Why His Wife Shrieked. “Good story they got out about professor, hey?" “What's the (gain ?" “Naw. Better than that. His wife got up the other morning and was slip- ping her shoes on when she gave a lit: tle shriek. ‘What's the matter?’ he asked. “*‘Why, 1 was putting my shoe on the matter, did he forget All goous are die 10 PUTNAM Al uliébo Dyes, us they color all fibers at ono boiling, Sold by all druggists. The average annual amount of coal mined in Enciand from 1851 to 1900 is 130,- 000,000 tons. A How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cuexey & Co., Props., Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Che- COMMERCIAL REVIEW. | (iencra! Trade Conditions, R. G. Dun & Co's Weekly Review of | Trade says: Readjustment of prices continued during the week, and the gen eral av ‘age reached 2 much lower point | than prevailed when the year opened. Manufactured products were scarcely disturbed, but both staples and securities suffered. Business conditions are sound, liberal distribution and prompt payments | i i i Old Joe, the (From the as he sat overlooking the allow the mane KO streets, Night Watghinan, has our sympaths night watchman his excavations up over cage fire, oul which water companies to in our congested Oi eed Lo | athers, and under all ¢li In all we matic conditions, and a snake slipped out of it," she cried. “Only one? said the professor. “Why, there should have been three. 1 put them there last night to keep them warm.’ ” being reported. Cotton still fails to com- | mand a price proportionate to the esti- | mated crop, and as a consequence the re turn to growers is msufficient to sustain business at the rate established by the previous year's most profitable Field No r has transpired to disturb the ] ‘ Nothing a ™ : and steel in they have aches and pains, which noth dustry. Deliveries of fuel are less del: but St eee br wih a or degree | bch Water Wore sn 1 west vo. | TeV» Marguerite St. Omer Briggs, 35 of promptness. He nh | Mount Calm Street, Detroit, Michigan, Lecturer for the W. C. T. U., recommends Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. noy for the last 16 years, and believe him per- fectly honorable in all business transactions and Enncoilly able to carry out any obliga- tion made by their firm. West & Troax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Warpino, Kinnax&Manviy, Wholesale Drug- gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aot. ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. Price, The, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Testimonials free, Hall's Family Pills are the best, the poor old night watch to keep watch over the that the What a life, and hardshins: man is obliged companies’ and to sce - Operty, red lights are kept burning to be sure; what privation: Hair Splits ‘“1 have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant Io a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends.’’— J.A.Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 111. Lig : +1 Jacobs Oil can alleviate known . 3 Diy Wheat, including ¢ The population of the German Spite avs: for includes 3,000,000 who use the Polish lan guage. 1 { 1 veek i re y : four, exports 1or the week & ‘ whi bushels, and 3,330,054 mm Wheat exports » weeks), ch he has 3 What wit} rheumatism and 161 OH00.202 against riences i tracted Best For the Bowels. No matter what alls you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right, Cascanurs help nature, 473 bushel against cure you without a gripe or pain, produce | ....on 1 exports aggregate natural movements, cost you just 10 | i. els. as a : 1 last cents to start getting your health back. Cas- : carers Candy Cathartie, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. this July 1 aggregate 1 106,1613.004 last 1 WEEK, year ly doubled him {twenty-ni sie : ; has for the past to ds of homes of sickness, and : . Ne opr of 2 208.0013 week d date “Dear Mrs. Pixkuay ;: — My professional work easy ities twenty ycars brought me in aener ded Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the Eo splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer’s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. $1.00 2 botile. All druggists. I have had plenty of oppor wives pened and mothers who from wa re slowly The shark holds the record for (wocg-dis- tance swimming. A shark has been known to cover 800 miles in three days. LATEST QUOTATIONS. but surely being dragg: » weakness $3 TO LP Vark No Br hag : 1 ‘ow Wheat I ec. RB and irregularities of the to know as cured Many School Children Are Slekly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Homo York, break up Colds in 24 hours, cure Veverishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all druggists’, 26¢. Sample matled free. Address Allen 8B. