Editor and I'roprietor. i i ! y torms of suhseription to the Ee ollar per year in advance. YF § $8 90 and get 0 5 ean pay One D the paper ior one | ilar any | yours i are ine chang- | subseriptions whose Ist, ¢ paper | Pik) vill 1a not ed hands Reporter will be sent fo N§ soRipERs from now until Jan- | Harry £ : ADVI 20 cents per line for throe js for made aii Der per Other she known | | line each rates =) eskadi dl | DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET, i | i Ii $1 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. COUNTY TICKET Bc pn E BEYAN TIDE, political trend and 8 licans hav support aud sor making Grant Grant, | making he Carper ter, of in at)» pub ers | sta! Ra, and or for Monnet the Dem is stumg other les the ¢ candidat ii iil e | ri alw Bri and S Dem and The the tens of he went and j 2 Dayton, state on the im: four of always been Al Mcki e pr Fie esidents sat ted, tw enty- PE red whom were Germans, who b rs : $1 the . and enty-six had always Republicans, mainis tofore vi Michigan landers are numerot here- Iu epublican ticket. ties where the Hol the i the meeting ig al i is, entire pop- 3 De t : a Ti i ulation seemed t greet B have mou are for eratic of the Eng change t In the cided In Maryland and Delaware the Gold Democrats are rapidly forcing it the fight for jOEe almost un Po iv iis year D treatment they Bryau and the whole HELO iicaet, # Kinley’ his Lhiese Boers, aud pandering people ’ land has caused 0 » Bryan. east the i# no jons de- | change than in the wet, 1g to the front ranks r Bryan, man though in poor health, has sumed the leadership as of old. sides this thousands of under the leadership of Senator Wel- lington are supporting Bryan Democratic cougressional Benator Wellington will be Democeratie | fs Be- candidates, “ays ¥ from 15,000 th seventy- Out he made from hundred and ' {0 1 one speech B. conll fence that New York will be for Bry There is aim will be majority. iold Democrats, with » roed to many The ( few exce plions, realized have retu their ROCessions Republicans, and others are It is true the Republicans have ap money and are workiog be and 'm to sweeping Bryan, influences that se the doubt lo- nt indi- impossible that the popular The Demn- flicient, the r harmooi- the country for no are doing some harm in some but from prese they Ww ih be able to stem tide iciently to succeed. sii i i padiidin 8 ¢ King togethe and favorable. WOl the cessarily be wders all for ie ticket resid 1d i i - » - FOLITICAL RIGHTS, rade Bulleti: Cony MH | 1, Ii! thie ns tol The (srange BRAVE i + and lidates he weil tae farmer fart corded them : 1 "i iCal sireng y pAationsl | ols ! | | { i i i i i 2} | i rt : i i | : i ] i ] West Virginia is in excellent shape, and daily the Brayn are mented by Republican converts, Ouly | a few days ago Joseph N. Buery, leading coal operator, one of the larg- | est in the state announced his tion to vote for Bryan, lican State convention Mr. Buery was nomivated by that party as one of the candidates for Elector-at-large, He re signed this position, and ia a long letter came out strongly for Bryan and the whole Democratic ticket. In Delaware and New Jersey the same in- fluences are at work, and by the time Bryan finishes bis campaign in these states, they will be aflame with an en- thusiastic energy and determination that will sweep them into the Demo- eratic column, New York is already fully aroused snd promises good results, but the cam- paign in that state has just commene- ed. The Madison Square Garden meeting was the greatest political demonstration in the history of the country, and Bryan's tour of the state brought him in