The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 22, 1900, Image 4

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    po ows
mm ————
TERMS. —One year, $1.50, when paid in advanoe.
Those in arrears subject to previous terms, $2.00
per year.
ADVERTISFMENTS.—20 cents per line for three
insertions, and 5 cen per line for each subse
quent insei tion. Other rates made made known
on application.
to announce that). W. Kep-
wili be a candidate
{sion of the
We are authorized
Jer, of Ferguson township,
for Assembly. subject to the dec
Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce that J. H.
Wetzel, of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for As
sembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
We are authorized to announce that Robert
M. Foster, of State College, will be & candidate
for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Dem-
ocratic County Convention.
The United States Senate should be
named the Den of Millionaires.
se ff —————
Governor Stone seems to belong to
the geological formation known as
clic ne ————
Ex-Governor Hastings is mentioned
in some circles for the Republican
nomination for Vice President.
ee ———
Railroads are on the increase. Ip
the aggregate there are nearly 59,000
miles of projected road, in the United
States for this year.
ele ——
The ‘‘agent of prosperity’ is wanted
among the machinists of the United
States, the Union has jssued orders
calling 100,000 out on a strike.
eri eee
Speaker Farr, of the late legislature,
who deceived the anti-machine Repub-
licans by turning tool for Quay, was
badly, and deservedly, defeated for re-
Jacob G. Schurman, of Cornell uuni-
versity, president of the old Philip-
pines committee, in a letter says :
“The supreme irresistible reason for
removing all customs barriers between
the United States and Porto Rico Is
the promise made by General Miles,
when first landing American forces on
the island, that the Porto Ricians
should enjoy the same rights, privil-
eges and immunities as the people of
the United States.”
a — A ———————
Colonel J. L. Spangler will be a can-
didate for one of the delegates to the
Democratic National Convention. He
would make a good representive in
that body. The Colonel would repre-
sent the district in that body with
ability and credit, and as it is an out
of-pocket affair, with only the honor
that is in it, and the credit his ability
would be to this congressional dis-
triet, in the national Convention, his
past services to the Democratic party,
make Jack eminently deserving the
honor and the well-earned recognition.
ot e—
The “advance agent of prosperity” |
has not once, in his four years, shown
his sleek face on a single farm in the
country, although in his platform is
the sacred promise of a visit to every
one. The “agent’’ has been finding it
too congenial to loaf with the tarifl and
trust fattened Hannas, the sugar Have-
meyers, standard oil Rockafellers, rot-
ten beef Armours, 20 to 40 million-a-
year-ptofit iron kings, the tobacco
lords, et al. If any farmer has seen |
the tracks of this ‘“‘advance agent of |
prosperity’’ on his place, let him io-|
form the Reporter and we will make
due notice of the fact.
———— |
The Porto Rican condition is awful. |
The whole people are being pauperiz- |
ed by free government, while the in-
stability of the country without eon- |
stitutional guarantee prevents Ameri- |
can capital from flowing io.
lead- |
England's Fortleth War,
The present war in Bouth Africa is
the fortieth war England has indulged
in during the reign of Victoria. No
other State in the world has been so
often at war. Here they are:
War against, Russia, 1854,
@ Three wars against Afghanistan, 1838
140, 78.
156, 60,
Two wars against the Sikhs, 1845,
51, '77.
88, 169, '90, '95, 197.
Three wars against Ashanti, 1864,’
One war with Abyssinia, 1867.
One war with Persia, 1852,
One war against the Zulus, 1878,
One war against the Basutos, 1879,
One war in Egypt, 18582,
One war in Zanzibar, 1580.
One war against the Matabele, 1804.
Two wars with Transvaal, 1881, "09,
sr fs foo ——————
He's Still Digging “Taters,”
ued his paper. It ran as follows:
one sald he was the intelligentist man
snc fA NABI
Weekly Weather Report-Centre Hall,
Government Service.
Temperature : Highest. Lowest
Mar. 15 31 17 cloudy.
20 32 14 clear.
17 25 clear.
18 -
19 #“
2 44
al 36
On 15, 7 inches of snow
part cloudy
ron 18, 1
Opening Days for
Spring and Summer
Wrox espay, Maren 28th, we will have our First Formal
Display of Millinery in the late Spring and Summer Styles.
