The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 03, 1902, Image 3

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    ————————— do AA AS IO A HS
It’s all right for a man to have many
trials, but he should draw the line at con-
To Prove It=Medicine Free!
Botanie Blood Balm (B. B. B.) kills the
poison in the blood which causes rheuma-
tism (bone pains, swollen joints, sore mus-
eles, aches and pains) and catarrh (bad
breath, deafness, hawking, spitting, ringing
in the ears), thus making a permanent cure
after all else fails. Thousands cured. Many
suffered from 80 to 40 years, yot B. B. B,
cured them.
gent free by writing Blood Balm Co,, 12
Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble
and free medical advice given. B. B. B-
sent at once propald.
The 2500 miles
Mackenzie River is
half of the United States.
Strate or Ono, City ov FoLzno, 1 5
Lucas Couxry. § Te
senior partner of the firm of ¥. J, Cnexey &
Co., doling business in the Clty of Toledo,
County and Brate aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and every case of caTABRE that
cannot be cured by the ol! Harv's
Catanen Core. Fraxx J, Onexey.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
( —~*= presence, this 6th day of December,
1 BEAL. } A. D., 1858, A. W, GrLeasox,
—— Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh.Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
free. F. J. Cagxex & Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 750.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
A man may bé too poor to hire a lawyer
and at the same time can afford to keep
his own counsel.
Patience and Ferseverance.
Three million packages of Putnam Fade-
less Dyes are put up every year. Todo this
necessitates the handling of one hundred
thousand pounds of dye stuff.
The packages are filled by dipping the dye
staff up with a large wooden spoon and plac-
ing in an envelope. Five car loads of dye
stufl handled with a wooden spoon! This is
accomplished every year by the dozens of
young ladies employed by the Putnam Fade-
less Dye Co.; Unionxille, Mo,
The population of the Philippines
stated at 10,000,000.
Many School Children Are Slekiy.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children’s
Home, New York, break up Colds in 24 hours,
cure Feverishness, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms, At all druggists’, 25¢. Sample mailed
Free, Address Allien 8S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.Y.
It's a mistake to s
versation consists of
Earliest Russinn Millet.
Will you be short of hay
plenty of this iz :
8 tons of ri
$1.90; 100 Ibs, §
Salzer Seed Co.
It's fu
ing to ge
Best For the Rowels.
Nomatter what alls you, headache to gcan-
cer, you will never get well until your bowels
are put right. Cascaners help nature, cure
you without a gripe pain, produce easy
natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to
start getting your health back, Cascanzts
Candy Cathartie, the genuine, put up in metal
boxes, every tablet has C. C. U. stamped on
it. Beware of ipitations,
The baker who mixes his dough prope
has a soft thing of
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervons-
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat
NerveRestorer. §2trial bottie and treatisef res
Dr. BE. H. Kring, Ltd. 981 Arch 8t., Phila, Pa.
length” of an
One million
American loc
Prrxax Fapsiess Dyzs ago fast to sun-
light, washing and rubbing.
A London ph
voyage for insomr
advises a quiet sea
Piso’s Cure is the best medicine we aver nsad
f ns of throat and lungs, — Wa,
LEY, Vanburen, Ind., Feb, 10, 1900,
South African diamond
mines yield over
£40,000 000 annual
“1 was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. | was
tired out all the time. Then 1 tried
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well.”’— Mrs. N. S. Swin-
ney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
Why ? Ycur blood is im-
ure, that’s the reason.
ou are living on the
border line of nerve ex-
haustion. Take Ayer’s
Sarsaparilla and be
quickly cured. Paine’
Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's
Barsaparilla. He knows all about thie grand
old family medicine. Follow his advices and
we will be satieflad,
J.C. Aven Co, Lowell, Mass,
———— a
JHE MSH as a
on .
w is is told or
which is
the asking.
Rev. Dr. Talmage Says About 1870 Easter
Mornings Have Wakened the Earth.
The Charge of the Black Giant — Rout of
the King of Terrors
Wasmixgron, D. C. {he Christian
view of death as the entrance to a iuiler
life is presented in this kaster discourse
by Dr. Talmage from the text 1 Cor. xv,
54, ‘Death is swallowed up in victory
About 1870 Easter mornings have wakened
the earth. In France for three centuries
the almanacs made the year begin at Kast.
er until Charles IX. made the year begin
at January 1. In the Tower of London
there is a royal pay voll of Edward 1., on
which there 1s an entry of eighteen pence
for 400 colored and pictured with
which the people sported. In Russia slaves
were fed and alms were distributed on
Easter. Ecclesiastical councils met in
Pontus, in Gaul, in Rome, in Achaia, to
decide the particular day and after a con-
troversy more animated than gracious de
cided it, and now through ail Christen-
dom in some way the Sunday after
the fuil moon which happens upon or next
after March 21 is filled with Easter rejoice
The royal court of the Sabbaths is made
up of fifty-two. Fifty are princes
the royal houschold, but Easter is queen
She wears richer diadem,
more jeweled scepter, and in her smile na
tions are irradiated.
