CE THE NTRE REPORTER. CENTRE HALL, . . . PENNA October 31, 18901 TOUGH BOYS Need (ood Shoes. GOOD BOYS Need Tough Shoes, Both need CALF SHOES for Winter wear—we have all kinds—not all kinds of boys, not all kinds of calves, but all kinds of Calf Shoes. Our Boy's Shoes are made with heavy soles -will never rip, serviceable Calf leather and made in every way to stand hard usage and wear. To keep your boy healthy, see that he has good shoes. The Fall and Winter Season is the time he needs the right kind of footwear, Boys like our Shoes and parents like our prices. $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 are some of them. Mingle’s Store, BELLEFONTE, PA. COOL 00P0HG0000C0240000000000D00CL0000004000000000000008 COOBOORLODHVODIGOGLBGEYS CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. 10 and 7.00 Presbyterian Centre Hall. 10.50 a. m Pp. m.; Spring Mills, 250 p.m. Reformed -Centre Hall, 2.30 p. m.; Tussey ville, Communion, 10.50 a. m. Lutheran —- Centre Hall, morning: Georges Val: ley, afternoon; Union, evening ER TI SI T—— Union Young People's Meeting gocieties was held in the Reformed church Sunday night. Many of the members entered into the disrussion of the subject with greal earnestness. A Colt Sale A car load of Illinois colts will be sold at public sale at the Centre Hall hotel Friday afternoon atl o'clock. This is a rare opportunity to buy stock at a moderate figure, paying a high price for mature horses. nnn s—— A — A] ———————— Business Opening There is a splendid business opening in Centre Hall for a bardware store, including wagon aud earrisge ware. There is a large territory draw from apd po risk whatever to be able to do a paying business. —————— A — Bought and Sold. John D. Moore bought the Fleming property in Centre Hall from the ex- C0000 0000CCCOITNOB00000606400L00000000G0GBE0CBC000RC0S | { | { | | i | COATS AND MONEY STOLEN, | S— oi ed of Clothing and Money by Suenk Thief, | FARM HOUSE BURNED, of Tasseyville Destroyed by Fire, OF LOCAL INTEREST. Oysters at Shoop's, Baturday, Charles I No, 3 last week Hosterman while attending the Syn-| od of the Reformed church in Phila- | delphia, had an experience with a gneak thief, who was successful in re. coat and overcoat and thirty-six dol-| lars in good money, and Dr. Hoster- | man of an overcoat. The gentlemen | stopped at a private boarding house | and ou retiring at night bung their overcoats and dress coats in a ward- robe, flung their vests and pantaloons over a chair, rolled into bed and took | that Philadelphians peaceful in the betrayed | doings, The night and was spent in upon arising surroundings none of the Kupight's night until the wardrobe was opened aod it was found the missing. coals were the sleepers aud in Dr. Hosterman’s Rev. Kershner had banked his cash | cash It is evident the thief was aft- | no doubt would have] pantaloons or vests, at least he would not have rcfused the gold watches and chains. Entrance to the room was in no wise barred, except to turn the door knob, | for on retiring it was discovered that the door was without key. The placed confidence in the house led the ise Detectives were informed of the sit- | Mrs, Kerlin, widow of A. B. The widow will occupy the place her- self next spring. eet itera Soldiers Attention, During his term of office he has not the inmates of the house, but the sus picion 1s purely suspicion without a| scintilia of evidence, ! Bad encugh, but they might fared worse, have | ——— — Mew Postmaster at Boalaburg Scott Bricker has postmaster at Be alsburg Woods, widow of Dr. John F was the former postmistress, been appointed | Mrs. Mary Woods, fp Vaccination of School Children, An aet of the Legislature of Jue 18, be refused admission to the public that | Vals shvsiginp, setting forth . ’ bias been succovssfally cf Af comp ss Keep in Mind, Boys the