The Opening Days will continue over Thursday, Friday
and Saturday and we extend a special Invitation to our Friends
throughout Central Pennsylvania to visit the store during this
We have arranged a magnificent collection of Millinery,
whose beauty is worthy a trip of many miles to see. There are
Ready-to-wear hats as low as $1.95, while the higher grade hats,
£95.00. are also here in abundance, representing
selling at $4.95 to
the choicest styles that Fashion has created for this BCABROT,
Remember that we have won a Reputation, that extends
throughout the whole state, for selling High Grade Millinery at Pop-
1320-22-24 11th Avenue.
ular Prices.
i b————
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divisio1
and Northern Central Railway,
Time Table, in effect Nov, 19, 1599,
i w—
7.828 m.~Train 20. We k days for Bunbury,
Harrisburg. seriviog st Philad: iphis, 11488, m.,
New fork 213 p. m., Baltir ore 11 56 p. m., Wash-
| ington 100 p. m. Parlor car and passenger coach
| to Philadelphia,
i s ~T i A
i f..onton,
Daily for Bunbury
] Harnscurg snd loter
Week days for Bers ston, He
| gleton, sudPotssilie. Philadeiphia, Sew York,
| Baltimore, Washington, Through § wsenger
| conches to Philadelphia
{ 13 p. m~Traiti 8
mediate stations,
Weekdays for 8
Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Har haburY,
| risburg and intermedisie siations. arriving st
| Fhilndelphia at 6.28 p m., New York 0.90 p, m,
Baltimore, 6.00 p. mm. Washington st 7.15 p, m.,
| Parlor car through (0 Pl iladelphia, and pas
| senger conches Lo Phlisdeiphis, Bailimore and
{| Washinglon.
501 p. m~Train 32, V eekdays for Wilkes
| barr, Beraoton, Hazletop, Pottsville, and dally
for Harrisburg and intern sdiate points, arriving
st Poly delpbin 10pm. Mew York 858 a. ms.
| Baltimore 9.456 p.m... Wasbh!nglon 1056 p.m. Pas.
senger coaches to Philadelpbhir and Baltimore,
Bilp m.~Train 6. Weekdays lor supbury
Harrisburg and all lnlormediale stations, srriv-
ing at Philadelobia, 4.20 a. in. New York at 7.13
ia m. Baltimore 280 a. m., Washington, 405 Be
mw Pullman sieeping cars from Harrisburg
to Philadelphia and New York Philadelphia
passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed
lanl 7.30. m.
204 a. m~Traln 4. (Dmiiy)
burg and poluts east and souin, arrivieg et
Philadelphia at 6.028, ms. New York, 985 a’ mn
| week days, 10.70 8. m. Bunday, Baltimore, 6.50 8.
| m., Washington, 7.45, 8 mm. Pullman sleeping
{ears to Fhiladelphin and Washington, sud
| passenger coaches U Philadelphinand Beitimore
pists. m.~Train 8. (Daily) For Erle, Csn-
sno aigua, Rochester, Buffalo, Nisgars Fully, und
jutermueninte stallions, Wilh passelige! CoRChes 10
Erie and Rochester, Week days for DuBois
Bellefonte, snd Pitsburg. On ~oandays ouly
Pullman sleepers 10 Rochester and Erle .
10.00 a. mi~Traln 31. (Duily) Vor Lock Haven
“ intermediate stations, snd weekdays for
Tyrone, Cienrfield, Philipsburg, Pittsburg snd
the West, with through cars lo Tyrone
1.81 p.m, ~Train 15. Weckdays for Kane, Ty-
| rone Clesrfield, Philipsburg, Pitsburg, Cansb-
daigus aod intermediate salious Byrscuse
Hochester, Buffelo and Nisgars Falls, wilh
through passenger coaches to Kane and Boens
ester, and Parlor car Ww Bochesler
616 p, m.~Train 1. Week days for Renovo
Elmira and intermediate stations, ,
$48 p. m.~Traln 18. Dally for Lock Haven,
For Barris-
| Train 81 leaves New York 12.10 night, Philadels
phis 4.30 & m, Baltimore 4.50 » m, Harrisburg
(AS am, dally, Wilkesbarre, 750 a m, Week-
days arriving st Moutandon 10 00am,
| Trudi 16 leaves Philadelphia 8.40 a m, Washing
ton 7.50 a mm, Baltimore B50 a m, Willkesbarre
io 55 8m, week days, arriviog a! Montandon
1.3. pm, with parior car from Philadelphia
and through passenger coaches from Fhilia-
deiphis snd Bellimore
pomination in Lackawanna county.