contact with a forces ¥ Of t) 1 of them lay in their li - * — ELECT ME. HALL and 3 } A Change Nesded, There has not been a time for the | the Democrats 1860 Onee since they house, and Was a both branches The Repull- nll Civil war. with legislation that effects their inter- Are the tradesmen year preceding the ts? farmers and has upon Is there anybody except the law-making bodies for so satisfied? Then why should mechan for think not. any farmer vote for candidates leirisiature who will go to their influence or and use and vote wituate this legislative policy. Messrs, Wetzel and Kepler, the Demo- atic nominees for assembly are pledg- against corporate power, ole iis ML wv y for equalization of trict the rressional § v3 f4 Hit afte into stricts have AXALION | red ial and di uirs atic voters , 0 that Demoer vi i 1 fi fair representation in al 0 ie goverment, Ed bt, ul ae ® Mew — > - - Holl of Honor, Anna Barthol Krom- Hel- Rowe, Sylva Luse, Jaabel Runkle, ivder, Coldren, Huble , Harry Fimma Will Ira a Si in Brad i sser Hobert Mowery, OC Wena, ry alvin Hoy Wh " » A133 Year Oke Aungst daughts i Kloper, girl Aungst, her a Arry a school aged rieen, Samuel r Shor her mot shool irl i i train. She went to that city n Frank W. ( ie arried man tions parents (IF YOU WISH 10 BECOME —— —-— -u Iw ¥ a A Ah AA May " te . . ry ow -_— «yeild, . » . . # 5 oiind - Wa sane gy i WV ies had by at a1 W for ms TUITION 15 FREE — i FO | FALL Offers exceptional advantages. ALL COURSES. Latin tical Science ther the mos! 2.4 Aacation 1823 14 wg the and hold are ug curing £1 3 or for CATALOGUE giving fall Informa wing pasitions held by graduates, address {Centre Co.,) Pa. i ve a fine line of ; - - Pa » Saturday and i Misses, i Ladies’ Silk Waists. Fine Line of Furs, R. &G. PRICES IN ILLINOIS, A Western Tells How Products are Selliog Subscriber Farm Il. 1000), { i MeConnell, i Oct. 16, i Mgr. Bamiru, Eprror Rerorrer:—Thank you | for the sample copies of the CENTRE | REPORTER, the paper so | and since will be all our right, Ste- fas Bryan is all right, and next President, Illinois We had splendid crops in county. Oats yielded much as fifty bushels per acre. Corn in too, phenson high as [We bushels of w=helled as corn is usually denoted in that way in the west— KEd.] Barley in some cases will run as corn ®! i Spring Mills, Pa. August 27, 19060, P.V.S. STORE. Fuli designs, Marlow Heel, Jennings Toe Ti iaced or Bul Boxed Calf, Norway Calf, Russians Calf. My stock was never more complete, Ni« bing, but solid shoes direct from the manufacturers, Hpecial lucements for the Fall Trade. Come and see my stock biyin ine in soo in Lhe ’ y ol ine before + of produce, ex er, taken in chinnge for goods, cept { eX- yielded thirty bushels Corn sells at | thirty cents; twenty bar- ley, thirty-five cents; wheat cents. Our principal crops Hogs are worth live weight. I may Truly yours, HENRY JORDAN oats, cents; y BEY ent y are and oats, £4.80 cwt,, come before long. wf — It Happened in a Drug Store. “One day last winter a lady R. Ontario, Grandin, of N. “She was dirappointed and wante stock," Hays Mr. ( popular druggist Y. preparation I could itoherthuat I ¢ freely recommend Chamber] Cough Remedy and that take a bottle of the remedy giving it a fair trial if she did not fi nd | back the he £ know what cough recommend. 