capers of a rollicking, noisy, even bois of youngsters, and the | persou who cannot enter into the en- | joyment of their sport loses a whole | But ther | There is something iuspiriog in terous crowd lot of this life's good things, { jioga single paper. He is entitled to Vote for him. mn = A AS Married At the Reformed parsonage, Bouls- burg, Oct. 290, by Rev. A. A. Black, Charles W, Colyer, Linden Hall, and Miss Amanda E. Floray, Tusseyville. At the home of the bride, Houser- ville, Oct. 30, by Rev. A. A. Black, L Frank M yes, Lemont, and Miss Lu- cy M. Keller, Houserville. pn Good Record for Cows. A, F. Heckman is one of the farmers in Potter township who keep a good «tock of cows. He makes it a point to make the herd pay for their keeping and returu a profit be sides, In one year ending July 1, 1901, Mrs. Heckman churned 2797 pounds of butter from twelve cows, three of which were heifers, and sold veal amounting to $62. Very good, indeed. ——— A — Taking a Hunt, The Bradford hunting party will go to Blate Ridge this (Thursday) morn. ing for a two weeks bunt. Toe following are the persons eomposing the party : Frank, George, Clyde, Philip snd Al Bradford, Isanc Shawver, John Coble, (!. W. Biack, Wm. and Charles Kerstetter, Dr. J, K. Hosterman, J. Frank Smith, Jumes Moyer, John Kuhn, « hares Nett, Miles Dippery and Heury Homan. It will be bard luck for a deer to cross their path. Take All “eocnntions. Philadelphia fifty years ago was a great way from Centre Hall, but to day it Is near by wo close, indeed, that every precaution should be taken agninst contraeiiog that very loath. some disense of smmll-pox which is _ generally prevalent in that city, No one knows at what winute be may come in contact with persons who have been exposed 10 the disease aod thus carry the germs. The one pre eaution necessary is vaccination, aod of destroys the it the innocence a harmless | pro- | ER — D of W. A. Boozer W. bought the Boob, consisting of dwell | 5 ¥ propertly hardware store bulding | aod shops in the rear. The hardware | been made publie, except to say that i it will not be used by Mr. Bouvzer to | conduct his harness business in. The property is a most desirable one, and | the business place one of the best jo. cations in the town, pass ait shea Missionary Convention, i The Ladies Howe and Foreign Mis | slonary Bociety of the West Branch | Susquehanna Classis of the Ref roued | church will meet in the Reforped | chureh, this place, Thursday sud Fri- | day of next werk The opening wer | mon wiil be delivered by Rev. Spes | sard, Thursday evening. Three ses | gions «will be held Frida. Revs, i Crowe, Weitzel, Binek und Feus will be in ati pdance, besides twenty-five of ore delegates fiom misslonury so cletiea, I ST ERE A Good Advertising vMediom By exsmining the pages of the Re porter yeu will fiud that the bLusivess men of Penns Val ey largely patrovize it as an sdverlising medium. They do this because of its large circulation iu this part of the county, and beesuse the Reporter reaches a class of people who subseribe for the paper and pay the subseription price because of its merits, and it is natural for them, un- der such circumstance 8, to read jt carefully. Marriage Licenses, David B Cox, Hellefuute. Margaret Lyou, Bellefoute, Franklin Wingard, Coburn. Arabella B Gates, Huston. Harry A. Tressler, Fillmore, Dora M. Btephy, “tate College, Jereminh E Alters, Mingoville, Lizzie Bhump, Mingoville, Charles W Colyer, Linden Hall, Amanda E Floray, Tussey ville John RB Allen Phil y Bessie B. Adnius, re. Myron D 8mith, 8t. Johnsbury, Vt, BiG Joh Bllionin rs one-half mile weet of Tussey ville, was destroyed by fire, The fire originated the stove pipe which passed through the roof of the summer house and lacked proper protection, although it had been in that condition months prior. The