THE CENTRE REPORTER. m— CexTRE HALL, PA. Thurs, Aug. 9. PERSONAL MENTION. Coming and Golng.— Visitors in and out of Town, Perry Krise, one of the stirring young men of Potters Mills, paid his respects to this office, Franklin Wright, of Colyer, reports blackberries an immense crop in that section and the market rather poor. Miss Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of Postmaster John Stuart, of State Col- Jege, spent Sunday with Miss Grace Smith. Railroad supervisor F. B. Stoughton, of Lewisburg, was escorted through town on Friday by section foreman James Smetzler. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Magee and son Boyd, of Philadelphia, are making | their annual visit to friends in Centre | Hall and Bellefonte. | The Misses Alexander, daughters of | Dr. J. F. Alexander, are in Tyrone the | guests of Miss Bertha Scott, who is | well known to the young people of this place. 1. Ray Morgan and Mrs. John Stu-| art, of State College, were in town on Monday to secure the professional ser- vices of Dr. Radcliffe, the eye and ear | specialist. | Ralph Arney, son of Dr. George Ar-| ney, of Altoona, is enjoying his usual | summer outing at the home of B. H. Arney, who occupies the old Arney homestead. | George Shaunon and family have | been visiting at the home of A. J. Shook, at Spring Mills, Mr. Shannon | is a son of Rev. 8. GG, Shannon formerly | of this place. George W. Spangler, of Tusseyville, the veteran democrat from the south side, was a caller Monday to congratu- late the Reporter and say a kind word | for its management. Clyde B. Bitoer and Miss Estelle IK. Spangler, both of Blanchard, were | married last week. Mr. popular operator for the P. and E. rail- | road at that place. Jitner is the | Miss Maude Moore, of Lemont, 8] graduate of State, and at present teach- jnz in the Normal at Stroudsburg, is | the guest of Miss Louise Schuyler, | dr.ughter of Rev. Schuyler, Miss Gertrude Wieland, of Linden | Hall, was in town Friday of last week. | Miss Wieland is one of the eflicient i school teachers in Harris town- slip and has the bearing of a queen. Gainsville Johnston, student at] Paddy Mountain station assisted sta- | tion agent W. F. Bradford last week in | the absence of W. A. Odenkirk, who | was called to Mifflinburg for railroad | service, i Misses Mary Herring and Maud Beamer, of Altoona, are visiting in town. Miss Herring is a daughter of James Herring formerly of this place, and a native of Penn Hall, w here the young ladies will also spend some time. J. F Stover, of Potters Mills, who is engaged with the Simmons Portrait | Co., Philadelphia, finds the business in his line good this season. Parties w ho have oceasion to deal with him will find that he is square and will ful- fill his end of the contract to the letter, Mr. and Mrs, James Stuart, of New Bloomfield, are in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Deininger. Mr. S:uart is conducting a carriage shop in New Bloomfield and is prospering, and built a splendid home there which he is at present occupying. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kreamer, are in Altoona where Mrs. Kreamer has a brother in the person of John Scholl who holds a position as engineer in the electric light works. Mr. Kreamer j« the junior partner of the mercantile firm of H. W. Kreamer & Son, and is deserving a vacation. Ira Grossman, who is looking after the large peach orchard of Messrs. Ww, B. Mingle and J. J. Arney, located at Penns Cave, called Saturday. Mr. Rev. J. 8. Housman, of Colyer, fills appointments regularly in the Evan- gelical church at Penn Hall, Misses Helen Bartholomew and Ta- | cy Kreamer spent a few days in | Millheim and Rebersburg, | Prof. E. C. Hower, principal of the | Boalsburg High School, was elected to | a similar position in Lewistown, | James M. Moyer, the hustling black- | smith of Tusseyville, spent Bunday with his son-in-law, T. C. Bartges. Wm. Walker, of Rebersburg, is seri ously ill with heart trouble. Mr. | Walker is advanced in years and fears | are entertained for his recovery. George Meyer, of Coburn, father of | W. H. Meyer, the senior partner of the live mercantile firm of Meyer and Musser, of this place, was the guest of that gentleman for a few days. The senior Meyer is a miller by trade, but Miss Verna Geiss returned Saturday after an absence of several weeks which were spent at Harrisburg, Shamokin, Lance: jiladelphia, Atlantic City, points, She was much deligl ¢h her trip and found all the /Hall people located at the variot places in good