VOL. LXXIV. DEATHS, Piominent Citizens of Centre County Called to Rest HENRY ETTERS, ¥ Henry Fitters, of near Lemont, died at his home at that place, Saturday morning after a lingering illness from heart trouble, aged fifty-seven years, He was engaged in farming all his life up to a few years ago when he retired to private life on account of failing health. He is survived by his wife, Mrs, Sarah Grove Etters and brother, John Etters, of Lemont. The funeral took place Tuesday morning; interment at Shiloh. one MISS SARAH EVERHART. Miss Sarah’ Everhart home at the Branch, Friday morning, of catarrh of the stomach, aged sixty-one years. She was a consistent church worker in the Presbyterian church at Lemont and was a member of one of the oldest fam- ilies in the county. Her father was the lute Benjamin Everhart, who was killed in a run away several years ago Sha is survived by one sister, Mattie, at home; four brothers, Alexander, of Altoona; John, of Spruce Creek, and Wm. and James, at home. at her near Lemont, died 1°\Y Lani ATA BECK. Miss Juniata Beck, who for several years made ber home with Mr. Eman- uel"Noll, at Bellefonte, died in a Phil- adelphia hospital Sunday morning. She underwent an operation which was believed would be successful but complications sot in which resulted in her death. She was thirty-five years old The funeral took place from the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Edmunds, of Tyrone. MES REYNOLDS The good wife of George W. Rey- nolds, of Graysville, this county, died after a very brief illness of bronchial pneumonia. Sbe had been married for more than sixty years, and at the time of her death was eighty-three years of age, She was an active mem - ber of the Presbyterian church. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Love. GEORGE W JOHN A AIKEN John A. Alken, of Bellefonte, died at his home Mooday evemng. He had been ill for some weeks, but his condition was not thought serious un- til a few days prior to his death, He was born in Biglerville, Mifflin county, ason of Hugh Aiken, and aged some sixty years. He conducted a music store in Bellefonte for twenty odd years, having first been a member of the firm of Bunnell & Aiken, and afterward succeeded the firm. His wife, who before her marriage was Miss Adaline Odenkirk, of Mil- roy, and three children survive. The funeral will take place this, Thursday afternoon, the interment will be strictly private. Rev, Dr. Lau- rie, of the Presbyterian church, and pastor of the deceased, will officiate, A. M. MOTT A. M. Mott, a prominent young cit- izen of Bellefonte, died at his home in that place Monday evening. The de- marble cutter fo some years carried on business exten- sively in Bellefonte. and two children to mourn their His nge was thirty-five years, ceased was a and loss, IRVIN DAVIS, Irvin Davis, at one time a resident of Linden 1 | at Jetlfirson Hos<- pital, Pu......, His re- muins were taken Lo wis home in Hol- idaysburg for burial, He survived by oue son and one daughter. His day. is age was about seventy-three years, The deceased was a brother of John Davis and Miss Elizabeth of Linden Hall, live on the Davis bomestead., Miss Elizabeth attended the funeral. Davis, who JOSEPH Joseph Miller, a promioent highly respected citizen who for more than forty years lived in Miles town- ship, died at his home in Rebersburg The deceased MILLER and Mouday at one o'clock. suflered from bright's disease for over a year, during which time he was an invalid. The funeral will take place to-day, Thursday. Bervices will be conducted by Rev. Wetzel, of the Re- formed church, of which the deceased was an active member for many years, Politically he was a Democrat and was firma in his convictions. During 1548 Mr. Miller was married to who to prominent family of Miles township Susan Bierly, belongs a Five children were born to their union, of whom, with the H. Miiler, together Harvey four widow, survive : +8%Y¢ you ava ” - Are yo vere t hy oe haves MW Al ivi - HALL, Rebersburg ; Chestie, wife of John Grimm, Sylvan Grove, Kansas : Em- ma, wife of John W. Hazel, Joplin, Mo.;: Jane, wife of David K. King, Mifllinburg. Wilson BE, died in 1877. rn a HRIEF LOCALS, The Gree Central of Church will meet year, Pennsylvania Confer- the Methodist Episcopal at Shamokin next Smith, the photographer will not be in Centre Hall Friday of this He expects, however, to be here the week, following Friday. Albert J. elected The Rev. rone, Huntingdon Presbytery, the of Huntingdon, Clearfield and Centre. Wiesley, of Ty- the