family was seated at the dinnper table when the fire was first discovered. A extinguish desperate the flames, fore it was realized the flames had gained such headway that the remove. was possible, The total loss is probably $1,500, brick structure by Mr. Runkle, Among the effects destroved was some ¢ash and a gold watch Hugh Runkle, a son, insurance whatever on was i and was erected belonging to There was no the buildings, the policy having expired six months to Mr. unfortunate David Stoner, who lives nex proflered man and family quarters for the win the ter, and the same were accepted, on Poing Good Business. The Centre Hall foundry is doing a the of § i big business in manufacture Tons 8 have been cast into «t A has made thestove grata we grates t ir ellers, the prow prietor, bsis patterns for i Part has and Minton ness a study, and Of rales hundreds if the foundry ur wlitps { i free has b * alt thie ite parts i on the famous Centre Hall © ers for next spring's sn output, dp GENERAL LOCALS Beautiful weather, Make san effort to get out the vote, Good Year Glove Rubbers at Yeager ite Duvis Bellef The Bible water suit is likely on Fhiursday. WwW. WwW a! Centre 3onb will sell at public sale Hull, Fhursday, 14th ock, household ie * “i i bn w heels and hardware, ' at 12 o'eld §L tw pier z Buffalo Bis Wild West wil Tuesday ¥ and es : how went through a rain Wore near lex. (h $50 ERE} » it § hundred gton, Ki and ten borses, valued at killed Mra Lizzi this Woes kK =~! of Put) lagher, or Pr. Janes Hosterman, of Is siting Meret Hall, and Al fat his r., at f ‘oun ant 3 i ' $ ortor is on ow 4 lookin Mrs rus Goss, formerly is matron of the Chests vacation, dividing her time inives r, Mra. Ard, fatig hie WV ler her mote id her J ii ter, Mrs uf £1 § 3 Miil (irate t Hoover wa seniative io Centr the largest fire insurance eommupanies in id Lie wid How the wari nately, springfie Marie, Springfield, Mass ton, of Baston, aod the Queen, } York, which gives hin the wt i IRrgs f vo in} and strongest oi gent In Cent county. Ww. W. years has been wtiies of Bny Booh, who for as in the wheel] and gest business in thin place, sud very sue cessfully, Loo, will within « Jew weeks § hove ot 5 tut has been a fativunll, whiete ie Ww M fy, KIVIGE ploy uel Lo sever al en and genviou- fir pred we 1 liga ves HH Cong 1 » I siintiar Daisies | use ful citize wily " vin in countrititiogs The key to vertising, L Mis Lues M Were 1 orried al (he oie of Lav UF de Wednesda Harry Lioug pure wen faerie was! ale whic ne did Keilor, of tlouserviiie, evening. minid by Rev. A A Binck. Foe Uridal couple will reitrn Saiurday eveuiug, when a reception will be given to about hundred taenity five friends at the home of the groom's father, J. B M yes, Lemont, one nid i ——————— — Paritontar Notice In order to esteh the three o'clock train for Millheim, we would esteem ita great favor if parti & win dng work done ut Bauith's Centre Hull gallery would eome rior to that tine, Pare ties wishing work after that time plense leave word at Kreamer's sb re in advances. W. W Swit, Photographer, Centre Hal Friday « f evel week, ALA At my public sele on Now 13th, 1 will oft v ar private sule thirty young Plymont ts Rook roosters; they are of my own raising and you will find them ehotes fowls Will be sold wt reasonable prices 0G LL GOooDHART Every pair of our shoes are new | no old goods to offer— Yeager & Davia, Heavy sole B x Calf shoes for tie school girl, $200—Yeager & Davis, ut Delisfoute. Xr ithe Lutheran church Buniay morn. | 11 wr By | Spring Mills. The temperance lecture in the Methodist ehureh Thursday night was well attended, . Mrs. Rebecca Murray spent Wednes day in Spring Mills funeral of her cousin Mrs. attending the McCool, Poters, of Missouri, is in the Mills, and wild John vicinity of Pine Grove is devolivg some time to hunting