Those Da: igerots Sehoolma’nms, “Do you remember that that 1 was so much mas he id mn when we \ went to school down at the HOO hour vy un fpr + LET au much | didn’t! She married t boy!" Perhaps He'll Spank. awful sore above a whisper. ckied to death about it iden! idea you wn 11 Cail Tess—She's got such an throat she can't But she's just Jess ~The Pess—Yles; Milyuns is to yt ape an timid young evening, her on that SCC on and he'll have to si account. Free Riood Cure. Botanie Blood B lalm {(B. B. B.) curas blood and rkin humors like ulcers, eating sores, acz mua, ilehing skin, aching bones and joints, boils, serofuly, blood poison, cancer, ete. B. B. B. cures all malignint blood troubles, old deep-m a ed cases, heals every sore. makes the blood pure and rich. Druggists, $1.00. Treatment free and prepaid by deseribing your trouble and writing Dr. Gillam, 12 Mis chell st, , Atlanta , Ga. ry ago Gl asgow h ud a population rit has nearly 800,600 AU goods ave alike to — FanpiLess Dyes. as they color all fibers at one boiling. sold by all druggists, A centu of 77,2585. 1 3 » ’ railroads have . + French Two electric mountain heen constructed to operate on the dope of the Py renees of the fortune hunt- favorite dower ni arigold The er 18 Hows s 1 his? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Cata: rh that cannot be cured by Halls. ( latarrh Cur J. Cnepxey & Co. , Toledo, We, the und: nown F. J, ( ee ney for the li d ‘eli eve him per- fectly honorable in al $8 transactions and financiall to carry out any oblige- tion made by their t Wisra Trvrax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, (hilo, Warpiva, Kisxax & Marvix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, tiall's Catarrh C tire ist aken | internally, aot. Ing directly fipon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, ic. per bottle. Bold b I Drugeists, Testimonials free. Hall 3 Family Pil re the | Props, sont. The n who says he woul d share his last deilar with you somehow or other never gets down to hiz last dollar. Ladies Can Wenr Shoes Ine size smaller after using Allen's Foot. Ease, a powder for the feet, It makes tight or new shoes easy, Cures swollen hot, swent. ing, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunione, At all druggists and shoe stores, 25¢. Trini package FREE by mail. Address Allan S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y Every woman who marries fe a certain degree she is a reformer. — Tor the Bowels. No matter what ails ron, besdachs to a cancer, you will never get well until vonr bowels are put right. Cascaxzrs help nature, eure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cas. carers Candy Catbariic, the genmine, put up in metal bo every tablet has C.C.C stamped on it, Deware of imitations, Etypolog cane has FITS perma; ness after first v's use of Nerve Destorer, $94 Dr. BE. H. KEw1sg, vd iy cared. No fits or nervons- Dr. Kline's Great rial bottle and treatise free Ltd, 151 Arch bt. Phila. Pa fice sbout half the eo 4 Trop Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children testhing, softaa the gums, reduces inflamma tion allaps pain, enres wind colic, 332 a bottla The mreatcet railroad the U mitted Sates Pigo's Cure canny LL ecugh cure. Avenue, N., Min The many In number of 1900 was Hee adrt. of Sxrrapzar’s Brsivess Corres The g moni. greatest marble quarry is in Ver his he atl hop, 1 "answer 1 whag does “She ne he held turged on Mis on vou vhas miéstooken saloon vhas four doors pelow.” in der pia ““] was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. | improved at once, and am now in perfect health.’ "Chas. E. Hart man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It’s tco risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be- gin early with Ayers Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. — Consult oar doctor, Be rt Vath Hm Wo f be says take § on mot wot Den ER CO, Lowell, Mass. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayers Pills are liver pills. ey cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. 