The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 05, 1900, Image 6

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i was sentenced
Emanuel Morton, colored,
to eighteen vears in the penitentiary for kill-
ing a white man at Clover, Va. A mob want.
ed to take him from the officers and lyneh
Frank J. Columbaln was arrested {rn Rich-
mond, Va., for false representations in con-
nection with the sale of a plece of property.
President Charles H, former presi-
dent of the tilobo Nationa! Bank, in Boston,
pleaded not guilty to the charge of
Fred Reynolds, an insane woodchopper of
Red Beach, Me, killed his wife and one son
with an axe and burned Ris houss down,
United States Senator Philetus
Sawver, the muiti-millionaire lumberman,
Hed at Lis residence In Oshkosh, Wis,
I'he eorcner’s jury at Dover, N. J,
viares that Mrs. Emma K, Sutton caused the
leath of her husband by poisoning him,
Mavor William J. Diehl decided that Mrs,
Langtry shall not be permitted to play “The
Degepoerates’ in Pittsburg.
Henry M. Atherton, agent {or the National
Vermont Life Insurance Company at New-
port News, Va, is missing,
miners of the
Aruot, Pa.
Seven hugdeed and
Bilossburg Coal Company,
went on a strike,
Captain Peter C,
nissary of subsistence,
Deming, assistant com-
was arrested in San
Francisco, !
I'he . New York graud jury submitted to |
Recorder Goff a presentment
lemniong Distriet Attoroey
Police Department and the
Hailroad wreckers,
Poties Captain Thomas was arraigned be.
fore Judge Goff, in New York, on the charge
of falling to suppress disorderly houses, and
pleaded not guilty,
A Pittsburg jury gave Assistant Distriet
Attorney DBillows, colored, who uader |
‘he Fourteenth Amendment, a for |
six and a-quarier cents.
Iwo men were killed by an axplosion at a
dynamite factory at Five-Mile Point, B. C,,
which wiped out the factory
I'he Columbian Theater
ago, was burned, Le
persons were injured,
Ex-Prosidont Cleveland declared himsell
ti favor of the ratifieation of the Hay-Paun-
eelote treaty, i
The art collection of the late David T.!
Eurby was sold at auction in New York.
severely con.
Gardiner, the
Third Avenue |
Five |
bullding, ia
George W. Clark, of Macon, Ga., was ar-
rested in Jacksonville, Fia., on the charge of |
eseacking the safe of the Perry Loan sad |
Ravings Company, of Perry, Ga.
The southboand Louisville and Nashville |
passemper traln ran Into & freight at Cave |
City, Kr., and five passengers were hurt, |
back, engineer, was killed at]
Kreeden, W. Va, by the explosion of a loco- |
motive, and David Sharp was fatally hurt,
Ike constitutionality of the new valuation
law of Virginia was argued before a full!
eonrt and submitted,
A man named Frum, living near
W. ¥a., shot his wile and Limself,
will die, i
The Wilmington M, E, Conferance adopted |
a resointion condemning the army canteen,
and the use and sale of liquor in the new |
possessions of this government was also
A robber who was shot at while attempt- |
ing to rob a store in Lemont, Ii, dropped
dead from fright.
The Boston stonecn!
tors wiil join the strik- |
their torm of agreement with the
manulacturers expires
ers when
One man wax Killed aud tw
ally injured by
binst of dyn
near Nd
la Chicago an lialian was stricken duns!
after killing his partuer
he Dr. Frask M has pub.
ished a letter nssertiog that drunkenness is
sentdalously prevalent among the officers
and privates of the United Army io |
the Philippines,
Up to the
ieveinnd ©
the mino-h
Ihe Building Trades
bas taked up the fight of the unions a Mijated |
with the Chicago Building Trades’ Council
y probably fat.