ts mint aan
The Quay case has again been post-
poned—this time to April 3, if other
important business don’t require at-
tention. These oft postponements are
wearing holes into the botlom of the
Train |ieaves New York v Dam, Phila, 122 p
wm; Wastilngtlon a} | Jam, Baltimore al 12.00
m, Wiikesbarre 2 pm, arriving at Monian-
don at 6.0% pm, week days, with Lhrough pas
senger coaches from Phila. and Baltimore,
Train 21 leaves New York 1.06 p. mm. Philadel
Qin 48 pm, weekdays 4.30 p. ®»., Su days
Washingiwon 3.30 p m, Baltimore 4.3 pm dni~
iy, Wilkesbarte, 6.00 pm. (week days) arriving st
Moutancon 248 pm. Through Parior Car from
Philadelphia, week days, sud
from Phlisdeiphis and Was
Train 8 leaves Kew York si 7
11. 20pm, Washington 0.40 p m, Baltimore,
11.56 pm, (dally) srriving si Montanden st 5.53
& mm, with through Pullman sleeping oar from
Philadelphia and ibrough passenger coaches
from Phisdeliphis and Batimore
Week days,
There is a general outery from
. . Sih | of snow ; on 19,
ing Porto Ricans in all parts of the isl- | pa :
and against this degrading almsgiving | We have saved many doctor bills since
as a ruse toquiet the people while | we began using Chamberlain's Cough |
congress is fastening the slavery of a i Remedy in our home. We keep a bot-
colonial system upon them. | tle open all the time and whenever
The official returns show that in| any of my family or myself begin to
five months the normal death rate of | catch cold we begin to use the Cough |
Porto Rico has increased 9,000 since | Remedy, and as a result we never have
the tornado period, showing that the | t; send away for a doctor snd incur a
island is losing in population at the | |arge doctor bill, for Chamberlain’s
rate of 20,000 a year as a result of Amer- Cough Remedy never fails to cure. It
ican control. is certainly a medicine of great merit |
The sights in the mountain district | and worth.—D. 8. Mearkle, General To select from at the same old price. No advance.
are appalling. All experienced men | Merchant and Farmer, Mattie, Bed- |
Eres in sayiug that the ooly hope of | ee | John Smith & Bro. bem
| ford county, Pa.
saving Porto Rico from utter ruin is 10 | Rogs, Linden Hall; 8. M. Swartz, Tus- =D ’ 5 {3} Vicksburg
convert it at once into a regular Unit- seyville; F. A. Carson, Potters Mills: SPRING MILLS. 7 07| Millmont ©
od States territory. The whole people | g P. Rossman, Spring Mills; J. F. Bile 170m
do not need charity.
. i 40 Paddy Mounts's
: They need the | gnjth, Centre Hall. tw Coburn
opportunity to work. The heart eens RO
oll of Honor, :
forenoon, 11 in. rain,
passenger Coach
> p m, Philade
ee ———————
The Supreme Court of the United
States on Monday rendered an opinion
in the case of the Waters Pierce Oil
Co. against the state of Texas. The
case involved the constitutionality of
tae anti-trust law of Texas, the court
sustaining the law.
Kentucky is quiet ; the law, at every
step, was in Governor Taylor's way,
and he has found himself badly left in
his threat to hold the office ¢f govern-
or by having around hima fence of
artned mountain ruffians)
30 Oak and White Enameled Chamber Suits
b 40 Montandon
b 55 Lewisburg
offers at private sale
| ches: A large wardrobe
{ large refrigerator with oi
5 3
v 3 1
7 57 | Lert
: of s 05) Rising Bpring
the most sordid trust president would | 3 LilPenn Cave
i 5 : . 18; Centr i
be melted by the spectacle of a helpless | High School—*Grace Lee, *Estie 8 ufre an
nation waiting in suspense for the | Ocker, John Foreman, John Hoster- | 3 3ti14nl4n Ball
" A | man, * Witmer Lee, John Stover. {6 3510ak Ha |
news that Congress has refused (o take » rp i Is
IL f the | Grammar School, D. W. Geiss, 3
all hope lrom them. | Teacher.—*Mabel Arney, *Pearl Ar- is
| ney, Grace Crawford, Mamie Emerick,
| *John Koarr, “Annie Lutz,
Krumbine, Bruce Rowe,
LRtrohmeier, *Wm. Wolf,
of Centre County,
Talal alate one OF
2 06 Be 80 00 40 00
termvigned an Aud
od to make dis
y of the
liable saimstnan 7
handle our Inbricating olis and greases
able proposition apd favorable prices
i with references
Eastie | 122 Findlay, Ohio, ppointment at his 4 on
#® ris i wh & on $ 190, at I O'clwk
Bertha : DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE LETTERS s of ¢ { pars nterested, when
of Administration of the estate of Re 1 10 attend or be
heres Vinkle late of Grege townehi; Jere med and claim
tv 39 Lemont
$2 Dale Bummit
52 Pleasant Gap
5h Axemann
00 Bellefonte
®fluential Re-
condemn the
cKinley and
2b upon Porto
is is in
Three fourths of the
publican organs strong]
barsh tariff treatment
Hanpa propose to iofl
Rico in her misery. Ti
ence to the demands of
i sl
6 45
i 40
MORE 08 80 A KO AO
To the Democracy of Centre County.
