Lods at right prices a call at our store will ¢e are better than ever prepared to supply YOERY DEPARTMENT is filled with a Ndried Fruits, Canned Goods, Pickles, Catsup, Best Baking and Table Syrup, Breakfast Cereals, Pettijohn’s Grape Nut, Shredded WR Biscuit, Oat Flake, etc. oa FI 1 410 } on . idacnil’s Fresh Roasted KE | COFF G I Lag agg] 2 Rr CORDOVA 0p» Vi id | ———— 3RIES AND ORANGES FOR THANKSGIVING % Don't forget we carry a large stock of the best brands. Hed to “WE CARRY A GENERAL LINE OF , BUTCHERS’ SUPPLIES cum. am AND THE BEST LARD CANS. —OUR LINE OF— all and Winter Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, | Mittens and Dry Goods —IS COMPLETE.— Come and examine our stock and be convinced. Meyer & Musser. RE ‘MEMBER AND KEEP YOUR EYE on this advertisement each week as we are offering great bargains and we want the people to take advantage of them. We will just give you a few items in Rubbers : Ladies from 25 cents to 48 cents. ¢ Storm 50 ets. Children and Misses from 20 to 42¢. Men's 70 cents. We have a very fine Arctic for Remember that these goods but we men. advanced on November 1, took advantage of this and bought before the rise. SIERY.—Come and e I COMBINATIONS H OSIERY Come and get th first choice of our Hosiery stock. We bought a large line at a way down price and you will get the advantage. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS.— we are well fixed, and we sell them at low prices. HORSE BLANKETS. Don’t for get that we carry a very fine line of horso blankets. BEV BLANKETS. We have a large stock to select from. (QQ VERCOA TS and ULSTERS, Children’s Suits and Men’s Pants at very low prices. (QVERALLS at prices from 40 cents to 85 cents, JFASCINATORS, Hoods, Chil dren’s Sacks, etc, ete, ete. (GLOVES. —Come and examine our line of Gloves. We have them in all ghapes and all prices, but the price is low considering the quality. Cotton Bed Blankets at the right price. IY OUR GROCERY Department you will find the very best Groceries. ‘We can give you a good deal in Baking Powder— One cent per.ounce! Think of it. Many more such bargain you will find at this store. Dp’r. Unskilled mechanics blame their tools for doing unmechanical work. Our tools were never in such hands. chanical in appearance and in reality. We are prepared to do Mee... Repair Work of Every Description. ams. 20 pba * : . Parts of machinery which yon may think are broken for good, can often be mended and both time and money saved. Now is the time to have your Buggies and Wagons repaired and repainted <4, New Work of all Kinds Done to Order. ___ gb Prices very reasonable. GIVE US A CALL. W. A. HENNEY. | Farmers’ Institutes will be held under the auspices of the Centre County Pomo- eee SOUTH SIDE OF COUNTY. me Dec. “ Saturday, . . Monday, Rebersburg, Millheim, Tuesday, Fiedler, Wednesd'y * Oak Hall, | Washington Gr ange, State College, Victor Grange, Thursday ri ine Grove Mills, Friday, MORTIMER WHITEHEAD, of New Jersey ; W 'a State Grange F. HILL, Speakers : NORTH SIDE OF COUNTY, ’ . . . Saturday, Dec. 15, . « Monday, Zion, Logan Grange, Pleasant Gap, Tuesday, 18, Benner Grange Hall, y Milesburg, . Wednesday ** Thursday, Friday, 19, 1.30 30 30 20, | Half Moon, Grange Hall, 21, 1 . . W. B. PACKARD, of Bradford County, Lecturer of the State Grange; | MISS HELEN JOHNSON, Speakers : of Erie County. GEO. DALE, ) D. M. CAMPBELL, } County Com, JAS. F. WEAVER, ) HV TO THE BACKWARDNESS of the SEASON and being overstocked with heavy weight goods we have deter mined to cut the price on everything—-for instance : At $3.75 we have about 50 suits in al most every color, some of them all wool and sold up to $3.00, Boys’ Chinchilla Reefers $1.75, worth £3.00, Men's Cheviot Cloth Overcoats, double warp goods, at $4 85 never sold for less than $8.00, Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear regu- lar $1.00 values at 756 cents a suit. Boys’ 60c. Fleeced Underwear at 250. We have not the space to enumerate every article, but ask you to come and look for yourself and bring this ad. with you, At $4.75 we sell you a fine Worsted or Cheviot, some of them we had sold for $10.00, AL $6.75 we have a few Oxfords and Unsuittiures, regular $10 and $12 gu Boys’ $1.50 suits, double breasted, coat sizes 7 to 14, at 98 cents, <8 LIEBERMAN'S CASH CLOTHING HOUSE, 8» Bush Arcade, High St., BELLEFONTE, PA. Dr. Smith’s [MEAT Salve "MARKET IS UNRIVALED Centre re Hall, Pa. For Old Sores. SORENESS Choice meat always on hand. After everything else fails Try Dr. Smith's Salve. It will heal every time. Once used, always used. SS A POP RG 508 0, T CORMAN, SPRING MILLS, PA., MER GA NT AND WHOLESALE DEALER AND SHIPPER OF EALVYS™ cre" IR: Have just received a fresh stock of Choice and Desirable Groceries. Also a line of es- pecially fine Groceries not generally sold in country etores. Mocha and Old Govern- ment Java Coffees and Marvin's Evaporated Fruits a specialty. My Notion Department Special values in Ladies’, Men's and Children’s Underwear and Hos- cry. is very complete, The prices will astound you—they the verge of destruction. Men's Dress and Overshirts, Sweaters, Pants and Overalls, all thoroughly well-made and the price alinost cut in two. are on I have the great. est bargains in Gloves and Mittens for ladies and gentlemen ever offered. An elegant Mocha Glove for men, reindeer shades and gray, perfect fitting, at about half price and value. A splendid Heavy Hardware, Supplies, Wood and Tinware, Harness, Blankets, An ex amination of my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, line of Cutlery, Butchers’ Willow-ware, Horse Goods, ete., in great variety 1 an confident, will I pay market price affords, either in cash or merchandise, especially on Poultry, Pork, Beef Hides 8, Apples, Potatoes, &e. =" You may call me by Commerc postal addressed to me at Spring Mille, give me your trade. as much as Calves, | Telephone or write a 8, Pa. We respectfully solicit your patron- Yours Respectfully, and both will re- ceive prompt attention. age. Call and see us, O. T. Corman. We Lead, Others Follow. a Our stock of FURNITURE was never so complete as at the pres- ent time for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, and consists of Chamber Suits of all descriptions, Couches, Rockers, Morris Chairs, Ladies’ Witting Desks, Side Boards, Ward Robes, Cribs, Chiffoniers, Large Mirrors, Clocks, Fine Rugs, Ee, These goods will be sold in the next 30 days at reduced rates, DON'T MISS SEEING THEM. Ww JG Parties wi pirchase to the amount of $5.00 wil gut 00 tle of Furniture Polish FREE and toll paid.