The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 16, 1902, Image 1

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    JANUARY (6, 1902,
NO. 3.
a ——— —— ———————
¥ ! \ i ———— me |
| v |
he South. oe 0 | A Putter Towaship Democrat Cnatbons | ; : 1 i
S SEEN BY MR. JOHN D. MEYER | Aguiuat Fariy,
AS SEE! P : 1 : mi | Ebrror Reprorrer:—Thre ugh the
art I, i
{eolumuns of your paper I wish to ecap-|
the great number of them and on se-
count of the re«pect they
bun, TOWN A
Mrs, Catharine W tgner died at her
Alexander Hurpster,
Cight years, died
| Benner
home near Tusvey ville, ’
yey in|
Jui 13:h,
nged sixty two
vodny morn- :
) his
Mrs. Maria Goss, |
of Pine Grove Mille, is un sister of Lhe |
ary nt 615 o'clock,
Believing that some of the Reporter took |
readers would like to hear something
of the South as seen just as it is, with-
[tion the Demoerats of Potter town- | township.
PAY, 88 & ship against folly. I have to
Richmond | favor directly or indirectly, for town-
tobacco cen- fghip ofhee, but I want to eall the
see blocks of | tention of all good Democi
rehivuses, and the majority | fuct that the enemy ia watching which she suflered
usiness in the city is that of Potter towuship is Democratic, of | t . a va A, ig
the tobaceo industry, While there I source. but we dare not rush into n lo-| , > 0» onfitied to
visited many pluces of interest. The
yenrs, onthe, and
of Jacob Wagner, a prominent
no one i . place in Cintesburg,
: { twenty. leur daye, She was wife
class, to the white people, : .
: § wT 4 mt if } Wp 4
out any glass, by one of their fellow- being one of the rent est deceased. Two duughiters ul
readers, I am led to write some of the
id one son |
of that community. The cause of 1 . !
tres in the country you ats to . Hy. 11 : | survive,
. chronic from
dently was catarrh,
tobacco wa
observations I made while traveliog
in that struggling
and historically interesting part of our
country, the nart that I believe is des-
several years
short time, and had teen up and about
: f JOIN
SRY 81 John Earl
three and one-t
her |
: 1" EARL ATR}
“undiscovered, the t EARL ATK
wall years
y died at the!
twenty- |
.3 nT adle ul . .
cal campaign madly, Letall persons thn house: {he day previous Cold weather this wes Kk.
tined to becowe, years after this, the
centre of activity of this great uation
of ours.
ost interesting object probably being
the old confederate capitol; this is an
unpretentious building to the casual
observer but one frought with the ten-
derest memories to the people of the
Not far the street sands the
house of the chief justice of all chief
Justices, John Marshall. The house
stauds just as it did when that great
man occupied it. The Virginians can
I started on my trip on a cold, clear
day the first week in December, when
the mercury of the thermometer was
hovering dangerously near the zero
mark, but on arriving Columbian,
South Carolina, few I
found the roses blooming in the gar.
The ride to Harrisburg was, as
a days later
let the ecandi-
recanvass, if
matters be laid aside:
dates canvass and they |
wish; the field is open to wll and re!
served to none, but let all candidates
firmly resolve that whoover wins 1
shall be the candidate of ull,
— nn
Union Church Services
The services of the Week of
were begun in Ceutre
usual, one as the
scenery along the railroad
ful aud at this time of year es-
a very pleasant certainly be pardoned for the pride
is always they take in their state, for probably
ion Las sent forth so
The house oc-
cupled by Robert E. Lee from 186] to
1565 is now owned and occupied by
the Virginia Historical Society. No
sight is to be obtained auy more of]
that place of horrors, Libby Prison.
