A ——— ——————————n THE CENTRE 8. W. SMITH, HOTELS. TET ———— ES : = : TET REPORTER. | Sering Mills, Colyer. | Boaisburg. DO YOU GET UP Editor and Proprietor i CENTRE HALL H(¢ Mr. and Mrs. John Frazier avid fumi- | Mra, Jolin Btuart, of State College, WITH A LAME BACK 2 | ly, of Linden Hall, spent Sunday with | way in town on Sunday. his brother, Foster Frazier, this | place, Beventy-eight votes were cast at the | primaries last Saturday. Henry Reariek and George Yocum, | of Altoona, spent Saturday eveniog in town, shaking bands with their muany friends, Miss Edith Rider, of Cintre Hall, spent several«days in town with Miss May Smith. This section was well represented at the Walter Li.. Main show Wednesday. Memorial services at this place were Ww. Ronkle, Mavager pplied with Bummer boarders revel ve specing alten Centra mayb on a —— Newly equipped, bar and tab 'e wm Centre HaLL, . . . PENNA. fassd of The spenkers on Decoration evening tev, Leisher and Prof, James Mr. and Mrs, John Prof, 1} the home of Mr. Bowersox, of Coburn, {son showed in his speech and in the es ’ over Bunday. he ee £: _ I 7 : The Children’sservices in the Evan- | will become one of the foremost ora- | Oer~x~ 11] great ®7: BVET | Five Btabling. {tors of the nation. I The festival on grand | 8207 00, You Hiserable, | tion, and can find no beaithicr woeslily. Aryson, | Kidney Trouble Makes for fishing and hans THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1802, in Lee visited at | made very fine addresses, - ry -1 { 4 4 e 4% { t ¢ "Tie = erisi | HOTEL HAAG, bot, | BELLEFORTE, VA. Heated Throughout, (¥ per any. East Bishop Btreet, € F. A. } TERMS, ~The tories of subseription to the Re- porter are one dollar per year tu advan: e. ADVERTISF MENTS. —20 cents per line for three insertions, wud 5 (enw per line for each subse qumt insertion, Other rates made known on application, way he delivered it that some day gelical church, Buuday evening, were well attended, many from a distance | being present, IR tex £1 Friday the evening was success, proceeds were | (EWCOMER, Proprietor NOTE. Subscribers will please observe ithe date on the label of the Reporter after a remit tance is made apd report if it is pot correct. Dates are only changed the first issue of each largely attended; the festival in the J. 8. Housman and accomplished | QPRING M1118 HOTEL daughter Blanche spent Monday evening was well patronized, every- Edwin Kuni, Proprietor Bellefonte, MilLE, PA Jeol terian church will hold a social at the | residence of Murray, Charles Geary, who Is working atl vo ing, June 13th, A month. JanoOl, means that your subscription is paid to lust January. 01 means July, 1901, thing being sold by half-past nine, R. G. Kennelley returned home last Friday from: Ridgeway, Elk county, with two toes cut off; Mr. Kennelley was engaged in peeling bark io that Abner Friday | program | { First-Class accommodations at allt for man fine or benst Free bus to and from sil trains Excellent livers ee Old Fort Hotel . , , ‘odd, | ey, | rort : ¢ c it ll be f: und | tii 2t +s D. Piss LA CISA L¥ Proprietor Rebesrburg, spent Sunday at home, Harry MeClellan | duily trips with logs which be is hauls | 15dies along with a worthy i ing to Rock Grove to Mr, Bublb’s shin- | a — : |gle mill, Mr. Bubb a first class | Dorothy | {mill and has, for the last year, been | ’ isuwlog for Wm, Lucas, of Egg Hi, | {and will saw for Wm. Rieber, {of entertainment has been all are invited to prepared; | in his the | The election of delegates to the Re- making publican State convention on Saturday in half a doz:n corunties appears to have been a fair stand-off, neither side gaining any particular advantage, al. though Elkin appears to have carried Tioga county, which was hotly con- tested by a brigile of Faderal office- holders in the Quy interest. The senator, attenled by his eolleague, a wn Penrose and Dirham, Some of the Rey ublican friends are gates in his precath »k, will move on | wonderfully exercised about whom Harrisburg this week, and establish | the Democrats will elect chairman, ; M Bisbche Hotaoab | imposing