1 sai ain's she « and alter | it worth the g le mouey to brin Lunt t i Dot y and I would refund 1 paid. In the course of the back in a friend in need of a day r lady came COMPEny w a cough Yieine ed bott} Lo ie and advised her C sider 5 a 's Cough Remedy. wl re It uden hamberlain that L h ery ge ommenda- in ; 1 wr sale Hall; ia f, OT J. il, the remedy H. Keller, Li ent Hall, tion Mrs >it by ie cook SOve, OOK wos! hot ores i TRrpet chair bs Cane writin bedstesds = will be At when EITZEL 1817 3 i i iotatend ha lf miles east of { tween forty snd fifty meres « eros of timber land fa sale bank barn. with uure shed. snd y erected theres. Runniog dh suse and barn wood land js covered with we pine. and « sinut. Vor Funher informe : yo W.B MINGLE Centre Hal! flere § 3 yf gr +] « Pa, LA strat f Potter granjed ir rong TORS OTICE LETTERS the estate of b ship the non Ji mmings, ale « having been dol they wal tows wy est ui Geoessed undersigned, pores Know “0 the sa'd esate 10 ymediate payment. and thoe having & against the same 10 prose! them duly av ticated for settlement RERE 3 Xx ACTUMMINGE, A. UMMINGS, WM. GROH RUNKI E, Administrators Attorpey , Bellefonte, Linden Hall oti IN A. P. Hosterman, tax oollector for Potter township, asks that all persons be ready 10 pay their tax, wind that be will call upon them within a short time to collect the 8 me =H RAY «Came 10 the premises of the dersigned in July, two miles east of Cen. tre Hall, 8 ewe with buck lamb, ewe has hole ia eft gar. The owner is requested Lo prove prop erly. remorse same and pay oost, or disposition will be made according 10 law JACOB SHEARER, Conve Hall Pa, $ id respect Pa. a OTICE.~ tas un. § OTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has ieased Lae | bank and sand pit on the turnpike west of » 14 that sll contracts for material taken | ge ave! GERTRUDE FLORAY. GENTE WANTED Agents are wanted in . every town in Centre county no sell * The Church Member,” by 8. H. Deltael, Ph. D., the author, Osvetoan, Md. The book 1¢ dedicated to Rev. W. H. Grob formerly of Bonlsburg, aad will find ready sale. Price fifty conta “XC OUNG MEN WANTED, WITH FAIR EDU. cation and good character, Ww leam Telgraphy, Railroad Accounting, and Type writing bis is endorsed by all leding Talia ay companies as the only perfect and reliable inst tion of its kind. All our gradnates are assisted to positions, 1 dies —e emit, Write tor free catalog, Pall Angust 15th 00 GLOBE 1 TEL RA PH COLLEGE, m Lexington, Ky. RN ANTED, AGENTS. To sell our Teas, Coffees, Spices and and Bakin Powder to consumer, Libera on ake ¢RARD UNION T TEA O 00 8 N, 8rd Street, Harri burg, Pa. Livery Yairi ....+D. A. BOOZER Centre Hall, Pa. = =» Thanking vou for past favors, and boping a continuance of same, I Remain, « C. A. KRAPE. w0OCIP0000000003000008000 | | 'o Good News ¢ ¢ Again ¢ { Over Two Car Loads of Furniture, Wall Paper, # Biinds, etc., | ! ‘J S. DAUBERM AN, CENTRE HALL. i 9 ¥ 1 it Af Ei | Grand Closing Out’ | Sale of Oxfords. i i i POWERS SHOE CO. Bush Arcade. Bellefonte. Wilbur A "HENNEY, © BLACKSMITHa_ CENTRE HALL, PA. - What puzzles other me- chanics can be done wall here. General Carriage Making con. ducted in Resetting of tires given special attention. WG OS «Tatty a | its branches. ai He tS Base we BRAT Ra A Prices very low. » Buggies repainted and trimmed. All kinds of work neat and workmanship manner, = Call befo it gi ng ik Raney wreTeTE es done in fil ui ” ut your wo SE Es ee 2h v Ty Chambersburs Business College... wos BBTV coins . » » SCHOOL. Memorial Square, Natwona! Bank Building Under new management, June 1, 19%, Com plete Courses in * BOOKKEEPING, RAVID CALCULATION, ETENOGRAPHY., TYPEWRITING, ENGLISH, COLLEGE PREPARATORY, CIVIL BERVICE, PENMANSHIP, ORTHOGRAPHY, COMMERCIAL LAW, and CORRESPONDENCE Students can efter at any lime Day night session, Day stodents sdmitied to sessions without ext charge Students asgivted to positions when thoroughly qualified — Rates and sopplies lower than schools of this kind « Vacation for 1900, Deo, 21st to 31, «Send for our new college catalogue. Any one condempiating taking any course wught by us would do well to addres, E.R RIVKA lp M. I. WILLIER, § Priocipals. 