A premalire explosion of a
amite in Allen & Hassel's quarry, |
Iie Wells
jresen t time
wir dav w
eoneerna in |
the machinists
ith 19 hours
pay, as |
National Couneil |
The Republican Congressional Convention |
suet in Athens, (). and nominated Hon,
H. Grosvenor for Cougress for the sixth |
Fhe Norwegian steamship Vidar, of Fred
ertickshodid, Captain from New
York to Norfolk, went ashore shortly after |
midnight at Dam Neck Mills, tor
of Cape Heury, Ya. The crew of
men are safe on board
Mitehell, of Ri
in his sermon at the Hecond Baptist Chareh
on 8a
miles south
vighteen |
Prof, 8. C, shimond College
lay night, seathingly denounced Gos
ernor Tyler tor allowing the lvachiog of the |
two men at Emporis,
Charies Scott nearly killed his wife and
ber mother by gashiug them in the head and !
face with a chisel at their home in Owosso
Mieh., and then committed
Fhe Merchants’ National Bank of Rutland,
¥i., closed its doors, and its cashier, Charles
W. Mursee, was arrested on the charge of
misappropriation of funds,
Fhe fast mail on the Atlantic and West
Point Rallway was wrecked near Oplixa
tal, aud Express Messunger Oslin was
Phe strikers of the Siemans & Helske Com. |
pany, in Chicago, returned to work, a com.
promise having been arranged,
Hav, Dr, Isaac M. Wise, the eminent rabbi
snd founder of Hebrew Union College, died
at his home in Cincinnati,
The battieabip Kearsarge loft Newport
News, Va, on her first trip as a commissionad
vessai of the navy,
Pubile of inion in Virginia is divided as to
the Governor's responsibility for the Em.
jorim iynehings, but there is a gonkral un-
dereurrent of satisfaction at the result, The
bedy of the uegto Colton was taken to
Thirteen young ¢irl students of the West.
wru Seminary lor Girls, In Oxford, O., were
suspended for indecorons conduct in holding
ak inltiation lu a cemetery vault,
Allert BE. Talbott, who was to hava heen
be ot mn wt his brother's marrings to Miss
Lucy Digsiafl, of Bath county, Ky.. changed
dimes nnd beeame the girl's husband,
The York Cotton Mills Company, of South
Carolin, will deduct three per cont. from
the annual dividend and add it to the wages
of the operatives,
After a quarrel with her iover fn Paterson,
Nid, Miss Anne Volapde Inid her head on
wu rabiroad track and allowed wu train to de
vi plinte ber,
Dre. H. A, Ward, of Da'timore, and R, W,
Gutewood, of Old Point, had a narrow es.
enpw trom drowning in Hampion Ronda,
Iu Mount Kisko, N. ¥,, Mee, George Feline
nitewpted to lash Frank Drowfoogile for
Joking fun st her husband,
Lona Cook, in Philadelr! (a, made s fourth
wi ieide,
usuceessiul wttemit to ki | herself,
The Portuguese Government Condemned
to Pay Fifteen Million Frances,
With Five Per Cent. Interest Per Annum
IN8D, to the United States
Great Britain,
Since nnd
Cali The
announced It
Berne, Switzeriand, By
Swiss Court of Arbitration
lecision in the Delagon Bay ease,
Following is the text of the deecleion, which
i8 In six cinuses
“First The Portuguese
the defending party, is condemned to pay
the Goveenment of the United States and to
Great Britain, the claimants, altogether, in
addition to the £93,000 pald ou meeount in
1800, the sum of 15,314,000 Irgal
money, with on this
sum at the rate of five per cent, per aunum
from June 25, 1839, up to of pay-
ment of sald sum
“Second The sum, after ded
is nocessary to defray the cost of arbitration
falling on the clatmants and in addition to
the balance of £28 000 paid on account in
1890, shall be empioved {on the payment of
bondholders and other creditors, if there is
ted, of the Dalagoa lay Rallway Company,
according to their standing. The cialmuants
will draw up a scale of distribution for this
purpose, The Portuguess Government will
have to pay into the hands of
States the
necrae to Me
(ravernment as
francs In
Swiss simple interest
the dae
sting what
the govern
ment of the United sum whieh
