Thrown From His Oab and Killed. The following is a most interesting and, in sne respect, pathetic tale 1 Mr. J. Pope, 42 Ferrar Road, Streatham England, said : ** Yes, poor chap, he is gone, dead—horse bolted, thrown off his seat on his cab he was driving and killed—poor chap, and a good sort foo, mate. It was him, you see, who gave me the half-bottle of 8t. Jacobs Oil that made & now man of me. "T'was like this: mo and Bowman were great friends. Some gentle- man had given him a bottle of 8t. Jacobs Oil which had done him a lot of good ; he only used half the bottle, and remembering that I had been a martyr $o rheumatism and sciatica for years, that I had literally tried every- thing, had doctors, and all without benefit, I became discouraged, and looked upon it that there was no help for me. Well,” says Pope, ““You may not believe me, for it is a miracle, but before I had used the contents of the half-bottle of 8t. Jacobs Ofl which poor Bow- man gave me, I was a well man, There it is, you see, after years of pain, after using reme- dies, oils, embrooations, horse liniments, and spent money on doctors without getting any better, I was completely cured in a few days. I bought another bottle, thinking the pain might come back, but it did not, so I gave the bottle away to & friend who had a lame back. I can’t speak too highly of this wonderful painkiller." Rub the inner casing of windows that shove up and down hard with a little hard soap; treat bureau drawers in the same way. Thirty minutes is all the time required to dye with Porn.ooat Fapzress Dygs. Sold by druggises. Of 100 units of work done in Great Bri tain thirteen are accomplished by man- power unaided by machinery. Beware of Ointments for Catarrb That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys- tema when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Buch articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy- sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mer- cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. It is taken internai- ly, and is made in Toledo, Okio, by PF, J, Shioney & Co. Testimonials free, $F Sold by Druggists ; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. _ Among the 282 medical journals pub lished in the United States twenty-eight are devoted exclusively to hygiene. Best For the Bowels, No matter what ails you, headachs to a bowels are put right, Cascanzrs help nature, curs you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost yon just 10 cents to start getting your health back, in metal boxes, every tablet has C.C.C. stamved on it. Beware of imitations. be always harping on something. place of the Family Physician, for practically stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels. Certainly, from no other medicine can such good results be obtained. This Hert remedy makes people well and thus greatly increases their capacity for enjoying life ; it is good for young and old.” A fellow may have a turning int in his life without being a crank. po FITS permanenily cured. No fita or nervons- Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. B H, Krivs, Lid, , 931 Arch 8¢., Phils, Pa, own cash drawer. teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma. tion allays pain, cures wind colic. 350 a bottle ers are week days. Pigo’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken of a8 a cough cure.—J, W. O'Brizx, 822 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. Australia has more than 1000 papers. Says to All Sick Women: * Give rs. Pinkham a Chance, I She Did Me.” “Dear Mns. Pixgnax: The world praises great reformers; their names and fames are in the ears of everybody, and the public Fn helps spread the tidings. mong them all Lydia Pinkham's name goes to rity » id MES. H. ¥. ROBERTS, County President of W.C.T.U., Kansas City, Mo. wits a soft] bresthed Vlessing from the 1 sands u ousands of rho. hi who have Ya rettored to their families when life hung by a thread, and by thousands of others whose weary, aching limbs you have quickened and whose pains you have taken away. “I know whereof I speak, for I have received much valuable benefit if shrough the use of Lydia E. - jam Vv ble Compound, and years 1 known dozens of wo- men who have suffered with displace- ment, ovarian troubles, snd inflammation who are strong and well to-day, simply th h the use of Com Mus, Ii. I. Ronenrs, Bt., Kansas City, Mo, - If above testimonial Is not genuine tate to write to Mrs. Pink- bam. She will understand your case , and will treat you ie Her advice is free, and address is Lynn, Mass. ; BarAriss Thompson's Eye Water COMMERCIAL REVIEW. Gieneral Trade Conditions. