Method In His Action, “Why do you tramp through the parlor in those bright red carpet slip- | pers every time I have a caller?” de- manded the minister's wife. “My dear,” he replied, impress the fact upon am well provided for in this respect.” An improved mall gervice has been installed in Frankfort, Germany, the tramway company having recently added seven automobile cars and seven trailer cars to the street railway mall service, Contin’t tool Him. This, " sald the chromo _ peddier, THE KEYST ONE STATE. *XVhat does ‘Oriental’ mean?" asked Late News Happenings (Gathered From { the head of the house. All Sources. “Belonging in the East." “You git out! They doen't stand for | no dances like that in the East. I'm from C onnecticut, and I know.’ Kitchen Necamition. “Cook, do we need any necessities | for the kitchen?” | “Yes m; 1'd like a Roman chalr, one | | REPORT OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL General Appearance Superior--Marcus Fetter Saved His Cow but Will Likely Lose His Arm «Burglars Frightened Away From a Safe of them Venishun lanterns, an’ some Contalning $40,000 in Revenue Stamps. more plliars for th’ cozy corner.” The report of Inspector General MINISTE and Herv REV. HENR Rev. Henry Langford, the eminent B eaped utter nervous and physical pre 3 years,” he ssid, “1 have be Nervous four or five years I bx I was so nervous that I oon awhile “1 was unable to hold my be books and papers without emis bands an systen IW as uid not ad steady AKIN d arms wreckod MANY rare was int “You take two bottle don't help you, ¥ } “1 took two bottles : bottles, and now I am wonderfull vurs blood and nerve remedy did it. 1 ean sick. Too much cannot be said in praise of t of other sufferers frou rYOUs an i For myself, I am ths ful to God that 1 remedy, and for what it has done for me.” WAS 80 Te # £1OTY Ty sof Dh HT write or call upon him at his office, 35 health, Thousands come to him and sweeney, of the Nat onal Guard, tpections made at Camp | Mount Gretna, last August, | made public. In the THOT Stone expresses i at the salisfactory apection and commends and men for devotion to iselpiine and for a high The general the pati fons and regiments are { showing that the Sixteenth { stands at the head of the 31.30; Battery C, the artillery with 3 City Troop, of Philadel avalry with 98 ports the guard and its general He commends the and recommends suitable for camp. is just of in- the duty stands ard result the of given, Regiment infantry with of Phoenixville, tops and the Firs! phia, leads tl o] weeney re- ondition rance ‘superior. canvas uniform only one e Remody. a5 11 a, He 5 excellent Colon in appea new it a8 tne Marcus Fetter, fenstein, owing near Hel- his right arm BAYe a COW'S i life. The animal was swallowing an ipple, when it lodged in her throat, and she started to struggle Fetter thrust his hand down her throat to remove | the obstruction, when the cow, in her agony, brought her jaws together ith such force that p teeth into the farmer's tke knive quickly relieved if by the cow. Fetter aged his himself to which W who Hi will Hkely lose to his efforts vas tO Ww sank He striking arm oo death, To may her shar flesh hims band: BAVEe from aiier cal ald arm prevent $ have to 1 By a thorough; Clube second granted ond GFORD. st divine, of Weston, He is pastor of four wing worse ail tl : Y LAS apt W. Va, has just es churches ’ or ten wre. During the las could be read been laid aside | scarcely sign n gerTnon notes after they bad d or handle my eakness of my ¥ DOrvous in the pulpit, owing to the tret n id scarcely feed myself. physicians, at Sa } wight two more health and in strength ir. Cireens's Ney i end it to the his splend pres) bod ne in for the gx this remedy ns blood aud nerve minch heartil | t disnsee found Dr. ran to Selinsgrove I The train the bridge, the nick of cation train West 14th Street, New York City, His 0 ores capled in time was made to the incorporation of t dan Manufaeturing Company, Appli nor for the (Gover. he Jor ow Chaos. write to him constantly. Do not put off enough Potash. ulars see our pamphlets. send them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, ¢3 Nassau St, New York, For partic- We I Your deaggist or grocer will get | Imported by Firm of ANDREAS ter, the prod of which Cte tom, woolen, flax and silk goods. Among the incorporators are 'W Blakeley Richard Wetherill, Alexander WwW Meigs, ving W. Jordan and Robert F. Kineavy. The new company 8 a reorganization of the Arasapha Mills Company and the output of the plant will be mnereased The barn on the Monocacey farm at Camal's Hump. Bethiasham townsuip was destroyed by fire. Bight cows per- ished in the flanws. The {arm is anted by George B. Fink for the estate of Dr. J. W. Detwiller. A young bull kicked over a lantern, cansing the fire, The loss is $6000. George Cooley, will he