headquarters. From pri- freely suggest candidates for |Ccouxin aliss fiiahiche : an. |B vate and reliable sources astonishing What un remarkable incapacity Emmon Bubb, of this place, and ville, passed statemants are mils of tae axtent to for not minding | friend M Wilkinson, of Pott. which money is bring usal to control The Democrats | ers Mills made a pleasure trip to Belle- the Repablicin convention. | are fully able to of them- Quay his probably tappsl familiar | sources of supply, but the K'Kin is also bountifully sippliel an i ing it freely. Itis not unlikely both sides ara enzaged in selling in advane the next State a Lainistra- tion and the next Legislature, i of ceremony, turd od come and help atiacl ed, Cruse, Swamp-Root section. net Mrs. George Musser and daughter, from Virginia, are visiting at the howe of her mother, Mrs, Lydia Neese. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Corman spent several days in Altoona last week, vis- — * - - —- has — . Ss A Farmers Mills. SHOR. BF a poor 10] tates 71.00 per Day y Vurnhbed 1 made ral 1 Freddie Newman, of Potters Mills, | D, H. Rearick several trips Georges Valley Yo do some work on this farm, last toy! iting 1 aughter, Mrs, tientzel. a3 ' y iting thelr daughter, My. tientz: { has been visiting at John Zrby’s for - | \ sw ay week. y " {the last few days, PENNS Y LV! 3 I A is ie rit d 3 i . Ans he with 83 dele Carrie | David Ilgen passed through here Sunday Misses Virgie, and Maggie wilh their | looking after Lis business, hen writ ! y : SUS hiladely hia & | Keitzer spent rie R. KR. Divisien oner and wil, and Northern ( through and Heury Bt { them. some people their have 18 Dletty Saturday, Detwils trip Le visiting friends, L usinees, Perry tuke OW Stale care foute Buturday. | made a 2% A “ selves, Harry Fishburn and family, of Pot. The Day {ters Mills, Sunday at Levi] The was somew hat of a departure from the | Stumps. The arrival at the cem- | side | ceremony on Memorial spe nit Decoratio is us | attended, that | i for from there he will go to usual custom. Reuben Colyer elt Tuesday i iss Annie etery was over an hour late, and then | Williamsport lover pent out | ' fricuds at t the people wondered why the Knights | Chicago 111. where Le will be engaged of the Golden Eagle acted as masters | in band teaching. Mr, Colyer isafire Dorothy Dodd, fn band in this —— Colvers EE EE an inpovation—as here | tegcher having started - | tofore the old veterans as an organiza- | community. Boys don't let tion, had exclusive charge of the pro-| Mills band break up. Mr. Mra, and decorated with flowers the graves! p,,.., Hall, spent Sunday witl of their bonored And again on this occasion Was { unpardonable poverty | Plenty could be had simply for the] : rank Waits { asking, #nd the committee haviog | Wm. Rel BY f aniap, } Syed Row: | this matter in charge was singularly A YALL ABLE PURLI Fore derelict in duty. entre Hall-J. G. Dauberman, F Bradford | whatever for low to Avoid Trani {(Counticued from first page.) The following is a list of delegates to the Democratic County | together with the instructions for the | offices of Treasurer, Recorder and | Commissioner. convention, | ceedings, and marched by themselves | and Thomas Stov dead. then | cone z's. Hemedy ' i - dad bf cre is | ~ nevded VP there uni oO Favior feels and the aru if procured nos { Josiah attended, rought fair prices. The sale Aallntan of flowers. . Bellefont was well Dur lever Rowe. ! town In Bp ATs, Lukenba ' There was no excuse | any such scarcity only | rhe Pennsylvania Rallroad 1002 Samwimer neglect and careless ness; of course the Excursion Houle look | absence of flowers detracted On June 1 the Passenger Com pany g t > * . « AVOIESILAN, J Very ms impaired the beauty of the | will publish the 19 13 ix. Vis ' fi f $1 a edition of Lhe i tA KN { terially ann i After prayer by Dr. Wolf and | Summer Excursion Route Be a recitatian by Miss Mabel Brown, | work is designed to provide the jub- Captain Taylor, of Bellefonte, deliver-| lic with descriptive notes of thie princi- ed a very able The be hb Boesipimmegt scene. ok, This | } CRANT H Lid COVER |= benoit of thos For the structed, ce Annual i Milesburg Meyer, Rowe, nit iti Car niieig i Cain; Ja Grand Army of the Repul address, atte nd- | pal Summer resorts of Eastern Ameri- ment of Pennsylvania, at Getty June 4 State College lea, with the beat routes for reaching ance was very large. Quite a large and appreciative sudi-ithem, and the rates of fare. ence was present at the town hall on |taips all the principal seashore and to Meyer, Rowe . Unie lap, Mes It con. the Pevusylvans nvi Best is the Gheapest..... |: EEInents, Thursday eveniog last, to witness the | mounisin resorts of the East, and over drama of “Diamonds Hearts'’ presented by a number of am- | combinations of routes, ateurs. The play was very set on the stage, and the three moved along very lively and smooth- | and comprehensive han ly. The young ladies were excellent | mer travel ever in their respective characters, and fre- The cover .s handsome snd striking, quently displayed considerable bhistri- | be- comedy and | seventeen hundred diflerent routes or RO as ce, ut |, MoDEY to Loan on First : st al PET iso { } tiveel trie complet as § : ini 143 RT) The book Las | Marteact 3 . Hie GEL | pre ttily | been co npiled with the greatest care, Hii sv acts and sltogether is the most ie ; ; ; ; Let OfMex i rider's Stone Dui Renovo, poy " 2 5 £83" § i offered to RI. h Parlor Bellefonte, Pa. There are two bills soon (0 come onic ability. The gentlem«n too, were | fore the President for approval or veto well up.in their parts, and acted more | that may set in force Lhe stre nuous im- of presidential nature hese are the harbor LEWIBLURBG ARD We TYRONE Rai kK Gas, LEBOAD. the t win | You will find thee ad o —~wbest brands of |<* EE World | # ¢ "#1 FLOUR | 5 4 4 IR, eee teoesesesaae like professionals than amateurs. Bam, | pulses A negro Bright DBitner caused considerable merriment and |public buildiogs appropriation bills, | and Fastward, river and AM r character, 2 > , i serious Lime laughter by his drolleries and antics. | full of jobbery throughout aud gelting of from several severs iH. J. Brine eanes, editor Herald, Fair Haven, Wash a {by J. F. =mith, H. F. Rossn | Fisher's Scns The orchestra enlivened the intervals {away with the modest sum ole or hE BS with some very millions of dollars, aboul music. charming The play was a complete suc- | twice as wach as was necessary lo pay an) the expenses of the Federal govern- pieces of | hundred a Meyer Miles Fore We oe we BS cess, The festival in the park on Friday | ment before the war. Presidents Ar- evening last was very largely attend. | thur and Cleveland vetoed the river | ed. The sum realizsd proved quite | 81 1 harbor bills, and President Me- satisfactory ; proceeds for the benefit of | Kinley had Senator Carter, of Mon- | Py Oar to Welch. the Lutheran church. | tana, talk it to death, and thus saved | Points the Norfolk and Western ¥ E. T. Jamison accompanied by |an inconvenient veto, A veto of the | Kallway i ii Misses Anna Royer, Anna Corman | public buildings bill would not fail to] : schedule i nt hag the Petb | and Grace Richardson, of this place, be and Mis« Pearl Rider, of Centre Hall, visited Millheim on Memorial Day. The jaunt was a very delightful one, Wool must ba in demand; O. T. Cor. man remarkel to a farmer that he would pay him or any one, sixteen aud one-ha'f cents cash or eightern cents in trade fr all the unwashed wool they had, or ¢uld send him. CIRAL H. Maize, W. F, 8a Auman for Zerby, Humpton jis H. Emerick, D. © Dunlap, Meyer, ¥ PT [RONDO RE KO ME MN lL 2 3 RRERSSRRELRE Penn-J A. L Potter Aruey, Potter, ney, Frain, Meye Potter, W James Spe ler, R. D. F Alexander, Dunlap, Meyer, Foreman Snow Shoe, Kk . OG Carlin, Hamj Spring, N-James Carson Frain, Foreman, Spring, S—Henry Gentzell, Kauffman for Alexander, Frank man, Union — Blair Alexander for Amney, Frain, Mej- er, Rowe, Weaver, —- — — w— ADDITIONALSELVICE , Rowe Bradiord r roman, Ww Ya Usk Ha i . ilewmont Dale Summit ! Viessant Gap ARXemeann Rat) Nileeping , Daniel Daup for Ar png and on for Teman ¢ i€ if § itfland for be