Fue Virginia capitol is an interesting
old building and shows that it was
Lullt long before the modern system of
About twen-
ty-two miles outside Richmond
etersburg. It was my
tne to meet an old confederate sol-
I was passing through the
The breast works aud some of
the mines put there by the Federal ar-
| my are still plainly visible. My com-
panion told me some very interesting
stories about the siege ever anxious to
point out the bravery and daring of
| his comrades,
bent no stats
pecially so, with the old Susqguehan- many evlebrated aici,
high and piling along it
na gracefully windir its way along
and tossing s
banks huge masses of ice. this is
fascinativg to one and he ut
ly takes a seat on the riverside of the
car. Then too, the traveler is impress.
ed with the progressiveness of the peo-
ple who live by the way when at inter-
building came into use,
vals of five or six miles hustling towns
are passed through, is
I speak of the scencry and progress. | the Listorie
fourd when farther scuth
where you ride for probably hundreds
of miles and sce nothing but pine for-
contrast '
esis on the one hand and sand bills or
ive littie towus along the railroads are
very scarce indeed,
swamps on the other, progress.
All the way to Washipgton one is
with the wealth of the
couniry as represented by the rich
lands and the substantial
Our national capital needs
I now started for my de stination,
Columbia, South Carolina. Nothing
of interest is to be related of the ride
save that after I left Virginia I saw no
fences nor farm buildings, such as we
farmn buildings, but only
houses or rather huts about twelve or
fourteen feet square,
no description from me, and to fully
realize the grandeur of the buildings | consider
aud the ¢i'y in general one must visit
it for himself,
The next stop I made was at Rick-
i All along the way I looked for the
¥ of much aetivi- | old plantation homes but I found only
moud, Virginia, a cily
evening, January
the Reformed church by Rev. W. HH.
Schuyler, of the Presbyterian chureh.
All the churches of the town were we i
HLh, by nn sermon in
represented, and the lielure
the church bad to be thrown
The preacher's theme wus
receive the over flow
Badge of Discipleship.”
For the rest of the weck the program
was carried out as printed last week,
except that Rev. G. W. Kershuer took :
the pince, Thursday evening, Rey, |
J. F. Bhultz, who was detained by
and Rev. J. M. Rearick then
Rev. G. W. Kershner
All the meetings were well attended.
usually the Sanday school
well as the
main suditorium Ix ing
needed. The speakers had evide utly
prepared themselves well on their va. |
rious topics, and the pecple listened at-
tentively to the earnest presentation of
their themes,
Many expressed themm- i
selves to the eftect that they found the
both erjoyable und profita-
ble, and on Saturday evening the an
dience expressed an emphatic wi
that the meetings continue.
The plan this week is to hold two
successive meetings in each
church, |
aud to give them a more evangelistic
noticed the dif-
The negro naturally
ty. Here | first really
ferevee between
tracted ny attention,
one during my visit, hey are not to |
and the be found any fuore, as a very great!
of |
many of them were destroyed during |
on the war,
Local and Personal.
“Dont' lle to your ehildren.”
Union services this -Dr. |
Mrs. Burkholder,
was a Caller last week,
every night
Miss Maude Moore, of Illinois, is the |
gues. of Miss Royxanna Brisbin.
of Milroy,
A nunuber of are James Stahl, of near this plaer,
t Lis issue of the Iie porter. Monday will £0 to prepare [or sale the
. 3s . " . live stock of Morris Furey, near Blle-
Julian Fleming made a business trip font
deaths noted in
to Canton, Bradiord county. : .
: Hon, Wm. Jennings Bryan, former
Democratic candidate for Presiden*, i
will lecture iu Altoona tonight , |
Thursday. Ra
Shannon Boal, has recovared from
his fall down stairs and is able to be
about the house, His eyesight, how-
Jolin MeClenahan offers for sale a ever, has deserted him almost entirely
splendid set of blacksmith tools and
bob sled. Bee adv, in another column,
John Seibert, of Buflalo Run, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Shannon
joal last week.
John Stoner, president of the Mill-
heim bank, with Bheriff
Spangler the other night.
J. W. Bair, of Tusseyville, the right |
hand man of Huckster W. F. Rockey, |
Hall iveh of snow Friday night was a caller one day last week. Mr. |
patched up sleighing. There has been | Bair took a fancy to the Reporter of!
a great deal of sliding on a little bit of late and became one of its patrons.