when, after a harsh winter and
she seems step of the
rather than the conservatory, t
of the north instead of
the rather than the 1
mounting from the icy equinox, but
come this queenly day, holding high in her
ned off bolt of Christ's
sepulcher, and holding high in her left
hand the key to all the cemeteries in Chris
My text is an ejaculation. is spun out
of halleluiahs, Paul wrote right on in his
argument about the resurrection, and ob-
served all the laws of logic, but when he
came to write the words of the text his
fingers and his pen and the parchment on
which he wrote took fire, od he cried out,
“Death is swallowed up in victory!" It
18 an exciting thing to see an army routed
and flying. They run each other down.
They scatter everytl valuable in the
track. Unwheeled artillery; hoof of horse
on breast wounded and dying man.
You have read of the French falling back
from Sedan, of Napoleon's track of 80.000
Corpses in banks of Russia, of the
retreat of i
nassas or of
toe five
Joshua's host st k mw
one in
she sways a
to snowbank
yer the rox ks
whe Lhe
8 of b eo s the
th their fury
night his
the same
to awaken all
Christ i
ade of
ne Coie :
back, and
he riven sepuichers wi
take him from beneath, and the brigade
descend ortals will take him fr
the ages has been able to invent. Vie
This view, of course, makes it of but
little importance whether we are cre-
mated or sepuitured. If the latter is dust
to dust, the former is ashes to ashes.
any preter incineration, ler them have it
without cavil or protest. The world may
become so erowded that cremation may be
universally adopted by law as well as by
general consent, Many of the mightiest
and best spirits have gone througn this
process. Thousands and tens of thousands
of God's children have been cremated—P,
P. Bliss and wife, the evangelistic singers,
cremated by accident at Ashtabula bridge;
John Rodgers, cremated by persecution;
Latimer and Ridley, cremated at Oxford;
Pothinus and Blandina, a slave, and Alex-
ander, a physician, and their comrades
cremated at the order of Marcus Aure-
lus: at least a hundred thousand of
Christ's disciples cremated, and there can
no doubt about the resurrection of
their bodies.
If the world lasts as much longer as it
has thus far, there perhaps may be no
room for the large acreage set apart for
1g places, but there is plenty of room
, and the race need not pass that bridge
until to it. The most of
us prefer the old way. But whether out of
natural disintegration ¢remation we
{ shall get that luminous, buoyant, gi
t. maznicent, i
structure called the resurrect
: | have it: I will have it
r and anon there are instances of men
men entranced. A trance is death
ion after a i :
DY resurrec
al suspension of
{ great ev gelist o
being sent
i die.
geemed to
the body
and said, “He 1s
the soul that fled returned, ane
nent | what he had
his soul was gone.
It may be found some time that what is
called suspended animation comatose
state is brief death, giving the soul an ex-
cursion into the next world, from which
it comes back,
granted from the conflict of life to which
it must return
men from trance and this waking up of in.
sects from winter lifelessness, and this
waking up of grains buried 2000 vears ago
make it easier for you to believe that your
body and mine after the vacation of
grave shall rouse and rally, tho
be 3000 years between our Jast breath and
soundin 2 of
ved to write seen while
us that while
onqguest and der
that threatened
of the planet
his scepter,
alace, has lost hia restige, 8
word written over all th
1 and catacomb and
on cenotaph and sarcophagus, on the lon
ly khan of the arctic explorer and on
alque of great cathedral!
capitals of azalia and i
he 3
i throne, has
. ¥ 5
tion « wr we know
iy house of
re that if
¢ le were
d, a ho
this tabern
icing of
d soul mes
of cach other
have a pain an
WT body bave a
ha id
£80 15,
great asseinblages, written on the seulp
tured door of the family vault, is “Vie
tor) p Coronal word. embannered word
arch under which conquerors return
Vietory! Word shouted at Culloden and
Solferino, at Marathon, where the Athen-
ians drove back the Medes: at Poitiers
where Charles Martel broke the ranks of
the Saracens; at Salamis, where Themis
tocics in the great sea fight confounded the
Persians, and at the door of the eastern
cavern of chiseled rock, where Christ came
out through a recess and throttled the king
of terrors and put him back in the niche
from which the celestial Conqueror had
Aha! When the jaws of
the eastern mausoleum took down the
black giant “death was swallowed up in
victory.” proclaim the abolition of
‘the old antagonist is driven back into
mythology with all the lore about Stygian
ferry and Charon with oar and boat. Mel
rose abbey and Kenilworth castle are neo
more in ruins than is the sepnicher. We
ehall have no more to do with death than
we have with the cloakroom at a govern-
ors or a president's levee. We stop at
such cloakroom and leave in charge of a
servant our overcoat, our overshoes, our
outward apparel. that we may not be im-
peded in the brilliant round of the draw.
