ‘I'he water is deep at that
point, beiog dammed back by rubbish
landed near there during the spring
flood, and the effort made to rescue
bridge across
Mra, Tease Smith Monday went to
Gross Yearick, of Philadelphia, will
be here this week,
Dr. J. R. Gi, Allison, of Leroy, Pa.
was in town last week,
served in the Lutheran church
day evening.
E. W. Boob and John and
daughter Viola, were callers at the Re-
porter office Monday.
The Misses Waring, of Tyrone, visit-
ed their aunt, Mrs. Daniel
Linden Hall, recently.
Hess, at
P. B. Jordan, a schoolman and poli-
tician from the west precinet of Potter,
wus a caller Monday.
C. Morrie, of Rebersburg, agent
a caller Thursday of last week.
Philip Iddiogs, of Unionville, pur-
chased the Penn'a restaurant at Phil
ipsburg and opened up the same on
Progress Grange will hold its annual
June festival Baturday, in
Grange Arcadia, Ice
| strawberries, ete., will be served.
June 2',
cream, cake,
A number of persons from this place
will go to hear the baccalaureste ser-
mon at State College Sunday forenoon,
Dr. Colfelt is widely
fine speaker,
known and is a
Samuel Frederick, of Farmers Mills,
i, EB
the lad was fruitless
not been recovered.
Up to this hour the body has
Leansd Out to Wateh un Hot ux
Struck by un Bridge,
nid wan
George B. Lenhart, of Sunbury, a
gines west to bring Malu's show over
the L. & T., was struck by bridge
Lemont and
Mr, Ianhart was watching a
He was not missed by the re-
on the tender when
mainder of the crew until
bad gone some distance. Returning
the side of the track.
was taken on to
back to
this, Thurs lay,
msn lp Ao wn a
Marringe Licenses
Lucian Gill, Pleasant Gap.
Mary Gray, Plains, Va.
Luther W, Musser, State College.
Fannie M, Shafler, Zion.
Jolin 8. Houtz, Bellefonte,
Leon H. Albert, Philips
Lula O. Melcher, “
Walker, a
Jacob W. Ertel, Milesburg.
Frauces M. Sharp, '
Charles B. Kunes, Blanchard
Laura A
aude IR. Moore, Howard.
Nora Olive Bliver, Flemiogton.
Harry C. Long, Howard.
Girace M. McKesn, Blanchard,
Bruce W. Ripka, Centre Hill,
Effie EE. Burkholder, "
Estly to the Show,
Main'e show was largely attended
by South side people, not a few of
them going at a very early hour. The
elephant, the clown and the monkey
have maopy friends among the child-
ren, and what parent would permit
his children togo to a show alone!
No, the good, kind father and solicit-
ous mother accompanies them,
s——— FI IER
The Valentine furnace
started Wednesday.
fires were
The township auditors met in Cen-
tre Hall Monday to audit the school
Potted plants, bulbs, ete., for sale by
Ed. L. Bartholomew. Prices right
and stock the best, at,
A successful operation was perform-
ed on Mra. A. L. Nearhood, of Rebers.
burg, in a Philadelphia hospital last
Harvey D. Musser, of Centre Hill,
a good Democrat and one of Potter
township's auditors, attended the Dem-
ocratie eonvention,
The United Evangelical church, at
the festival last week cleared about 825.
The sum would have been considerable
more, had the ice cream not run out,
The delegates to the Democratic
convention from the borough and
South Potter, after being relieved from
their instructions, voted for Humpton
for commissioner,
Mre, H. Meyer and daughter
Miriam, of Millersburg, are io Centre
Hall the guests of her parents, and Mr,
and Mrs. D. J. Meyer. Bhe will stay
until after the 11th.