indorsed by a considerable portion | trough Pais : op {tween Philadelphia and Welch, W of the Republican newspapers. The i share Haier oH Roanoke and ul Philadelphis Press hits out and brands | doh Valley rosie the measure as a “public scandal.” If { The car will be ron on the following i Philadelphia (Peuna, R., : {i Lanraeter the President is on the lookout for an | J; jiarrsbo opportunity to make himself felt, here | | Harrisuurg ( Carlisle is a mighty chauce, a uborsi ury L5G A.M Hagerstown i5 ¢ Ha entown (Nf. sud Weel, BK 3 Hoanoke . East Had find Sioefield and dawn. == | Pillsbury Flour ana | Galina John S, Auman Brand | sais FA40,9.908. m, 1008 a. m., 510. 2 a. 7 p.m, J. B. HUTCHINSON, 4 Ph LOC are the best on the market, are kept by | for Lewis: urg ety Gereral Manager, Wen’ Pee'ger Agl. iar nu | BRAN, 4.25 aN S. AUMAN, CERTRE HALL PA Additional trains leave lewisburg for Monten LNIRL HALL, FA On Sundays trains leave Moutandos ¢ 2 and West. K Milesbuirg—J. B. Noll ton, Meyer Haston-Linn 8 Frain, Rowe, Philipeburg, Ist -F. K. White, uninstrocted, Rush, S—8amne! Wayne, uninstracted Walker WMichnel Corman, J. L. Cole for Car lin, Humpton, Meyer, Rowe Worth, C. Woodring for Carlin, er, Humpton. Walker NG. F. Hoy, J. II. McAaley lin, Rowe, Meyer, Dunlap. Unionville~P, J. MeDonnell for Carlin, Rowe, Meyer, Dunlap. for Arney, Rowe, Humy- —————— fs — : (ENTRAL R Woodward. W AILROAD OF PENNSYLVANIA, aaa sridensed Time Table Mamd own do. l No 2 No b Bottorl for Carlin, Duniap, Rend Op N il, 190 NOT. wd —— Oak Hall, Mr.and Mrs. A. W. Dale spent Tuesday with friends at Rock Springs. Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Klinger attend ed the funeral of their niece in Belle fonte Bunday. Lv, At BELLEVXTE ER 17 | TN Welch fiineni Kast Kad! ad Hosanoks Ha erflowae Nor SHORTS, CHOP & MIDDLIKGS always on hand, . wd JOT a —Hecls Park. w AUB RIS o..... HUBRLERSP'G. JSAnydertonn.., wink TERY ones Huston... LAMAR... Clintonds ie... Rowe, Mey . “Woek-duy s. —- Hagerstown [(Cumb Val. BR. K OAM Chamberstitirg his * Carlisle 6.440 Harrisburg 6.0 ‘ WAS . | Custom chopping doue at all times, or { Car { Talso keep Salt on hand at all times { in grain bags or in burlap sacks, Also {| Baumi'’s Poultry, Horse & Stock Food ul 7 15 Curtine1). P. Delong for Carlin, Frain, Rowe. Ferguson N Im CC, Harpsler for Arney, Frain, HBumpton, Foreman. Benner, south—Amos Koch for Meyer, Dunlap, Carlin, Foreman, Boggs, ne Ed. Okley for Arney, er, Foreman, Boggs, E~lenry Shultz for Carlin, Humpton, Rowe, Boggs, WHenry Kohibecker for Carlin, Mey: er, Heaton, Rowe, Burnside - John Hipple for Carlin, Meyer, Foreman, Patton--A. H. Hoover for Zerby, Dunlap, Mey: er, Rowe, Taylor-J, T. Merryman, uninstrocted. Spring, WP. F. Garbrick for Carlin, Dunlap, Meyer, Rowe, Rush, N «John Delong, nninstrueted, Suow Shoe, W-Wm, Kerin for Carlin, Dunlap, Humpton, Rowe, Philipsburg, EH. D, Meyer, Heaton, Mey Dunlap, Hum pton, Rumberger, uninstroet- Walker, M - J. H. 8 eCauley, George F. Hoy for Carin, Dunlap, Meyer, Rowe, Half Mbon-—-Moscs Behres for Arney, Frain, Hampton, Rowe, Liberty ~J, A, Bitner for Foreman, balance une known, Marion. T. McDowell for Zerby, Meyer, Rowe, I MA Furuiture ot Keduced Prices Smith Bros, from now until Au 1st, will sell at greatly reduced prices all kinds of furniture, The goods are first class in every particular, nnd the are so low that it will pay to y during this period, Frain, Miss Alice Garbrick and Miss Wil. son, of State College, spent Friday with Miss Martha Klinger. Mrs. Charles Dale and children spent Baturday with Mrs. Henrietta Dale, Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Tateand grand- son, Haines Tate, spent Thursday with their daughter, Mrs. II. K. Smith. Mrs. Henry Bhuey and Mra, Wesley Tate spent Thursday with their sick mother, Mrs. Oliver Love, at Tuss y- ville, Mr. and Mrs, James Kusterborder and son, Harry, spent SBunday with Houserville friends, Messrs. Claude and Ray Willinma, of Centre Hall, spent Decoration Day with friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ross and niece and nephew, of Lemont, spent