SENATE RATIFIES fhere Was No Opposition to the Agree- ment With Denmark. The Assumes No Terms of the Agreement All Claims ileld by Denmark Against the Would Be Cancelled. United States in Taking D. C little more than an hour's Washington, ate disposed of the treat) ceding to the United Stat sideration oi $5,000,000 the islands Thomas, St. John and St Croix, posing the group of the West Indi Rico, as the Danish east of Porto this country is « 1 by a transaction wi siderat: ministr Senator Committee plained the of the islan would plac ratification Se nator treaty by vision Constituti when they States. He ure to accept the ; prevent believed der that permit an) the islands, an not in fairne then ref: for sale The amen division Sen: count of their trade He said the rights of the the provision © Spanish treat; nn the on In 1 PRINCE HENRY SAILS. The Band Plays “Star Spangled Baogmer” as Ship Leaves. 343 P. M. § Kronprinz Will BIG BOULDER KILLS SEVEN MEN Crashes Down om the Caboose of an Arkan. sas Train. The engine As the bluffs west of a heavy rock been detached from rains. Engineer Na gine at boose and shri ered it into spi most of injured were a crew put aw had the i his en k the ca- ters, and were killed and here was colored. roll FO the hills rT TEVEer once, but the rock the mer w he the men who in the caboose 54 men, white 3 : Of anda Suicide and Insurance. St. Louis, Mo., A decision was rendered by Judges Caldwell, Thay- er and Sanborn, of the Circuit Court of Appeals, releasing the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York from the obligation of paying $7,- 500 to the widow of Edward S. Kelly, one of its policyholders, who committed suicide in Colfax, la, on February 21, 189s. The Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the United States Circuit Court of lowa. { Special) United General Funston Has Recovered. Kansas City, Mo., (Special). Gener al Frederick Funston has entirely recov him here two weeks ago, and will, it is stated, be discharged from the hospitak General Funston will review the Third Regiment, K. N. G., then proceed Iola, Kan.. on a visit to his parents, later going to Washington and New York (ihastly Joke on Firemen, Chicago, (Special). Firemen groped their way t from Bennett Hospital, at Ade and Ful- persons who had been agg not until the fire had been subdued did they learn that they had been in the NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD, Domestic | Tie of the fon was ¢ annual meeting of the United St held in Hobok:« 3 N J by stockhold Steel Corpora i All the | Ix ard ers made thi were approved wil Mads minstrel tre at New by the white Frank M ene Beckw ife back home at in t! in Fwo safes mpton, pen and $1,000 in taken, Capt. Henry 1 » constabulary in rts that it is don Lieut Ig very Ad eitects Furey, Infantry, he barracks in Col sued mn an office | Clarence United State at t permit was building of accom mda mcide A 1 to imodate M » fight of the Tariff Ball ) much embarrassment. ssian officials declare that if peace menaced in the East, Russia will not fail to take necessary measures to safe- guard her interests. They further state that they do not believe the United States 1s a silent partner in the agree- ment. French newspapers express the opinion that the Anglo-Japanese treaty accentuates the antagonism between Russia and England. A dispatch from Constantinople states that the ransom of Miss Stone and her companion, Mme. Tsilka, has been paid, but the time limit allowed for their re- lease has not yet expired. Mr. Brodrick informed the House of Commons that should the death sentence be passed upon Commandant Kritzinger the House would not be permitted to discuss the matter Riotous strikers were yesterday possession of the City of Trieste, Aus is United States Ambassador White, at Berlin, in speaking of the statements made by the German officials in Spanish-American War controversy government showed "not a captious, trality.” Financial. The New York sublreasury statement At the snnual meeting of the Railway The St Adirondack declared the and has Lawrence Company payable March 1. I'he decline in copper is thought to in. that the rescued bodies were dissecting tables of the school, was general liquidation, » BLIZZARD SWEEPS THE COAST STATES York, Philadelphia and Other Cities Are Smowed Under. New THE TRAINS DELAYED FOR HOURS The Fierce Storm and the the Rivers Impede Navigation, Ferrvboats Have Great Difficulty in Cross. ing—A Serious the Big City. and Congestion of t CSCam : ¢ BURIAL OF A GIANT. Twelve Strong Mem Were Needed to Carry the Body. Fired House to Hide Crime. 