game, Lawyer Harrison Walker has final- ly settled down to business afler mar. t i ing a good wife and taking a houney- moon trip, Read the advertisement of Meyer & Musser, in another column, who give afew pi ices on such goods as are bought from wagons of the Cheap John style, Forest Ocker, formerly of this place, til general store (1 recently was emploved at Beil the lefonte, is clothir. ih How with John T. iast week where he had nd the Sim Baum, fee returned from Alleghie- gone to at- M ins for wedding of his son. ean in Allegheny some Line, Russel Meyer, of and brother n-law, Pp | fewisiow 1, Nearhood Friday (ieorge , of this lance, called fu Isp I evening. is enguged with a plumber jo ‘Wislow nn, . P er » Long, of Spring Mills, adver- i the wails full sand winter wr 1s : HIE = it of by K M um M nude Nall, X months cits an examinalion oek sll who purpose purchase. g ruerh goods, for the among wlio past north af Oil has Leen time this Lou- friends, and #prul much her the Med enanhan fan with milly returned to ber in in fHACS, Houe ixinna Wii Ore A Henney, 8 mechanic of ur th ordinary Tuesday i ’ L311 nn rR, went to Pittsburg on a business errand and i latter part of this ih eX peeted Oo reflurn the week It bs re that i i ported (re vio- sing the ji t uy ow, game Jaws tablishing i os Pod biinds $54 Orisnianiige ve game Lie st give the benefit wu nt th home “ Hovett in Mr ow ier bet of g=tsr he fora itt formuvthing returned to eg saving her ithh her pares tw Hingie, w here Hoy Gaving. J the L fede § is «1 1 ¢ § fie Tatniiy Hey will io RUsSWEr sis cmupany 'w lines, Kn great Minveliienoe or ” appreciate Rev wiiviit to paste = Liavii d Comiitry fi63 one will 3 Linn $ f Pn : we, + si« 1 hie mpson, the Ma nous “Wild I Have aw eof the § stithor of Auvimals Known,’ te Cone Lisndie's uct a deparinient al id ws of er Home Journal. He ig to cond in to writing it ne will also furnish the i'ustiations, Fhe borough of Centre Hall has not a Bellefonte or io the capitol at i istiire f A u fe seekers, If foent bon counts for wight, the meirop- beet cotnparatively Ww recognition be xt year, Posto flies GM having one of the best Kept offices on his routs f Centre Hall Luspector Duryea gives Capt Boal the credit of Ts pection, ‘er having bwen a complaint the department of inefficiency, — cli - Transier of Heal Estate, Catharioe Long to Priscilla Long, dated March L230, 190 ten perches sltoate ln Penn towuship, fo sideration, $1.00, | Magar i Susan Alters 0 Benjamin F. Renuel- joey dated Sept. 1. 194, 6 perches altuate In Uregg township; « onside atom, $1.00, i Saral J. Bisenbuth, ot. a, to Sarah J Garman, {dated May §. 1900, #0 perches situste in Peun | bwusbip: eonstderation, $14 00, i Jasper B, Woire to Tura M. Hay ler, dated April i 5 101, 3 acre situnte lu Mies Wownship; consid: | eration, $200 —— ! The Weather, i | Thar day, Oet, Fr das, - salitrday, # inlay, Monooy, tering Wedpes lay, No Rein fall BICYCLES. — Chming pe Lowest Rain Temp. Fall. n...7 reiil QOR. wos hist wh " . - #0 i 25 » 3 wo : ¥7 arse 29 I have just received a ot of new chain and theycles which [ offer at [greatly reduced prices. Also un number (of second-hand wheels on hand from $5.00 up. . Also a complete Line of bie cycle si odries, Conster brakes sn spec ialty. Thanking you for past patrons age and ree fully soliciting a cone tinuance of the same I remain i full WwW. W. Boon, Cor nire Hall, Pa. We guarantee every pair of our Indien $200 shoes- Yeager & Davie | it : is ; i dy : THE 'STAR' STORE. ESTABLISHED 1889. 