compr izing Was moderator of alr, counties of ol Fred Kurtz, Jr, formerly with the Centre Hall Connie Reporter, thi Lia g Jour nal from the administrators of W. [.. Kurtz, deceased, who was his brother wisbhurg Charles H. Waite, formerly of Belle- foute, but late of Piteairn, Henry Waite deceased of Nlormstow: that Wed nesday evening of last week, had Pa, son of died at his home in place He been ill since last January. the of of Salladasbure, An examination of secounts Postmaster Smith, the man who has been missing for a few weeks, has been made and were bondsmen Mrs right. The the office « found to be all have Smith. turned wer to of D F grand child Alexander, the third child MeNitt, of Riglerville, a of the late A. B. MeNitt, monia T vesday moruing; this, Thursday, forenoon. The fourth ¢ hild of Mr. MeNitt's is in a very crit. di died of pneu. interment ical condition from the same SPARC Tussey ville We iit a familiar John W,. Mersinger, of WAS A ler Mr. Mersinger on the streets of but of late ' pleasant cal iesday Wonk figure this place years has not been able dure riding io a vehicle on a weakness in his back, When Jesse Quiggle, of township, Monday went chest in which he kept his the disc some one had been ahead of made startling ery him snd ¢ relieved him of and ts tH $00 in gold io bills, There is no clue to thn had mf Arseor 3 asw rere db er ah oavas + A a i Kal * ' sy oy - established ? 1st. jut how was such a trade 4th, — BRIEF LOCALS W. L. Goaodhart, of Millheim, wus in Centre Hall Monday on business, Gross Mingle, of Bellefonte, town with his parents over Sunday. Was in Miss Kmma Meloy entertained M iss Lizzie Faust, of Potters Mills, Sunday. Jus after will Millheim ob Winkelbreeh's address hiere- be Rebersburg instead of $ Ling Lutheran ehurch Easter morning the Wis The sunrise praver mes in well attended. Michael Si ance agent of Spring Mi mires, the hustling insur Ix, transacted week, business in town last J. W, th from ¢ Ishler, an industrious young yer, called at the Re por- "office Saturday, while in Centre ir business PRIFRELE Mr. Dein - * $ 2 aT htd ral aT Te | eh ah MVM VET. Mae Wey ed an # gery Mpa } AV AW WW Ww pr £.4 yy “ Wa Was vuasaw » A A1babie, 10 next season and the greater we were able to BRIEF LOUALS, i prociama- signating April 12 and 20 as Ar- t Harter, of Madisonburg, has mill at l.o- student at Get- pent a week at the his father, T. M. Gramleyv. at ii “ Al- oF a ne Charles s1¢d 4 . » ’ 5 1 udgents at Princeton Colle their Mon- angiers open next the local unre graal interest daughter of ie Mills, inistress Was al that resigned Mill's zens made Ertel, Bpring and resi av en it Hall called a trip mature in town t the Creamery, Hublersburg last serious jii- NO. 14. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PART £ Le Miss A. Mable Boal College Wednesday, where went Hiate will of to she remain until Saturday, the guest Mise Klizabeth Stuart. Joe Kindig, of York, Pa. sold a ear load of horses in Bellefonte Monday, The horses that averaged $153 00, were mostly Kentucky bred ris Plains, New Jersey, has He from Al- where he secured a position in a hospital. ust returned a few days ago 4 $ 14 i YI, WW. H. attending Huntingdon Presbytery at Hollidays. Mrs several days with Mrs, F. SChuvier i urg this week bd | iyier spent H. VauVal- zah, Mr was called to the er, Mre. Matilda N Mrs ill and ber family have al Bpring Mills, «. Clem Fortney, of Linden Hapl, wh na, bedside of her mo at Altos Musser js nr ML USEEr, sturday, seriou iv Kiy hier re covery, Lie of the Bellefonte | {igh exere Of- mencetnent 1dow Lawyer er graduated fromm ithe Bellefonte Frank- i burg, her, been take his ow 7 3 : % ! V iriends alwavs welcome rn home, 4 Mix 1 ver iis Urs lay (i001 family and eff=cts {r r to Mill weed the Dr om f Mr. Sto- proper- wim mlamm 1 San key home- wealher per- the in fli nodeling FPO art o properiy 4 wo ¥ wv ui or , 1 1 {a ¥ “e AMA VVRRWVY Vue double the stock I thie hns redaced our stock f during ti AE Sones on non Ad cvs ry Visas Ve hae others. The sO called Ol ids and ends from several 5 be most stviish goods o 9st rather than carry over Dy doing this / making everything satisfactory. buy a clean new stock and thus give our customers new goods at others, becanse we do not heap on an extra expense merely to make an advertisement prices others charge for their old ones. Our stock of Spring and Summer Clothing is of it. now here and buyers will do well to examine it and compare our prices with others. BELLEFONTE, PENN" Reynold’s Bank Building, Allegheny St,