BUOW, A Reedsville correspondent to the
The Green Durr musical convention Lewistown Free Press says: Mr. and |
hss been postponed until Jan, 18. The Mrs. Detweiler have been entertaining |
convention will be conducted by Prof. | the former's brother and sister the
T. M. Kahl, past wiek from Tusseyville, Centre
D. E. Harshbarger, a skilled €ounty.
mechanic, Monday went to Jeannette, Wm. A. Odenkirk has charge of the
Westmoreland county, where Le will Paddy Mountain station during the
be employed for the present, absence of the regular agent, J. B.
Miss Reteeca Derstine has been hous Wagner, on account of the death of
: 3 3 his mother, Mrs. Jacob Wagner, of
ed up for the past several weeks owing Pusseyville
to a sprain of the ankle, She suffered a :
considerable paiv, but is recovering a | Messrs. Frank Bogdan, William
present, Bower and Jacob Stiffler, of Potters
Wu. Bitner, wife and daughter Mills, were callers at the Reporter of-
i, (a1 H8P, . & fice last Thursday. Mr, Bogdan is a
candidate for supervisor in Potte
nt callers at this office Friday of Inst township. Last wm he came Skier
week. They stopped for the day with | oar votes of being nominated at the
| caucus,
John Fiezicr, of vear Centre Hall, | Everybody's Magazine is properly
who lives on the farm belonging to! named, becuuse everybody who wish.
Prof. Bitner, which is one of the | ag to add store to his kvowledge ean
largest in Potter township, wat one of | do so by reading it. The November
the sturdy farmers who ca'led rccent'y, | number is especia’ly full of interesting
Mr. Frazer is one of the hustling | grejcles, among which are, “Lord Ral
farmers in this neighborhinod, and 8% | jsbury” by T. P. O'Connor; “Li Hung
a rule when harvest time comes has 8 | Chang, on China's Future!” “The
People of the Farthest North" “An
good crop to take under cover,
Frank Fisher snl wif, of Penn American Woman Captured by Bri.
Hall, were in town last week, and
#pent some lime with the latter's | After twelve years of service a8 reg.
ister and recorder, 8. D. Coldren ad-
: the Geiss family,
father and brothers, near this place
Mr. Fisher is the junior partuer in the
firm of J. B. Fisle’'s Bons, gen-
eral merchants and manufacturers of
flour and feed, which firm is progres.
sive and up to date in business methods.
These young men have inbibed largely
of the business spirit of their father,
whose judgment and advice was
always safe and sound,
ministered the oath to his successor,
Harvey C, Burkett. Mr, Coldren has
made an eflicient and courteous offl-
Press. The ex-county official 1s not a
“pleasant day Democrat;” he is a
Democrat at all times and under all
circumstances, He Is & brother of
turn. The take toros in
preaching sermons designed to stir up
Chirisiians and awaken the unconvert-
ed. Aun afternoon Bible readit g and
conference is held at o'clock ir
the church where the « veuing service
is to be. The interest is growing ap-
parently, and it is hoped aud believed
that much good will be done. All are
invited to stiend the various servi
148th Reunion,
Arrangements have been completed
by which excursion tickets, st the rate
of one fare fur the round trip, will be
sold on all lives of the Pennsylvania, |
ary 17th and good until February 220d
luclusive. The arrangement for these :
tickets will be bulletined by the Trunk |
Line Association and orders will Le |
sent to all the survivors of the Re gi- |
ment and the friends of those who!
were former members who desire
attend the reunion. The Central Rail. i
road of Pennsylvania will honor the |
cards of the Pennsylvania system
well as those of the P. & R. and New
York Central.