6, 0. BENNER : i PROPRIETOR. ® ® ® 0 0 9 Every day a new revelation, Every week a greater satisfaction. And now let us say to one and all that while the ‘ast thought of each day fs in our pow: r 10 place goods today in the hands of our customers at the lowest tv always aim to start the next day with greater determination, if pos«ibi and try in some way to merit a deeper confidence than before, by giving new values, Our position ls such thal we ean give you good value for your can get elsew hers in the valley You know we Pay no reais, no draysee, ing salesmen, sell for cash, never give exchange Lickets or prem gives premiums, you pay well for these) but we sell yon goods We luvite your closest attention and ask you 10 see how wnt with the best of everything lu season Pell Window Blind 336 i ave we done all s prices,” we Ww outdo ¢ day before, goods st Lesi cash 4 : money i its Lard my Mis BO gre vik 11 for fitrighit at a low cash We Cau solicit we than you {rovtn travel sire resin ont (3+ ens { that i your lence ,enmplete on spring FYauey dado ' roller & Linen ii Table Of Cloth { v4 wide, per yd =pecial value in Boggy Whip, worth 2 Wire bound . ’ ‘ Be One-hinif raw hide ii ” é * All §1.00...... Double-bitted axe, 1st quailty ingle ‘ $ “ Rifle Powder, fitie inch mili i 8, & 14-inch Horse #0 fiflding reaper, 50+ Nn ade & Boteher Hagor, guarantees f dged Dictionary per 1h i680 06 RK few quotation WANTED : Apples, quinoes, onjons, chestnuts plese 5 Ny Bry PME hear - ‘¢ have been to Eastern Mark . snl Late rd heat thas CK, and at such low prices that the : Do not . The Sp Of eci ¥ al Bargains . 1 flock 18 n ng ® | : ® ¢ % ods, Dress Co Outings, Muslins, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Craniteware, etc. oe 1 if We still sell th Raymond and Campbell Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. i’ = po “ » : LNervone guaranteed to on i { 3 $ i i sy i aii HG #00 Us before purc ist seWihiere P. LONG. Vi. Spring Mills. Pa. C. _lothing ! Do you wapt to be well dress _lothing! € ¥ } ’ Do Jou want to be comfortably dressed ! iid Do you want to save money cing well dressed tL O Then call on us NOW, and secure some stock we are making on onr entire This is an unusual sale, right | ter SCARON., | An invitation is extended for an early inspection. Come Now and Come Often. Bring Your Neighbors. ‘Readymade Suits and Overcoats . . . |Suits made to orderat . . . . . .. $ 5.00 15.00 lontgomery & Co, Bellefonte, A * . . . . Penn’a Something that will Interest You! We have never made a special v of advertising our che p goods, because we do not want you to get the impression that we Keep a Cheap John Store for that is not our object, We are here to sell you good goods at as low or low- er prices than you ean buv them any vhera else, goods that will give you sate isfaction and make vou feel like coming again. Wa endeavor to make every article we sell a trade winner. Rut if yon insist, and most have cheap we can supply you with them as cheap or cheaper than you can buy them from wagons that drive the street, or from thosew ho make a specialty of thal class of goods. Below we give you a few prices to compare with others, Baking Pewder per ib. $ 06 1 Double bitted axes... 8 voxes for... Chiidren's “hoes... - Gloves in sizes for Babies 10 Ladies... ' We could give you many more such prices but space wi'l not rmit and, besides this, we give you 5 per cent. oft for ensh. Secure 8 cash ho an always present it when you make us purchase. We apprec ie it worth toast ey more i other trade ppreciate a cash trade sud Remember we give you 5 per cent off on any thing vou bay | store and eell you go wis ns ars than you oan aon —— We only ask you to give us a trial, aod be eonvivesd that we give you full value for your money. Do not hesitate to send the children, for if they have a list of what you want they oan get it ell AE * an list 4 TO ° Ap ha w ay can yourself, We aim tou e every one good weight, good measure, and gusrantee that you will find no “ice eake’’ fu your onns this winter if from us. Re y member we always pay the highest price for produce. say ul fm w., J Ja Ena Meyer & Musse