The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 05, 1901, Image 7

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( ures Blood Folison
EloRemam, Etc.—Medicinoe Somi Free.
If you have offensive plmples ox eruptions,
nloers on any part of the body, aching bones
or joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swol-
len glands, skin itches and burns, sore fips or
gums, eating, festering sores, p, gnawing
pains, then you suffer from serious blood
poison or the beginuings of deadly cancer.
You may be rmanently cured by taking
Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. 1.), made espe-
sially to enre the worst blood sud skin -
pages, It heals every sore or uloer, stops oll
achos and pains and reduces all swellings,
Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood
troubles, such as eczema, scabs and scales,
pimples, running sores, carbuncles, scrofula,
ete. Especially advised for all obstinate cases
that have reached the second or third stage.
Druggists, #1. To prove it cures, sample of
medicine sent free and prepaid by writing
Dr. Gillam, 12 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga,
Deasribe trouble and free medical advice
Canter, Ulcers,
The average savings bank deposits in
this country 18 more than $400; in all Eu-
ropean countries it is abont $100,
“ Stratford-on-Avon."”
“1 am finishing a tour of Europe; the best
thing I've had over here is a box of Tetterine
I brought from home.” —C. H. McConnell,
Mgr. Economical Drug Co., of Chicago, Ill
T'etterine cures itching skin troubles, b0c. a
box by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah,
Ga., if your druggist don’t keep it.
Baltimore pays about $300 a year for
its display of flags on the municipal build:
Famsure "iso's Uure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago.—Mzs, Tuomas Ros-
mins, Maple 8t,, Norwich, N.Y., Feb, 17, 1900,
Love of a man for himself never grows
Strange as it may seem, a bore 18 a man
who never comes to the point.
“One of my daughters had a
terrible case of asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re-
lief. We then tried Ayer’s Che
Pectoral, and three and one-half
bottles cured her.””— Emma Jane
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
certainly curesmany cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping - cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
Three sizes: 25¢., 50c., $1. All drugyists,
Consult your doctor. If he says take it,
then do as be says If he telis you not
to take it, then don't take it. He knows.
Leave it with him. We are willing
Ye J.C. AYER CO. Lowell, Mass.
25° EACH
removes from the soil
large quantities of
The fertilizer ap-
plied, must furnish
enough Potash, or the
land will lose its pro-
ducing power.
Read carefully our books
on crops—sent free.
93 Nassau St., New York,
The tire buyer should lopk well
before choosing. A good pair
of tires adds to the life of your wheel —
saves it many a jolt and jar.
Service is what G & | Tires give first,
Inst and al the time, are comfort.
able, satisfactory and easy to repair.
Just the kind for country roads and big
loads. Send for catalogue,
Indianapolis, ind,
You can buy the very best
800 1b. Platform Scale.
Other sizes equally low,
Jones (He Pays the Freight.)
son's Eye Water
oak Cee wes
Dr. Talmage Says They Are the Avenue
Through Which God Has Marched
Upon the Human Soul,
Proof of Immortality-— Waraed by God
Wasnixaron, D. C.—In this disconrse
Dr. Talmage discusses a much talked of
subject, and one in which all are inter.
ested. The text is Joel i1, 28: “I will pour
out My spirit upon all flesh. Your old
men shall dream drear's, your young men
shall see visions.”
In this photograph of the millennium
the dream is lifted into great conspicuity.
You may say of a dream that it is a noc-
turnal fantasia, or that it is the absurd
combination of waking thoughts, and with
a slur of intonation you may say, “It is
only a dream,” but God has honored the
dream by making it the avenue through
which again and again He has marched
upon the human soul, decided the fate of
nations, and changed the course of the
world’s history. God appeared in a dream
to Abimelech, warning him against an un-
lawful marriage; in a dream to Jacob, an-
nouncing by the ladder set against the
sky full of angels, the communication be-
tween earth and heaven; in a dream to
Joseph, foretelling his coming power under
the figure of all the sheaves 8 the harvest
bowing down to his sheaf; to the chief
butler, foretelling his disimprisonment: to
the chief baker, announcing his decapita-
tion; to Pharaoh, showing him first the
seven famine struck years, under the
figure of the seven lean cows devouring
the seven fat cows; to Solomon, giving
him the choice between wisdom and
riches and honor; to a warrior, under the
figure of a barley cake smiting down a
tent, encouraging Gideon in his battle
against the Midianites; to Nebuchadnesz-
zar, under the figure of a broken image
and a hewn down tree, foretelling the over.
throw of his power; to Joseph, of the
New Testament, announcing the birth of
Christ in his own household, and again
bidding him fly from Herodic persecutions;
to Pilate’s wife, warning him not to be-
come complicated with the judicial over
throw of Christ.
