The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 19, 1901, Image 7

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    troops mightily
forceful way of
on of reverence,
Irreverence hag
none more than
the use of God's
n the streets and
t a profane rd
ary to point joe
the Serinty
Bible often intro.
OUR conve rsation
BRE. Irreverence
or custom house
onventional and
ire excursion and
the part of chil.
insolence being
Irreverence for
cartoons and as
n church during
k and sermon hy
ticism, and in
ng the head nor
ding as one does
ruler, thus show.
ot for genuflex-
prostrations, but
t us either how
ee or let us in
are not indiffer-
life who has not
On the battle
hirst for water,
English Army,
iroverbs setting
exh, “Bat the
An old proverb
#0 complacent
His pains if He
an easy chair.”
n this world if
bd you can and
itude, All the
my enemy wag
lsry into a position
since received $2500 a
pen vitriolic ever since.
you ever had is the man
urbed or even irritated.
than your Lord.
coming it would have
chem caravansary with
om there clear on into
th, and Herod, instead
eath, would have sent
e infant to the palace,
terminer of Pilates
ave pronounced Him
ead of a cross and a
yuld have been a coro-
mighty ones of the
foot of His throne.
the other fact which
n. This is our only
certain things that
sides there are
unger we ought
to warm, kind
peak, generous
All that you
is world better
very soon or
nd his troops
vay they were
hg of the Jor-
ndal or the
wed in what
never did the
one of them
We are all
¢Te 18 NO Tre
uthfully say:
The things I
time I come.
will resume
do not give
and cheery
agsin.” No,
ne of our
zit from the
: act we can-
le have lived
Il the human
ven persons
ned, the son
# young man
er, Tabitha
uppose t
o notice the
all attention
leads to the
the road we
sen what it
H have been
here? Will
they com-
about the
ped before”
acia box,
ark of
ht your exit
he grace of
d then go
pf you clear
the river, 1
e you from
s on this
the other
lowing ones
Intly, cheru-
ther side.
, the Mar-
it’s 18,000
the town
—— , :
Many Points,
Claim for Spanish War Expenses Cut Down at
Washington, and Harrisburg Officials Are
Dissatisfied Opposition to the Proposed
Secretary of Commerce by the State Grange
$50,000 for a School.
Pensions granted Pennsylvanians :—
Alfred Masonhimer, Allegheny, $6;
Nelson R. McNeal, Claysville, $8: John
H. Fish, Philipsburg, $6; John Daniel,
Monongahela, $10; Sidney W. Clark,
Leroy, $17; John P. Jenkins, Six Mile
Run, $10; James M. Floyd, Wilkins-
| burg, $8; Samuel Jordon, Moshannon,
$17; Amanda Reeder, Turtle Creek, $8.
Thomas Williams was arrested at
boy and a girl, the children of Thomas
Peters. The children were watching
Williams through the window of their
effect in the boy's face and the other
crashed through the girl's skull Wil
i watching his antics at the time,
Elizabeth Shannon was found frozen
»f Blacksville. It is supposed she start-
sd for home after being several miles
sut of town and lost her way
Miss Mattie Pringle, employed in Mc
Keesport, committed suicide by swal
lowing poison ?
| less than 150 hogs
an 1 gs 3
Charles ifford,
was drowned while fishing through the
ice at Gravel Pond with a
freight wreck on the Philadelphia
: occurred near
a broken journal
amaqua, sustain
a broken cars were de
The twenty-ninth annual session of
the Pennsylvania State Grange, ad-
journed at Johnstown. The report of
the Finance Committee, which was ap-
proved, showed a balance in the Grange
treasury of almost ooo. A resolution
was adopted opposing the appointment
f a Cabinet offices to be known as S
retary of Commerce and Industry. The
Legislative Committee submitted a sup-
plementary report in which the State
Grange was solicited to use its energy
cement of the law that
ids adulteration of mill feed
resolution recommending a taxation
of all corporate and personal property
at the same rate that the real estate is
taxed for the benefit of a road improve
ment fund was adopted. A committee
ural delivery system was unanimously
| The State has returned to the War
| Department at Washington the warrant
for $102,000, sent un
Spanish-American war claims for money
spent by the State in preparing the
regiments ior service
part payment of the
The total claim was about $300.000, but
over half has been
just returned was sent
he warrant
in settlement of
the claims outside of those called ”
cellaneous.” Th laims were made
some time ago, and when the warrant
cials were no
arrangement and the
warrant was at once sent back The
War Department has since sent the
will look into the matter agamn
With a clothes line on the end of
a prisoner, escaped from the Pittsburg
Jones was employed in
the bakehouse. He escaped by making
a hole through the roof, and then used
the clothes line to scale the thirty-foot
A fire apparently of incendiary ori
mules, 2a number of hogs, farming Im
wheat and corn and a large crop of to
The County Commissioners fixed the
valuation of property in Pottsville at
$6.174,021, a decrease of $150.48 from
the rate of taxation from seven and one-
A gang of men employed by the Dela
ware & Atlantic Telephone Company
in building a line from Blooming Glen
to Dublin, struck on account of the
number of hours of work and the entire
party left for their homes
The Ernest Silk Mill, of East Mauch
Chunk, has been sold to D. G. Dery for
$75,000, subject to a mortgage of $30.