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.Y. CX, I believe you w 1 be pleas (*that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound |! more women than any otl ] ier Hundreds of women owe tl fore, I can conscientiou ST. OMer Bricas 85000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE. When oubl ith i wea Knes: age racti cueting ore a forbidden in * of punishing pupils by larship has been Fran ia If your druggist cannot supply you, li :0F KC send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Re sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, J.C. AYER CO, Lowell, Mass. ¢ ts the San isco schools women are YOY troubled with irregular or painfi uation, In sats IMTQ Iw FITSpermanently cured. No fits or nervous. : . ' a; fon i, vali tha varies hackache { on of Dr. Kline's Great orted, per brl § ¥14. 8 bhage y e138 vd go } { : i A ndlammation of i Aries ai Ra , Hatulenoce, ttle and treatise froe : ty wy hn hould 981Arch St. Phila., Pa. E. Pinkham’s ead and mlified endorsement. No other medicine has su 13 rd of cures ness after first day Nerve Rest Dr. BE. H. Kuixe, Lis W. C. HOLMES Improved Farm Level “Eclipse.” Sir Thomas Lint Best up.todate | | made £4.50 with 1 Write for . ease Cs ert a1 YET 7%S 12 North | per ci, Suwa : ‘ 1 } una i REE oe 11% io wae Fg od voy Eup for ol orsyth St, Atlanta, Ga 4 = ; Syrup DROPSY YT quick relief? sc cases. Book of testimonials snd 10 days’ t Free. Dr. H. HK. GREEN'S SONS, Box B, Atlanta, Ga f RS A SAI RN Lg Apr IAA ET 1 1 SIO Y phir y res y ¥3¢ ' ‘13 sree § 14a Rr.822trial dH ATIC LA h 415 : iy X% 3 Jil 1 remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles, No othe Ir medicine i i153 $43 there ) the wes i! tia 11% C134 « vi v 1 vei ntive cirenlar iptive circular ] fens 3 . : » ‘ 2 3 Oi female troubles, Refuse to buy anv oth write her for advice. Address, Lynn, Mass, Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to DISCOVERY: ¢ . t A cures 3 She has guided thousands to health. von | Fifty Cents a Year lets That a Penny 2 Number, THE SOUTH'S LITERARY WEEKLY Published at Atlanta, Ga.—Circulation Over 50,000. 3 acral «table 5, result Potash. Vegetables are especially wa ations of Jett ) IT FF $s #4 { Viesats! Hall war to Sth Bt ke ry gl 8 fond of otash. I fo sh b fond Y ks vive jestaurent § { for its ex. our Jree all . Alent coking eticiont . ated wie prices. 3 t sopping from want of EMPIRE, BROADWAY AND 634 ST., KN. Y. CITY. ABSOLUTELY @ MODERATE The SUNNY SOUTH is the Great Literary Weekly ofthe South. Itis devoted to Literature, Romance, Fact and Fiction, and gives the best ofall that is current in 11s field. Among its contributors the most noted southern writers appear--Joel Chandler Harris, Harry Stiliwell Edwards and others of growing fame, Serial stories from Anthony Hope, Maurice Thompson, Sidney R. Crockett, Mrs. Ge rge Corbett and Arthur W. Marchmont have appear- ed, and others are in waiting from the pen of authors of national note. A short story contest brought oul mearly five handred splendid short stories, all worthy 2 place in The SUNNY SOUTH'S readabdle col umns. Other contests are contemplated that will successfully exploit the ripening field of talent that only needs such fostering to illustrate the wealth that is shy to assert itself, The SUNNY SOUTH teems with the life of the great south. The gen lal sunshine warms everything into activity. and the season is never cold encugh to check the hand of industry. The paper comes fragrant with the breath of the magnolia and pine, and gives out the vary air of the grange. pa'm and bay. The beauty and pathos, the romance and mystery of the land where the corn stores up the golden sunshine ani the cotton whitens in the moonlight, will be given in the weli-fliled columns of this fascinating weakly. The subscription price Is Omly Fifty Cents 2 year, alike to all persons, ajenis, newspapers, postmasters and avery one else. Clubs of five, accompanied by the (ull $2.50, entitle the club raiser ts the paper one year gratis, FIREPROOF. RATES. Grand Centres tation 1 cars marked . tes tu Ruupire, ¥Vron Tetterine Cares Quickly, w $l A venue ¥ {wo anni it is one of Ring n M.Sol prielor, LY, Nuusger i — RTIMER 4 el for GER} { K i ast " neg Lead the = Wills Pills were he coma Are You Sick? Send your name and PP. O, address to The R. B. Wills Medicine Co., Hagerstown, Md. ADVERTISE IN THIS iT PAYS PAPER. 