CENTRE Hany, . . . Saptember 26, 1901. Millheim, Centre Hall's spent Sunday with his parents, Ar the ' Pun’ Heh legel, Frid IK stores were closed on Monday, ing the advent of the Great Feast. Ar il Frank Geary, barber, last week, the drover, and Saturday, aud was in Wy essler’s Neiman's clothing | it be- and Mrs, James 8, Roaish, of Potters Mills, Spent Sunday with Mr, Reishi’s mother, at the National. the Mr Centre Hall Fair Thursday. Daniel Gutelius, staying with J. K. Bitner, near Penn Hull, during the summer months, has returned to his home to attend school, Mr. and Mra. John P. called to Lamar on the serious Condo's sister, Miss Clara Condo, one of Penn Hall's promising voung ladies, staying with her sister, Mrs. H, N. Meyer, king advantage of the Higl wortunities at this place. IXeister, the peach grower of Aarons. burg was in Monday Condo, Sunday, illness on of AC. Mrs, count of f= and 1 School is ta town evening, sellin per erate, son of blacksmith Hen- is back from Altoona where bad employment, Brown, ry Brown, he The few cold nights have brought to daylight quite a number of coal stoves, and Harry Leitzell, been kept busy furnishing fuel. Calvin Keen, who is employed the Homan and Shaeffer lumber job in Bedford ¢ wunty, his fam- ily. the draymaan, has on is visiting { sence of the Evangelical wr, Rev, Buek, who istakioga va- im, Rev, A. E. Gobble, » New Berlin College, ie pulpit Sunday preaching an excellent president very ably on evening, to a sermon large gation. conugreg AG, a Lemont. inner John W, Ge er have purchased I Walker the 1 tyiene iz and from right ’ = generat gas . Getz Is quite a linary Rochester lamp ge constru ted up by him with a burner, thus nerator double ting a portable table lamp, which produces a bright, dazzliog light. John I. fhompaon, 1 $ itghits Martie of this pla € up his whole house with a large inle acetylene gas plant which claimed to be superior to al gas or electricity. T will wenty run six for dleiam carbide our hours art 5 ane to at a cheap- day ide costs from three bundred pounds, ice it must be wis! gas or elects iollars per surely AN © icity. ablie i shed schools of College the Saturday, LOW n- ship wiil h woods spiter F ch all id W brother The a & picnie in next invited. of Howard, and of Centre Hall, this week. mpany is putting plant near to wi drnace, are tlson, his MIIAaS, #pept The new uple davs here CIeninery ¢ boiler a rin the separator at plac 5, Woods Bathgate, working in Altoo- na, is howe on a visit. Fred Harmen, of Brisbin, COUNIY, w over his this Clearfield Sunday; he lady friend ‘as home Was accompanied by frown Pleasant Gap, contin Farmers Mills. Farmers are about through seeding and are busily engaged cutting corn which is a good crop. Calvin QGarbrick, with mated team of sorrels, trip to made a flying business Nittany Valley Saturday. George KF. Meyer, of Coburn, present visiting with J. H. Rishel, welcome visitor, Rishel, his son-in-law, George Mr. Romig and the greens of Penns creek, near the Swamp church, and are haviog a very enjoyable time, Buuday peach peaches, R. Homan, who is employed at | afternoon orchard in Weaver Bro's viewing the fine with his family over picanie, to his employment Monday. Most people about few days at the Granger picnic lust week aud report a good time, A young superintendent of a peach orghard drove through town the returniog | “peach,” but would not stop long enough to give any prices, Merchant J. H, Rishel is receiviog ! new goods daily and anxiously solicits your patronage. Owing to the burial of President MoKinley, the school were closed on Thursday which gav: all an op- portunity to attend Memorial services ut the pienie. Bee Sus Bouyer Store you insure, ' Spring Mills. Miss Ida, d: igirter of 1. J. Grenoble of Gettysburg, formerly a very promi- | nent merchant at this place, is here | visiting relatives and friends, the guest | | of Dr. P. W, Leitzeil, G. H. Long will have publie sale of | all iis store fixtures and silects Satur- | | day