THE CENTRE REPORTER. CENTRE HaLL, . . . PENNA. October 31, Spring Mills. O. T. Corman, on account of the in- crease of business, will remove a parti. tion in his store, which will add more gpace to the main room, and will also | add greatly to the appearance of the store, UC. A. Krape, the boot'and shoe deal- | er, has been playing bachelor for the past week, while his wife was on a vis- it at the Pan-American. Grant Hoover, the insurance agent, of Bellefonte, who was reported as | haviog shot a wild turkey on WE | Hill Mountain, can rest assured that | he cau find many more turkeys at the | same place—in Jacob Bible's baru-| yard and fields. Mr, Hoover, you hud better invite your many friends for a day's outiug for turkeys; all you peed | is Lhe price. Stith Bros expect to occupy their | fine new building in about ten days, | with a pew line of furniture, ranges, and heaters, which will be offered at | a great bargain, Miss Muy Smith and Emanuel | Shook speut last sunday at State Col- | Lous ! ATR, il. W. Neese left last Monday for | Auburn, New York, after a visit of | two weeks with bis mother and sisters, T. MM. boused up | the past wesk with rieumatism, C. P. Loug bus purchased a flue, | new buggy from W. C. Meyer, at Peuu | Hull. Jumes Hanna, of Bpring Mills, had | his household furniture shipped 10] this place lust Mouduy; from here we Mil,» where will move his Wu, Blauser, Jolin Horuer, of : property chased thew Horuer estue, 1901. Gramley has been it he | lsther-iu-inw, is taken to Potters ih Wilh Johustowun, pur | of the old Mai for oue thousand the dollars. Bh Rebersburg. Ii, | was cliculating among old frieuads au Mr. ih 0. P. Graney, of Cedarviile, Gratuley spent | Northumberland | apples aud sulppiovg ac(usiulnuces, the lust mouth County, tuyiug thei, Mr. and Mes. J. WW. Harter Wednesday ut Spring Mills, ing t tueral of Mis, aunt, MeCool Reno W who is employed on | the fur spent attend. | Lyne Harter's | Mors, aller, Schiooisitp Saratoga, is hore A SX Week's Yatalion. Prof. E. M. Bruugart te from Cross Fork 1o sitend was called the faueral of his uncle, aeury Bruugart, Jues Frauk, Weeks with Ler daughter, Frauk, Mounds Mr. visiting he Mrs Who speut Mors. at Harrisvuiy, returved home two | 8. 8. | iy eVeuluyg. Reuben Gramley after with their daugliter, Mis. | Gieorge Ocker, at Lewisburg, returved Mouday mor dug. A. UG. Pasfrey, Centre, Wisconsin, visited her cousin, John Walf, Wednesday. Mrs. Pusfrey is au daughter of Henry Freese, who formerly lived on the Foster farm at Mills, now occupied by Esterline. She went west aud Mrs, home Mrs. of Richland last Centre Samuel twenty-three years ago Mrs. Dr. Deshler, of Aaroosburg, | after spending a few days with friends, | returued to her home Mouday after | noon. i Forest of Heotidale, who | of the fu-| brother-in-law, Heury Monday. Laitzell, was cailea here on account neral of Bruugart, Lis left for his home The long looked for trolley line has at last been realized. Boe of the Young capitalists bave consolidated into a corporation constiuct the same. This line was all couveceivid, planned snd esntied out in a single night, by these “brainy youths.” Think of such mesgranimous minds! These young men are kept very busy in supplying ueflic for this road; now coal cau be travsported without loss, This train may also serve the purpose of an amb lance, #0 “look out for the locomotive. There will be sale of Henry Brun. gart's belongings Saturday, Nov, 9. The iron bridge across Elk creek at Kreasmerville, is at last completed, Bert Woods snd family, of Scott. dale, are staying with Mrs. Woods mother, Mrs. Henry Brungart, uutil after the sale, Cul. Meyers and family left fer their home io Leadville, Uslorado, last Sat. urday. to a sis As A Great Opportunity, The burned district of Jacksonville, Fia., is to be rebuils at once, offering an opportunity for employment to workmen, and excellent prospects to contractors and capitalists, Jackson. ville i» reached from all directions by the Seaboard Air Line Railway Bystem:, which offers unexcelled facili ties in the way of schedules and through car service to that poist.novio A LOAD. We guarantee and stand by every pair of shoes that leaves our store Yeager & Davis, Bellefonte, AMI AA APA . Write Grant Hoover for prices on Penns Cave. The corn busking is about over, Jucob Musser is muking prepara | tions for building a new house, Harry Shr ckengast, who has been away working during the past sum- A wagon load of young people from | Tylersville visited the Cave Sunday. | of Josiah Rossman, last week. Saturday. A birthday party was held at the home of Jumes Grove last Saturday evening, which was a great surprise to Mrs. Grove, Many friends aud ac baviug enjoyed themselves, were nuUiuerous, Adam Zeigler spent Sunday at the bome of Huivey Rossman, lust Monday. a smn———— no ff — ——————— Colyer. Mr. and Mrs CO barles of Mrs. Fruzier's wother, Mrs, Foster FP ate to College to tue residence of David Mil Satuuel Bell, bardware ageut of Miss Susie Bogdan speut Baturday rie Bottorf. Clhiaries Boulorf returned home urday for a short furlough, aud return to Yeugertown where Lie isemployed io the axe ; Of course the Loop is still the day, i fuctory Dest piace, Win. Cooney moved to Yeagertown Fbursday, where he is employed mn uxe Inclory. Join Wingard the expert bhunter, Corn buskiog iv this neighborhood is nbout over, the crop being an uu Mrs Courad Liogle is improving at this writing. Miss Bessie C ooney spent Saturday | with ber friend, Miss Edua Ishler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Musser and fawily, of Penu Hull, Mrs. Musser's brothers, Runkle, Among the guests of J. Moyers were Mr. and vires, George Lee and family, Emanuel Smith aud daughters Ray and Noua, of Potters Mills ; aud David Moyer, of Ceutre Hall; and Prof. J. D. Meyer, of Bellefonte : aud Frank MeClethan, of Colyer. William: Btuwp speot Sunday with Johu Boutorf, of Yesgertown ix at present visitiog bis grandmother, Mrs. Jerry Stump and family, of Centre were visiting iv this vieciuity, also at Levi Stomwp's on Sunday. Miss Hara Wolf, of wear Linden | Hall, was the guest al the home of Samuel Slack lost a valuable horse ove day this week. her ister Mrs for Lanywville, Mifflin county, place and Mary ou afternoon. Mrs. Heury Moyer spent Monday ut Isrenl Weavers, P. B. Boul is vot yet done busking | corn. Peter is always auxious to have his corn erib full to the brim. Merchant GU. RB. Meiss transacted buriness with Squire 8. Housman on Monday. Jobu Gingrich intends to move to Yeager town where he will be em- ployed in the axe factory, - Potters Mills. H. B. Spangler and wife lef. for Chicago, Illinois, last Thursday afters noon, F. A. Carsov and Miss Kath ryn Wilkinson accompanied them us far as Centre Hall, Misses Mary and Linnie Evans have gone to Williamsport to spend the winter, Miss Helen Bollinger, of Lock Ha. ven, and Miss Grace Alexander, of Burnham, atiended the SBpaugler. Wilkinson wedaing. F. A Caron and Miss Kathryn Wilkioson spent Sunday at Millueim, ealling on friends, John Bumith, of Spring Mills, attend. ed the Evans sale Friday, Dunviel Daup bad several killed by the dogs lust Tuesday nigh; We are Centre vounty agents for the Walk-Over shoes for ton Y engor & Cooney Suuday | insurance. 000 Davis, Bell foute. they have not vot foond the dope, John Wilkinson transacted business | at the county seat Monday, Will Alexander, of Burnham, apent | Bunday in town; some attraction at | the Eutaw, | Mrs. Edward Rubl, of Spring Mills, land Miss Margaret Harshbarger, of Altoona, spent Sunday at the hone of | Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson. Pbillp Liester and family passed [ through this place Sunday on their way home from paying a visit to Mrs. Liester’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burres, Merchant Emsvuel Smith made a busivess trip to Lewistown last week, Wm. McKinvey can smile again and say this one is a girl. Miss Kuthryn Wilkinson will leave Mouday for a visit to her uncle Harry, at Mifflinburg. The sale of Mrs. Evans was largely sttended and things sold well: the property was not disposed of Misses Mary snd Livule left Saturday for {| Willis musport; Mre. Evaos left Tues- day to visit ber brothers and sister, st | Millbeim; Miss Margaret will remain for u few days, Lf — A o A———— Centre Hill. Johu Moore, wife, daughter, | ut the home of Johu Bible, place attended chiuren at Sutiday