The Cor CENTRE HALL, PA., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1901, COMPULSORY EDUCATION, y NO. 40, TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS, HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS. VOL... LXX1YV. SCIENCE MAY COMBAT TRUST, The second briquette-making plant in this country has been es- tablished at Stoekton, Cal, the first being in Chicago, and the product of the California factory bids fair to become as popular, the San Fran- cisco papers report, as like fuel in European countries. These papers claim that the Stockton briquette is far in advance of anything of the kind ever before placed on the market. Coal screenings or slack and oil are the chief components of the product. The process of manufac ture is very simple, and the materials are, of course, inexpensive. The cost of briquettes is about the same as that of common forms of fuel. A ton of the new product, however, it is claimed, will last as long at least as one and a quarter tons of coal. The heat efficiency, too, is said be 50 per cent greater. With all these alleged advantages it is gurpris- ing that more use is not made of the mountains of coal slack and sereen- ing to be found in every coal-mining district in the country. It will start in one of these days as a competitor to trust coal. DEATHS, BEMI-LOCAL NEWS, MRS. GEORGE BARTHOLOMEW, Bunday evening at 7 o'clock life fled from the body of Mrs. George Barthol- omew at her home in Howard, after suffering for one week from an abscess on the lungs. The funeral took place Wednesday, Rev. Frick, of the Dis- ciple church, of which deceased was # member, officiating. The deceased and her husband, who survives, for many years lived at Hublersburg, but fifteen years ago took up their re