We all admit that God in ancient times
and under Bible dispensation addressed
the people through dreams. The question
now is, does God appear in our day and
reveal Himself through dreams? That is
the question evervbody asks, and that
question I will try to answer. You ask me
if I believe in dreams. My answer is, 1
do, bat all I have to say will be under five
Remark the First
go full of revelation from God that if we
we ought, nevertheless, to be satisfied.
to get to New York or Pittsburg or Lon:
don or Glasgow or Manchester do
want a night vision to tell you how to
make the journey? We have in
Scripture full direction in regard to the
celestial city, and with this grand guide
book, this magnificent directory,
ought to be satisfied. I have more
in a decision to which 1 come enn 1
wide awake than when I am sound
I have noticed that those who give a
deal of their time to studving
their brains addled. They ar
jous to remember what they
about the first night they slept in
house. If in their take
hand of a corpse going
If they dream of a garden it means 3
ulcher. If something turns
to a night vision, they
not surprised; I dreamed it
out jifferent from the night
say, “Well, dreams go by
their efforts to
rhythm they put
into discord. Now, the
revelation that we ought to be satisfied
if we get no further revelation
Sound sleep rece great honor
Adam slept so extraordinarily that
surgical ineisior hich gave him Eve
not wake him, but there is no such
for extraordinary sher now,
who catches an Eve must needs
awake! Neo need of such a dream
$0 had, with
n ten thousand times
communication. No such dream nes
that which was given to Al leel
ing him against mnlawful m
when we have wrda of the eco
clerk's office. No need of
dream they
their dreams
waking tho
it has been dem-
that and heaven are in
years of famine,
given to
and rail train carry
{ demonstrate
righteousness sooner or later will
If there should come about a erisis in
your life upon which the Bible does not
seem to be sufficiently spec
in prayer, and you will get especial direc:
tion. I have more faith ninety-nine
times out of a hundred in directions given
you with the Bible in your lap and your
thoughts uplifted in prayer to God than in
all the information you will get uncon-
scious on your pillow,
I can very easily understand why the
Babylonians and the Egyptians, with no
Bible, should put so much stress on dreams,
and the Chinese in their holy book, Chow
King, should think their emperor gets his
directions through dreams from God, and
that Homer should think that all dreams
came from Jove, and that in ancient times
dreams were classified into a science, but
why do you and I put so much stress upon
dreams when we have a supernal book of
infinite wisdom on all subjects? Why
should we harry ourselves with dreams?
Why should Eddystone and Barnegat
lighthouses question a summer firefly?
Remark the Second-—All dreams have an
important meaning. They prove that the
soul is comparatively independent of the
body. The eves are closed, the senses are
dull, the entire body goes into a lethargy
which in all languages is used as a type of
death, and then the soul spreads ite wing
and never sleeps. It leaps the Atlantic
Ocean and mingles in scenes 3000 miles
away. It travels great reaches of time,
flashes back eighty vears, and the octoge-
narian is a boy again in his father’s house,
Ii the soul before it hae entirely broken its
chain of flesh can do all this, how far can
it leap, what circles can it cut when it is
fully liberated? Every dream, whether
agreeable or harassing, whether sunshiny
or tempestuous, means so much that, ris
ing from your couch. you ought to kneel
down and say: “O God, am I immortal?
Whence? Whither? Two natures. My
soul caged now--what when the door of
the cage is opened? If my soul can fly so
far ‘in the few hours in which my body is
asleep in the night, how far can it fly
when my body sleeps the long sleep of the
grave?’ Oh, this power to dream, how
startling, how overwhelming! Immortal!