1, At who says i i has been ide of the city Bar . | in an Saying go th town and get a carriage Shortly afterward the burning cabin attention The woman was found msde, ba raed and with knife wounds on her 3 Rie isolated cabin, : x ior her atracted Corpses Found in the Fissures Tiflis, Russia (by Cable) —Two hun- dred bodies of victims of the earthquake which destroyed the town of Shamaka have been It tain that recovered several appears cer- by the shocks. intervals and the work of excavating in search of the victims proceeds with dif- ficulty. Among the dead are pal shock, were congregated in the va A Tombstone Combine Next? Omaha, Neb, (Special) A number in session here with a view to forming a combine, it 1s said, which will take a majority of the large marble concerns “It is a plan,” said an Omaha marble dealer, “to put prices on Made Rag Bag of Flag. Joston, (Special). For using an old United States flag as a bag in his busi- ness of collecting rags, Meyer Ratzman was fined $20 in the Municipal Court here, charges being “contemptuous use of the United States flags The flag was stained and weather-beaten, but its original design was not defaced. A po- liceman made the arrest on his own re- sponsibility, and while taking Ratzman to the station house was intercepted by two marines, who pleaded for a chance to chastise the prisoner. * NATIONAL CAPITAL AFFAIRS, To Buy Jamestown Island. Representative Nevin, of Ohio, duced a bill House for the [sland chase of historic Jame {own i i land into ay ap intro- in the w of converting the 1 nal park, and £100,000 will be bill the pr understood that Senator Hanna the for operiy niroduce the American Deen Society, of gan is vice-presi land from Mrs Meadowyville, States Government property. Mrs. Barney from the district which repre and her husband the property, with the e 1 titie and acquire larney, ot (a. the United was Mr v the originally ry Nevin f1er ents all twenty-two acres, to A S501 ion of \ irginia ation for the Preser ‘ A 4 ‘ An IATICS, of the projec ted at Jamestown Russo-Chinese Bank Pact. nated 1 Oris « r AgRregate i $1 "To $ 1.000.000 Oil as Small Craft Fuel substitued # £4 4 wided, to cost of the Consul to ed Pretoria, from $2,000 mn City, Algska, both account ) Africa, was increas to $3000, and at Daws from $1.000 to $1,500 of cost of living on Treason in the Philippines. Hoar fo Senator offered the following amendment the Philippines Tanff Bill, now pending in the Senate, the pro vision to be inserted at the end of the bill: “No person in the Philippine Isl- ands shall, under the authority of the by any tribunal, civil or military, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open court.” Industrial Commission Dishbande The Industrial Commisison, several years ago to investigate indus- trial problems and report on them with recommendations to Congress, expired The days longer closing up affairs. Death of Doorkeeper Ball Capt. Joseph J. B. Ball, one of the doorkeepers of the United States Sen- ate for nearly 28 years, died here. Dur. ing the Civil War he won distinction on several occasions by valuable and haz- ardous work. Captain Ball was born at Orange, Mass, June 13, 1828 Capitai News. in General President Roosevelt sent a message to Congress recommending the retire- ment of Captain Hobson, according to the latter's request, for disabilities mn- curred in the line of duty. The Treasury investigation into the baggage inspection at the port of New York resulted in the discharge of two inspectors and the reprimanding of others, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt was re- elected