28c. All druggists, ne ane Jour i Jnoustache 31 are a beautiful rh BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Whizkors #4 gra. oF Deuntmve, 0% BB, Bac 8 On. Nassua, W 6 “ INSPIRING RELIGION. Talmage Preaches on Solomon's Wisdom--Sweet Spices of Christianity. Dr. Trouble =» No Dolorous Needed. {ic ropyriht 1901. 1 WasunisaTox, D. C.—In this discourse Dr. Talmage corrects some of the false notions about religion, and represents it as being joy inspiring instead of dolorous; text, 11. Chronicles 1x, 9, “Of spices great abundance: neither was there any such spice as the Queen of Sheba gave King Solomon.” What is that building out yonder, glit- tering in the sun? Have you not heard ? It is in the house of the forest of Lebanon. King Solomon has just taken to it his bride, the Princess of Egypt. You see the pillars of the portico and a great' tower, adorned with 1000 shields of gold, hung on the outside of the tower, 500 of the shields of gold manufactured at Solomon's order; 500 ‘vere captured by David, his father, in battle. See how they blaze in the noonday sun! Solomon goes up the ivory stairs of his throne, between twelve lions in statuary, and yim down on the back of the golden bu}), the he: ad of the huge beast turned to- ward the people The family ¢ it Counteracts All Music and the at- tendants of the k cing are ga many that the caterers of the palace have to provide every day 100 sheep and thirteen” oxen, besides the birds and the venison. I hear the stamping and pawing of 4000 fine horses in the royal stables, There were import ant offic als who had charge of the work of gatl hati ig the straw and the bar- ley for ae 1 worses. King Solomon was an early riser, tradition says, and used to take a ride out at daybreak, and when in kis white apparel, behind the swiftest hopses of all realm and followed by meunted archers in purp ns the caval eadb dashed through the streets of Jeru salem 1 was something worth getting up at the morning to look at. Solomon was not of the present ds cr All the spl lendors of his palace and retinue were ec lipsed by his intellectual power, Why. he seemed to know everything. He hid the first great naturalist the world ever saw Peacocks from In strutted the basaltic walk, and apes chattered in the trees, and deer stalked the parks, and there were aquariums with foreign fish and aviaries with foreign birds and tradi tion saves these birds were s»> well tamed that Solamon might walk clear across the city under the shadow of their wings as they hovered and flitted about him More than this, he had a great tion for the conumdrums and ridd! he made and guesase d. ram, his neighbor, used te and ask riddles, each one payi ng in Mone; Hf he could not answer or guess the Er The Solomonic navy visited all the w orld, and the ilors, of course, talked about the riddles and enigoas that he made and solved, and the news spread until Queen Jalkis, away off sonth, heard of it, and went messengers ith a few riddles that she would Like to ave Sol lomon » ive and a few purzies that she would like to have him find : She sent, among other things, to King Solomon a diamond with ahole so sl] that a needle could not pen etrate it, asking him to thread that dia- mond. And Solomon took a worm and put it at the opening in the diamond snd the worn crawled through. Jemving the thread in the diamond. The queen also sent a goblet to ‘Solomo wn, asking him to fill it with water that did not pour from the sky and that did not rush out from the earth, and immediately Solompn put a slave on the back of a swift horse and galloped him aroun d and around the park until the horse was nigh exhausted, and from the perspiration of the horse the goblet was filled. Khe alse so sent to King Solomon 500 boys in girls’ and 500 gitls in hoya’ dress, wondering if he wonid be acute enough to find out the deception Immediately Solomon, when he saw them wash their faces k v from the way thes apolied the water that it was all a cheat, Queen alkis 5 80 pleased with acuteness of Sol y that she said mat go and for myveeif."” it comes acd ety the suppose it Fal nds iw ¢ OCIOCK 1D if the kings like som rwned imbecility reputss dress recs and rioteers : fa and t | A ng ensigns and clanping sim The 3 is saturated with nedaties. ling harness $3 1eiGE § in f ov op sweeps through the gn te 1 | " eries the char the gravel in