Largest in the World, Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.,, Dorches- ter, Mass., are the largest manufactur. ers of cocoa and chocolate in the world. They received a gold medal from the Paris Exposition of last year. This year they have received three gold medals from the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. Their goods are the standard for purity and excellence. Unme ationahle, Teacher—“What does b-u-1-1-y spell?” Johnny—‘Wey, er—u'm—m-—" Teacher — “Come! Come! Suppose a great big boy were to strike a little fellow, what would you call him?’ Johnny-—*“I don't dast to tell yer Ma'am.” — Catholic Standard and Times. They Cost Money. She—Do you find golf a very difficult game? He—Oh, no. Not aiter you've ac- quired a little knowledge. She—What do you consider the most difficult thing to acquire? He—The : sticks and balls. Further Particulars. Miss Saltonstall—Mrs. Smythe tells me that her father won distinction on the bench. Miss Winthrop—Yes, he was a shoe- maker. “1 had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer’s R Cherry Pectdral, and it gave me im- | mediate relief.” W. C. Layton, Sidell, Ill. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, pro ably. For it’s first a cold, then a cough, then bron- chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer’s Cherry Pec- toral. Three sizes: 25c., 58¢.,'$1. All druggists. Consult your doctor. If he says take It, then do as he says. If he tells you not to take it. thea don't take it. He knows. Leave it with him, Wa ars willing J.C AYES 60. Lowell, Masa, SOZODONT : A PERFECT LIQUID DENTIFRICE FOR THE TEETH ~~ BREATH 25° EACH SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER HALL & RUCKEL, New Yonx WET WEA HER WISDOM! THE ORIGINAL ED CLOTHING BLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. A.J.TOWER CO. BOSTON. MASS. s THMA- HAY FEVER ENE “CURED BY /GL3—~ S TH Cy ALL LN THY soe; BOTTLE \Adoasss DRTAFY. 79 E1307 ST.NX.CiT¥ $900 TO $1500 A YEAR We want intelligent Men and Women a8 Traveling Ne or Local Managers; salary, $50 4 to rum and all secoriing, to ce rer’ ability, tatives ; salary $9 to to 4is 8 Fee un do mission, £3 Send stamp, for full lars and Pate te sition prefered. Address, Dept, B i THE BELL COMPANY Philadelphia, nN ne of the $8.00 Te made 800, Lb. Platform Scales ever Sold. Well made. WiLLS PILLS —BIGEST OFFER EVER MAD: send to ER I Cents we wi a 31 ang B ou ont the Afaok how to make MM orders to The wi TAR Tsiich o Company, 33 [re Branch Moss Haas Agere FE nC. DF De. RORSY Hams Use CERTAINEEL CURE. i EU A ai odal at Huffa McILHENNY'S * TABASCO CURB.F( ir SUGGESTION TO ROOSEVELT. Chicago Paper Tells Him How to Cone dense His Coming Mossage. Already the Washington correspond- ents are writing President Roosevelt's message for him-—aldeit he is still in possession of his voice and can com- mand the services of a typewriter. If, however, Mr. Roosevelt intends to cover one-half of the ground laid out for him by the correspondents our advice to him is to issue his message in serial form, says the Chicago Rec- ord-Herald. He has the pen of a ready writer and an exhaustless fund of (deas of his own to draw on, and yet he is sald to contemplate the incer- poration of the reports of his cabinet officers in his own reviews of ‘‘the state of the Union” and recommenda- tion of those things he judges “neces- sary and expedient” for the considera- tion of congress. If President Roosevelt will consult the sound sense of the American people he will make kis mcssage unique in the history of modern presidential messages by its brevity. He can say all that is necessary to be said at this time {in a message of 5,000 words, and by using the reports of the departments as appendixes in less Space, The constitutional idea of the presi- dent's message was that it was for the “information” of congress and the people. But that was before the daily press had come to keep the pablic bet- ter informed as to the state of the union than it could be if presidential messages were issued weekly. The president cannot do better be- tween mow and the first week in De- cember