president of the National Ameri. can Woman Suffrage Association for the ensuing year. FOUR LIVES LOST IN THIS WRECK Light Engine Crashed Into a Passenger Train Near Gifford. SEVERAL PASSENGERS INJURED. The Wreck Wes Evidently Caused by Eo glncer Frew Being Mistaken as to the Time or Failing to Remember the Exist: ence of the Passenger Train, Which He Should Have Passed at Gifford. halltown, lowa (Special) —Four 2 head-on col Central Railroad, Gifford, light engine lowa one of northbound The dead: Wallace Frew of the } when a | crashed into a Hn Kenthsburg a lit engine ngs CARS RAN AWAY ON GRADE Three Men Killed, Four Likely to Die and Te Traios Wrecked. Spe i { Special) nEineer mped when they s ahead MSCIONS the 1d om the track fran them. Fluke was four ¢ fect away ir une Mr. Arkell Leaves Judge. fork (S -W. J president of Lis Arkell University acc 19 years of age late Rev. Richar l-known Baptist and his fa Montague clergyman d 4 A Woman Burned to Death. New York, (Special). —Mrs Suret, aged 50, was burned to death in she and her Her apron caught fire at the kitchen stove. Mr. Suret and Police Officer Blessing, the latter a boarder with the family, were severely burned in trying to extinguish the flames which enveloped Mrs. Suret. There is Virginia the apartments in which husband Victor lived Rev. Needham Dies Suddenly. Philadelphia (Special).—~Rev. George Carter Needham, the noted evangelist, died suddenly of neuralgia of the heart at home, at Narberth, a suburb of this city. He returned last week from a three weeks evangelistic campai through Tennessee, and expected nm The Fight at Klip River, London, (By Cable).—~The casualty reports of the fight at Klip River show that four British officers and 20 men were wounded and two men killed. No details of the engagement are given Skirmishes in the vicinity are of frequent occurrence Two Men Killed by B. & O. Express. Chester, Pa. (Special. )=-A. D. Blair aged SB years, and his son, Charles R. Blair, aged 36, of Fairview, Delaware county, were killed near that place by an express train of the Baltimore ane Ohio Railroad, the train striking the carriage in which they were driving. The train did not stop until it reached thi city, a mile from the scene of the acci dent, and both bodies, with fragment: of the carriage, were then taken from the pilot of the engine, i i DEWEY'S GUNS DID IT. Was With Spein The dispute A towar MILLIONS FOR BRITISH NAVY. 1902.1903 Amount $156,000,000. ¢ Estimates for to Over { Fix Children Burned to Death. I he se1d a arslr mad ye children nk and Dora, § years, respectively, were burned o death. Webb, who 15 2 miner. was A neighbor, who discovered he fire. rescued Mra. Webb, her mnfant ind another child, but it wa® impossible 0 save the other two children. it work ODDS AND ENDS OF THE NEWS I'he grand jury in New York indicted hree men for manslaughter in the first legree on account of the explosion in he rapid transit tunnel A panic was caused among the pasten. crs of two trains on the Third Avenue “levated, in New York, which collided. t+ number being injured. Monroe D. Shenk, the misguided son of a prominent family in Winchester, fell down an air shaft in Albany, Ky. ind was fatally injured Attorney C. Aylett Ashby was ac- guitted in Newport News, Va. of the charge of manslaughter in killing City Engmeer E. A. Marve Mrs. Clara Colona, of Birds Nest, Va, set herself on fire while filling a coal oil can over a lighted stove and was fatally burned. An endless chain, started by some un- known person, is bringing many letters and dimes to the McKinley memorial committee, David Thompson was arrested on the charge of setting fire to the Colum bia Street Theatre, in Utica, N. Y. Nine men were killed m the fight at Lee Turner's Quarter House between the officers and the moonshiners, The British naval estimate for this year shows a total of f£31.255000, as compared with £3087 last year. The new warships include 13 battle ships and 22 armored cruisers, At a Hecting, of the Association of wine Breeders in Berlin it was stated that the unrestrained tion of American bacon ruining wh