Enay to Get Preedom will Iw Apropos of the proposition j Comptroi er of the Currency to limit the borrowings of national bank direc- tors of the funds of their own banks it {is noticeable that numerous bank offi- in New York are reported to be rebellious. One bank president “We have altogether too of the Washington end of this Others are quoted as say- jing: "We ought to be left freer than { we are,” and “you can't make bank j officers honest and of good judgment by law.” | It is true that yon cannot make bank { officers honest and of good judgment iby law. But by a supervision thor. i oughly enforead you can limit the plunder and bankruptcies caused by th who are dishonest and of bad judgment. of the q cp hi=zhly { declares ! much business.” tan. croeping tender on the P. W. & B. Rallway Company at Claymont, was struek and killed by a northbound train. He had just passed a message to the engineer of a south. bound train and was struck by northbound train, which be did not ob- serve, Acquainted with the Famile. “That reminds me,” the caller ob served, "of what Boswell's ‘Johnson says on this subject. You may pos. sibly remember iL" “1 know the Boswell only slightly,’ replied Mrs. Goswell, "but I am sure none of the boys is named Johneon.” “TAKE THIS! My Bilious Friend,” wire between Chester and Wilmington. About a mile aod a half of wire had up ready to be taken away. The | thieves, hewever, warned by pickets, | fled before officers reached the spot. |R Rare & Co. : BOON 08 Council orders the streets through While at work in a breast of the | Andrews and | smothered to death by a rush of coal | ereating & big body of gna. I" "he Warren Grand Jury ismored the i charging George C Priestly with | attempting to bribe three men to vote | Joe Jgsay C. Siviay Mn the siection las Postmaster H. P. Wilson reecived the for Altoona’s new public buil . and bide will be asked for He construction in a few days. The Chester Police Patrol has elect. od 8 I. Armour, president; T. A. Lay: t for you. Blue label, red centre panel. SAXLEMNER, 130 Fulton St., N. Y. 7 nd ren shooting quaities. Bure TE rT 0 man, vics-protidant, George W. Taylor, sacretary, and A. B. Armstrong, treas ne Btroudaburg Town Councll has passed an ordinance prov tramp caught In the town hercaie will put to work in the ball and AEE Mr erpract. Oot - he Got the gonuimee Now Haven, Com, - - Hrather Ball’: Deer. Perhaps the worst feature of the ar- senical poisoning in beer that is creat- publicity given to the fact that Eng- be its sole constituents, The trouble has been traced to the presence of ar genie in the sulphuric acid used in making glucose, which {8 used as a for cheap beer, instead of wholesome but more costly supposed to go into iL There appears to be work here for the sh boards of health, more CURES BLOOD POISON. Treatment Free, the w easiest to cure when Blood poison fs orst d vet the Blood Balm), is used, spots on skin, B.B. BE. (Botar Many bave i, MUCOUS Dat ing hair, bon rheumat eating, don't know Blood Balm gutirantead bleeding, festering sores, Le cure worst drugstores, Trentment 3 Bt ing Blood Balm ( O Miteholl Desert ron bile res by writ Se. ants, Ga, fron ad vic paid. eo given, Medicine B.B. I gent at ono rire iH pra. 2 alae ¥ makes blood pure A conduit line to cost § jected in Folkesid downtown land trolley system 114 LIONS, in ths BOC suburbs. simp Fave eas washing when you pes Dyes, Dyeing ia as use Torsam druggists, Not all parts prolonged summer Mountains gocurred of Europe In first vic the Be Ment snows 17. the on October Best For the Bowels, No matter what ails you, cancer, you will peaver get well until bowels are put righ CARCARETS natire, Clire ¥ A grips oduce #3 Your nia just 10 ewnis to tok CARCARY gine, put inst Goad Position Trostws: thy mon NCB BOY Ble @ Sldroms Po sasted t {ios Dest Prescription for Chills ' rf £ WER ARTRI ® ‘ foi ‘thon a baro The Peru (Ind.) Steel Castir pany employe only drink. men w Teo Cure a Cold In One av, Take Laxarive Baowd Quivive Tasiers ADR druaget-w refund the money if it falls to eure EB. W. Gaove's sigosturs 1s on each box. © will now take football Insurance companies risks limited amounts players for on Your Storekeeper Can Sell Yon Carter's luk or be can get it for yoa. Ask him. Try it. Car loads are sent annually to every state in the Ution. Do yeu vuy Lares? Out in New Mexico a woman ie a Regenegehsnenehenehionened When the muscles fee] drawn and tied up and the flesh ender, that tension is Soreness Stiffness Jeom guid or aver extreiae. It Tasts but a short time after eteslalelolelot el olieolelolelolelol elle selene eReTeD eee eR INTO AS So va Sure Cure for Colds When the children get their feet wet and take cold give them a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot drink, a dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and put them to