16anly { Lock Box 292.) . GRAIN MARKET. Wheat RIO cooiirvin iim sssmmmsivsms sri evs isiissmin EE ry SY BEER LE SARE Seb NOW ORB8.suvrerssrressmmrn Bar amped FHSAA rE SE FERRER A SRE SPER BE NE FESR CREE ES SE RRR FRODUCE AT STORES, BIRERBBE .ovsranss io sssiosssnsmssiamiimsssosimerarissss Saints A A A VE So FE AE EE SER FE CE RRR Ea Be SERENE ER RE EERE | SURE EES CN SPRING MILLS GRAIN MARKET, Corrected every Weoanesday by Allison Dros, WHRORE. coon suesmmninnsnsmuminrvsimiosn cosmisnsmiineissinis CUE cornamrsinvrmmmrenmmaion sis ivires rege BS — - BER so snnrsonssimmivethi consi aA LINDEN HALL MARKET, Corrected weekly by J. 1H, Row, ttt ttt hth fhe at tt] eat, red "heat! WRB... coiinsnimmonsnimsrinsvimmmismsr Cam OPER rss svi coin asses Yuenrve now hh tic ht ft tch then ta TARIONS rvs hudba dt dt tt] ttt ok hhh hho tl cb tad PVA jL.VA PENNSY NIA R. R. Divisior and Northern Central Rallway, in effect 1900, Time Tale, May 27 TRAINS LEAVE MONT AXDOR, Ww EASTWARD, for Bunbury, a 11488. m., p.m, Wash 4 passenger coach i #a mn. Train « ik days lady LBaitir ore 1] Par ior CRT Al f« Dually for Herik g Voek dey Jor Foy Phlladely? in Threvgh Bunbury sna inler iar Ha Reronlon Sew y } ene ger § sglon a, Weekdays for Bunbury un, Hazlet Pousvyille, Har plinle stations, arriving st AaLiip m., New York. 0.06 p, m., tw Wesb ington at ib p.m plhia, and pas ¥i lade! bliadelphia, Baltimore and rishurg ang i Jad inl Baltimore, Parlor car é - ’ “ rain 42. Veckdayr for Wilkes Hezieion, Pousville, and dally i Hern piste pointe, arriving York 238 8. mi. p.m. Fas OTe, Bait) for Bupbury, Ol, KITV York al s ww tal 7,18 Bre York i} sleeper we Jisturbed ircin New mein in Harris- wf rege For For Lock Heven Week day slalion Veekdays for W MIR, THROU iy don : Hinde Iphiia © ne hes from Phils. Ving passe we T COR CLOR : Belmore York LEWISEURG ARD TYROKRE RAILROAD. Week days, Westward FM A.M & Ean AM itward, TATION on urg M Hone Lew ist g hurg ErOUTE BEER gal ATO F Mounts! Boe ds NY “3 - a a ta ; Bpring ] BOREAS BO 0 AO N89 00 § a a w- 8.45 ing eave . i, 30.08 & In, Montandon a. m. 5.08, andon and ae lenve Lewis 4 ok $ 8.10, por Gen'l Par’ ger Agt. ILROAD PENKSYLVARIA, ensed Time Table OF Foomdl Up. 0g No 6: No 4 No 2 Nov. 21, 1800 AT BELL LEF'NTE eV IED. Zion. ~Hecia Park... 8 # B ankles HUBLERSR'G. Suydertown.. Nittany. Huston... wd AMAR... A Totondale Krider's 8 ng. Mackeyvill HLA eder Springs. wore RIOT, Mi iLL. HALL. Adereey Shore... ! wep | Love LWm'POMT } =e PHILA. Allsutic Cit nu a ee BO y 4 a WAI EB BR ERP ERR RR * a * ws AJ) ggaggy: 9 — t= {Via Tameqns. 3 NEW YORK. 10 4] 1% a0! . | (Vin PRIA i | mia mi Are t Week Pups. 6 00 p. m. Bunday, 10 10 a. m. Sun ¥. Philadelphia 81 eeping Cars attached to Haste bound train from Willismsport at 11 30 p.m and West-bound from Philadelphia at 11.56 p. m. . W. GEPHART, Buperin n t. B® AEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect May 5, 1596, EASTWARD, 3 8 o% | {an ‘Ar, STORET I 1] iz i i % > Lv. ~Beliofonte..... | eves XM ETI0 —— sswneni. MOPPIS.....o... soars WHILIBOT covenone. ovum HUB nr svauns. | Fillmore. BR BOM rer Waddie. ..coms) eran KU HO enone srveresns BLPRDIO inn vesmaneornerih Bani wnnii - Err rring | £8 Fry) : : + BE 8 a > CASRN RI RON NE KE RO BO BHEREYsseTYS Ahn gaze SESE wu 8 w wae ans EmEEENE gazs - HELTIIB dict vd SRgIgssnusus wu ESEZECCS533EE, a a 8 suey PETS ean + - = 3 2 F g ie : fi Totter and note heads, bill heads, statements, with all lines of office