spirits and health. Prof. John D. Meyer, of this place, and Prof. Frank Meyer, of Penn Hall, went to Alexandria, Huntingdon several days, Prof. John D. Meyer acted in the capacity of principal of voddria for two per sonal Dr. McCluney Radcliffe, of Philadel phia, is spending his annual vacation with the family of J. Shannon Boal, Dr. Radcliffe is an eye and ear special has honestly gained. Although he he is constantly besieged while here by people who want treatment, and doctor knowing that many of} go to the city finds pleasure in giving his professional emia SPRING MILLS, W. 8. Musser, our railroad and ex- press agent having been quite ill for several days, his duties were assigned to incompetency, if not absolute stu- pidity, for in two days chaos reigned kind of nonsense could not be tolerat- ed and he was superceded. The fact is, Mr. Musser is always so accommo- | dating, affable and pleasant to every for any agent to acquire his railroad ability and popularity. On Weduesday evening last quite a pleasant family entertainment was Andrew Corman, a short distance above our] village, the occasion being the first an- niversary of the birthday of one of his grand sons, C. Abner, son of R B. (ientzel. The extremely young gen- | tleman was the recipient of quite a number of very handsome presents, among them might be mentioned a very pretty gold ring, s handsome | crib, several very elegant dresses, shoes, | caps, besides numerous toys, etc. The | little hero of the hour viewed each ar ticle very eritically and seemed satis- fied with the offerings. Refreshments were then served and at an early hour | all retired having been most delight- | fully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Cor- | m . - Je have quite a produce squabble mong our merchants as regards prices, of course all this squabbling is to the | customers’ advantage. The facts of | the case seem to be about this: Three | or four months since, 0. T. Corman, | produce dealer, commenced the grocery | i i business here, and being quite popular | met with unusual success, causing | rather a jealous feeling. Next was to | advance produce, accordingly eggs | were advanced to 16 cents, butter 15, i and lard 10, notwithstanding eggs to- day are worth in Philadelphia only 13 | cents, The object was to scare, but | Grossman says the peach trees are making a wonderful growth and that several of the trees planted a year ago last spring are bearing and produce the choicest fruit, County Commissioner Heckman took time to wish the Reporter success w hen in Centre Hall Thursday of last week, Mr. Heckman is a proper man in the proper place. To be eco pomie is second nature to him, and that ju why he was supported by the Demo- \ crue voters of the county. Mrs. Dr. Allison, of Northumberland, Mrs. C. 8. Runkle, of Philadelphia, Miss Verna Geiss, of Centre, Hall and Mr. J. L. Runkle of Bellefonte, were in town Wednesdsy morning says the Miflinburg Times, The ladies arived by train and Mr, Runkle took them from here to Middleburg and the folow- ing day Mr. Runkle drove to Belle- fonte, : Miss Annie Musser, of Orangeville, Illinois, was the guest of Miss Lizzie Kean several days during the past week says the Millbeim Journal, Miss Musser is a sister of Mrs. P. W. Leit- zell, of Bpring Mills. Her father Dan- fel Musser, was reared near Penn Hall, and her mother, nee Miss Rebeces Drelbelbis, was a former Penn town- ship girl. Bhe finds many friends of there was no scare, Mr. Corman im- mediately advanced eggs and butter to | 20 cents and lard 12, and remarked that if they desired any further ad- | vance they should commence opera tions and he would pass them no mat- ter at what figures, So the matter rests today. The merchant paying the highest prices will do-the business. & — | S————— A — So ————— Potters Mills, * Mrs. Agnes Potts, wife of Rev. Dr. Potts, of Petersburg, is visiting at the home of her father, Alex McCoy. Frank McCoy went to Jersey Bhore on business Monday. Miss Rhoda Alexander, of Mifflin county, l# visiting her brother, Dr. Alexander, at this place, Mrs. Todd is on the sick list; hope she will soon recover. Mre. M. L. Bmith and son of Johns town, are visiting friends at this place, John Armstrong, of Oak Hall, was seen on our streets Sunday. Miss lola Btrohm, one of Cenlre Hill's handsome young ladies visited her friend Leota Wilkinson Saturday and Sunday. Miss Kathryn Wilkinson has been on the sick list, but is improving. Don't forget the pienie at Pine Hill Saturday. Arrange so you can be there; the program is fine. The Loop band will be there and render fine mu- ber still in this vicluity, sic, STATE COLLEGE, The Rev. Dr. J. Gi. Reaser, of Colora- do, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. M. | C. Ihlseng. Dr. Reaser will preach Sunday in the absence of Rev. Dennis- | ton.