Don't Tobaceo Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, To guilt tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of lite, nerve amd vigor, take NoTo Bae, the wonder worker, that makes weak men Strong. All drugyg 0c or #1. Cure guaran. teed Booklet and sample free Address Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York SLs, tsrrman Fuarope and news sevenly unly 1 cording to a paper taare fire at present in riageable princesses tnnrriagenble arts princes, ta sold by Thirty minutes j« ali the time required dye with Porsas Favrruss Dyus, all draggists, ith a decensed ents Iain of ties first Man, fap f+ heva Soothing Sy sx the gums reduc fama Cures wind colle, = a botile ’ nn ries is belog sors North Care + tests of it wernt iriners that they Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. eure constipation forever, fail, druggists refund woney. 0 § nartie, 10¢, 200 CC tinge rate of ddily den O00 in oensiand, Av Sen st dining i } per 3 per 1 ek ’s treatment Phiindeiphi 200 distinet which the condition wer Use best { HONneY Was piv as the Cleanse Your Blood desire {of n Bpr ig I'he thing most 5 thorough purification With ¢ work of going on th Medicine is { the blood. 18 ing “ plete renovation of vour systein. Not only 1s ti apt bluod made fresh, brigh stomach also s $3451 iTestiion, fini wiifies the kiduey 8 properly perform their por fooa at pi § y gppelite, Jal qd liver and there is, nerve, met ted fons, short, new urain, fun and digestive strength, Hood’s Sarcsaparilla Possesses the peculiar qualities Peculiar to Itself RCCOI good take it. An unlimited lis merit which plish these things who wonaerful enres proves its Dr.BulPs Cough Syrup. lentille Begaeat £ S00 D060 a3 aone good e glad to see i ondon NoihiNG in the Wide World has such a rocord for ab- solutely curing female ills and kidney troubles as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Medicines that are ad- vertised fo cure every- thing cannot be spocifics for anything. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will not cure every kind of ill- ness that may affiict men, women and children, but proof is monumental that ft will and does cure all the ills peculiar to women. This is a Tact indis, - able and can be verified by more than a million women. yr are siok don’t ex~ t, take the medi- cine that has the record of the largest number of cures. Ledia ® Phin SEA hf Wa a a few BOOK CANVANSERS, D nddiress BB. PORTER, Jr. 1108, Paul St Baltiwors, Ma DROPSY Y xy EN DACSTIRY: = rai og mm, 10 Hafod wih | Thompson's Ere Water sre 6Yed, Use ale “a, Mass. FARM AND GARDEN NOTES. | ITEMS OF INTEREST ON :ACRICUL- | TURAL TOPICS, Keep Hens Out of Horse Stables--Have a | Honey Room---Analysis of Paris Creen- Killing Stomach Worms in Sheep~-Etc. Ete. Stables past Keep Hens Out of Horse At this season of the yea rs who Keep hens fing dt i } Ko 1 them oul possible for feeding boxes 4 ted] thith ft fined, which they are prefs foul the feeding respecting LiGarse wonld e; y Ro om Lisi 3 of Paris Green was drawn 1 inees of the measured out into a nurse bottle this was from tablespoon je ie 1 w dati ¥ 43 shiv Wweiorh ing tH th NO The one ordinary COgimon "4 ’ the month of the gusoline i111 } bottle on vigoronsly for at least half ifter which it was potired small Onee On wigani drench bot the In giving this drench « given to sheep 3 wre mnust exorcised] not to stra gle th It should be set bet wen fn fhe aininal iid held Hsing ears on its ramp the knees not to row top of the head farther back of the back of the shes I CRKHry to make the tea fresh for each treatinent, It may he n quantity, bat shonkl he before adding the made el will warn = sMitie ds amd will milatable, ax readily possibly be a little more the warming makes it Before giving the emulsify more leon - Hilhesiy treatment, house fhe sheep In the evening and allow them to rennin without anything to ent un fil 10 o'clock of ths Then lambs to remain er three eat until housing for two ddny follow and without ing the wat them give this dose allow food or hours longer: evening Repeat the same fasting, dosing and feeding more days-of three days in all. After a week has elapsed, repent | the three days’ treatment and again | ten days later repeat it the third time, «American Agriculturalist then lot Humus in Soils. It is a fact that so little attention | has been paid to the kinda of soll con. stitoents essential to make an well for. | tilized soil that farmers do not know | what ix meant by humus, It is any | where for growth sition, In solls not been 1 where each soil. It is In fact, large part of tix fertility of such % haw and back found In great abund- humus almost the gras moved centuries A8Ou LOU to the titutes a inexhaustible soils, In ne nnee, Conk wily clea founad in varying