evening. from A young geutleman Milroy Miss Lydia Smith, who Is staying st Wes'ey Tate's near Oak Hull, and | her frieud, Marion Thompson, spent Suuday with Is al Lotue Visiling his parents, John Armstrong snd sister, ters Mills, the were Ruests mae By Lemont. Rev Progress Rev, Wertz, an me peed a series of peelings Methodist chiureh last Sabbath ing Bernie Lemont, his istuily on bis farm Bald Shultz’s meetings are still Evangelist, in Lhe I We 1s spending a few tion foreman st sVer, sec with Dix Sts days HeRY tion on the Eagle Valley rail road. lhe C. E. rian chureh will hold a social howe of J. | Friday Nov. 1st, The musics] entertainment given iu the Presbyterisn church last day eveniug was a grand success, both fivavcially. The re. clear of all expeuse, Society al Lhe Drecvse, nigh, dollars. ————— "A a Saw Mi dSaraed urge Lucas at Me bury The saw will of G Brides Gap, uear Plessaut Gap, ed enmupletely to the grouud tuesday moruiog of last week says Lhe Watchman, The will property nnd the early was a valuable of Beliefoute, Eunowy, Tue cause Mr. & Sou, the fire is uot fact thal he Las suotber saw mill operation down Bald Eagle Valley. mot———————y Bad He puistion Abroad Bellefoute evidently bas a vad repu- tation sbrosd, at least the Salvation Ariuy devius it a good place for opera. tions, and accordiogly begau holding | ieelings Saturday evening of last | week. The ministerial association of | that town, which takes such a great interest in neighboriog iostitutions, must be veglecting home territory. go Bee Grant Hoover before you insure. a, SH Sale Hegister, MAGGIEana D F YOUNG-Nor 2, at2p. m | On the pre bees, 35 wiles inom Colyer, wi xy | mores of Iand, ote h«if cleared and In ged con. | Gition, naving hoa=e and barn and all the ne ces sar oul bal ding on the premises, | | 6. L GOODHAKT - Nov. 11.41 9 a § i - m., one all of Bis farm fm “ek, consisting of baif wile west «of Contre Hill: the vunan € Besd of fin } ® head of horses sot cuits, 12 cows This berd of {| Powe has 8 god rerord os mitkers, some are { fremh, A It of welds bred Short be wi faltie, a | fine Bhort horn bell, a wood vung Holstein Dull, 2 iarge breeding sows 5 youog sows ready for { breeding, ove B Bshice font, & ot of fue shoats wid pr 8. The bog Beve been bre! with cere and ure good ones. A flock of good sheep. Come and examine this stook. pw Spring Mills, Pa. iP.V.S. STORE. You are cordially invited to call and examine my Fall Line of MEN’S, LADIES’, MISSES’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES in the best makes, My Rubber line is com. plete in the very best of goods, and at the right prices. C. A. KRAPE, A HOME IN THE sOUTu, Escape the rigors of another North. ern Winter and enjoy the delights of the Bouthland,, | i ! § i lund, and in most cases Summer does pot bring with it such extremes of heat as ure found elsewhere. In facet, the south is a nnd where extremes of oli mate are avolded, aud 0 List giently, is a healthful and sitogether desirable location. The tide of emigration Bouthwurd, for i! ji« now atic advant ses hint excels, Lut 18 resotitees, of its soil and its wealth snd abundant water power commend it to the thoughtful Cotisiderntion rf BHiry one who seeks 8 home wiere Northern thrift avd enterp ise ny curve out sUCCPRR The HMenboard Alt [hee order to stimulate vest assist In opening up the traversed by its Hoes, it will sell to prospectors tickets one way greatly reduced rates, imiformation to which may be obitutned of HUY fig OF Teprese nintive af the (van pu y J Horron, Eastern Pass, Agent, 1183 Brossiway New Y fy, W H DoLL, Gen’l Agt, Puss Dept. 1434 New York Ave.,, Wash D. 0. CU. L LONG=DORF, N. E. Pass. A gt., 306 Ww nxhitigton SE, Boston Mass Pass Agent Continental Trust Blidg., Balto. Md KR. E. L BUNCH, Gen'l Pass, Agl , Portsmouth Va. Turned Pie ecbinnie this favored lund thie tility fis whore fey Het rnd RBallway, in igationand Lo fie lerritory tia sel Livers, trip, Hitpong mic pound hem Of jit LB vial HA cine Our motto ; Quick sales and small Yeuger & Davis, Bellefonte FGIBTER'S NOTICK. ~The hil Coulis Dave evn ¢X-mined ald of reeord in the Register wing passed # Glico for the creditors spd al Wise inie ested, aod will be pre Be O:phans Court