poo in favor of trustees, who are resi
dents of the Mauch Chunks
While playing on.a flat boat along the
river at Muney, Theodore Brass, the
s-year-old son of Ollie C. Brass, fell
into the water and was drowned.
The Meadeville Theological School
has received a Christmas gift of $50,000
in the form of an endowment for the
president's chair from an anonymous
An order will soon be issued from
National Guard headquarters announc-
ing that the Spring inspections will be-
gin in February.
Mrs. William Ueifert was badly gor-
ed by a bull on her farm in Mahanoy
Michael H. Smith, aged 28 years, was
killed by a train at the West Third street
crossing, South Bechlehem, of the Phila,
jelphia & Reading Railway.
Denlinger & Charles’ grist mill and a
creamery adjoining, at Intercourse, were
destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of
William Habbings, of Dent's Run,
died at the hospital at Williamsport, of
injuries received by being crushed be-
tween the bumpers of a train,
A Boston Boy Edified,
It was at one of the summer schools
that flourished up New England way
every year, and the white-haired lady
had just finished her address. Among
the crowd surrounding her, swayed by a
congratulatory spirit, was a little boy—
a Boston boy. Presently, when he had
his opportunity, he shook hands and
said :
“1 was very much pleased with your
remarks. I have been waiting for years
to hear you speak on this topic. It was
one of the best addresses on the subject
1 ever heard.”
The boy was nine years old, the sub-
ject of the address “Motherhood.”
Fire Salvage.
It was in the Equity Court room, in
the Federal buiking, before Judge Ald-
rich, and it was an insurance case, with
a witness on the stand from way up in
the Rerkshire hills, He was tall and ca-
daverous, and one would never suspect
him of being humorous. After a long
description of the fighting of the fire by
his fellow-countrymen, he was finally
asked by one of the lawyers:
“Well, as a matter of fact, the build-
ing was completely destroyed, wasn't
“Well, we managed to save the cel-
lar!” :
Judge Aldrich joined in the laughter,
Easy Subtraction
Ascum—1 suppose you haven't had
Jank President—Oh! yes, we knew in
a very short time
Askum—Why, 1 thought he took a
great deal.
Bank President—Exactly. We mere-
Sprained Ankles.
(Prom the Cardiff Times.)
Among the thonsands of voluntary endorse.
sprains, stiffness, and soreness, is that of Mrs,
“14 is with great pleasure that Iadd my will-
ing testimony to the invaluable excellence of
in my own case. I sprained both my ankles
in walking down some steps so severely that I
was unable to stand for several months. The
pain I suffered was most severe, and nothing
that I used helped me until I applied St.
Jacobs Ofl, when they immediately became
better daily, and in a short time I wae able to
go about, and soon after I was quite cured, 1
am now determined to advise all persons saf-
fering from pains to use this wonderful rem-
edy, which did so much for me."
Mrs. Thomas does not enlighten us as to
what treatment she pursued during the
months she was unable to stand, and during
which time she was suffering so much, bul we
venture to suggest that had she called in any
well known medical man he would have si
once have prescribed 84. Jacobs Oil, for it has
conquered pain upwards of fifty years, and
doctors know there is nothing so good. The
proprietors of 81. Jacobs Oil have been award.
ed twelve gold medals by different interns-
tional exhibitions as the premier pain killing
remedy of the world. The commitiees who
toads the awards were in each instance com-
posed largely of the most eminent medioal
men obtainable. Mrs. Thomas evidently did
not know the high opinion in which 54, Jacobs
Oil is held by almost every progressive mod-
ical man.
China is greater than Russia, Great Bri
tain, Germany, France, Japan and the
United States combined.
