Blues.” 4 aA 14M, iv, CEG ig Rn Ft 4 a uM When a cheerful, brave and light-hearted woman is sud- denly plunged into that perfection of misery, the blues, it is a sad picture. It is usually this way : She has been feeling out of sorts for some time, experi- encing severe headache and backache; sleeps very poorly and is exceedingly nervous. Sometimes she is nearly overcome by faintness, dizzi- ness, and palpitation of the heart; then that bearing-down feeling is dreadfully wearing. Her husband says, “Now, don't get the blues! You will be all right after you have taken the doctor's medicine.” But she does not get ail right. She grows worse day by day, until all at once she realizes that a distressing female complaint is established. Her doctor has made a mistake. She loses faith ; hope vanishes ; then comes the morbid, melancholy, everlasting blues. She should have been told just what the trouble was, but probably she withheld some information from the doctor, who, therefore, is unable to accurately locate her particular illness. Mrs. Pinkham has relieved thousands of women from fist this kind of trouble, and now retains their grateful etters in her library as proof of the great assistance she has rendered them. is same assistance awaits every sick woman in the land. Mrs. Winifred Allender’'s Letter. “Dean Mas. Prvgmam:—I feel it my duty to write and tell you of the benefit I have received from vour wonderful remedies. Before taking Lydia BE. Pink« ham’s Vegetable Compound, | was a misery to my- self and every one around me. I suffered terrible pain in my back, head, and right side, was very nervous, would cry for hours. Menses would appear sometimes in two weeks, then again uot for three or four months. I was so tired and weak, could not sleep nights, sharp pains would dart through my heart that would almost cause me to fall. “My mother coaxed me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 had no faith in it, but to please her I did so. The first bottle helped me so much that I continued its use. I am now well and weigh more than I ever did in my life."—MRS. WINIFRED ALLENDER, Farmington, lil REWARD deposited with the Ni: wa w De pa WHY GET SOAKED| 765),