of Ce tre Congty. Matin nw Wednesday, the 27h day « A « 1901 Filan ax tof D vid ike, ate of Tash ae sud in olberm in penile dd Le for coufl ut Ll scmivistrator low sh Pp. G4 Gang! 4 e Oret parilal acosur L 8 of the 8 College Borough des tof kK teplahe falow, © 1 s Geta gut of { Barats J Cnt ue i fitim adminis stor of sto, of Ogi 6 tow flip, de The gs tof ¥ nok Ihst » AS ag IVY ale a of '¥ Bears sooount of Addie Ales, adminis of olf un, ate of Bele fonds Baoukh, 4 cess d 15, The toird suse Mek, rusiee of the Boies, late of Bells his stoonnt of George RB oelale of Thomas BE. Hes font Hor nag, Second g i. The Anh aud pmriind moousiant of Ja a Coburn, ex: cuts ie, of Th mas Hudtou of Wa ker t nN iahl ip, decessed Bell fonte P A. Oct ehh of oof ale ARCHEY, Heogister 1 NTHE COURT OF CoOMMO PLEAS FOR THE O0LUNT OF CENTRE wo 1 ' spelbombog + will ihe He ie Jd Lowe Jude Cain. o } dap of N Att 10 po fa ofl ald regulation fr ved Aa i 1901 = 10 b. Gader the 1 wr tale Cap ai ie Sigwmp, Cn 8. Law ated ¢ i tend 1 amb, 1%%4, Jaco Wag wt Leow A Blatk, Gentes for the ohater of an uel KB BUsStivalila the which 3 Pre preach iag EE a of the Seoratients ed other 0 a0 Toaloe with the Confess known ax the H idiehsrg Cate Lhe 80 pire sen Lo Dave promi om wad} he viel oo Benefits nud privileges aid Act aud le supplements WW. 0, RUSK KE spp by | yO het i 0 be rsiied Maas Tussle P Glory of vide ih th the sdminetratio hom tis oof gt v0 sim of Failh a and 6 enjoy ali ferred by the » & New Fall weil We have just received a fall | line of— DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBER GOODS, and in fact everything kept in a first-class country store. We invite all to come to see us and look over our stock of goods before buying elsewhere. Sa. 'CRANT HOOVE Controle sixteen of the largest Fire and Life Insurance Companies in the world. The Best is the Cheapest..... No mutuals ; no assessments. «.Money to Loan on First Mortgage| tv ~ Ofee In Crider's "Stone Building, 3 i An Elegant Line of it Line of Fine I_adie’s Centre Hall, Pa. pm Do bargain in stoves ! i Cali you reall If You ¢o nd will . will find the "iY a! Ny socK You extren and see my prices. prices lo WW re Among RED CROSS Double Heat welv low CIV OW, +1 ‘1 others 1 handle the RED CROSS OAR, Heater, Magazin SUNSHINE OAK LOR STOVE, Double Heater. ¢ + Aazing IMPERIAL RANGE. RED C1] RANGE. or Double 31 Withiont RED CROSS WOBRS MONARCH FM i il ung ain You wiil ace of i : FUIBINOCRS, at my id roofing J. A. REESVAN, A P. LUSE & CENTRE WALL. PA. Spouting a: 000R", BLIADS. We also keep on hand and ~ CEDAR SHINGLES. We have just received a car load |¥ A P. LUSE L SON. You will find p— wbest brands of | FLOUR - esa es eae are kept by JOHN §. AUMAN, CENTRE HALL, PA sbury Flour ana John S, Auman Brand are the best on the market, BRAN, SHORTS op & always on hand, Custom chopping done at all time 1 also keep Salt on hand at all ti in grain bag of in burs m~ckn Alen A he iar of tire a _ to Graham flour now Rae | Er Highest prices paid bby all kindy! of grain. Centre Hall, Pa A Dangerous Kidney Diseases. Celery King has cur sane, The doctor feared Bright's disease, and tried many remedies thal gave me no beip. Celery King has made me as well as ever in my life, and it seems almost as though a miracle had Loos wrought in my case.~Jen- nie O. Reichard, Springtown, Pa Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve, Shomnehe ver and Kidney diseases, 3 F. EWigland ills me of kidney dis od ¥ i i Linden ui i; G. WH. Lew #, Spring Mi WM. F. FLORAY OREMAN & FLORAY {(Buooessors to Geo. W. Ocker,) «DEALERS IN ain, Coal, Flour, Mill Feed, "Sal, Fertilizers, Farming Implements, &c. We pay the highest cash prices the and at the same time will offer you | nods a8 mentioned above at the low. fat possible prices consistent with the ity of gonds. We make a specialty of FLOUR $a carry in stock the best brands to be obtained any where, including both winter and spring w beat varieties, In the line of farm implements we offer only the best, including Chame pion Binders and Mowers, Nu Grain Drills and Bucher & Gibbs "Imperial Plows - ——- Bpring Tooth Harrows and Or The Champion Binders nau asm ave an i for durability, bine of draft, ease qua Petite