Remark the Third—The vast majority
of dreams are merely the result of dis
turbed physicial condition, and are not a
supernatural message, Job had earbuncles
and he was scared in the night. He says,
“Thou searest me with dreams and terri
fiest me with vikionse.” Solomon had an
overwrought brain, overwrought with pub.
lic business, and he suffered from erratic
slumber, and he writes in Eoelesinstes,
“A dream cometh through the multitnde
of business.” Dr. Gregory, in experiment.
ing with dreams, found that a bottle of
ot water put to his feet while in slumber
made him think he was going up the hot
sides of Mount Etna. Another morbid
hysician, experimenting with dreams, hie
eet uncovered through sleep, thought he
was riding in an Alpine diligence. But a
great many dreams are merely narcotic
disturbance. Anything that you see while
under the influence of chloral or brandy
or hasheesh or laudanum is not a revela-
tion from God,
The learned De Quincey did not aseribe
to divine communication what he saw in
sleep, opium saturated, dreams which he
afterward described in the following
words: “I was worshiped, 1 was sacri
ficed, I fled from the wrath of Brahma,
through all the forests of Asia. Vishnu
hated me. Bceva laid in wait for me. I
came suddenly upon Isis and Osiris. I had
done a deed, po said, that made the
crocodiles tremble. 1 was buried for a
thousand years in gtone coffing, with mum-
mies and sphinxes in narrow chambers at
the heart of eternal pyramids. I was
kissed with the cancerous kiss of eroco-
diles and lay confounded with unutterable
slimy things among wreathy and Nilotic
Do not mistake narcotic disturbance for
divine revelation. But I have to tell you
that the majority of the dreamy are mere-
ly the penalty of outraged digestive or-
gana, and you have no right to mistake
the nightmare for heavenly revelation.
Late suppers are a warranty deed for bad
dreams. Highly spiced salads at 11 o'clock
at night, instead of opening the door
heavenward, open the rn infernal and
diabolical. You outrage natural law, and
vou insult the God who made those laws.
It takes from three to five hours to di est
food, and you have no right to keep your
digestive organs in struggle when the rest
of your body is in somnolence. The gen-
eral rule is eat nothing after 8 o'clock at
night, retire at 10, sleep on your right
side, keep the window open five inches for
ventilation, and other worlds will not dis-
turb you much. By physical maltreatment
vou take the ladder that Jacob saw in his
dream, and you lower it to the nether
world, allowing the ascent of the demoni-
acal. Dreams are midnight dyspepsia. An
unregulated desire for something to eat
ruined the race in paradise, and an unreg-
ulated desire for something to eat keeps it
ruined. The world during 8000 vears has
tried in vain to digest that first apple,
The world will not be evangelized until
we get rid of a dyspeptic Christianity.
Healthy people do not want the cadaver
ous and sleepy thing that some people eall
religion. They want a religion that lives
regularly by day and sleeps soundly by
night. If through trouble or coming on of
old age or exhaustion of Christian service
vou cannot sleep well, then vou may ex-
pect from God “songs in the night,” but
there are no blessed communications to
those who willingly surrender to indigesti-
Napoleon's army at Leipsic. Dres-
den and Barodino CAme near being de.
stroved through the disturbed gastric
juices of its commander. That ix the way
von have lost some of vour battles
" AN dreams that make vou better are
God How do I know it? Is not
the source of all good? 1t does not
1 i » that ent
ogical mind t«
ind Martin La
The dreams of John
St. Augustine, the
father, gives us the fact that
nian physician was persuaded
mortality of the by
heard in a dream
the wife
whe hie
¢ }
re his assassinalion
that hushand
have to
r the man wi
swers. The
wandered 11
prayer meet ng
great aposiie
y hed miven
of They stood
and at the clase of the religions ser.
and started
wed him
vices he took the tuberoses
homeward, and the German fol!
and through an interpreter told Mr. Lam-
ad dreamed of
white flowers,
Suffice it to
phier that on the sx he h
a man with a handful of
and was told to follow him
say that through that interview and
lowing interviews he became a Christian
and 1s a city missionary, preaching the gos
pel to his own countrymen. God in a
John Hardonk, while on shipboard,
dreamed one night that the day of jude
ment had come, and that the roll of the
ship's crew was called except his own
name, and that these people, this erew,
were all banished, and in this dream he
asked the reader why his own name was
omitted, and he was told it was to give
him more opportunity for repentance. He
woke up a different man. He became illus
trions for Christian attainment. If you
do not believe these things, then you must
discard all testimony and refuse to accept
any kind of authoritative witness, God in
a dream!
tev. Herbert Mendes was converted to
God through a dream of the last judgment,
and many of vs have had some dream o
that great day of judgment which shall
you have not dreamed of it, perhaps to-
night you may dream of that ly Fhere
are enough materials to make a dream.