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of rade savs: “A few months ago mjury o the corn crop aroused fears that the railroads would be seriously handicap- ped by the loss of tonnage, yet the sea- son of grain traffic has not only failed to yroduce decreased earnings, but there is such a scarcity of rolling stock and motive power that numerous industries are badly demoralized. In so far as these interests are concerned the reduc- tion in corn freight proves a blessing. Railway earnings in October were 11.3 per cent. greater than last year and 21.2 per cent. over 1890, while these roads reporting for the first week of Novem- ber show an average gain of 9.8 per cent. “A healthy demand is reported throughout the country in all leading lines of merchandise, while sales of winter goods have attained normal pro- portions and holiday business promises to surpass all records. “Failures for the week numbered 215 in the United States, against 217 last vear, and 27 in Canada, against 33 last year.” Bradstreet's says: “Wheat, including flour, exports for he week aggregate 4,083,734 bushels, as against 5,400,645 last week and 4.062.020 in this week last year. Wheat exports uly 1 to date (twenty weeks) aggregate 117,182,652 bushels, as against 70,417,817 last season “Corn exports aggregate e 620.024 bush » 3 so le $s against 708,284 last week and 13, o14 last year. July 1 to date corn xports are 18,077,768 bushels, as against 63.440,228 last season LATEST QUOTATIONS. Flour—Best Patent, $460; High Grade Extra, $4.10; Minnesota Bakers, $3.00a3.25. Wheat—New York No Philadelphia No. 2 red 76)2a more No. 2 76¢ Corn—New York No. delphia No. 2 67a670:¢; 2 62%ac. Oats—New York No. 2 46¢c: Phila- delphia No. 2 4934; Baltimore No. 2 40a 4914¢C. Hay—No. 1 Timothy, No. 2 Timothy, $15.00a15.50; Timothy, $12.50a14.00. Fruits and Vegetables — Apples Maryland and Virginia, fancy, per brl, $2.00a2.25: do Maryland and Pennsylva- nia, packed, per brl, $200a27 Cran- Cape Cod. per brl, $3.00as5.50 Eastern Shore, Maryland, Keif- do N York ICES 2 ifs Phila- No. 2 6Bc; Jaltimore $16.00216.50; No. 23 ers, per basket, 15a30c; New York, per brl, §3 Rappahannock, per $1.00a1.25 -Native, per 100 bunches, $1.00a Carrots—Native, per bunch, 1a -New York AMS Beets S50. :¢. Cabbages i Celery dozen 20as0c.; d 114¢c. Cauliflowe brl, or crate, $1.350a per Beans—Native, per bushel 73ag0c tuce— Native, per box 13a30¢ crate $1.00a4.00 Am Let- Union sew . do white, Native, okins, each box, 2%5a box 10a Shore, per bushel $1.25a1.30. Peg 4asc. Parsnips—Native, per Turnips— Native, per Tomatoes — Eastern Potatoes—Maryland and Pennsylva- do ; Sweets—Eastern Shore Pros rib sides, and 10%4¢C. ; isions Hog Prod shoulders, gsc. 11c; California, 13 to 13V5¢c.: do skinned, :C.; do., beef, Western, canvased and anvased sets, 14%5¢c 50; ham pork, $17.50; sorlb. cans, 1134¢c.; do ms, 10 Ibs, mess pork, lard, refined, half barrels do.. Products separator, Dairy 24¢.; —Butter—Elgin, 23a extras, 235a26.; do, do, gathered cream, 20a Maryland, do do imitation, Virginia and Pennsylvania 17a18¢ Eggs—Western Maryland and Penn dozen, 24325: Eastern : Southern, 22a23¢. ; icehouse. choice, 31 53 * 21a22¢. ; Cheese.—New cheese, large 60 lbs, flats, 37 Ibs, 10%5 to 1074¢. ; picnics, 23 Ibs, 11 to 11%4c Live Poultry—Chickens—Hens, 8¢c.: do old roosters, each 25a 3o0c.: do spring, large, per Ib gaglic.; do do, small fat, roatolic.; do poor and staggy. Bc. Ducks—Puddle, large, 9la small, 8acc Turkevs— Young, 8 lbs and over, per 1b oc. do per do, Live Stock. Chicago —Cattle—Good to prime nom- inal $6.25a7.25; poor to medium, $4.00a 6.25; stockers and feeders, $2.00a4.40; cows, $1.2504.60; heifers, $1.50a5.00; can- ners, $t25a230; bulls, $1.7534.75; calves, $2.50a6.25; Texas feed steers, $1.30a4.00; Western steers, $3.50a5.25. Hogs—Mixed and butchers’, $5.50a580; good to choice, heavy, $5.60a585; rough, heavy, $3.35a5.55; light, $2.25a5.55: bulk of sales, $5.55a5.75. Sheep-—Lambs, 10a 15¢ higher; good to choice wethers, 3.40 ag.10; Western sheep, $£3.00a3.75; native lambs, $2.5024.65; Western lambs, $4.30 East Liberty, Pa Cattle firm; choice, $5.60a5.00; prime, $5.30a5.50; good, $5.00 as.25. Hogs active; prime heavies, $5.8 a5.00; heavy medinms, $5.75a580;: hight, $5.70a8.75 ; heavy orkers, $5.6045.65; light do., $5.53a5.60; pigs, as to weight and quality, $5.40a5.50; roughs, $4.50a5.40. Sheep steady; best wetliers, $3.40a1.