according to said segle, shall
her quality of bondholding ereditor of the
first and second degeee, It pay the
surplus to the Government of Great Britain
‘Third ~The delay of six months fixed by
the arbitration
“Fourth The-costs of the arbitration, a
cording to a scale to be drawn up in accord
the arbitration com
promise, will be borne in equal parts by the
sult, that is to say
“Filth—~The conclusions of
sofar as they differ from the above
are set aside
"Sixth- itheatie copy
award will b ie through
mediary of the Swiss federal counel
the parties
¥ 32
An a
I'he award is unanimous,
Lisbon, (By Cable, The Dearne
“After deli
“First The court re
favor of a final fuguiry. It t
judgment on the prineipal ol
litigation from that dealing with the
yr the territory In q
the other hand, th court
decides to deliver forthwith its de
ree on the main question, and t
beets published hers
beration, the o«
ects all demands in
leclines also t¢
ject of
Second On
nite de
eate to the parties an authentle copy of
points, the decree,
fn short
esaential complete
recital « a ransons. to
ny 1
In 1860 the Portuguese governs
inded a commercial treaty with
\lrican repubs
bay under a cone
tained from a native chiaf by a British naval
exploring ax pe] tion 4 | J Fo
(Gireal I AT
ession which
A pa
i MeMahion, ther
sisted the cladn refarred
to the
ident of republic Fhroe
years later he awarded the tercitory to Port
Sinee the award there have been fro
LL rumors
! that Great Feit
pire the
ry. but the
I always prevented the sale
1383 lonel MoMurdo, as
itizen, obinined from Portugal
nstruct a raliway from |
Marquez to Komatipoort on the 1
border. Ha pushed the work, but
ore it was fNalshed,
territs i
sion to ures:
died by
f Therenpon
aking advantage
contract, hesauses
the Morte
Russa government
sehnienl breach of
iancompietion of the line Vretoria
originally agreed upor
confiscated the
on June 24 18892 The
protested, and after vig
the part of the
nieelled the econ
ceasion and raliway
ritialy as
tions on
Nate governments
after long deiays, to
arbiliralion Fhe Swiss count
£ hia trae
for this purpo
he ruilr
i : I
in 184,
Many Noted Speakers Oppose the Pro
posed Tarifl,
ur thou
th, Special} —Batween three and
sand people gathered al §
f Nrnagie
Hail at a meeting called to express sympathy
and 10 protest against th
proposed tariff legisiation, 8
fred Porto Rien
me three hun
Npeeches were made by the ohairman. (
, Bhayne; Ex-Assistant Secretary of ‘
Navy William MeAdoo; Senator William ¥
Mason, of lHlinols; Senator William V
of Nebraska: Congressman John
Ohio, and Ex.-Goy, James T,
Hanator Wellington, who was to have mad
an address, was unable to attend
Lents, of
Campbell, ol
Burgisrs Make OF With 815,000
of Jewelry and Diamonds,
New York, (Special) -Bome time during
the night the Grand.sireet jewelry store f
Isidore Weinstein was burglarized of #15 000
worth of jewelry and diamonds,
The big sale was practically destroved,
The burglars flied the heads of the bolita ir
ive bnek of the sale off. They then cut th.
back plate and removed the nsbestos lining.
Killed His Brother in-Law.
Parle, Tonn., (Speci Dr. P. MM. Mal.
solm, of Owens Hill, shot and killed bi
srother-in-law, Milt Perry, A dispute over
nnd eased 8 quarrel between them. Mal
soim surrendered, claiming self. defense
Both men are prominent,
heir Steady Inflax Alarming California
San Francisco, Oal., (Hpoeial,) Working
nen in this State are becoming alarmed at
he steadily Inoroasiog nuatber of Japaness
It ia stated that sinee January 1, 1800, no
ase than 3,420 Inborars from Japan have a
erwerd in this sonntry, d the Immigration
Bureau is inform 1,400 more are due
hers shortly,
Avcording to Labor Commissioner North,
7.000 passports have been obtatued in Japan.
me lor luborers in to come to this
Dreadial Deed of a Poor Woodehopper
Killed His Wife and One Son
With an Axe.