next. Mr. in ness in Bousenville, CA, has now i | | i ! | Long is now busi Ohio. isrape, of the shoe emporium, splendid line | dress shoes for fall and winter wear. | The Py a beauty, and is ji 1st as comfortable to the feet as the Waukenphast and more sty lish, The exodus from here un pienie instock a iris shoe for Indies is to attend the Grange | remark large; hardly enough i. mained here for police duty. last WHS ably re- Potatoes in this section of the valley out of every bushel raised about one-half are decay- ed. The corn crop will be immense, H. C. Robi hardw cery merchant, has just first invoices | fire in a bad condition: S00, are and gro- received his in the dry goods line, such ax shirts, hosiery and underwear, He ral stock. of Potters here Sunday last, visiting Miller's mother, Mrs. Charles Mil- 10 still continues iu a precarious condition, Dr. P. W. Leitzell for Philadelphia. Dr. Alexander, have co will now keep a gene M. N. Miller and family, Mills, Mr. lay er, were wi left Mondsy During his absence Mille, will on of Potters barge of his patients, —— nlyer. - Farmers are busy cutting off corn, Wm. Walters, of Altooua, raul days with his cousin, J. er. spent sev. H. Moy- Many people of thia vicinity attend- ¢d the Grauge picnic last week, Bottorf was the Miss Carrie Frazier, at Lio- den Hall Sunday. Miss Carrie guest of her friend, Philadel- John Glas- Mrs. Charles Hambly, of phia, is visiting her futher, OW, Mrs. Lillian Hanopah, of Bpring was the guest of Peter Boal, of after ns- the I home ie, D. CU, Keller at iouse al Grange picoie Oy €F purchased a very large Thomas Weber one guy Mrs, Clara Win. aud week al Pive and LET, ai days jast rd Bubb, vel was very unfortunate { week by belong eaught in mill and rated, Lilroy, Mrs, t Huyetl's saw wot badly lacs visited Amos Week. er, Miss to visit brother accident e Roush, of A . Mr. erat days § and Bet- ist se to > Pes nn aged mother and also Lis who had a very bad inst week. Moyer lost a valu day J. H. d le ab cow by is week, Wolfe Mouday «Mss Carrie Bottort. Ws fy — - Rock Springs. i=vase Lh Af as «% Maude with her friend spent The recovered from an a has {tack of dysentery. Johu H. Nideigh is carrying his left arm iu a sling, of a kick from a horse, Mr. Mrs, took in the sights at can last week. Miss Ella Musser, one of Bellefonute's charming joung ladies, visiting friends iu this vicinity. Elmer E. Ross and sister, of Le mont, Suudayed with Merchant D. H. Weaver, at Piue Grove Mills, Alex. Tanyer, of Pittsburg, through here ea route for his home in Pine Grove Mills, on sick leave, James B. Heberling, of Pine Grove Mills, is in the Lumber city this week stockiog his large furniture store for | the fall trade. Heury, Frank and George Homan venerabi Joho J. Golheen ou account Daniel 1. the Johuson Pau-Ameri- and is ican this week, | his arm broken last Sunday morniug, by falling from a chair. Wm. H. SBausserman, who in the Altoona hospital weeks, is visiting | crutches. | ou the railroad, i for several friends rote, spent last week in this valley. | Morris, at Tyrone, cronies io this section aud the Grange picoie, Rev. D. E. Hepler gave notice to hia flock lust Sunday that be would preach | 8 sermon on Bunday evening, October | 6, on the Relation of Parents to Publie | Behoels. attended BA. | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Gront | ‘avorite, | The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have { made iL a great favorite with people | everywhere. It ix especially Jrised 4 mothers of small enildren for colds croup and whooping cough, as it on ways affords quick relief, aud it con- tains no opium or other harmful drug, ie Jhay be given as confidently to a Sue na to an adult, For sale by, Mrs As Haller, Livden Han, J oP A MIGHTY SALE. - nesday, Sept 25 at 9 A. M. Of Samuel Lewin, Tom) Pa., of the le Commit Bel Hefonte, New Sold in York inthe Hands { oO. Salvage to bie Days. Samuel Lewin's, est Clothier, tire stock will be placed on sale sold at retail