bed. They will be all right in the morning. Aver’s Cherry Pectoral hs also; AX Chnmoian's Pres The gale of The Abbot is likely to produce some surprise and a good many conjectures as to the factors that fixed the price. The Abbot is the fast- est trotier of the world up to date, | Horses of no better established su- premacy and decidedly less notable record for speed have in past years sold at private sale at prices ranging from 240.000 to $100.000 Yet at this well-advertised gale The Abbot within a few months of having lowered the world’s record brings | The question ls whe cates a ine of interest ting horse, or shows that ¢ no matt f much Com ref td (hex will cure old coug we mean the coughs of bronchitis, weak throats, and irritable FH avapal « lungs. Even the hard coughs stnral Gus o 5 are led for of consumption always comp made easy and are frequently importance 11 and a aomest available, natur: The ated in io of Jos al LE cured. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1.08, rever amount utilized in 1899 at 108 000 0046 000 SENG BE OHS ie 10 you, ive ns you AYER OG. If your druggist r supply you rand we will expr sarge bolt gli charges prepaid Be fe and nearest express offre Add rons, J. Lowell, calori value this was doll about 2,628 tons of naintain another year new fiel and enlarging piping ; increase owing nd the necessity ong lin to check its « long Kase throug! low nrice Price ibe DO Swoes P UNION MADE The al worth of © - Doin BI00 and 83.50 shoes compared with other n 54.00 10 8500, OurRi Gilt ad cannot he Ove Ban i re Line rallied at 1 000, . WHY MRS. PINKHAM Able Wi any price wat inii Wearers, Is to 1h Help Doctors F Sick Women ail. Weare the largest makers of men's 3 and 83.50 shoes in the world, We make and sell more $3 nnd 823.50 shoes than any two manufacturers in the U of W., L hors Sor Se BEST the worid $3.00 1a I —— a ¢ o $8 boos CrREY hE ie brie THRE ve § one desler sme or dgr flag nl 4 T nike ne wubstitmte t havisg W. L. Pius vhons with sped oo wood rr enliefec shes Deon silvers been i the wonvern Chesr rooney get wsew hem BARE § bottom direet ta rigs OLY Vike, vue vee, TY BR rehran Mauss, euler w s pr) . ae, 8 oe Ww - ingen « Kronglie Shoe Co. ~ ng ALOG r troubles to Mrs Avion Avice health to countle d States wmppell, o Las brought Won ortrait we publisl to seek M use Lydia Lom ponnd, nation of th ow suitering women hams vice and ham's Vegetable Axes treatsnent «F the exnred her of inflam: the tru ok b speaks {1 experience ought Mrs. Pin %, and she. therefore and her y give others confidence 's address is Lynn, Ma is absolutely frea, PATENTS: M1LO and woah Row lavige, } ham BAY ICC CAl "FR EE! “4 SPORTING GOODS "no i/, RAWLINGS SPORTING TA y ~ r 5 27) 600DS COMPANY, 620 Locust S1., ST. LOUIS, Me. . Striotly sal EXPERIENGED _ Swodral NVASSERS with all ry penses pai 11 inexperienond WA N {ITED me do ne Sor Ve Trees, i Dwew Shrahbery. Belarenom 4 ¥ M i opr un. Ein Oe ye WILLS PILLS--BIGSEST OFFER EVER MADE. LL, ad at you oh ue thu % how §) make Saws 1 Wille Medicine ¢ emrany. 53 nite Beth st. Hagerstown. Mi. Branch ldices 2 indiana Ave. Washington, D. J, Ust CERTAIN: CURE. iT PAY LA y. wiTHOUT FER nnless eet Send Figs i geld Tree apanio ns RR, STEVENS & C0 Fatal, 154, ih Street, W ANHINGTON, 0... i h cago, Cleveland and Detrodl, Branch cfices DROPS ener. Book of tetimonia's nd ¥ree. Dr. B BH GREEN Are Box NEW DISCOVERY; gives quick relies’ and sures Hive i 10 days’ treatment | 8B Atlante, Gs | THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Edited by Joe Mitchell Chapple, <4 your 50c. reaches us on or before January 1 1001. Think what this means! It places the cleverest, ht- est and most up-to-date magazine in your hands every month for a vear for half the regular price! ~much less than it costs to publish it PrN “NATIONAL” is thoroughly American, now in its 13th volume, full of just the reading you want from cover to cover. Timely Topics, Washington Affairs, Bright Stories, Clever Mustrations, Over 100 each month, Prestdent MeRinley Das sribsorfed for and papi omg “RATIONAL” for Koma to-day while yom think of i. Sabecripthon a Address The National Magazine, 01 Bedford St, Boston, JUST THE BOOK YOU WAN or or CONDENSED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLE treats upon about every subject ynder the sun. [i contains 890 pages, profusely ily and will be sent, postpaid, for 10s. in stamps, postal note or silver, When Souding you bh lees run across refs 1 =z AN ENCYCLOPEDIA 557.5 understand and oo will up for plete index, #0 that it may be ix a rich mine of valuable interesting manner, and ia any on times (he small sum of FIFTY OF CENTS which wo ask for ft. A study of this prove of Incaloulable benefit to hoes education lus base nglested. while ue: Eb Eo on of net faut ¥ cannot resdily command the | have BOOK PUBLISH) Le : an