Many of the leading and active
Democrats of Centre county, as well as |
122 Additional trains jesve Lewisburg
jonat 520 a Wm, “JE 8. mm. 94
510 and 8 00 m. returning leave
for Monian-
«a m, 1.36
a m.
th erealter Get
the sugar and
tariff trusts.
i ————
MeKinley, in his I
said it “was a plain
Porto Rico free tra
tobacco trusts have
‘him that the stric
scourged with at
cember message
uty” to give poor
The sugar and
since demanded of
of the State, having expressed person- |
ally or by letter a desire to see me re- |
Legislature, it is but
iate their |
kindness and wishes, and that I will |
be a candidate. If chosen, I shall en-
deavor to honestly and faithfully per-|
form the duties devolving upon me,
Experienced in legislative work and
that body, I am confident that I am
Secondary School, F.
Teacher,— Bruce Arney, Ray Clem-
Clymer MecClenahan, Harry
Nearhood, Rufus Rearick, Floyd Sny-
Primary BSechool,
Teacher. Rosle
Emma Rowe,
Luse, *Jsabel
baving been duly granted 0 the idemsigned J. BINGER,
be would respectfully request gil penons KDOW
ing themselves indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment, atu] those Dbaving Ciaims
| agains Lhe seine, LO present OEM duly suthen
ing upon seid fund
1 order of th
Pa will?
noe of Je
s, derensed
i ticated for scttiement 4
ste of
C 1. FINKLE, Administrator
JC. MEYER. Au'y. merlin
We will pay the above reward fo” any of | AL 10 o'clo~k. the foilowi
Liver Oomplaint, ry pepsia, Bick Headache, ren] etate situsied in
i digest jon Constipation or UostiveDess we ORD " Cwmnty. Pe
{ cure with Liverita tte Uptn-Dare Lille Liver | f
rived towaship,
for Lewisburg st 785 9.30 a. m os
th pm andbiSpm
i Ou Sandays i
1100] a m and BW
borg $804 m.. 1008 a.m. a2
Ponere] Manager
: and
irning leave Lewis
5.08 p.m,
i. &,. WOOD
Gen" Pw'ger Agt
. Condensed Time Table
Resd Down
No.l; No 2N
a. mpm
Read Up.
No 6.80 4 No 2
—— ——— | ——
Pmopm Am.
Sov. 21.19
iv AT
0/46 30 _BELLEV' NTE
< Hi we Es
- On
a8 .Hevls Park.
5 ew Dunkies ..
. =NItARY.
won HUSTON...
' Krider's 8a g.
Hi Mackeyvilie..
20. Cedar Springs
22 ..... Salona “lh
14% 81s Jersey Shore...
2H 84: Arr. woop |
4 #11 5 Lve | WOPOT
92 5 10 Nn
49 57 &
8 451s 2
3 4 16
those trusts. Ag McKinley obeyed.
prepared to serve you in an acceptable |
There should be no reduction in our
public school appropriation. The re-
cent report of the State Treasurer
proves that the cut made by Gov.
Stone was not a necessity, but a plan
by which certain corporations would
be exempt from taxstion. I shall en-
hope of being seated
on the Stone tificate, will now make
a fight fogs mnjority in the next legis
ature. He'll not elect enough mem-
bers, though, to do it. Another of his
schemes is to elect Don Cameron for
deavor by all means in my power to
next governor, and get help by it. secure better election laws, a new reg- |
—— oy — { istration act, a new primary election
When Hanna and the entire brigade [eh All of which wil hve the people
of trusts are dead set upon re-electing | *" 1onest election and a fair count.
McKinley, there is deep significance ROBERT M. FOSTER.