Calals, Me,, (Kpecial
wood-shopper at Had
about ten miles from
Killed his wife and one
Beach, o small town
while insane,
Bevnaolds, a
on with au axe, io
sly, and burned the
Reynolds then ran up
his nxe; but finally
offering no resist.
Big He was brought to this place for sale
another son serio
house to the ground,
the street, fourishing
Was tukon Into custody,
Reynolds’ former life,
ve married to Miss
Pearman, an English girl, who had not been
very long in Ameriea The family moved to
Hed Beach three ago. The
family consisted of Reynolds and his wife
and two bet weer
other about three years
The fact that the family wae very poor
had become known to tha townspeople, and
a foews days ago assistance contributed by
the oitigens placed shove immed!
Little is known of
i yours ago he was
SONS, one six and seven
years of age, and the
the family
ale want,
Reynolds appeare
eariy hours, At abo
during the
, bowever
he entered the nil AXE AS.
ily out
gnulted his wife
The three. veuro
al mos
and the elder son was killed
d boy
belong anti
rely {orn
his seal)
is fatally ! t. i
from the axe
set fire to the he
the gro
the sn
slroet « arryving the
Rie, wWiieh De fourished wilgiy that ne
A time, Al
waned, and he wa
one dared
brought to
by loud,
in a cell
! raint,
this city
and his str
When he was Ix
Reynolds again beos
m panied
inarticulate eries was place
and manacied, for he might
some injury to bimsell
drank liquor,
Reynolds never
years of age
Break Out
Flames in the Apartment
1 dropped
within ten
stove fo fiatnos
spread with great rapidity, and
Gf the fre the
minutes alter
theater was b
iriven t
Oecupa if the bullding and
of the theater were
“GIN e
the street in su the excite.
ment three w
the fire was extinguished ibe {ols
wing were
Frances Milier ove ) by smoke apd
her face cut; take: :
jiohu Crilly. a
t about t
ohn Courties
ing cornles and glass;
Former United States Senator and Mal
Millionaire Lumberman.
Oshkosh, Wis, ( Sperial Former Uniied
States Senator V7
fietas Sawyer died at the
residence of his sawyer, In this
¥ ye Hine resulting in bis death bx
serious nt 4
esday afternoon
nitack at Hirst 5 :
ister other organs became
i andition
his had been ¢
ieath was gn
I at halimast all
Mr. Sawyer was Ene
Man of Oshkosh
nounesd fags wero
over the cily and
Ex-8enator »
ounty, Vermont,
first politien! honor was his oleetion as an
Aldermen of this ¢ity., In 1964 he was
sivcted to Congress, where he remained for
10 vears, and in 1881 was elected to the
United State: ate and sorved inthe upper
september 22, 1816, His
An Expression of Sympathy tothe Widaw
fhe Feneral,
London, (By Unable Queen Vietoria has
abled to Lord Boberts asking him to con
vey to Mrs, Joubert, widow of General Jou-
bert, her syn jathy at the loss of her hus.
band, and to tell her that the British peopla
always regarded the dead general as a gal-
Innt soldier aod honorable foeman,
The funeral of General Joubert took place
aod was attended by all classes, The for.
eign military attaches, In uniform, were
aniong those present, and the British oMoeers
who are prisoners in Pretoria sent 5 wreath,
There were universal signs of mourning.
Vather and fon Killed,
New Martinsville, W. Va, (Bposial Wil
Ham Smith and son were killed hy an ox.
plosion of glycerine, They were Lringing
givoorine down the creek ina skiff and when
about three-quarters of a mile above the city
the explosion took place.
the Noted War Correspondent Passes
Away at His Home.
London, (By Cable.) Archibald Fortes,
ths well-known war correspondent, dled iu
thie city,
Ha had boan in bad health for some yonrs,
and daring the last six months bad been un.
ahle to write or to do anything, owing to
eomplieations arising {rom theamatism apd
He spent most of his time al his home in
London, His wile was a Mies Melgy, daugh
ter of the late Quartsrmastor-Ganorad of the
United States Army, Gon. M. ©, Melus,
Crowd Replied io Sheriff's Resistance With
mn Fusilade of Bullets Miss Meltvaine
Urged the Mob On With a Revolver in
Her Mund the Vietim of the Assailant
Stood by and Witnessed the Tragedy.