Mon- day afternoon at the home of Daniel Louder. Claude Whitehill and sister Mi'. dred, spent Wednesday with their aunt, Mr«. Tate, Mr. sud Mrs, George Mitchell, of Lemont, spent Baturday with James Gilliland, n——————— Dorothy Dodd, pleasantly at the home of R. M Wolfe, Mrs. Young is very ill at this writ- ing. Frank Crawford snd Guy Roush, salesmen, were in town this week, Rev. Owen Duck, wife and little daughter, Hilda, were visiting in town on Monday George Bumiller, of Downingten, is prying his paron’s a visit, ——————— AIH PSA —. House and Lot for Sales The Bitner homestead in Centre Hall is offered for sale by the owner, Rev. Robert O'boyle, in order to close out the estate. The property consists of dwelling house, outbulldings, stable and about five acres of land. The location is pleasant, and will make a splendid home, For further partio- ulars inquire of W. B. Mingle, Cen. tie Hall. uf College uf Musie. The summer term of this well known school of music will begin July 21, six weeks instruction snd board for $i. { As sll hotiouts have Vaeution at # time, it gives an portunity to schol ebildren and yh to and Parents desiring a home-like school for their children should send for cata. logue to HENRY B, MoYER, | Freenuna, Pa. lancaster Ar. Fhilad%ipiia (Pen na BR KR) 8.97 121: P.M ay conch soommoeomiions will be jororided on these trains betwen Harrisburg and Welch, Cire connections will toate se Witter Salem, Bristol, Nort a, ad Charlotte, N, © isa n— Of what does a bad taste in your mouth remind you? your stomach is in bad condition and will remind you that there is nothing 80 good for such a dessorder as Cham berlain’s Stom«ch & Liver Tablets after having once used them. They cleanse aud invigorate the stomach and regulate the bowels. For sale at 25 conts per box by J. F. Bmith, H. P, Rossman, J. B, Fisher's Bons, A PMINISTRATORS NOTICE.Lettors of Admiui=tration ou Lhe estate of Elizabeth MeCiiutiok, late of Grege township, Jeoeuse, having been duly granted lo te noderstgnad , they would respectfully request all persons know. jug themeelves ndebled Ww the estate to make jmmediate payment, aml those haviog claims agaist the same to preseat whem duly ant heuti: ante Rat Settlement. IP GROVE CLEMENT DALEK, JA MUCLINTIOK, A Fe Adpinistraton te . A DMINISTRATORS ROTICE «LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Hiram Durst, jate of Ge wwnship, doosssed, ba a Jo hh Under ay Thom "n > rolves indented 10 the estat 10 make tmmediate Yirg olalms against the them duly for sete Hiv w Lira MIS. BARA Bh. DURST: TO GRAMLAY Admin A new flour of entire wheat and su- | perior to Graham flour now in stock. ! pa Highest prices paid for all kinds | of grain, Spring Mills, Pa. P. V. 8. STORE. We have the ability to serve You with Goad Rlioes at reason- fible prices, wesuse we have a large ew stick. We have the inclination to serve you because ond service is sire 10 catise you ore urn, Our best advertisement is the satisfied Customer. Our Stock embraces all Kine of Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children, Qur shoes have Charscter, Style, Finish and quality, Orders filled by mail or Telephone, OXFORDS FOR Men, Ladies, M isses, Children, S00S00000000P00000P0Q000C0RC0C0DS i 18 : 2 2 Krider's £'n g. ~Mackeyville.. Lodar Springs Ealona - "i MILL HALL. #1 80 ETRY Sho I’. P wn EY oe $12 84 411 80 Lve } Wn POT | Arr. 80 To08 .. PHILA coo. | | wscedtlantie Uit i ‘EW YO fpaipEr rere” “GREER BLC GOTO 05 G0 de sie SO 30 LE SET SRR ILERAEE a 3 | | (Via Tamequa) 10 40, 19 80 ...... NEW aol w p.m. Sunday, Phtladeiphin Bleeping Oars attach . hound train from Wilamapnrt at i " Ayr West-bound from Philadelphia at 11.96 p. m, - W. GEFHART, General Buperintendent. i BELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD, To take effect Mar 25, 1806, KARTWA RD, CWETWARD 8 |W BTATIONS, | % 1 re lam Ar, o 0% 45 ah etiotate) ‘ 1840 rr CVOVANIO rer, Is BY inns. Morris... .... R ® 5 A Sl AN —— - a PRGA. tad Lyonveness WHILE vornerm #® 5 § a SEEsges - 3882358 0uEEn mr 282 SSSCOICSES5338, E92E3825Eas AR * UW pean : | - -o ? C. A. KRAPE.