at 27¢ on the dollar, ginning Wednesday, at Ya. m., and I'he entire and the stock has been placed in the bands of the New York Salvage C puny, the of Kind in the 10 will rapidly. This is the kind and magnitude that bas ever occurred in this again, jellefonte’s Grent- September positively closes in days. stock must be sold Oi largest world, ustitution Ax Li | will everytl is sule only lust days, ng KO first of this ¢ity, and it I'he Bring musi Hever ts may occur opening wiil made a the day There der gala day. children. will be prove nil Aud io ot tO to you what tremendous sseri- Hees must be of the will be made, we mention a few extraordinary bargaius that offered. And be 1,006) different We it with you, ar in ming there ure articles we csnpotl mention here. advise you #0 get this wi pous to save this and bring that exact there is po iy the agument, mistake that you goods mentioned in Remember, no p New York Compapy’'s sale will DAYS. Just think propositions, nnd ROMs priced in bit bad ment, this great Salvage FEN slowing that client ¢ eh gr of the | fetuenmivr in ail this a an at titne dur 52. bg worth § broug RK any sfle, A Fine Men's Suit of for sitively Clothes, all to match, This sui or your {is Pp money refunded at ar y titne durivg the sale il to en's Boe dre «00 or your m Men's fine in w few fined and others Positively worth $22 to 835 or money returned at soy Lime during sale. ] i summer and win than cost Men's fiuest ter un- derwear at a production. Joya’ suits and overcoals, worth #4 50, 1,000 pairs of boys’ knee pants, worth | $1, be. Men's best quality, reinforced Inundered shirts, worth £1, 200, Good heavy work shirts, 19e, ui worlh #1, Fine dress shirts, worth $1. 38¢ Men's bate, genuine Stetson shapes, worth §3 sud § A few hundred boys’ hats and caps, worth $1, 10a Men's fine silk embroid ered suspen ders, worth 5c, Go Good heavy socks, worth 35¢, Over 5,000 neckties in all worth from 50¢, to $1, 10e. Meu's handkerchiefs, worth Odd coats, odd ves!s and mackin- toslies at your own price, One thousand pairs of overalls, un- (ibs . . SC shades, Joe, ac other articles too mention, among them many for the ladies, 1,000 dozen men s shirts, sold the world over from $2 to $3, sale price Ste. Men's tine high grade winter under Three thousand 1,000 dozen men's summer shirts and 18¢. up among thew 600 dozen umbrellas, among them to $7.50, sale These are all up-to-date, 1901 goods You know the date, you know the day. positively begins Wednesday, 25, and positively coutin- ues for ten days only, st Samuel Lew iu's, Temple Court, Bellefonte, Pa, Do uot confound this sale with so- called closing out sales, ete. This is a legitimoate sale. Bellefonte's largest everything will be sold. Positively uo goods sold sud no one allowed in the building until Wednesday, Bep- tember 25, ut 9 a. m. Be sure you are Hen, Look for the large sign, New York Salvage Company. NEW YORK SALVAGE CO. (FOR SAMUEL LEWIN.) "e ereby 4 agree to refund the mou: ey ou all fouls priced sbove, if not sats isfactory to the purchaser rue W, MeGill Yond Udstave Kaufman, Mgrs. N.B~- road. tate d to pare Rathi pogo paul 10. — A | A SENSIBLE SUNDAY NEWEPAVER, Men’s Shirts, So Fromises the Sanday North Ameriean, the First umber of Which Appenrs Qh - Next Sunday, Shirts, 50 andl examine them, COCR, The ember | North American snnounees that on Sept ah it wil the publication of a ay y edition conditions demand of each met ropolitan paper an issue every day in the year The North American is sensibly obeying demand, Rumors of this innovation have begin Buti that ir towh ot It will be like ix keen, when it does anything ONG Gls6 The North does it better We handle the and in the matterof 8 Buuday best in the mark the kame rule Is expected to apply. . thing, The North American promises sunday Edition will be “different.” andard of text and illus ration will be as monthly magazine, It will any sense, It will not | eriify the trivial, neithe r will it make heroic Ame ieat, For ou that