—Ralph L. Mac Donald, whe is in a Bpartonville, 8. C. hospital with | fever, is slowly improving.—Prof. J. | Harry Dysinger will not return to take charge of the State College Academy, | but will start a preparatory school at | Pa, —Gieorge 8. Robison spent part of his vacation at Pine | Grove Mills,—Miss Harriet McElwain, | the Registrar of the College, is visiting | friends at Holyoke, Mass, —Miss Mar- | the interesting little | danghter of Mrs Lizzie Jacobs, of Cen- | tre Hall, is visiting at the Stuart home, | Miss Anna Hamilton is visiting | friends at Williamsport.—Miss Maude | V. Musser, the stenographer of the De- partment of Mechanical Engineering hus gone home to Millheim for her va- cation.—The Dan of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Liou- is &. Reber, is rusticatiog Point Pleasant, N. Y.—Editor Ww. | Burns of the Times, expects to take a short business trip to Philadelphia this week. —Mr. Enos H. Hess returned on | Monday, and although did not bring the new wife with him, yet the town boys gave him a serenade.—Supt. of schools Charles B. Boyer, of Atlan- tic City, N. J., is visiting Prof. C. D. Kehr.— Furniture desler Roan, of Le- mont, was about town Friday. —Ipsur- ance agent Potter, of Bellefonte, was about looking up new business on Fri- day.—Rev. J. Ottis Denniston left Monday for a months’ well earned va- cation at interesting in Nova Reotis. —Albert Emerick and wife are at Atlantic City. Before returning Mr. Emerick will visit bis brother Morris at Harrisburg.—Mr. John W. Stuart left Tuesday on a short business | trip to Bedford.—Merchaot W. L. Fos- ter is spending part of this week in Philadelpia.— Barber George Graham is taking a vacation the greater part of this week, at Pine Grove Mills.—Dr. GG. G. Pond is improving very fast aft- at (ieorge he on points er having been bed fast for many weeks Rev. G. E. W. Noble just returned from a pleasant business trip through Clearfield county, and left on Tuesday for the sea shore to begin his vacation in earnest.—The Hon. Rob ert M. Foster transacted business in Bellefonte Monday. Ws A > COBURN Merchant T. B. Everett is this week at Mt. Gretna in annual encampment of the N. G. P. of which organization he is a member, belonging to the 12th regiment, his company being located at Williamsport. J. E. Kooney, who has a lucrative | position with the Pennsylvania Rall road Company at Harrisburg, came 10 this place on Saturday morning aud remained with his family until Tues- day morning, when he again went to the capital city. L. H. Stover has the painters at work on his house occupied by B. B. Wilson. It is rumored that the Howard Creamery Company has purchased the B. Wilson the manager at this creamery and take charge of the one at Bellefonte. Mrs. Carolina Garthoff returned from a week's visit to friends in Sugar | Valley, on Tuesday. It is rumored that Geo. B, Shaffer has purchassed the stock of merchan- dise belonging to T. F. Meyer, and | stand in the near future. i Some of the citizens have been agi-| tating the question of bringing water | into town through pipes and now the | matter seems to have taken definite | shape. Some of the preliminary mat- | ters must first be attended to, and then | aétual work may be begun. The] mountain stream flowing past the old | distillery will be the source of supply. | If the project will be carried into com- pletion, it will be a great benefit tothe town. We hope our married men will | gee the advantages of this plan, and will push the matler to a successful | completion, imo fp Penn Hall Rev. J. 8. Housman, of Tusseyville, preached a very able and interesting sermon to a large and attentive audi : ence in the Evangelical church on Sun- day morning. Misses Bertha Miller and Anna Rishell, of Madisonburg, were visiting friends in this section over Sunday. J. C. Condo, the hustling coachmak- er, sold a new buggy to Henry Zeigler one wanting a new buggy will do well to see Mr. Condo before buying else where, H. ¥. McManaway ls sporling a pew bike, Jeweler Barkey Roper is back again to stay; he says Pittsburg is no good for him. The band boys contemplate holding another social ere long. Wm. Strunk & Bon, the veteran threw started out to thresh last week and are kept very busy. They give perfect