%0; culls and common, $1.00a200; yearlings, $2.50a3.75; veal calves, $7.00a7.25. LABOR AND INDUSTRY New York has 250 hotels. America has 28.000 druggists. London has three-wheeled cabs, Java supplies the world’s quinine. ew York has 40.000 night workers, In Japan there are less than 4350 men who have $250,000 apicce. The potato forms nearly 14 per cent. country. Policemen in Vienna must be able to swim row a boat and understand tele. graphing. ew York State farmers are buving potatoes for their own consumption, a situation unheard of there for vears. The total value of the manufacture of bricks and tiles in the United States in 1900 was $76,336,871 and of pottery $19, 708,670. Took at the Labels! Every package of cocoa or chocolate put out by Walter Baker & Co. bears the well known trade-mark of the chocolate girl, and the place of manu- facture, “Dorchester, Mass.” House- keepers are advised to examine their purchases, and make sure that other goods have not been substituted, They received three gold medals from the Pan-American exposition, “Tt 1s the opMion of entirely too many people that the word “friend” means one who will lend his money. SY XE et snd oures worsd testimonials snd 10 days’ treatment HE GARE §S0RS, Bex B, Atlante, Ga. tf t SOALES of aren fas Sl, © i py TTANDROME AMERICAN LADY, in o band, Hy pois doa, anes burnt. "E EINE GR iE $900 TO ‘$1500 A YEAR We want intelligent Men and Women as Traveling Representatives or Local Managers; salary $900 to $iseo a year and all expenses, gccording to experience and ability, ¢ also | want local representatives : salary §o to #3 a week and commission, depending upon the time gevoted. Send stamp for full particulars asd Sate position prefered. Address, Dept. B. THR BELL COMPANY, Philadelpils, Fa. » re STH ALENE = FREEJRIAL BOTTLE Aoontss DRTAFY. 79 £1307 STUNY.Citv WILLS PILLS—BIGSEST OFFER EVER MADE Foronly 10 Cents ws send to say P. O, s 1. aress, 10 yy treatment of the best medicine on earth, snd pu you or the track how 30 hake Mons wh i 28 Eliza. beth Mt, Hagerstown, Md, Branch ()llces 190 indinna Ave., Washington, D. C. When yeu weigh on a Jones 808 Lb, Beale PRICE $8.00. FULL PARTICULARS. JONES (HE PAYS THE FREIGHT.) BINGHAMTON, N. Y. IT PAYS 78:s"Pavea. 3%"! i’ *UNION-MADE" £5 “tray oe * Sa 9 Sed * ” ets 4 a et. a ., oe, 8 * * . ware ® sae Wa, batt Ww. 84.00 hy gle Figegifi Cannot Be | Cente 1h * 10 HS yepu ftet 42 fetes fl i : The standard has ul been Bin high that / rearer feecivos gry v ue We js mone n the La. so £n 5.10 shoe 5 he f £ gel site LETS, 1 bouclag a . A snd lls more a 4 a £5 shoes than othe style obfufors Be Neat has [re ny oe manufacturers in the world, .e celled all other makes sald at the : FAST COLOR EYELLTS USLD, ion it SFC SAD a5 by a W, oes haves togive Tuaiet upon having 9. L. Douglas thous Jougias 8 » faction ap other $2.00 «i $a with name 8 shoes because his reputa 7 or ihe best $2.00 » es 4 oF q ud aia ” ri Phons sent uy. where on receipt of price and $8.00 shoes must be WwW. L. are made rts tonal for cir. # tuessurements of Donugias $3.00 and 83.50 shoes of the seme bh leath- ers (used in $5.00 and shoes and are just as good in every way. Gold Medal ant Buffalo Exposition, ciLHENNY’S TABASCO Use CERTAIN:ES CURE. 3 | m 20 race SPUT BARPOP FISHING POD | ROO TAGE Nur ser BIIVER MATED FOUNTAIN PEN. MATEN BOX. 'SPEA G00 JOL PIPER H "DRUMMOND 'NOBBY GRANG « E, Rice, Greenville TAGS MAY BE ASSORTE Our new CATALOGUE FOR “will include many articles not {Catalogue will be ready for SHO 87x Woer ws” TEASPOOKS. er HEAD" LUCK" 40 TAGE. BUBBLE MOUTH FOR VINE LUT TOBALCE { JACK” ' El DSI ECK Xm NTURALLEAF | A. SUGAR SNELL ROCLAE™ &0 TARE, PUN ROLL RTWIST SALT AND PERILS BLT. 3 TAPE mIASURE eo mis. ,' “Cross Bow,” « Old Hon- « Brandy~- D IN SECURING PRESENTS. illustrated OF PRESENTS 1902 shown here. It will contain the G0 CART, mailing about January st, 1902.) c ..Hy. BROWN, 4241 Polsom Ave. St. Louis, Mo.