Ex-Superintendent Bnyder, of Clin.
ton county, was « pleasant caller this
(Thursday) morning. Mr. Bnyder rep
resents the Silver Burdette book com.
pany, which is making a special drive
for business in Centre county,
Mra. Ellen Blair Bweyer, danghter
of the late T. M. and Uretta Hall, of
Milesburg, after a lingering illness of
Bright sjdisease, passed quietly to her
rest, at ber fiome In Howard, Friday
of last week, aged 67 years and 2
was a caller Saturday, suave his
i i i al * fe
section is like all others aud in
great ned of rain to develop Crops,
The late Ex-Attorney (iener
Cormick, of carried
$1) (HK of
$1600 000 Ii
i which was tekken out last December in
i the Penn Mutual.
little pon Mor
George H. Ripka and
of Pott
i day.
ers Mills, were callers Nat
sprivg u
| the Btiver farm and is always up with
Mr. Ripka last oved on
AT vf ' the skitio .
his work and performs the same it
{ the Lest p waible manner.
I The po
F some Lime
the Lui
wife Was mo
sgo snd liog
hh Lhe sign
which it «as kept has since remained
vacant wit ‘postofiice’’ over
the door. A few nights ago burglars
who probably were tramps deceived
| by the sign, broke open the door and
i T
f $
We 0
sir disgust,
when they found no sa
{entered the
Cracs, Cab
i only be Imagined.
| ————————————.
daughter of Jacob Messimer, of
t 5
ollege, died last }
tate (
rigay nu
ing at her home at State College,
er three weeks of severe suflering
s \ ‘
fever, heart disease developed sn | stole
herswoet life away at the age of seven
| teeny Years, seven months and
| days, Her parents, with two
ers nl one sister mourn her untimely
she f the
Hall cem-
{ death, was a member «
i Methodist
| ment was made in
Episcopal church.
the Pine
| elery Bunday al 2.30 o'ciok lev,
| Heckman officiating.
| home in
{ inst week.
Allegheny City Thursday of
Her former home
| Haverscker, deceased,
The death of Elwin Ruhl
at Spring Mills Tuesday at 11
| after an iliness covering a
seven or eight weeks, Mr,
his illness being of a peculiar nature,
The deceased was a son
four years. The burial will teke place
this, Thursday, afternoon,
Mr. Ruhl leaves a wife, whose maid.
en name was Maggie Burrell, and
three smail children; also, a mother;
two brothers, Harry, near Philadel
phia, and William at home, and one
sister, Mra. W. W. Rishell, of Mont.
Mr. Ruhl was landlord of the Spring
Mills hotel, having succeeded his fa-
ther who died last fall. He also kept
hotel at the Old Fort and Centre Hall,
Mrs. Mary Weaver died at the home
of her son, George 8. Weaver, near
Bpring Mills, Taesday night, aged
seventy.-nine years from infirmities
incident to old age. Mrs, Weaver had
been ill for some time, and her death
was not unexpected, Bhe was tender.
ly eared for by her son and daughter
in-law, but the care of human beings
could vot restore her health.
The deceased’s maiden name was
Ripka, and she was the widow of Dan.
fel Weaver, who died about a year ago
near Bpring Mille. A family of six
children survive the mother: Barab,
widow of Felty Breon, Millheim;
Franklin, Pleasant Gap; Fietta, widow
«f Pierce - Vonada, Madisonburg;
Catherine, wife of Louis Rossman,
Penn Hali; Howard aod George,
Hpring Miils,
The burial will take place Friday a.
m, at Hcckman's cemetery. Dr
Wolf and Dr. Haven will officiate. ~
The decensed was a member of the
Reformed church.