amounts rial root len a1 and stnaller vog having come { roti he pa position of trunks, brand and othe CN PEs ny s may have sprung up, In ft occurs in large auan inued reatly Huck ont ation bind humus in fmpol element KiDK IW reusing. can be How the Maple Trees Are Tapped bock An i 6 iid I makes one of poultry yard t milk this § ior a Hiionx ng chicks swes « nothing i} fowls kevp several gon] one will kt! i Vorung Let worl ied opie off the damp box Ccliek the Too Keep the ound roosiling good Antica of a Palace Car dont happened on International within ten The train grade, remarkable a incoming Passenger miles of Lare Was coming forty Pullman rear of the length of of the train Was ido, Texas down ft steep ranning it miles an hour, when the briana se of preading left the 1 k coach raile, ran the two felegrapn jrorken outside wits jerked back across the aide of the track amd ran for diztance at angle of 15 de grees on a twentydoeot embankment, When a culvert twenty feet across wis reached the Pullman returned to the track and on the flex, entting penrly every one of them in two pieces, Four telegraph poles beyond the culvert was a switch, up which the Pullman regained the rails, just as the engineer sucoeeded in bringing kis train to a standstill, The Pullman was full of passengers, and not one of them was hort-Gal veston (Tezan) Dally News, A man may often talk about himself? cross jos, other sone an crossed Cross. in its intermediate stage of decomno. ® about. THE SUCKING THUMS, A Habit That Should be Stopped by Heroic Measures. hive weit disenssing, main part tewdl that veuture to here is 1144 OI ined Housework Ia the Fature Man's Mighty Lever, fakin manufactures of the United States in Oinissl i} | i« found in round tao the labor only 4.470.554 the # mental equivalent to 8 10 INI, barring some ye | porting horse power that the total horse pow r wis numbers 6 KK (KN, of fersons= equivalent SOON men, whik npn mann! Hen repre PiHLIN IL ENEY: In Horse power need fl fires equivalent fo GO 000 genis a popula otiier words, i nroducts of hments alone INI had amd poner manafactaring « the nited States in cured by the old fet hols, the aid of machinery, it wistilid have re uiresd i population of 180,000. 000, with left for agricul tire, trade, transportation, mining forestry, the professions or any other ocenpation Gunton’s Magazine Inn se with “iil five An Odd New Orleans Custom. One of the old enstoms of New Or bans «the posting on telegraph poles and in other public places of black bor dered funeral notices has been at suppression, The costom has long sur vivid Hig utility, which was to give no tice of a death and the date of the fun death column ~and the attack upon it, ax also the defense, procecils upon sen. timental grounds, fioint continuniy 1! Colonel Heary Watterson Chef masterpiece ously sacugh in allow tar the briny the other to pot Hint 1 Lnow how inetinetive sort vel Tound fiw thant In order Yi entilating a Tunncl The Hoosae friction funnel clutch central hy a fan in the alr will b the fmnD pumped in, As 3 ds we in the tunnel that forms thors have win has to be wo freely and considerable work cttng er, Hwan the iw it i= enough to prevent the formation of we Malfa Is one of the most important coaling ports in the Mediteranean: and are many firms there dealing in cond, of which there t« at all tmps a large stock on band STOPPED DRINKING. Kew Orienns Drankird Saw = Verbatuas Report of His Menologue. “There goes a mun whom 1 reclaim- rd from remarked = Now stenographe: th His the Demon Rum Orleans court ently it re WAY His no end of sEo ne of him. the time, and nis nag rooms full happened iu i# a tip-top fellow, and has five gel the but four or VeArs began to let | He 1 iquor best had fine position at don't he got standing ar evening anout exactly neglected 10 be a common nim and talking foolish (ihy Hine i868 usual in such cases indignant and denied r heen IN friends took the jither L quiet hint, and {ot highly of quer. same casing the cary WO going to land, ihe game rmation act. 1 was evening and Beeillg me igh to Le he Kept bec; thie pretty tage of OW thou talka- FL] out took word rot grapher’'s note book and thand is Lhe usual report of every maudiin half seas over, shad here and dee How w beer, candid fe Next aen wep! numerous ing neat around minuies eyes fair- he at +8 ULie aeeded heard be Bysantiane Fmpire. Honschold Mints. Kage sree 100. pack sturoh, with the ify Shakespeare tioth Century Girl ca ay » rise in the sdvenhoe y form a Bible Te Care a Cold in One Day. Toke Laxative Buowo Qrivivg Tamers. AR druecists refund the money 1 it falls to cure, BW. Groves sigusture ks on wach Lox. Se be withdrawn from Liritain rmiiftag y Al oat 500,000 the ind usiries en Wass faronl we ry ice, A Swallow ries! HArtingers of Apring