ing voom. Well, my friends, when we go
out of this world we are going to a King's
banquet and to a reception of monarchs,
and at the door of the tomb we leave the
cloak of flesh and the wra pings with
which we meet the storms of this world.
t the close of an earthly reception, under
the brush and broom of the porter, the
coat or hat may be handed to us better
than when we resigned it, and the cloak
of humanity will finally be returned to us
improved and brightened and purified and
You and I do not want our bodies re.
turned as they are now. We want to get
rid of all their weaknesses and all their
susceptibilities to fatigue and all their
glowness of locomotion. We want them
put through a chemistry of soil and heat
and cold and changing seasons, out of
wiiich God will reconstruct them as much
better than they are now as the body of
the rosiest and healthiest child that bounds
over the lawn in Central Park is better
than the sickest patient in Bellevue hospi:
tal. But as to our soul, we will cross peo
over, pot, waiting for obsequies, independ.
ent of obituary, into a state in e way
better, with wider room and velocities be-
yond computation, the dullest of us into
Som nionship with 3he ve best Shivita
eir very mood, in very parlor
the universe, the four walls burnished and
and pictured and
and weak
Ur did
v gladness but your
it with kindled eye
and elastic step? Surely God never intend
ed two such good friends to be very long
eparated. :
And #0 when the world's last E
morning shall come the soul will descend,
crying, “Where is my body?’ And the
body will ascend, saying, “Where is my
soul? And the Lord of the resurrection
will bring them together, and it will be a
perfect soul in a perfect body, introduced
by a perfect Christ into a perfect heaven,
Ig Wan
Do you wonder that on Faster day we
swathe our churches with garlands’ Do
you wonder we celebrate it with the most
consecrated voice of song that we can in-
vite, with the deftest fingers on organ and
cornet and with doxologies that beat these
arches with the billows of sound as the
sea gmites the basalt at Giant's Causeway ?
Only the bad disapprove of the resurrec
_ A cruel heathen warrior heard Mr. Mof-
fatt, the missionary, preach about the
resurrection, and he said to the mission.
ary, “Will my father rise in the last
day?’ “Yes,” said the missionary. “Will
all the dead in battle rise?’ said the cruel
chieftain. “Yes,” said the missionary,
Then said the warrior: “Let me hear no
more about the resurrection. There can
no resurrection; there shall be no res-
urrection. 1 have slain thousands in bat.
tle. Will they rise?’ Ah, there will be
more to rise on that day than those wlhoss
crimes have never been repented of will
want to see! But for all others who al-
lowed Christ to be their pardon and their
life and their resurrection it will be a day
of victory,
The thunders of the last day will be the
salvo that greets you into harbor. The
lightnings will be only the torches of tri-
umphal procession marching down to es-
cort you home. e burning worlds flash-
ing through immensity will be the rockets
celebrating your coronation on thrones
where you will reign forever and forever
and forever. Where is death? What bave
we to do with death? As your reunited
body and soul swing off from this planet
on that dey you will see deep gashes
all up and down the hills, deep sashes ol]
through the valleys, and they will be
the Suptisd ill be the abagn-
| exhilaration
“Death is swallowed up in victory,”
neled with all
the God in all
(Copyright, 1003, L. Kiopsch.)
(eperal Trade Conditions.
R. G. Dun's weekly “Review of Trade”
says: “Favorable weather greatly facili
transactions in all lines of wearing ap
parel being of exceptional magnitude,
“Demands for an eight-hour day after
May 1 by the blast furnace men was
steel this is not
ustry and
arm, as an
reached du
much al will
ably be
rly in the
partial red
the intervening
im the cereals
appe arg d
oma, but the net re-
i prices. ) at «
ly declined from the sati
d of 4,057,625 1 hels last week
» bushel week, which com-
3.036832 in the week last
to only
mn ¥
with same
icy Greening
cy Ru
uscovy and mongrels,
tern, 45a60¢
i 15a20¢. Dre
Hens, good to choice,
young toms, mixed,
ath; young toms, good
sath: old do. do do. 1 RR,
Ducks, good to choice, 14a1¢ Chickens
—~ Young, good to choice, 13a1%¢; mixed,
slid and young, 12%4a13; poor to medium,
r1a12. Geese, good to choice, 10a13
Cheese~New Chee se, large 60 he
12%5¢: do, Rats, 17 Ibs,
picnics, 23 Ibe, 1234a13%¢.
cach 48
soultry Turkeys
atyc; hens and
choice, -
to choice,
good to
to 1274¢C to 13¢C;
Live Stock.