1 NU4 Cold Medan! nr Buffale Exposition. McILHENNY’S TABASCO PISO'S CURE FOR: # GL WHERE ALL ELSE FANS Byrup. Tastes Good. Foid by droggisia Dee BO Send on a Postal Card the names of six of your neighbors who would appreciate the opportunity to read a copy of The sunny South, and one sample will be mailed free. You can get your club of five out of these very people. The SUNNY SOUTH enters over 50,000 American homes now; during 1902 is sure to be welcomed in fully as many more homes, as the great weekly feast of good things, the Southern Literary Weekly, whose columns for 1902 will be the most readable of all the papers that come to you. and The Distinctive Value Sddrezs All Communications te Ohe SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga. NS f= W OY NY A \ hy of Syrup of Figs is due to ‘ts pleasant form and perfect freedom from every objectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it acts truly as a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural The requisite knowledge of what a laxative should be and of the best means for its production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand : for a laxative, simple and wholesome in its nature and its THE TRACK! : : pra. 4 he 2523 ; ; effects; a laxative which acts pleasantly and leaves the internal organs in a Bare’ § 1h INAS She nethis J & Y iryiand and n 4 os 2 . on is” Salers New toh -a20¢ naturally healthy condition and which does not weaken them. Rains one ae bee 1s Seobuce The E begat \ jrainia, ; l'o assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it 1s all important that the a rr 2 Wh WN | Weer Southern medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrup revolutionise sat growing and we expect dorens of farmers to report of Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies, that it does not dir chun” Bain be swims 20% wa hie waries tin ave te sel 13 weaken the organs on which it acts and therefore it promotes a healthful con- yomr neighbors the coming fall for seed. Tt will surely pay pon 4 : : Salzer’s Marvel Whoat--32 bus. per oro dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. Among its many ant mers a erase acth hat Til 7irid 4 avis isp rurih wan foes, excellent qualities may be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring a THaE whan. Fisling 4u tut farm, 62 bushels pur au, laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the invalid, or the robust man, Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of the laxative principles of plants, which act most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the Juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system, when its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method of manufacture which ensures perfect purity and uniformity of product and it is therefore all important, in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note pik Sadhete | Live Stock, SPILTZ ; : Chicago —Cattle—good to prime, The mast marvelous coron! and Bay food on ear), producing from 60 ue #0 bust ais ) x - the full name of the Company—~California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package. truly beneficial is 23220 a1 irge, fo Ths, 1811550; 8h £0 of graia and 4 sone of riok Lay por sere By a7. 38 poor to medium, $4.00at 00; stocks h—— { ets and feeders, $2.252472: cows. $1. 22a Loui . VEQETABLE SFFUS me 1weifers, $2 18a8e “Gnners We are the largest growers and our stock of ens liest Peas, Benes Bwont aorn ant 4-7: . : x a : @ AA} cahners $1 25 #5] money making vegetables is enormsons. Pricer 8% very WY. Ouios seed 60 a2.25: bulls, $200a4.50: calves, $2 0a | 5.50; Texas fed steers, $1.2:a3.00, Hogs eonts and up pound. Catalogue tells. ———————————— For 10c—Worih $10 Mixed and butchers, $5.00a6.45: good to choice, heavy. $6.3006.55: rough, heavy, Our gremt “hislagus sontaine full desatiption of vor Besrdions Baries, yielding 10 bushels. sur Triple Inosmme Corn, ging V9 Bowles, & ris sss Be , . be our potatoes, pieiding 600 Wushele por sere; our grass and clever $5035a6.00; light, $2 5008505: good to choice wethers, $4.30a%.10: Western sheep fed, $4.25a5.10: native lambs. $1.50 mivinres, producing § tons of magnificent bar. sor Pas Ost. with fie 8 tear of Bar, sod Teesinte with 0 ons of green fodder por sore. Saleer's great osiooges, ; TC Tat awake Garvan te 26.00. Western lambs, fed, $5.00a6.00. $1640 064.5 Srart—-is mulled You on East Liberty—Cattle—Choice, $6.40a receipt of ik 6.60: prime, $5R8525.00; good, $5.35a% 65. Hogs slow: prime heavies, $.50a6.60 ; best mediums end heavy Yorkers, $6.30 a6.3s; light Yorkers, $6.10a7.00: pigs, $380as500; roughs, $3.00a6.00, Sheep slow ; best wethers, $4.4004.00; culls and common, $1.50a2.50: yearlings, $3.00a 4.85; veal calves, $£7.00aR00. LABOR AND INDUSTRY England has American ‘phones. Elwood, Ind.. has a doctors’ union, Cincinnati school teachers will form a union, : Toronto carpenters will demand an sight-haut day. forcester labor unions may adopt the union label, The Baltimore Federation of Labor will organize a ladies’ auxiliary. Los Angeles lumber handlers gained a nine-hour day without asking for it. Thirteen hundred employes of Lipton, the cup chaser, struck for an increase of wages, A A 5 AS it INCHESTER _1“LEADER” and “REPEATER” SMOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS by the best shots in the country because they are so accurate, uniform and reliable. All the 's hi records have be won and made by Winchester shells. *hafapions Lg gh you'll shoo weil USED BY THE BEST SHOTS, SOLD EVERYWHERE FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER DOTTLE. are used