® 0 9
Chop off The
Hen’ put all your cgay
in one Basket ang swauloen Lt
That J. Plerpont Moregsn 6
and Grand fat
The old adage wis
"Put all your eggs
ruerchinnt, any avdy
i 138l
doller steel ty
thet YOU orl can run austhingon ih “x
tion counts, Now this is just what we have been
we wall todo We
one business and that is sll
whimper ww
you frequently
You all thal
ly in
iE Lo give
counts large this desl. Choy
- -
“Side Issues.”
tisk et has betteral it thos!
of and me, Term er,
finance a blilion
st« dows nol prove
sept re : wipes pug flere omoentoe.
is e mere mpiils pursuit i
Pi eing iL in such
dy oy. id story, of whieh we have tid
» off the
Andrew Cirneg le
Eple nadia advice tor
1 ogovert a multitude of relironds
®re 84 Lid » Gedail in Gt
Hand sprayer, very h
vobiby Baggy whip,
nn Pack 1
the rest
Cole wu
Our Stock is
ry mn y i A W he
i pw
} :
andy LO,
bargain 10°
6 in. cut 2.50
wiek, 210 burn 1.00
Howing :
nin and bucket Pamps and
ei, ele.
‘hegling Pape rr.
Bargains ,’. .,
Bargains. .'s
— eS
ore Iu pular
Ng Wear,
itisive fabrics,
i 1344
fi 4}
' Made
FOR the Dou
pri cipal abiries vend
HIT wood
ford homespun
fency cl
These suits are made up fo
all the find ngs mated
telween the
smallest details of workmen
Beyond all this are the
clothes—their fit and darahd
worked futo every garmeu
couraging thought that st
toner a thin suit that de
for him to be at once cool
hot weather,
Call and sce them.
Both Telepl o 10a,
Died in Hiinols,
Sopharus C. Jordan, died near Le-
na, Stephenson county, Illinois, May
25th, after an illness of nine months,
of consumption. The deceased went
west from Centre county, Pa, with
lis parents, brothers and sisters in
January, 1879, and at the time of his
death was aged forty-three years, sev-
en months and nine days. He was
married to Miss Lizzie Derr, who with
ry, and Mary I. survive him. He
was industrions and economical and
leaves for his family a fine farm of
about seventy-five acres, One
year ago last November he made his
last visit to Lis frieads in Centre coun-
ty. The funeral was held Tuesday,
May 27th, services conducted by Rev,
J. W, Funston and Rev, H, ¥. Jones,
of Lena. The Kalghis of the Golden
Eagle attended in a body. Interment
was made in the Louisa cemetery,
8. M. Campbell and Jonathan Hart.
to-day (Thursday) and on their way
Campbell is a furniture desler and un.
dertaker, and his advertisement has
regurally appeared in' these eclumuns
Dorothy Dodd.
for the past few months, Lad
r "
HOT summer
permanent shape ;
Coat snd Trousers
are fancy fHanbnels, genuine
striped serge, bloe, black or
The {aste with whieh
ted, the pet feet
buttons and
and seleg
on an
aine Pon
practical advantages of the
lity. The permanent shape
Las it is tailored and the en-
Inst you ean sell your cus
ws not hang upon him like a
The Gen
and well dressed daring the
sud Panama Mats
pron. -
Mrs, Laura Bricker spent last week
among friends in Tyrone.
George Keller and son Daniel, of
Houserville, called at the Hillside
far last Friday.
Messrs. Harry Bailey snd William
Mothersbaugh represented the Repub-
lican party at the convention at Belle-
foute Monday.
George Meyer, at present work ing in
Altoona, spent some time lately with
; his parents in this place.
Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Kalin, of Re-
| bersburg, spent Sunday at the b
of Alex. Kuhn,
| Picket Meyers spent Decoration
among friends io this place.
The School Board met on M y
and organized. The officers for the en.
suing year are: Pres. [.. Mothersbaugh,
See, J. Li. Tressler, Treas. J. M. W
iand, ;
Donald RBellers, of Oak Hall, bee
come one of the juvenile readers of the
Reporter. “Don” will be rd of
some day.
INSURANCE. Life, Fire, Ace
Bivkvess. The most reliable mPa
ules. W. H. BarrioroMgs,