ortico of the king Queen Balk: a n atmosphere be witched with lights in Asx the dromeda- ries are driven up to the king's store houses and the bundles of camphor are unloaded, and the sacks of cinnamon and the boxes of spices are opened the pur vevaors of the palace discover what my text announces: “Of spices, great abundance. Neither was there any such spice as the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.” Well. my friends, you know that sll the ologians agree in making Solomon a type of Christ, and in making the Queen of Sheba a type of every truth seeker, and I will take the responsibility of saying that all the spikenard and cassia and frankin- rense which the Queen of Sheba brought to King Solomon ie mightily suggestive of the sweet spices of our oly religion Christianity is not a collection of sharp technicalities and angular facts and chro nological tables and dry statistics. Our religion is compared to frankincense and to cassia, but never to nightshade It is a bundle of myrrh. It is a dash of ho'y light. It is a sparkle of cool foun: tains, It is an opening of epaline gates. It 1s a collection of spices. Would God that we were as wiee in taking spices to our divine King as Queen Balkis was wise in taking the spice to the earthly Solo mon The fact is that the duties and cares of his life. coming to vs from time to time, are stupid often and inane and intolerable, Herg are men who have been battering. simbing, pounding, hammering for twenty VEArs. forty years, fifty years. One great, ong drudgery has their life heen, their faces anxious, their feelings benumbed, their days monotonous, W hat is neces gary to brighten up that man's life and to sweeten that acid disposition Jand to put sparkle into the man’s spirita? The spic- ery of our holy religion. Why if between the losses of life there dashed the gleam of an eternal gain, if between the betray- ais of life there came the gleam of the un. dying friendship of Christ, if in dull times in business we found ministering spirits flying to and fro in our office and store and shop, everyday life, instead of being a stupid monotone, would be a glorious in- spiration, penduluming between calm sat. isiaction and high rapture. How any woman keeps house without the religion of Christ to help her is a mystery to me. To have to spend the enter part of one’s life, as many women jo, in panning for the meals, and stitch ing garments that will soon be rent again, and deploring breakages, and supervisin tardy subordinates, and 3" ving off d - that soon again will settle, and doing the same thing day in and day out and year in and year out until the ie silvers, and the back stoops, and the spectacles crawl to the eyes, and the grave breaks jo under the thin sole of the shoe--oh, Wie a long monotony! But when Christ rome {3 the drawing room, and comes to the itechen, and comes to the nursery, and comes to the dwelling, then how cheery becomes all womanly ution! She is never alone now. Martha gets throu rough fr fretting ay alna i ary 3 he the San of oa na glay fons one Ad i Ih pido, Mamma hes use Racatie te can * i Miriam, | because she can watch her infant brother; Rachel, because she can help her water the stock; the widow 4 RBarepta, be- cause i» cruse of oil is being replenished, mu. . confess that a great religion of this day is utterly There is nothing piquant or abeut it. Men and women go hummifig gealms in a minor key fivating has in it insipid, elevating and cul more sighs than ra tures, do not dpubt their piety. Oh no! they arefsitting at a feast where the cook has forghtten to season the food. Every- thing 1s flat in their experience and in their conversation. and death and bell magnificent heaven, they act as though ing Botany Bay. Religion does not seem to agree with them. the windpipe and become a tight stran oe lation instead of an exhilaration. All t {fide} books that have been written, tro Voltaire down to Herbert Spencer, have tianity as lugubrious Christians. Who wants a religion woven out of the shadows of the night? Why go growling on your way to celestial enthronement’ Come out o warm light of the Sun of Righteousness. Away with your odes to melancholy and Hervey's' Meditations Among the Tombs!’ more spice and enlivemment in our relig ious teaching, whether it be ip the prayer meeting or in the Sunday-school or in the church. We ministers need more fresh air and sunshine in our Jungs and our heart and our head. Do you wonder that the world is so far from being converted when vou find so little vivacity in the pul iv and in the pew? We want, like the Pa to plant in our sermons and exhor tations more lilies of the field. We want fewer rhetorical elaborations and fewer uipedalian words, and when we talk i lows we do not an i say xmb ation, and when we mean queer ness we do not want to talk about idic crasies, or if a stitch in the back not want to talk about lumbago, but, he plain vernacular of the great asses, preach that gospel which proposes to make men happy, honest, victorious and free, In other ds, we want more cin namon and le Let this be so in different departments of work to which the Lord calls us I promise high spiritual blessing to any sing in church and who will sing so he artily that the Poop i around cannot help but sing Vake churches from Bangor to @ and across Christendom! of preference; it 1s a mat. duty. Oh, for fifty times soup d than has yet rolled hes! German chorals and yet z at the hands otight than as gristie, 11 aii the 4 the 18CO more volume of up from our in German cath als surp Ger nany has received nothin of God com} ared with America the acclaim mn Germany be lo that tha chure Es Ue, And der drawn out dwing concert, * EONoOrous nging ap listening : he SAYS f heard a great great waters and as derings. Hallelujah omnipotent re Join ‘nth only your your through Christ's into the ki ngde wn of they can laugh at Yoce . 1¢ ice OF A muititude and as the r of many the vowe of ighty thun Coond 31 Can, Souls An argument x they may talk ¥, but a 3000 wiced 1 terance of praise is remwstihle Rid uid thay Queen would drive ber spice isden dromedaries into our music. “Ne ther was sony such 5x0 the Queen of with and sind wa fl mn and Irankinoense and 3 i) ' TOU » as such had fo want mgs you sWweriness helped Richard A. until, in the midst of such a complication of diseases as per haps no other man ever suilfered, he wrote “The Raint's Everlasting Rest And 1t ured light upon.John Honyan'e dungeon, the light of the shining gt te of the shin ing city. And it is good for rheumatism and for peuraigia and for low spirits and for consumption. It is the catholicon for all disorders. Yes, it will heal all your BOTTOWR Why did you look eo sad this morning whet you came in? Alas, for the loneli- ness and the heartbreak and the load that is never lifted from your soul! Some of rout go about feeling like Macaulay when fe wrote, “MH 1 had another month of such days as 1 have been spending, I would be impatient to get down into my little narrow crib in the ground, like a weary factory child.’ And there have been times in your life when you wished you could get out of this life said, “Oh, how sweet to my lips would be the dust of the valley!” and wished you could pull over you in your last slumber the coveriet of green grass and daisies You have said: “Oh, how beautifully quiet it must be in the tomb! I wish 1 was there! I see all around about me widowhood and orphanage and childiessness, sadness disappointment, perplexity. If 1 could feit no sorrow and been buffeted by no disappointment —if 1 could ask all such to rise, how many would rise? Not one A widowed mother, with her little child, went West, hoping to get better wages there, and she was taken sick and died. put it in a box and put it in a wagon and started down the street toward the ceme- ter} at fall trot. The little child, the only chil mother! back my mother! And it was To that as the people looked on and saw her crying after that which lay in the box in the wagon, all she loved on earth-—it is said the whole village was in tears. And that is what a great many of you are doing—chasing the dead. Dear Lord, is {here no appeasement for all this sorrow see about me? Yes, the thought on resurrection and reunion far beyond this scene of struggle and tears shall the sun light on them nor any heat, for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall lead them