Enough voices, for there shall be the
roaring of the elements and the great
earthquake. Enough light for the dream,
for the world shall blaze. Enough excite
ment, for the mountains shall fall. Enough
water, for the ocean shall rear. Enough
astronomical phenomena, for the stars
shall go out. Enough populations, for all
the races of all the ages will fall into line
of one of two processions, the one ascend.
ing and the other descending, the one led
on by the rider on the white horse of
sternal victory, the other led on by Apol
lyon on the black charger of eternal defeat.
The dream comes on me now, and I see
the lightnings from above answering the
voleanic disturbances from beneath, and
I hear the long reverberating thunders
that shall wake up the dead, and all the
seas, lifting up their stal voices, ery
“Come to judgment!” and all the voices of
the heaven ery, “Come to judgment! and
crumbling mausoleum and Westminster
abbeve and pyramide of the dead with
marble voices ery, "Come to judgment!
And the archangel seizes an instrument of
music that was made only for one sound,
and thrusting that mighty instrument
through the clouds and turning it this
way, he shall put it to his lips and blow
the long, loud blast that shall make the
soiid earth quiver, erying, “Come to judg
Ten from this earthly! ness anit,
aired in stars, we shall forever at.
[Copyright, 191, L. Kiopwh.)
General Trade Conditions.
R. G. Dun & Co's Weekly Review of
Trade de-
mand equals or exceeds supply and prices
| pp}
says i —When consumptive
are firmly held at an exceptionally high
level it is generally considered that there
is little to be desired in the business sit-
These factors
an unusual
now in evi
extent, yet many
are halting. The principal
disturbing element is the lack of cars to
handle the phenomenal shipments that
are urgently needed.
A general advance in the price of
pig iron indicates that record-breaking
activity at furnaces fails to produce ac-
cumulation of supplies. Steel mills are
seeking material urgently, and Besse
mer pig for prompt delivery at Pittsburg
is not available below $16.50. The feat
among the minor metals was the
sharp advance in tin to much the high
dence to
In marked contrast to the rise in tin
in 1898. Shoe shops
Western producers were never before so
Jobbing trade 1s
and makers are importuned for
Failures for the week numbered 182
United States, against 178 last
in Canada, against 21 last
year, and 25
“Bradstreet’'s” says:
Wheat, including flour, exports for the
aggregate 5.1%.478 bushels, as
5,518,030 bushels last week and
2.407 880 in this week last year Wheat
orts July 1 to date (twenty-two
weeks aggregate 127,819,000 bushels, -
“Jour Jest Patent, $400;
York No.
2 red 77%5a78¢;
we IN CW
large Go Ibs,
, flats, 37 Ibs, 1014 to
1% 114
£. 11 to
small and poor, Ch
-a7Ysc. do old roosters, cach 23a30
Live and Dres
+ do,
2 rough
‘ Fancy, large, 9
a8: do, muscovy and
Geese, Western, each soa
a: do, small
Live Stock.
Chicago. Cattle.—~Market steady : good
$360a6.00;: stockers and feeders, $2.00a
cows, $1.28a4.75: heifers, $1.50a
50 canncrs, $1.23a230;: bulls, $2002
75. Calves, $23500%500: Texas steers,
Hogs. -~~Receipts to day
Monday, 45.000; left over, 4.500;
10 to 15¢c. higher: mixed and butchers;
S.70a6.20; good to choice, heavy $35.7%a
0.30; rough heavy, $s5.50as575 light;
bulk or sales, $570ab.00
sheep and
lambs steady; good to choice weth-
ers, $1z0a4.25; ethers, $4.25; native
lambs, $2.50a4.00; Western lambs, $3.50
East Liberty ~Cattle steady; choice,
$5.75a6.00; prime, $5.50a5.70; good, $5.15
25.40. Hogs higher; extra prime heavies
$6.10a6.20; heavy mediums, $3.00a6.05;
light do, $5.75a5.8¢ ; heavy Yorkers, $5.05
a$5.75; light do. $5.40a35.50; pigs, $5.25a
5.30; roughs, $4.50a5.60. Sheep firm:
best wethers, $3.40a3.50; culls and com-
mon, $1.00a200; yearlings, $2.50a3.75;
veal calves, $6.00a6.50.
Russia has 15,000 physicians.
Paris has automobile fire engines,
Bengal has 4.000,000 quinine trees.
Mississippi has 26 433 wage workers,
Y ashington State has 444 lumber
Cuba has a Goo00-acre sugar planta.
Sugar plantations are appearing in
Four New York banks control $500,
hansas farmers are feeding wheat to
their cattle.