It may be well to announce in this |
connection that Gen. Mulbolland, of |
Philadelphia, who commended tle!
as |
Brigade of which the 145th was a part |
during the latter part of the war, and
Major Gen. Brooke, of New York, who
commanded the Brigade ut au earlier
period, will both be present, unless im-
perutive orders or official duties pre
The survivors of the Regiment are
responding in a most enthusiastic
manper and it seems to be settled that
this will be the most numerously at.
tended reunion which the Iu giment
has ever held,
aa mtn
Awarded Damages for Dog's Hite,
The circuit court at Toledo, Ohio, re
cently handed down a decision affirm.
lug a decision of the lower courts give
Ing Mrs. Adelaide Sith, of Fremont,
a judgment of $5,400 against the estate
of the late President I. I, Hayes,
This Is the second time this case bas
been in the circuit court, Upon the
first bearing in the common pleas
court, Mrs. Binith sceured a Judgment
of $7,600. The circuit court reduced it
$5,000, and the suprete court then re
manded the care back to the common
pleas court for rehearing on error, The
common pleas court at the second
hearing gave Mra. Smith a verdiet of
$5,400, and the cireult court his now
aflirmed this, Mrs, Smith was bitten
by a dog belonging to the late presi
dent, aud this is the cause for setion.
Think over Dr. Bchuyler's Friday
evening sermon before you say, “don't
James Coldren, formerly of this place,
do that” to children,
| Miss
married 10 Jueob Wagne r, August 41
« maiden
Catharine Wns
1570, Rev. Cuarothers performing the
ceremony. They resided on Mr. W u-
nel’s far, about one wile norih-west
of their present home, She was
mother of five children, Iwo of
survive, Jumes I
Paddy Mount
! John K
and Susan
nid Clay
ue, I August
, 1901.
She was the step-mother of Davi
O \Vasuer and Mrs, Mary Flink, «
R Win.
and Mrs,
Manhattan, 11] :
ow, Pa
of Coutre Two
ister W.
Tussey vy He
wv : ’
Spangler, of Centre
Spangler, of and
Aaron Rishel, of Kansas. Two ainters
died in 1860,
; H.
wv XAr
MEV, VY ep
futerment was made ig the
at Vile,
y vill
Mrs, }
Yeager, died
visit to Nathaniel V/ ‘dgler,
Thursday forenoon of
at the age of sixty-six yesrs,
. § 1
it of the hous
Mra, Z igler had BO0e on
turn found the lifeless body of Mrs,
Ie ath w
lying on the kitchen floor
fis due to heart failure. The
mie is in Lock Haven, but
yw io and abe
Hsll by the older residents.
decen-ed’s b
ul Centre
she is well kn
the Felmiee
w hie re the
itheran church is now ie
or : .p
} Jd, of
was a brother,
writerisunable tol
Daniel Shaler
oven § au
ile CORE
* “" i
M adisonl ure,
el nile nburg
is sisier,
the remainder
of thie family,
Deccascd leaves a family of two
M. Yeager,
Hughesville, a mail clerk on the
and E. R. R; and Mary E., wife
John Luse, of Bellsfoute.
The funeral took place Sunday
chislbiren: Charles of
Mra, Kahl, of
Elizabeth widow
iries she sustained by falling down
She was born in
She resided
which time she has made her
biome with ber daughter in Saloons,
She was one of the oldest residents of
Sugar Valley,
She survived by brother,
Dauiel Moyer, of Clintondale, and one
sister, Mrs. Adam Kahl, of Greenburr:
also by the following named children ;
W. 8, Adam N, John M., snd Mrs,
John W, Buyder, all of Greenburr,
and Mis. John R Bager, of Salona
Fhe remains will Le taken to Green
burr Wednesday morning, where ser.
vices will be conducted in the Reform.
ed church and where interment will be
Bi. l1Ce
in ane
JAMES 6G. watan,
James G. Waugh departed this life
Tuesday of last week at the home of
his grand-on, Oscar Homan, east of
Centre Hall. The cause of his death
was incident to old age, the subject
haviog attained the age of feven!ysix
years and eight months, The fuversl
took place Saturday, interment at the
Union. He was a mcmber of (he
Lutheran church, snd Rev. J. M.