satisfaction in their line of business, The corn crop in this section ia su’ fering greatly for want of rain. ————————— A ATAU The death rate of the world is 67 and the birth rate 70 a minute, and this seeming of gain light percentage ea net | Re rr Store. FOUNDRY J ATM MWC) & he " CSE NC NC wa aa ® « ote ee awa GREATER ATs A RA S00 - ® SOI a AT al aaa a SCC IE »: J is os Ms IEE PE ois HA ti srular ices, Do von want a & BR SPRI ha rn] Lg ra Order Goods By Mail. and 1 list every dav. (10 ls store, i Yarus 1.1 Deng aqdedad ew names to the It's because orde re Are filled £0 carefully and promptly that this Mail-Order n il gO rapiQiy. We would be pleased to fill a ) . . DUSINCess 1s increasing trial order for vou if you are not a regular patron already. Remember we pay the charges on all Dry Goods to Points within loo miles of Altoona, when the money comes with the order. wp Ww "es Bold by J. I. Murray's drug store, Centre Hall oe w SOOO eae LRAT Se eae a re Be NS SES AL MICE SCC ICA ii & sone Weer NO) » 6 BCH OO OE HCN SRNR HEE 3 B bond to ARN! ~MAR BANKS. Penn's Valley Banking Company, CENTRE HALL, PA. Receives Deposits, Discounts Notes. W. B. MINGLE, Cashier. auly | (JENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. rv BELLEFONTE, FA. Discount notes, 1. D. Baveeer, Cashier Rocelive deposila, janug ATTORNEYS. H UGH B. TAYLOR, > Attorney -at-Law bellefonte, Pa. All manner of legal busie attended to. aught Ko. 24 Temple Court ness prompiy in— J. H. ORVIS GC. M. BOWER, E. 1, ORVIES (JRVIB, BOWER & GRVIS, Attorneys at Law, BELLEFONTE PA. Office in Crider's Exchange building on second floor. juin | David F. Fortney W, Harrison Walker, FORTSEY & WALKER Attorney 8% Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office north of Court House. A 0. FURST, tl Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Ofoes directly opposite the Court Houss., aughb ((LEMART DALE, a Attorney al Law, BELLEFORTE, PA. Office N. W, corner Diamond, two doors from First National Bank jens? Ww G. RUNKLE, . Attorney at law, BELLEFONTE, PA | All kindsof legal business sided 1 promptly | Special attention given lo collections, Ofice, 24 | Soor Crider Excha ge. | { D.GEITIG, } Ms ATTORNET-AT- JAW ] bh. FORTE, PA. Collections ang aii egal business silended io promptiy, Consultations German snd Eoglisl, Oe. i. Bxiamnge Brix y. N B. SPANGLER, 4% ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. tion in En Exchange noviss Practioes in sll the courts. Codeulta ish snd Gennsan., Office, Crider jullding. HOTELS. JRVIN HOUSE, 8. Woods Caldwell, Proprietor, LOCK HAVEN, PA. Good sample rooms on first jan®l Terms reasonable, Sour BUsH HOUSE, W. L. Daggett, Proprietor, BELLEFONTE, PA. Special attention given to country trade. aprid N EW GABMAN HOUSE Opposite Court House, BELLEFONTE, PA. Ne wullding, new furniture throughout, steam bes etre bells and all modern Improvements, 400d wole and moderale charges. GPRING MILLA HOTEL, : D. H. Rubi, Proprietor, BPRING MILLS, PA. Froe bus to and from all trains, NEW BROCEERHOFF HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. Froe bus to and from all trains, Good sample rooms on first floor. Special rates 10 wilhosses end jurors. CENTRE HALL HOTEL, Win. H. Buskie, Manager. Newly equipped. bar and tab’e supplied with the best Summer boarders receive special atien - tion, and oan find no healthier jocality. Central for fishing and hunting mays’ £0 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Traoe Marks DesiGNS CorvyriGHTS &C. Anvone sending a sketch and description may guickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable Communion. tions strictly conSdentisk Handbook on pent free. (rides agoncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notion, without charge, in the Scientific American. A Bandsomely (Mustrated weekly. Jarpest oie enistion of any seentific journal. Terms, $2 a four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co, 26 roreeeer. New York Branch OfSoe, 63 ¥ BL, Washing? TE A RRR RRR AANA AAAR ANA Caveats, and Trade-Muarks obtained, and afl Pat. ent business conducted for MoorrarTe Frees. $ OUR Ornice 18 OrrosiTE U, S. Patent Ormice and we can secure patent in less Ume ihea those remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo, with descrip. tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ¢ charge. Our fee pot due till patent is secured, A Pameuiey, How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U. 5 and foreign countries | sent free, Address, jC. A.SNOW&CO.; Ore. PATENT Oriice, Wasuinaron, D.C. RR