than to devote his spare time —0f which he will not have too much {0 the strenuous task of condensing what Is necessary and eliminating what is unnecessary to be said in his first message to congress, He should be familiar with the superiority in range and accuracy of a rifl over a blunderbuss. Every unnecessary word in a presi- dent's message increases thy oppor- tunity for error. One Mail In Nine Months. In a private letter to a Gotebors sditor dated Tjarkhlik, April 27, the Swedish explorer, Sven Hedin, relates that he had just got his first mall and received his first news of the world in His Chinese companions gentle and amiable, fitted out camels twenty- Tour and seventy “HI 8 jon Swedish miles had le i» unexplored ine months. { servants wer Tiarkhlik he t n the thirty-eight a caravan horses mules pey for 170 him through an absolutely On one oc danger of walter, a mass of uu part of Asia. asion, when his caravan was in ing through lack of now was luckily found in Another time the party was blocks of sweet ico floating water.~—Indianapolis News, per: sh a gulch. saved by salt gE on The Queen's Kind WHeart. To {illustrate Queen Alexandra's Kind- ness of heart a story told is that of an elderly lady-in-walting to her mother, the late Queen of Denmark. In one of King Christian's weekly letters to his daughter he wrote that the old lady was dying and that her one last wish was to speak again to her “dear Princess Alex.” At that time it was impossible for Alexandra to leave Eng- land, but she spoke a long, tender mes. sage of love and hope and remem- brance into a phonograph and sent ft by speéial courier to Copenhagen. It arrived only a short time before the old lady's death, but it made her last hours serenely bappy.—Philadelphia Times. Not no Waste of Time. “Edication is a good thing, Limpy, an’ don't yon run it down.” “Ever git any of it, Weary?” “Me? Well, I shoulud say yes. 1 went to night school all one winter.” “An' what did you git to show for it, Weary?" “What did I git? 1 got four over. coats, three hats and seven umbrellas. Don't you tell me that goin’ to school fa a waste o' time." Cleveland Plain Dealer, Hearts Not Trumps. “0 daslingh man, as a look across his open-faced countenance, have broken my “Your heart?” fair. “lI am so sorry.” “No, not my heart,” he rejoined, “but every cigar in my vest pocket—-and they cost ten cents apiece, too.” Trifling that Costs. Neglect Sciatica and Lumbago Co Pain Price, 25¢ and goc. BOLD DY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE, COMMERCIAL REVIEW, General Trade Conditions, R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of! Trade says: “Little relief has been af-. forded the leading manufacturing indus try in the matter of transporting facili- ties. In fact the situation on the whole is less satisfactory since ability to se- cure coke has brought about the banking of some furnaces. This in turn tends to harden the market for pig iron, though no actual alteration in prices has oc- cured, except at Philadelphia, where 25 cents more a ton is readily paid. “As this industry is considered the best business barometer, present condi- tions and future prospects are certainly most encouraging. “Low temperature in grain growing States brought a higher level of quota tions, corn rising 23 cents above the figure ruling at the corresponding date last year, and 26 cents over 1800. “Wheat is moving out freely at both coasts, shipments from the U nited States for the week amounting to 50651,472 same week of 1900, and 3,927,203 in 1890. Vigorous milling and foreign demands last year's figures, despite the difference in output, “Failures for the week numbered 243 in the United States, against 201 last year, and 33 in Canada, against 18 last LATEST QUOTATIONS. Flour—-Best Patent, 1.45: High Grade Extra, $3.95; INNeso } & 32004110 rib sides, 11c; ns, 10 Ibs, 13 to 13 5¢.: do., beef, Western uncanvased sets 14! mes $17.50; ham pork. $17.50; lard solb. cans, t134c.: db. do. half and new tubs, 11%4¢. Lard, in tierces, 11¢ Dairy Products dutter—Elgin, 23a 24C.; separator, extras, 22a2y.; do firsts, 20a2tc;: do, gathered