Rearick, hi pwtor, ofMeiated,
Tue decenved leaves a widow and
four children famely: W, H, Waugh,
Blue Land, 11; Andrew Waugh, Kal
amiozoo, Michigar; Mrs. Annie MN,
Shoemaker, Kulumiagno, M iehigan;
Agnes RB Turner, Muford, Indisna
Mary Matilda nnd Juttes are dead.
Up to about n month ago the decens-
+d lived at Penus t ave, where he ne
sided for many years,
Se AM AT ———
ishes in sets aud other ways at
| home of his mother, Mr
. Addie Aj
: | Wateh the label on vo
in Bellefonte, Bunduy mo rojug Aa On yo
Kens, Paper,
ical convention?
in Centre
I music,
How about that ing
&* Why not have
J fed .
| The cause of his death was t
¥phoid fe
a good
i Ol
from which he had practicall
covered, but afterward took a relapre, Everybody likes go
peritonitis finally setting in. He was #8 Grace Lee, w) in
months, re-
finite ii 1
ad been
» B)
Pittsburg for the past {
fo her
employed in Pittsburg as
a shippivg
clerk prior to his illness. desides life | turned lis
mother he lesves two
Emma, at home and Mrs. ve | Toner L. Lucas, leech
: 1 broken
Joh ston, of Beaver Falls,
The funeral took place Wednesday
xv. Dr. Ix
i hiladelphia
urie oiliciating.
upany and the
ive declar-
Samuel Bressler, one of the early set
It's a
tiers Ferguson townehip Centre
atl Ciateshure
wir £%
§ on
tLe choicest
one better :
2 o'el wk.
£15 §
iiness ol om
id age, and alter an
month's duration.
r in
Deceased past eighty-seven
y Fs :
"ra Hon. George B Orlady, «
hd . s
{ Hunting.
perior Court,
Thursday after.
He is a nephew of
: Boals in this place, whom be
age and all his life had follow. |
He was
bars Saas CB .
Gon, Judge of the Si
ed farmiog as an occupation,
arrived in Centre Hall
noon of
Cotmslant member of the I.
last week,
% it ha
survived by his wife and opi
re. James Barto,
it the
:. 4% ut i
ig children : :
. A + nds Wall 1 1
ia, M Amanda Walker, of Doalsburg,
Oak Hall,
They are
wh in Centre Hall
ti Henry
8 LIEON- Aus
Mary of in Dale, of
Sunday and M
: Mra. Hetty
1 fy
Sadi, oN
« in town last week
And well kno
Kate Bprankile, of Guyer
, daughters of
ichael at home.
i Mes er of near Boa
dy. of ae ale
Roan ott
isbur A
FR Motris and
N ey of pear
Wn Friday of
while here
Wion. The
#8, and vot even the
MEXICO A | Bellefonte, in 1
s— {last week, and
{of the commissioner's bee, could be
Forty-five Dass’ Tour
via Pennsylvania {| willy Danijel Vv were
| On busine
The Pennsylvania Railroad Person.
T to
which leaves
ally-Conducted Mexico and
York |
Philadelphia on February 11 by
al Pall 1
A New
vadd the
largely in
Ce Imposed
r at
covers a large
and ou the re urn
rota, the
Cirand |
uasier al State
fhe { .
ie X
F i Co witer
as Wedpesday, at whi
in Mexico and nine | 3
California, The Mexico, snd o
One gieal - 5
wee, iit i
Senate for
which when done
: smilie
the o irteen i
3 fi tine (he
lave will be spent ! t
. sent his pame to tls
teen in
wlif y 4 : : . Lion,
California ®pecinl, to be used over the! : :
t 1 33 the Bate Coileg:
! the
{for four years more.
highest grade Pullmag Parlor Smok- | <
’ wx»
W. WwW, ilefonte,
{drove to Centre Hill Naturday t pay
Care, | AS
Bible and wife, of 3
and Observation
oy steam and lighted
a Visit {0 the lat : WwW.