Lewis Harris, the
is alleged, brutally as-
satited Mise Annie Mclivaine at her home
aear this place, was lynched bere shortly
Mter 11 o'clock. He wasstrung upto & pop-
ar treo and made short work ol.
The jail was attacked, several shots were
fired and one man was wounded in the
shoulder, It is sald that the lynebing party
was made up of men from Churchyilie and
Aberdeen, both places within riding distance
J Belalr, The night was dark and #ainy.
After breaking into the jail the miserable
aegro was dragged down the main sireet to
the residences of Dr. Wiliam 8, Archer,
where he was hanged and swung into eters
dty., Before being pulled up Lewis made a
partial confession, saying he was drunk
when he committed the crime,
The lynehiog party left immediately after
ie banging and at 12 o'clock the town was
Belair, Md, (Special.
tolored man who, it
A sensational feature of the iynching was
Miss Melivaine, Bhe was
party, revoiver in hand, urging
the presence of
wih the
them on.
It was nearly 11 *k when the mob as-
tembled shout the Courthouse Directly
opposite Is the Bheriff's residence and In the
tear of this Is the Harford County Jail,
where the prisoner was incarcerated, At
the time there was Lut ove deputy with
Sheri Kinshart,
The Iatter's
was the first
0 elo
wife, who was In the house,
the unusual o: >wd,
Bhs called the attention of ber hustand and
bis assistants to the throng in front of the
Courthouse and hinted of the peril that
laced thelr prisoner,
to notiee
There was soon a knoek
A mans voles asked
on the door
permission to
He merely said that be wanted 10 er
with his friends,
“I guess 1 kne ur
Sheri Ris
me iL
errand said
il An cab { ieRYe
ihis jadi t
him yo
undertake 10 take
i do wo at th of your
The only response was a shot, loll
wed by
The bullets penetrated
the pansis of the bolted ora
trough the glass lights on ie of the
Eberiff Rinehart reached |
and returned the shots,
the door,
Robert 1. Bull, a tallor
in the He is
lously wounded. When the shot was
the man was but 40 feet from the door,
Another bullet found way into
band of an unknown IRE man
door and ke
either 3!
r bis
firing nlso thre
of Belair, was shot
belinved 1«
shoulder Le per.
its the
Ibe sound of the shooting was the signs
r the mob, which
to close in about the jail It gq
ited and began to pound the
from the house Lo the nll,
between the
panels of
and as the lock was forced from its
the crowd rushed in, Then was 8
wwement as the Sheriff and Mr. Kine.
y the hog
f onsisted of 200 perso:
iekly organ
door leading
There is a bail
Sheril's house and the
Iie this were quickly smash
fe ¥
art rushed binok t ise and began
Argue with the me
William 1. Cool
pl Be Be
He argued with
ie Niate at
with the Sheriff a:
pie them the
* v
| her pe
take its course,
humanity and of
wail for the jaw ¢
vetigeance-bent moh,
Nherif! had armed the
prisoner and that he would shoot d
first to enter,
I know you all,” he said, “and you wil
all be arrested and all prosecuted
Mr. Cooley is a criminal
# was the « uly is
no effect oa the bie
warned them that the
win Lhe
iawyer here, and
} oni shown aid
the prisoner,
From the hallway the mob broke into the
ail, It was but the work of a moment t«
prize off the staples of the {nner door,
ionds to the upper part of the jall, In here
they quickiy forced thelr way to the cell of
the crouching criminal,
Isabella Kane Died From the Effects of
Polson From Opiates,
Trenton, XN, J. [sabelia Kane,
the 12. vear-old girl who gained much notor.
ity because she had feet that were econ.
#antly burniog, died at a hotel in this city.