cream. do imitation, 17a18¢ ladles, first, 14a15¢ rolls, 15a16c.: fair, to half-pound ginia and rolls, 0, 200 Cheese —~New cheese, large fo lhe. 10t% to 10%. : do, flats 7 ibs, 105 to 10%4¢. ; picnics, 23 Ibs, 11 to 114¢ Eggs—Western Maryland and sylvania, per dozen 23ca—: Shore (Maryland and Virginia) 2)ca——; Virginia. per dozen 23ca —; West Virginia, 22a23c; Western, 22a ~g22¢ ;: 1cchouse, choice, $ refined barrels ladie, extra, 15a17¢; choice W good, Maryland, Pennsylvania, 21a2ic.;: do creamery, 1 2-1h. 4 23¢; Southern, Live Poultry—Chickens—Hens, per 1b, vagt4e; do old roosters, eac gh 253300 ; do spring. large, per Ib, - : do do. small fat, —aric; do do oh staggy, 0aglsc. Ducks—Puddle, large, roaro¥sc; do do, small, gaioc; do. mus- Geese-—West~ each soafoc. Tur keys—Young, 8 Ibs and over, per Ib 9i4a 10c. Live Stock. Chicago ~Cattle-—Good to prime $6a 68s; poor to medium $31.7515.00; stock- cows $i 25a 4.50; heifers $2.25a5; canners $1.25a bulls $224.50; calves $3a6.25; Texas steers $3a4; Western steers $3.65 ood to choice, heavy, $565a6; cavy $s5.35a560; light $5.35a 565; bulk of sales $5.60a585. Sheer sheep and lambs steady at late decline ; good to choice wethers §3.40a4; Western sheep $323.60; ative lambs $2.50a4.00; Western lambs a Liberty. —Cattle were steady: choice $560a5.00; prime $s 3045.50 ; good $5a5.25. Hogs—Higher; prime Heavies §6.10a6.15 ; heavy mediums $508 ; light do $5.00a505; heavy Yorkers 5 Soas Bs; light do and sigs i 7525.80; roughs $4.252560. Sheep strong: best wethers $3.4003.50; cuils and common F122: Yeuriings $2.50a3.75; veal calves LABOR AND INDUSTRY Germany has fifty-five central trade unions. Textile unions have been formed at Gastonia, N. C. The cables for the Glasgow, Scotland. Stamways are being made on the Hud- a ithe warle bs oa another revolu- ion in fue which the oxygen i . arated from the air. . Foreign demand for American wheat and corn this year foots up 213,28 320 bushels, aint 182210713 bushels for the same time last year, Cannons snd Thasderstormas The Weather Bureau has issued an- other broadside against the practice which has grown up in a number of Eu- ropean countries of bombarding the heavens to avert storms and carry them in another direction. Some of the argu- ments advanced will apply accurately 10 the Weather Bureau itself, It claims to score a success whenever it shoots at a thunderstorm cloud that does not pro- duce hail, although the chances are greatly in favor of there being no hail in the cloud. Whenever the Weather Bureau shoots at a storm and drives it away it scores a success, but when it does not drive it away it keeps discreet- ly quiet. That is a habit common to those who experiment with the ele- ments, Ww orth Kunowing About. No need of cutting off a woman's broast or a man’s cheek or nose in a vain atiempt to cure cancer. No need to apply burnis plae- tors'to the flesh and torturing thes weak from suffering. Boianie Blood Balm (B. B. B.) gives a safe, sposdy and certain cure. The most horrible forms of cancer of the face, breast, womb, mouth, stomach, large tamors, ‘ugly cancers, eating, Snueing sOTOR, persistent pimples, blood poison catarch, rhon- matism, terrible itching, seabby skin diseases, ete,, are all saceessfully treated and cured by Botanic Blooa Balm (B. B. B.). Drugght #1. Sample of medicine sont free, also man) testimonials, by describing your trouble an« writing Blood Balm Co., 12 Mitchell Street Could Blow His Own Inference. Cholly—~And did Chipper say anvthing about me? Miss Cuttings She just as bri ght as ever.