been the
Bible is a
present is em
ip school
Ly elec | fers father
i - 1
: s | Rove hiose |
Round trip rate, covering all | Royer, wtios
1ealth he
me, M
school teacher and at
, | best for some ti
entire " a y
on the|
{ ployed Ly the Spring towunsh
trip, from all points
of Pittsburg, and $570 from Pittsburg,
For the tour of Mexico only the rate] Miss Puella Dornblaser, of Salons,
$35, and for California only, | lectured in the Penns Creek Lutheran
§375. church at Penn Hail Saturday night
on “Hindrances 1o Christianity,” and
Sunday morsiog on “Lute ranism in
the West”! The talks were highly in-
teresting and were with
great interest,
For itinerary and full information, |
Apply to ticket agents, or address
Boyd, Assistant General
listened 0
Philadelphia. 0-29,
nn You will find complete market re.
ports in the Reporter—both city and
country, local and foreign. It pays to
keep an eye on the markets. There was
atime when farmers, and producers,
had no opportuity to learn the value
of their products when they resched
the city. It is different now.
M. B. Duck, Esq, of Millheim and
J. Wells Evans, of Spring Mills, were
business callers at the Reporter office
Monday — Mer. Duck in the interest of
the Union Sunday School eonvention
to be held in his town and Mr. Evans
to get a supply of Reporters to send
out to friends interested fn the Dr. D.
M. Wolf Golden Jubilee.
Gregg township was well represents
ed in Centre Hall Monday at the cleo
tion of ollicers of the Centre County
Mutual Fire Insuravos Company, abd
among others were Messrs. Luther
Musser, Wm. Frederick, Chas. Ww,
Fisher, F. M. Fisher, Harry W.
Wesver, W. IB. Fiedler, Henty Meyer,
C. E, Zeigler, H. B. Herring, all of
Peon Hall ;and J. W, Shook, Robert
Smith, Wm. Pealer, Simuel Condy
and W, 8B. Musser, of Spring Mills,
Charles Yeager, of Hughesville, Pa,
was in Centre Hall Saturday. Mr.
Yenger spend the beginning of hiv boy.
hood days in Centre Hall, hmving
lived with his uncle, Samael Youte,
on the diamond where the Lutheran
church now stands. Mr. Yeager will
be remembered as having veer stoned
sing Bewspaper comment at the last
election, at which time he was denied
a vote in Lycoming county, Me. Yea
wer cluimed thugas a mail agent he
could not lose his residence. but the
election board thought difteres Hy,
awak® Swith The question was tested ut jaw. by
Mra, A. H. Bmith, of Philipsburg,
1s visiting in Tusseyville this week,
with her daughter, Mrs. D. LR
Wm. Smith is seriously ill at his
home at Potters Mills. He has been
ailing since last fall, and at present Is
confined to bed with consumption,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Spangler, of
Hastings, arrived in Centre Hall Bat.
urday and returned Monday. Mr,
Spangler is a son of ex-Sheriff and
Mra. Jolin Spangler, of this place. The
coal business is booming sbout Hast
ings which keeps Mr. Spangler close
to his post of duty,
Candidates are beginning to canvass
tte township for the various township
offices, and quite an interest ia being
manifested by the citizens. This is
right and should be encouraged. Cer.
tre Hill will present a scene of action
on esucus day and it will do the Dem.
oeratic heart good to got out and aid
in nominating u ticket,
M. L. Bmith, whois conducting an
instaliment store in Johustown, in ree
mitting dues for the Reporter stated
that he is doing a splendid business,
Part of the letter Is of a private nature,
yet of such a character that will n°
“pire young men to put their wits to
gether when they see what he has done
Mr. Bwmith Jefi Centre Hull in 1802,
with but six dollars is his pocket, snd
that borrowed, Today he has ong of
the best stores in Johnstown, nod ow ns
tleven tenement houses from which
he receives fancy rents, and of con ree,
wre modern in construction, He is &
brother of the wide
x of Spring M