She was under treatment by whi
were having good results, Lut the cause of
her death was convulsions, caused by the
poison from opiates, which she was forced
10 take to allay the pain,
Tho girl for the past two years was
troubled with a burning sensation of the
feet, and was foresd to remain In a sitting
position for months, with her feet in a vessel
of hot water,
Shortly before 4 o'clock, she was taken
With a convulsion, which, like others she had
experienced, was brought on as a result o |
the polsoning of her system with laudanum
and opium, given her during the two years |
of her suflering to relieve her pain, When
the girl was brought out of the convulsion
she fell into a light doze and quietly passed
Deceased was the daughter of Mary and
the late Thomas Dane, who lived just out
side of Morrisville, The amily were in poot
cirgumstanond, and benevolent persons were
providing her with shelter and treatment,
Mrs. Kane is now In St. Francis’ Hospital,
suffering with pneumonia.
{ Rpocial,
eX pe Tie,
Robbers Dynamite a Hank.
Hardy, Neb, (Special. )~The State Bank
of this piaco was visked by burglars. They
blew open the safe with dynamite, and se
oured $4,000, No trace of the robbers has
been secured yet,
To Study the Bubonie Plague.
The Italian government has decided to sa
tablish a bacteriologleal laboratory for the
study of bubonio plague in the island of |
Planosa. = i
The Supremo Court decided that the antl
trust law of Texas was constitutional,
nc a a TE
The Senate ratified the Anglo-Ameriean |
treaty bearing upon the disposition of the |
estates of the citizens of one country who |
die in the other, :
The government of Mexico accepted the
The dispute resulting from the complaint
of Morocco of French
encroachment is becoming quite serious, and
two French warships have been sent,
A Paris newspaper publishes a despateh,
purporting to have been receive by Agon-
cillo, announcing that the Filipluos had
rcuted the Americans near Cabal,
Arthur O'Connor's motion in the House of
Commons, that the government take steps
Lo remedy the overtaxation of Ireland, was
Galvin B. Clark,
The constituents of
member {
Parliament for Caithness,
mandod his resignation,
A German was launched at Kiel
and given the name Prinz Helarich,
At a luncheon Berlin to the for-
eign diplomats m discussed
the open-door p Ambassador
given in
Emperor Willl
iiiey with
A Berlin report of a proposed joint naval
demonstration in Chinese waters was denied
in London,
The price of coal Is rising on the conti
nent, and factories in some places are being
A druggist tried to murder a judge in Paris
by shooting at him in court.
Combines are the order of the day in Ger.
many. Only four per cent, of the sugar
manufacturers are lacking to complete the
syndicate, The Corman ziue rolling mills
have combined,
The seal eateh this season. as estimated by
steamers arriving at 8t. Johns' N. F., will
reach 350,000, against 247.000 jast Your.
The Dowager Empress of China is shower-
ng decorations up raising to distine-
tion prominent members of the anti-foreign
i and
Chancellor Bir Michael Hicks-Beach an-
nounced that 39 800 applications for the war
oan subscribed for 1.677,500,000,
The 200th anaiversary of the Berlin Acad-
emy of Selences was The Em-
peror made a speech,
Chevaller de Bouza Corre), Brazilian min
ister at the Court of Bt. James, was found
dead in bed in London.
In the suit at London of Daly ws Ed-
wardes, for the possession of Daly's The
ater, Kekewich decided for the
In German Reichstag the Prussisz
government was taken to task for the anti
quated system of yed.
Bir Edmund D
voy at Copenh
ling emplo
iging Velteh Fane, English,
agen, is dead, aged sixty-
Publication of Articles Inimiecal to the
Military Government at Manila.
Mani! La Patria and
Liberal, Spanish organs of the extreme Pili.
party recently been publishing
articles inimical to the military government,
General Otis has suppressed former
Jourasl for sedition, and imprisoned the
editor, at the time fssuing & warning
party that
Hy Cable iA]
to the members of the extreme
they should observe greater moderation
Senor Paterno, sat one time president of
the Filipino cabinet, having
ceived perinissdon the authorities to
come to Manila, is expected fo present bim-
soil this week at San Fernando, province of
sn-onlled re
The rebels In General ¥
becoming aggressive, The American bai
talion garrisoning the town Namagapa-
oan was attacked on four consecutive nights
ung's district are
General Young proposes to pursus the
rebels aggressively belore the rainy season
gots in
Catch Estimated to be Greater This Ses
son Than for Twenty Years.