— Miss said you From Puck were Dyeing is ss ‘simple as washing when yon use Prixax Faverees Dress, Held by ali druggists, In a hurricane blowing at eighty miles an hour the pressure on each square foot of surface is three and a half pounds. Stare or Omo, Crry or To Locas Covsry Fans J. Coexey makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Capxey & Co ae Sug basineus ink ity of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, an Ah at said firm will pay the sum of oxen wosvRED DOLLARS for each and every case of carammu that cannot be cured by the use of Havy's Cavannn Cone Fuarx J, Cnuxny. Sworn to before me and subseribed in my presence, this 6th day of December : SEAL } A.D. 1886. A. W. GLEAsOX i Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally a: acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. Send for testimonisls, free, F. J. Cagxzy & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, Ti Hall's Family Pills are the bost, LEDD, { ss. i a . The propie will in biggest J om have any money {oo earry ih Pest For the Bowels. Ko matter what alls vou, beadashs 44 a tancer, You will never get well natil vou bowels are put right, Cascaners belp natar cure von without a grips or 1, prada tasy natural movements, o« wt vou fast 1 oenis to star! gelling your hoa th bask, Cas carers Candy Cathartic, the gennine, put u in metal boxes, every tablet has C.C.C siamped on it Beware of imitations, Even the professional § way in the id EWINGIer Works f Atlanta, Ga., are sealnl Dropsy Specialisia in the un adverlisemen! H. HH. Green's Box the only sue world, Se in another « please her The girl ; EsRume a Sawin 3 saponsbibity family FITS parmanenily cured, No fits or nervon ness after first day's ase of Dr, Kline's Grea Nerve Restorer, §21irial bottle and treaties fy 1Ad., 981 Arch St. Puils, I’ A beat pin on a chair is no joke if yo Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrap for ohildren teething, sollen ths gums, reduces inflamma Sion allays pain, cares wind colle, 250 4 botlle True happiness, with some people, con sists in being able to say “I told you so.” for all affections of throat and lunge. - 0, Expsruy, Vaaburen, Ind. Ww Feb, 10, 1900. Dull care isn't a marker to a dull razor Daa , = 1 ¥ In the proce pleasant to t Mrs. Kate Berg, Secretary Ladies’ Ane iliary of Knights of Pythias, No. 58, Coms- mercial Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., After Five Years Suffering Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound “ Dear Mrs. Pixgnaym : — Whatever virtue there is in medicine seems to be concentrated in Lydia E. Pinkham 8 Vegetable Compound, I suffered for five d painful menstruation until I lost fleshandstrength,and life} ms forme, Only three bottles of your Vegetable Compound cured me, I nd hardly know when I am sick. years with profuse anc hadnochar became regular, without any pains, 2 r friends who have used your Compound for uterine and ovarian troubles good word to say for it, and bless the day they fir . Kate Bere. 85000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER I8 NOT CENUINE, When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or pa inful menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea, dis plac cement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down fe ling, intl: ammation of the « varies, bas kache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indige stion, and nervous pros- tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassi itude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleaplest Sess, melanchol oly, “all. gone” and “Wwant-to-be-left-alone” feelings, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. ; y ‘ x % . risa Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. tefuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address Lynn, Mass. *UNION-MADE" Some of my ues : W. I. Donglas 84.00 Shit Fdge Line Cannet De Equs alod At Any Price, are Thas and 2 hace 3 Ww. IL. Dougln g 83.00 and 83. 0 sions are made of the same high-grade Jeath- ers used in 85.00 and 86.00 shoes and E are just as good in every way. s 85 a smerioss oH ios Selig iret # Cainlog © Pres DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card fur a WINCHESTER GUN CATALOGUE. IT’S FREE. It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition, snd contains much valuable information. Send at once to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. . New Haven, Conn. i ———-—s. a1 Sa it Ww, x BOT G1. A AMI[Y |AXATIVE _ AND AcTs ABITUAL CNSTIPAY, PERMANENTLY rs On The combination is a simple and wholesome rfect purity and uniformity of product, it to the avorable ota raion of the lo Jet its PRICE SO¢ POR Bova a. TIN) ANE wy