Th VOL. LXXIII. SUPPLEMENT. LIFE OF ADVENTURER. New Inspector General of the British Forces In the Sudan—Twelve Years of Persecution and Torture—Disci- ple of Gordon and Kitchener, Very few men can look back upon lives that bave been as crowded with adventures and narrow escapes from death as that of Bir Rudolph Slatin, better known as Slatin Pasha, who has just been appointed inspector gen- eral of the British forces in the Sudan. He is certainly the most remarkable Photo by Turk, Vienna. CLATIY TAETA ME Conlin d in xLh co JOHN T. LEE, | CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDER, | Centre Hall, Pa. | Pom, amon I am especially prepared to do) all kinds of work in my line in a most satisfact tory manner, REMODELINC_~» Buggies and Carriages made a specialty . . .. Trimming and Painting done in the best and latest styles. Wagon work of all kinds solicit ed. Our experience in wagon build- ing qualifies us to do the best work. Prices Meet all Competition, _» {3 NEW ELLIPTIC SPRING TOP BUGGY, hand-made, spring cushions and back, of- fered at a sacrifice price. Special 0 Offer in Photos For With every dozen of our $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 photos, we will give one of our £1.50 Roll Gold Brooches with pieture complete. Xmas Trade. «0800 With every dozen of our regular £2.00 Cabinet Enamel Photos we will give a life-size Platinum Bro- mide Enlargement, Miniatures in regular Carbon Finish, 75¢ per dozen, A beautiful line of fancy pictures ramed, unframed and framed to order. All the latest picture nov- Geies. Bee our «_Disglay Window __e» in the 3 Brockesholf Block. 1900. F. P. Blair & Co. CENTRE HALL, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, Blair & Co. Ro. 1, d. Gllegheny Dtreet. Christmas is ahead, but we’re Ahead of Christmas. Or m—————————————) Cari and see the pretty things already here, the ad- vance guard of the Christmas provision, LookixG arouxp involves no obligation to purchase, “take time forelock” We will Although you can by the and secure the best things while oO you can, hold them until you want them. 1 FF. I. air & Co. F. P. Blair & Co. Reduction Extraordinary 20 Per Cent. Reduction en, On all kinds of Youths, and Children. HOLIDAY GOODS are here. Montgomery & Co., Clothing, Hats, &c., Clothing for BELLEFONTE, PA. GROCERS. we cow CRE * W The new pack of Canned Goods are now in store. MINCE MEAT.—We are now making our Genuine Home Made Mince Meat. All our friends who have used it know just what THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE, and the price 12 1-2¢ per pound. line. ® We We are well prepared to serve all demands for Thanksgiving and Hol- iday Trade. Finest Cream Cheese, Sweet New Ham and Bacon. We ib., and finest goods at 10e¢, 12¢ and 15e¢. New crop Florida Oranges 30¢, 40c and 50¢ per doz. White Al- merine Grapes, finest pink-tinted stock. Domestic Grapes in baskets, Finest Cranberries, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Bananas, Royal Cheese, Large Cheese, Table Raisins, Nuts and Confectionery. oe are now receiving daily invoices of New Products in our ate aw Son RS it is. om DE Prunes are fine this season. have some good fruit at Se per pa, Finest Olives, Tabie Oil, Pickles, Ketchups, Sances, Mushroons, ao Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines and New No. 1 Mackerel, BEL —_— We can name only a few of the leading items. Come and shop through our stock. Yon will find goods to snpply all your wants. Bush House Block Bellefonte, Pa. Potters’ Mills General Merchandise Center is the Bargain Storea,_ —~Sechler & Co., We have just received large amounts of Ginghams, Calicoes, Outings, Flannels, Shirtings, Linings, Percales, best grade & weight, The latest and most complete lines of Stationery, Men's Overcoats, Mufflers, Pants and Shirts, Full line of late style Shoes, — PENS WLLEY HAUTE TR HOLA A You will find at my store a cholee selection of Holiday Goods. To enumerate would be useless, but an examination of them by you will be profitable, CLOTHING. We have a very com line poh Clothin The Eg are leularly ° ery plate WL part Snag Proof Footwear, etc., etc. We extend an invitation to all to come Clothing for Men, Youths and mb for a Laborer, King Children. and Priest, It costs to look, and often + § ued from Or { Contin si Coin | nnd histo ees of mes 3 many ba y hinirbr adventurer presents very who have ties or met witlp=a man ene] apr .. E Blatin Py about 40 J trian by bir feyptian ar ability and tracted att of a Hudan pro This was in the s great unrest In Egypt Blatin, like his great con eral Gordon, was left to | government, and the up overwhelmed his 1 inde him a prisoner Le professed the fait] living today few gone through uty Ati Uge entered the nero boy. & ee end 1 life tors, but he was treated o When Gordon fell at | found among his pa strength of the Klatin suspects this, and his life wa For 12 torture was years Le and 1m will kept | ized world learn that Biatin a «1 from the khallf 1 is him, tivity, indomitable 1805 the civil eseng sor of filled w 1 is most told, witl experiences in the 8; and Swokd In man was 4 his sul and bi the of his book. that man. He pasha, which means chief ing ia the Egyptian an Kitchener that i eted the British subjugsat the Budan, th he ith he ably FEEL ve Aare ever a 3 et titie comp! The Phil wost per is now comnierce reer adelphia Press sass cries for more pennies popular il the of that more prosperous times it was Think of the prosperous times !| Pennies | turned out rate day at the Philadelphia 1 there is a famine of penni out the land. Re ction, BY Press poi 13d 4 ating t at the of nisin. A — A The Centre Reporter one 3 one doller cash in advance. High ICO8 paid ost pri For Milk, Eggs, Poultry. CORRECT WEIGHT, CORRECT CALCULATIORS, CORRECT METEODS. The Howard Creamery Co. CHRISTMAS SUGG SSTIONS. Ladies’ solid gold rings set with opals, rubies and pearls, Ladies’ lorgnette chaina. Men's gold watch chains. Gold and silver chain bracelets, Gold and silver brooches. Silver thimbles, Ladies’ gold pens. Pearl pen holders. Silver coat hangers. Silver hat markers. Silver toilet sets. 1847 Roger Bros. silver knives, forks and spoons. Quadruple silver plated hollowware: Cake baskets, pickle castors, tea sets, napkin rings, ete. Give us a call and examine our goods (b Aino 3 gevetai live of Dry Roofs; Groceries, Boots and Shoes.