Chicago Cattle
good to prime steer
Steady to strong:
. $6.50a7.05; poor to
medium, $4256.40; stockers and feeders
$2.50a5.2 cows, $1.30u550; heifers,
$2.50a5.85; canners, $1.30a240. Hogs—
Active and 5 to 10¢ higher; mixed and
sutchers, $6.40a6.75;: good to choice,
heavy, $6.60a682; rough, beavy, $6.30a
5.55; light, $6.35a6.50 ; bulk of sales $6.40
16.65. Sheep—~Sheep 10 to 15¢. lower;
lambs 15 to 20¢ lower: good to choice
wethers, $3.000540; Western yearlings,
Fs.25a585; native lambs, $4.00a6.65;
Western lambs, $5.25a6.80.
East Liberty Cattle steady: choice,
$6.60a6.75; prime. $6.20a6.40; good $5.50
15.00. Hogs higher; prime heavy Logs
6.80685; best mediums $6756.80;
heavy Yorkers, $6.68a6.70; light Yorkers
§6.40006.85; pig $6.15a6.25; roughs $5.00
16.25. Sheep steady ; best wethers $5.70
15.90; culls and common $2.5004.00; veal
salves $7.00a7.78.
Chicago freight handlers will be or-
ganized this month.
The Spinish government has estab-
lished the eight-hour day.
Hull (England) municipal trams made
a profit of O00 last year.
he miners’ union of Ouray county,
Colo., has declared war on Chinese labor,
Indiana union labor will fight contract
convict shops at the Jeffersonville Re
Toledo's wagon-workers will work
nine hours and get 10 hours’ pay, begin-
table Compound.
“Dear Mrs.
orn 1 felt
was |
with severe pains in ov
“1 tried the doctor's m
CLL ai
wasted. A friend who had been ¢
Pinkham’s Vegetable Comj
SO, al
felt young and
= 5
“ 1]
his 1s several i
Compound is n y only medicine
doses brings instant relief." —
When women are t
3 iq 88,
menstruation, weak
womb, that bearing -down
bloating (or flatulence
tration, or are bes
gone” and
they should remember there
ALY, Nervousng
i8 one
tefuse to buy any other medicine,
Height in Which Birds ly.
at Hergesall, of
og §
New Jersey
Best Insurance
1 have used St
years for lumbago and s;
the greatest pain reliever before
I had a severe Sprain on ny :
wh I received last week, and In
half a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil it is thoro ghly
it acls
in Gorleston, throvgh
lacnbae Of)
like magic All my friends
it hovoag cured me, are
using it when occasions require, and say it is
worth its weight in goid.
wm ;
Wills Pill Are You Sick?
Send your nama and P. OO. address to
Tha R. B. Wills Medicine Co ¥arsrtiown. Md.
i ¢ NEW DISCOVERY: gives |
D { { O I = guwek relied and enres worst
eases. Book of testimonia ns and 10 days’ treatment |
Free. Dr. KH GREER'Z SONNE, Bex B® At ants, Gs
- To sell a Good Preaction
GENTS WANTED Patent Article, Addres: |
W. LEE WOOD, of John Woois & Sons |
Tames Smit.
Lead the
BALLS ASB 5 88 8s aE Es
Sfrom 221.
ead Her Letter.
after my last child
had experienced
rig evel
raries and freq:
went headaches.
worse than
use of Lydia E.
I did
never experienced
: 24 ' 3
— thy EY
ured through ne
round advised o try it.
1 rad
her woman. I
ham’s Vegetable
bad or tired a few
suppressed or painful
ulceration of the
nation of the ovaries, backache,
, indigestion, and nervous pros-
; lassitude,
sleeplessness, melancholy, “all-
feelings, blues and hopelessness,
I and true remedy. Lydia E.
removes suca troubles.
for you need the best.
@ 5
me to
as he had
reat benefit in sev-
of indigestion
felt better within
oon greatly relieved.
been subject to bad
began taking |
the Tat s, and you don’t know
what a relief it is to be entirely
free from these.
The Five-Oent packet is enough for an
ordi occasion. The family bottle,
60 cents, contains a supply for & year.
§ oY den *
150 Kinds for 16e.
It is a Teed that Balzer's vegetable snd Sowers
weeds are found in mors
and on snare farms thas Ruy other
in America. There is reason for ©
We own and erwrste over 80 peres for
he prodoeton of oor ohioioe sends. In
order to induce yor 30 ry Lhe
we make the follow unpre
edonted oer: ".
in all 180 Kinde positively farnisking
balls of olnrming Fr end
of cholos vegetal
Yageth pr with « A
ring all about
Oat and Rroonos and Speits, enlon
a ea pound, se, all only
for 18e. in stamps. Write today,
and other disease
germs are nurtured
and diseages dissem.
inated by wall paper
or §