to living ne of water, and God Jal} wipe away all Sg! from thelr eyes. couches © Jot e and A oe graves of your 1 fing this shower of sweet Afices. Qu driving up to the pil an B i house of cedar, no such nfenty of rlume as exha kk rom the Lo rden. It is ace tis sweets ness, is comfort. It is infinite satisfac ton, this gospel 1 a to you, God grant that through your own rat eal experioner Jou, may find that re- that’ ‘a Ways are § wake of hel santos and at all her paths are pat af peace; that rin forever, Ntfame now and nee ol pe And Bh Te there i ia: Quorn of Shiba gave 15 Rang Sotomaon.h COMMERCIAL REVIEW (iepera! Trade Conditions. much Northwest ideal vheat harvest has this 1s the point that busines parts of the has | -arefully watching, the gene better than a week ag “Official returns of pig i the first half of the record-breaking tons, exceeding the of the previous year by “Violent fluctuation Course Ol pont ol the late-planted corn weather been e8 country 674.713 output ifins Aggregate remark 2.044 } marked the gained, but the market 1 3 hh 1 14215; choc stern roll pouna first fair to ladles 15216 creamery, Penne 20 Cheetos New todzatoigc: do picnics, 23 Ibs, good. 1 { hali Marviand rma fvania 2:1b, flats 11a) Live Stock. Chicago. —Good to prise 26.35; poor to medium $4 4045.40 ers and feeders, $25004.40; cow 3.65; heifers $2.35a5.00; bulis $2.5ca4 50; calves, $300a475 Hogs, mixed butchers $35.30u3.95: god to heavy 8338sab03 Sheep, choice weth ers $17%a4.2%; fair to choice mixed $3283.75: Western sheep $1.2353385; yearlings $4.00a4.35: native lambs $2.25 as5.40; Western lamb $4.33a5.40. East Liberty. Cattle steady: extra 5.50a8.7%: prime $35.40a%8.%0; good $5.10a 25. Hogs about steady; prime heavy 30 nt 0%, and cho ce assorted mediums $5.00; best heavy Yorkers $5.0%u6.00; higit do $s Rea 08: pigs sroas Bo; «kips $4.308 5.25: roughs $400a5.50. Sheep steady on best grades: best wethers $4.20a 4.30; culls and common $i 5002.50; yearlings $3.00a4.80; veal calves $5502 6.00, LABOR AND INDUSTRY Bombay has twenty cotton mills Oklahoma's wheat crop is 10,000,000 bushels, . The world's ships are worth $254 000. Sionx Falls has a book that weigs 181 pounds Beaumont, Tex. 180 feet high. A New York factory makes O00 Cigarettes per week. Philadelphia tmionists will csabiish a co-operative laundry. 30,000, He Might Have | niled now, ms; “The 1 “And turer on irene aqgdress, 1 any ol you neak peak hingion's a question “Do was fully audience “It was as far then the Teply. “But | apen Ci ple i180 Was tested?” 3 } 1 you think queried eXINiIng Ket on he ‘Neve admire the i vm gre: ner ne whet along like a gentle } { his place like a hog.” ind Only One Mchigger—He do gue Answer. £05 the bill the 9ldas} sud only | usiness col nga grand new one ge enticmen Book kee g. Penmanshi Teiey ¢ Head) ing business college south of the Potomae river Phila. Stenographer Add GM. Smithdea! Ee -HAY FEVER | ALE NE DRIAFTS. iv SERD FOR STH! FREE TRIAL BOTTLE roams: CRIYAFT, 79 E1307 ST.NY.CITY *y tent. Bick Presidept pee RELL III ON ¥ R t C Eg in the ster shells THE BE ST ob 8123 CATALOGUES oil ILED CLOTHING of Feces Fer AND EN GIVE COMPLETE SATISFACTION. - a. of» FFE EVZ1 MABE. senits any P OO. al * Lees uslicine oy nas Mons srs to The 32 Elizae Sale ea lo) jE BEY pi ee 2) TON gv on WILLS PILLS 3133787 Foronty 10 Cents ws wil dress, 1 lays’ smth and ight at your h 11 Wills Medel in Ce beth st... Hagerstown, M CTARK Ave. ny, rasch Ww nshington, 1. TREES » by Tews-77 YEARS Loa xo nas Bureery TREES 17 BOOK free CASH JRY ART MOLE ¥atzswsx Werkly STARK BROS, Louisiana, Me. ; 7 PAY» DROPSY mr eins s © Book of testimonias and 10 days’ irsslmes ¥ree. Pr. HB HK GREEM "s Bows, Bex B. Atlssts, Gs. OVERY; KEW DISC gives “The Sance that made West Polat famons McILHENNY'S TABASCO. Usk CER AlN BEE" + CURE. 3 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN ThiS PAPER, BN USS HESTER and “REPEATER” inry becau se they are 30 accurate, ips end records have been Shoot them and you'll shoot well. SOLD EVERYWHERE of the Skin and Scalp Instantly ever compounded. skin baby soap in the world, Compiote External an and Internal THE SET , 4 with loss of ha REE ER i Jroatment for § ROAP, to clon od cuticle