Naiursily peopie want to be Well for Christ-
mas, for nothing so promotes bappiness and
good cheer. Therefore, take Garfield Tea
pew; it cures all derangements of stomach,
Byer, kidneys or bowels : it cleanses he sys-
tern and purifies the blood, thus removing
the canse of rheumatism, gout and many
chronic diseases. It is 3 for young and
old and has been held in the highest repute
for many years. Physicians recommend it
If you write thirty words a minute your
pen is traveling at the rate of 300 yards
an hour
Poran FADSLESS Dyss do not stain the
bands otf spot the kettle. Sold by all drug-
The largest element in American popula-
tion is Celtic : Aah
8100 Reward, S108,
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
jearn that there is at lecei one dreaded dis.
ease that science has bean able fo cure im all
ite stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive eure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being » con-
treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter.
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the ¥ystem, thereby destroy
ing the foundation the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the con-
stitution and assisting nature in doing ite
work. The proprietors have so much faithin
ite curative powers that they offer One Hun.
dred Dollars for any case thai it fails to cure,
Bepd for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Caexex & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75¢.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
Conscience is a good deal like an alarm
Sloek, We get so used to it that we don't
Best For the Bowe!s.
No matter what ails you, headache to a
cure you without a gripe or pain, produce
easy natural movements, cost you just 10
canes Candy Cathartic, the uine, put u
in metal boxes, every tablet has 6. ©. a.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations,
The best opportunities are those we
make for ourselves.
Wish All a Merry Christmas!
And tell them of Garfield Tea, which cures
indigestion and liver disorders and insures the
return of many happy Christmas Dinners by
removing the cause of dyspepsia and ill health.
We may all be to a fault when
the facie peg ping
Totterine in Texas.
“I enclobe B0c, in stamps. Mail me one or
two boxes of Tetterine, whatever the price
itaall {does the work." — Wm, Bohwars
J.T Shap
gist don's keep
A first-class telescope costs $100 to
pola ise telescope conts HI00I0
A Christmas Philosopher
a SAN three gress gifte_Healin Wealth
. give him Garfield Tes,
Sn mks he parent of Wealth poe
married ! 's
inal Signature.
rian troubles, I
ache, General
by its use.
Colored Wax Crayons—scholare’ joys,
Cornelian Agates for the boys
Nice Bisco Dells for little girls,
Bering Tope which the urchin twirles;
Bex of Jackstraws a lively game,
Fine Pletares, all well-known te famer~
“*Childhcod Days’ fs sure to please,
As will “Violets aud Sweet Peas,”
“A QIft from Heaven" "san gem of are,
“A Lively Tussle’ shows puppies smarty
“Little Sweoethonrte' Ip very cute
All are pretty, beyond dispute!
Best Steel Shears and Scissors toe
Among the prosents bere for you
Buttonhole Scissors wo send along,
Ladies’ Penknives or Jackkulves strong
Religious Plotures, rich and rare,
Cloth-bound Kovels read everywhere;
Dictionaries for daily nee,
And Tapestry Covers wo can produces
Sabseription te “American Queen,”
Pocket Match Safes, the Best yet seen
Men's Neckties, varied In design
Buspenders that are really fine!
And good Steel Razors, hollow ground,
With Leather Razor Straps ave foundy
A Wedding Ring, a Turquoise Ring,
An Opal Ring will pleasure bring.
A Garnet Ring for youth or man,
A Brooch-Pin made on nesxtest plang
A Silver Bracelet for the wring,
And Belt Buckles are in the Hasty
Hair Combs made of Tortolse-shell
Six Hairpius of the same, as well
And Rabber Dressing Combe se fine,
With Hair Brushes a varied line!
A Porcelain Clock surely charms,
We've also thoso that give alarma.
And Watches, too, for either sex,
Which man or woman can annex:
There's Handkerchiefs for man and wife,
Xnce Handkerchiefs to last a life
And, for the Ladies’ special use,
Sapporiers, Garters, we produce;
A Shopping Brg, or Ladies’ Belt,
Or Pocliet-Nook to held the “geld,”
And Silver Tea or Table Spoons
Are listed in our Premium boons
A Ritehen Kaife vo sharp and keen,
Conspicusus in the List ie sven,
And Linen Toweln-housowife's pride,
For Lion Heads we will provide,
Tooth«Brushes that avo strong and fine.
With bristles white nud genuine;
And Silver Napkin Ringe se nent
Their equal you but seldom meet
A host of gilts both small snd great, ~
Too nnmerous to enumerate;
They're here te meet tho varied
OF those whe LION COFFEE use!