Bt. Jo N. F., (By Cable, }—The sealing
steamer Leopard, which took shelter at
Wesleyville, in consequence of the storm, is
due bere Tuesday morning, and other stes
mers are expected to arrive during the day
Judging from reports thus far received, the
total number of seals taken by the fleet is
about 296.000, and the prospect Is that, as
four weeks of the flashing season have yet &
run, this total will be increased by some
sixty thousand,
As the entire catch last vear was only
47,000, this year's figures promise to be the
best within twenty years,
Kentucky's Capitol
Only to Cause a Sensation,
Frankfort, Ky., (Special) The Republi
ran adjutant general—Collier—denled that
mines are being nid around the arsenal and
capitol grounds, and in an explanatory com.
munication to the Democratio assistant ad
jntant general-- Murray-—General Collier
said that some indiscreet men al the arsenal
bad dug trenches, and made a pretenss of
laying mines to create a sensation, but the
work was entirely without the sanction or
knowledge of General Collier, and the men
cugaged have been sharply reprimanded,
Trenches Dug Near
Jealousy Canses n Murder.
New York, (Special) Edward Leasure,
22 years old, killed George Crotty, 383 years
of age, an electrician, in Brooklyn. Leasure
boarded at Crotty’s home aad bis relations
with Crotty’s wife were such as to cause ap
fil feeling between the two men. Crotty
met his wile on the street In Leasure’s com.
A quarrel ensued and Lessure drew
A revolver and shot Crotty twice, Crotty
Murdered His Wife.
Oil City, Pa., (Special.)—~Amos Eider, an
oll-well driller, shot and killed his wife,
Elder was Intoxicated at the time, and the
shooting occurred after a terrible struggle,
in which the woman sought to save her life,
The murderer sseaped,
Debs wilh go to Paris,
Austria Sad 256 strikes in 1899,
Jerusalem has fifteen hospitals,
Kansas has fifty-one daily papers,
London stores have Japanese clerks,
New York broom-makers use a label,
America bas 70,000 union brickiayers,
Massachusetts has 116 street raliways,
English collieries employ 85,000 people.
$t. Paul has but two non-union lathers,
Boel costs $1.50 a pound in the Klondike.
The war has diminished our exports to
Cleveland painters want 22.40 for the
States to hold a second Pan-American Con |
gress, i
Representative Fitagerald, ranking Demo. |
erntic member of the House Merchan! Mar.
ine Commitieo, explained the attitude of the
minority on thee Ship SBabsidy blk
Haw Yous stopits wast (us sine lion: day
wn Muy :
Toledo carpenters refuse to work on jobs
John C. Viester., of Reading, Tries te Kin
Wife and an Officer Quinter Gots Twelve
Years in Jail and Fine for Killing Wife
Attorney Awarded 855,~
H00 as Result of Raflroad Accident.
and Varamony
John C. Fiester, a Reading inventor of
considerable reputation, went erszy and
tried to stab Officer Squint, who tried to are
rest him. It took four men to disarm bis,
and he was gotten to the station house with
great difficulty. A telephone message came
Lo the police station saying that an officer
was badly needed at 317 South Eleventh St.
where John C, Fisster resides. Officer Squint
and Officer Qualntances hurried to the sense,
There they learned that Mr, Plester had be-
suddenly insane, Mrs, FPiestor had
been driven up stairs her husband, who
had threatensd to k She bolted ber
door and he battered on it and tried to get
in, The officers entered by a second-story
window es Fiester was in full possession
down stairs. It was decided to send for Dr.