Torsaw's Yavuryes Dye produces (he fast
ewt and brightest colors of any known dye
stuff. Bold by all draggists,
Palms never live more than 250 years
Ivy has been known to live 450, chestnut,
800; oak, 1600, and yew, 2880 years,
Denfness Cannot fe Cured
eased portion of the ear. There is only one
ing, and when ii is entirely closed Deafness is
the result, and nnless the inflammation ean be
taken out and this tube restored io ite normal
Nine cases ont of ten are caused by eatarrh
the muoous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
F.J. Caxxxy & Co., Toledo, ©
Bold by Druggiste, 75¢,
Hall's Family Pills ars the best.
The people who claim that marriage is
a failure are usually the people who never
tried it.
Best For the Bowels,
Ko matter what ails you, headashs to a
movements, cost you just 10
in metal boxes, every tablet has
The Pritish teach singing to the Boer
children in the concentration camps.
Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 20 Garfield Headache
Powders are sold bere in large quantities; this
shows that people realize the value of & remedy
at once harmless and effective. The Powders
Investigate every grade of remedies of
fered for the cure of Headaches and the Gar
field Headache Powders wil! be found to bold
first place. Write Garfield Tea Co. for samples
New Orleans, la. a city of nearly 300,
000 population, consumes less than 15.000,
000 gallons of water daily,
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous-
ness after first day's use of Dr, Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise froe
Dr. B.H. Krixe, Ltd, 431 Arch 8¢t., Phila. Pa
The fellow with a poor memory scldom
forgets his troubles.
Mre. Winslow's Boothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma.
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25¢ a bottle
Tact is a way of getting what you want
without letting others know you want it
Conquers Pain
Price, 25¢ and soc.
Ry Oa Br, Me nllom's Meguiators
* & pever fall is i years By nu
s SALES © canton.
Write for prices JESSE MARDEN
LEB Comlm 8 (BarLTiNons Ma
DROPSY Ir iis em
cases. Book of testimonials and JO days’
Free. be. B 5B GREEN S30NFE Bex B, Allsate, Ga.
Address to Women by the Treas-
urer of the W. C, T. U. of
Kansas City, Mrs. EG.
Smith. a
“My Dean Sisters: —]1 believe in
advocating and upholding everythin
that will dift up and help women, a
but little use appears all knowled
and learning if you have not the heal
to enjoy it.
“ Having found by personal experi
ence that Lydia EB Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a medi-
cine of rare virtue, and having seen
dozens of eures where my suffering
sisters have been dragged back to life
and usefulness from ap untimely grave
simply by the use of a few bottles of
that Compound, 1 must proclaim its
virtues, or I should not be doing m
out housekeepers,
* Dear Sister, is your health
do you feel worn out and used up,
especially you have any of the
troubles which beset our sex, take my
advice ; let the doctors alone, try
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound ; it is better than any
and all doctors, for it cures and the
do not.”"—Mgs. E. C, Sairn, 1212 Oak
St., Treasurer W. C. T. U., Kansas
Mo.—88000 forfeit if above testimonial lg
not genuine,
Mrs. Pinkham advises sick wo
New and Enlarge” Edition
of Bnglsh, Diography, Geography, Fiction, ete.
25,000 NEW WORDS, ETC.
Edned by W. T. HARRIS, PLD.
United States Commumoner of
New Plates Throughout
2364 Pages. sooo Iliastrations.
Also Wabster's Collegizte
Dictionary with a waluabie
Scottuds Glossary soo Pages. |
» W 1 on Fryacanen
GC. GC. Merriam Co., SpringSeld, Mass.
$900 TO $1500 A YEAR
We want intelligent Men and Women a8
Traveling Representatives or Local Managers;
salary $000 to Piso a year and all expenses,
scoording 10 experience and ability, We iso
want local representatives: salary §g to fis a
week and commission, depending upon the (imme
devoted. Send stamp for full particulars amd
Sate position prefered. Address, Dept. B,
THE BELL COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa.
Lead the
Are You Sick?
ie and P. O
Send sour nan address to
The R. B. Wills Medicine Co., Hagerstown, Md.
Gold Mewn ui swha'e i. xposition.,
= po
Mahogany, Speckled Beauty,
Apple Jack, Man's Pride,
To appreciate
That we are giving $2000.00
our best efforts to
deceived by im
Punt desorintions of.
for tages, to fix the mem-
to iden
offered for our _
apon request to i