of suy Wt be “cheap” In Men’s Men’ § Celis ald s Heavy Shoes. it of the silly and The North American's motto is, “A sensiole Sunday pepe’ and If it is such It eertaluly will be rantand weloome, the commonplace, We also hay Si OCH for id fall iidii twilistrive, of coursa, aud 1 1 to be interesting and | i itertaining i That goes without saying. | coin writers and artists are of the nd the magni he North first | nt mechanical equip- American jnsures perfect details of the much | tour: colored suppl e | ition to the news sections and sheet | There “ of ors, devoled exclusively to w Lion of fi paper itself, this will be An elegant line Fhere . winter wear. ments i ad wip peges fu oo will be supplement eight nn a faterests, nu coml Mir pages 10 colo rv, | Viors aud a VA CXDimining wets Of muking >. A NHOME IN Tuk sour, Do bargain in stos Escape the rigors of ern Winter and enjoy the thiand, pw hisre can another North- the delights of you eek Ni lightfu lat, and ri be found more de cliiwatie than in ourown South Its winters sre mild and balms i most cUlnIner does ' £ with it extremes of Lent il e iu [xet, hie isu eines of oli tently, an a Cle n Jaaok stich 1 8 sew here, inti whe ide, re Xt aehime 4} $ IMPERIAL 8 iT ANGE t ers, R | LL wi dl it riostion rout Hind sited of any agent ¢ Lomupany. rn Pass A New Yi Agt, 1434 New York A C. L. Losgspons AW, Ww fant ings : me K DuvaL, Pass FEY Continental Trust Bidg., Balto, Md RE L Buse, Geu']l Pass, Agt = reset Hortox, | 11588 Broadway Dar, Gen’ ania gent, Lily, Pass. Dept. Wash. D. A gt. witon Mass i 'e ye, N. EK Puss H J. A. REESMAN, Centre Hall, Pa. Portsmouth Va, — A. P. LUSE & SON CEKTRE HALL. PA. Cots sod Hralees Qalekly Headed Pai iF ITH = i's lied to jure will nanitweri it, bruise $1 Balm app ii or like | pain and time ii ft fiay foe Joona than any iry is leave a Ar. ire rhenmalism, and lameness F Keller, Linden Hall, eutre Hall LU aless the inj int or J For bargains in fLOOYING, SIDING, GEILI IC, SASH, COOR . BLINDS. ‘MOLD NGS. LATH. SHIRGLES. We also keep on hand and CEDAR SHINGLES. We have just received a car load of 140,000 of these shingles. ————— A. P. LUSE & SON. H. F. ROSSNAN, . .| You wil find thee —wbest brands of Spring Mills, Pa. 29% 0% 99D FLOUR seo" aT%Tead are kept by JOHN S. AUMAN, CENTRE HALL, PA. Pillsbury Flour ana John S. Auman Brand are the best on the market, BRAN, SHORTS, HOP S40 & MIDDLINGS always on hand, Custoni chopping done at all thine “1 also keep Balt on hand at all times in in gtaje bags or nm burla sacks, Also Baum's Poaltzy, H Stock Food A new flour of prin ih wheat and su- perior to Graham flour now fn stock, CIDER Making Time 18 HERE AGAIN, 1 have a New Cider Mill which will be in operation Wednesday of... Each Week at... Colyer, Pa. You will .04d thy work entirely The price per gallon is vary low. You ean not afford to waste a single apple this year. - H. MEYER, 26 Highest prices paid for all kinds (P77 A” XG \ The Cure that Cures @ Coughs, Colds, Grippe, hooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Inc} Dient Consumption, of To )s The cy REM RE: Cures throat and lung diseases. OM by al druggists: 25850as IMR aC Sold by J. F. Smith, Centre Hall : ¥. E. Wieland Linden Hall: G. H. Lon g, Spring Mills ) w Se p R. D. FOREMAN. WM. F. FLORAY ‘FOREMAN & FLORAY {(Saccessors 10 Geo. W. Ocker) «DEALERS IN Grain, Coal, Plow, Mill Feed, Salt, Fertilizers, Farming Ra &c. We pay the highest eash prices the market will afford for all kinds of grain, and at the same time will offer you goods as mentioned above at the low- est possible prices consistent with the quality of goods, We make a spocialty of FLOUR and carry in stock the best brands to be oblaived any where, including both winter and spring wheat varieties. In the line of farm implements we offer only the best, includin ha pion Binders and Mowers, perior Grain Drills and Bucher & Gibbs "Imperial Plows - - - Spring Tooth Harrows and One-Borse Caitiontors, The Champion Binders and dlguans, as well as the