Ammon, the family physician, While he was
coming Mr. Flester grew quiet and on the
Doctor's arrival found sitting at the
kitchen table eating supper. He appeared
as well as usual, but suddenly ran into the
back kitchen, saying he had sows work to
do. There he seized a chisel and made aa
attack on Officer Bquint. The officer tried
to protect himself with a chalr, but Fiester's
lunge cut his cont, The blade struck a sus.
pender buckle, saving him from injury,
Four men sprang at Plester and un-
armed him, He was bandeuffed and taken
to the police station. Mr, FPilester has been
mentally unsound for some time, Insomnia
and worry are sald’ to have brought on his
present sad cond He is an expert
wookworker and is the patentee of the puliey
manufactured by the Reading Wood Pulley
was released and went
bome quietly with his wife,
Company. Fiester
DQainter Sentenced,
omon H. Quinter, who was eonvieted
al the December term of Criminal Conrt for
mansiasughter on August 12, 1899 was sen-
tenced at Reading. On the first indictment,
killing bis wile, he was sentenced to a fine
of $500 and solitary confinement in the East.
ern Penitentiary for nine years, Os the sec.
ond il, the killing of Kitzmiller, his wife's
paramour, he was fined #500 and sentenced
to solitary confinement for three years,
Big Damages for Injuries
I'he second largest verdict for damages
ever awarded in Pennsyivania was returned
al Scranton in favor of Attorney John T.
Martin, Itls in the sum of #55500, Mr.
Martin and Hodson
Canal Company for damages for personal
injuries sustained in a wreck on the defend.
Rut's rond on April 4, 1899, As 8 result of
the accident it is claimed that his mind as
wail as his health ls permanently shattered,
sued the Delaware
Robbers Sought Revenge.
Beveral burglaries perpetrated in
Pottsville, The gr yoery store of D. G. Smith,
was entered and a large sum of money and
because they
find as much cash as they expected,
wantonly burned the ledger containing the
ie Philadelphia and Head
ts at New Philadelphia and
tickets and other
book accounts, 7
ing Rallroad de;
Gliberton were
¢ i at
oted of
UR Dies,
Industrial Boom in Bristel.
Within the last few months three pew
dustries have in Bristol.
The rolling mill, after an idienees of several
yoars, was the first to get under way, the
large wallpaper factory was later put into
operation by Campbell & Co., and the Bris-
tol Knitting Company has took possession of
the Appleton mill,
bean established
Montgomery Digscontinnes Bounty.
At & meeting of the Montgomery County
Commissioners it was determined to discon-
tinue the payment of bounties for minks
and foxes, At the time the law was passed
these animals were abundant in this sonnty,
much to the detriment of the farmers, but
now they are almost extinet,
Policeman Killed at Railroad Crossing.
While attending to his jaties st the rail.
road crossing in the Bethlehem ERteei Com-
pany's yards, Bamuel DD, Cortright, aged 55
voars, one of the company's poilce officers,
was run down by a shifting engine and
Found Coal Vein in Digging Well
While digging a well on his farm, Dewitt
F. Beach, who lives a mile northeast of
Williamsport, cut through a threefoot veln
of coal eighteen feet from the surface. He
intends to develop it,
Nowningltown Knitting Plant Rurned.
The knitting plant of the Evans & Walker
Co., at Downingtown, was destroyed by fire,
together with all the valuable machinery
and stock.
Met Death Under Car Wheels
While making a coupling at Lansford,
Brakeman Herbert Lypn fell under the sar
wheels and was so badly erashed that he
died several hours later, He resided at
Summit Hil,
In Briel.
Adam Marsukivite, a 7-yearold boy, ran
in front of a trolley car on Capouse Avenne
and was killed.
Sheriff Samuel F. Gates raided the alleged
gambling house kept by William Leary and
Philip Leary, at Bedford, capturing the pro-
prietors and their outfit,
During the abeenee of the station agent a
burglar broke into the office of the Helle
fonte Central Nallroad Company, at Siste
College, and completely rapsacked the sta
tion, taking among other things $30 in
William Kelly, of Centralia, and William
Howard, of Roxborough, were arrested in
Shenandoah, charged with committing a
burglary at the Lebigh Valley Rafirosd
depot in Centralia. They were taken to the
Bloomsburg jail,
Muardered Wis Wife.
Oil City, Pa, (Special. )-<Amos Eider, ar
oll-well driller, 3hot and, killed hg ite
Elder was Intoxicated a time,
oocurred after a terrible