§ C »
jn it. As the masses draw to the The following speaks for itself:
verge of poverty, the trusts sip deeper Brookville, Pa., Feb, 17th, 1900
the benefits from having ‘the advance . MF y rd ye Tn
t of prosperity” in the presiden- Hox. R. M. FosTER, State ( ollege, Pa.
agen P My Dear Sir:—Till this morning I
tial chair. have been absent from home for two
weeks, hence I did not receive yours of
the 3rd inst, till now. I do not know
what your PY usages are in Centre
county, and therefore cannot advise
you iutelligently. But if the partly
usages do not bar you from a renomi-
pation, it would be desirable that you
should be returned, for your experi
ence and knowledge relating to useful
legislation could not be fully supplied
better by any other. These and your
energy snd vigilance, will be needed
in the next session. By all means do
not let Centre county get a Member
who is not a Democrat, straight and
true, I am yours truly,
Quay has 1
Bod of wd ad of of wb al ab ad
Beginning at stones, thence |
Anns | along lands of Gotechall and Co. north 68 degrees |
Pu ons 86 2.10 perches to stone pile, thence north 27 1
| degrees west 40 perches 10 stones, 1henoe sione |
| ands of Jonas Confer south 63 degrees west 45 | Ha
{ perches to chestnut tree, thence south 27 degrees | oa =
’ . : : 29 708 .....PHILA $
past 6 perches 10 sl yne, thenoe svuth 68 degrees | i tani Rt] -
west 4) 2.10 perches 10 slones, thence south 271 i } ~ARanus ; RY» vows
deg ees east 34 perches 10 stones and plsce of be | : - Via T 3 ORR... . {
ginniug: conwsining | 510 40 19 30! ‘NEW ORK. 00
2 ACRER { i {Via Phila.) i
About one-half of above tract te cleared and ina | Lye. sn. mp o,
good state of cultivation and the b.lance is well “0 00 p.m. Sunday
pose of mak: | Hmbeird with Suk Bnd Chen Jhereon is 110 Wa. m, a td ¥s
. | erected a good Dwelling He 3d 3 \ . a
post of mak eres ge od Bw ng Rw and dunt re; sh fiadelphia Wleeping Ours aitached to Mast.
the buliAings Ives, >, snd train from Williamsport stl 0p m and
TERME Ten per cent of purchase mobey to est-bound from F hiladelpble at11.96 p.m.
be paid when property is knocked down, balance . W. GEPHART,
of one-third upon confirmation ateoiute, one Superin
third in one year from confirmation ateolute and
balance in van Jos deferred payments 10 be
secured by bond and morgage on the premises
and to bear interest at 6 per cent. from date of
confirmation absolute
am Adm'r 0 the eslatle of John Ureder,
51 B40
8 34
i -
i Lve
i Arr
1 hs
po m.a om, Arr
Af A ———————
Union county Republicans are in a
ferment over frauds committed at the
primaries io Hartley township, by
which Dr. Mohn, the Quay candidate
for assembly, was declared the nomi-
nee by 71 majority over Mr. Johnson,
anti-machine, who had a majority of
the legal votes cast. This fraud will
bust the machine square in Union, as
the honest Republicans down there do
not intend to take the dose with the
knock-out drops in it,
————— A SY STATS,
General Otis finds grave troubles in
Manila, wire ris bolle ed Shut | The Boer Threat Ya Destroy the D iamond
Fale ty.
the citizens. This would confirm the Refer
ring to the Boer threat lo raze
- incr that in peer port ing of ¥e Johannesburg and to destroy the gold
position to the United States, were mines, the Kreuz Zeitung, of Berlin,
still alive and the Philippine war not remarks ;
“Such a threat is reasonable, be-
yet i OIE be cause England's financiers are already
crying with anxiety for gold shares
people gf the United Bates, and quotations, and, secondly, because
Since the introduction of linotype
the Boers would thereby smash the
machines by the big dailies we notice | idols which enticed numberiess vaga-
frequent typographical errors, duplica- bonds, questionable riff raff’ and gold
tion of lines, ete, which were very jobbers to immigrate there, and now to
rare in journals like the Philadelphia | demand the bloody offerings which
Ledger, New York Sun, and others, Britons willingly lay upon the altar.”
whieh were noted for thelr scholarly :
accuracy. To linotype work it is tedi-
ous to make corrections and the haste
which is required for the dailies to get
to press, renders it almost tm possible
to make the needed corrections.
o'clock, a, m., at the late resid noe of the
. at which time and place you can be
pre ent if you see proper. All those certain mes.
songes, tenements and tracts of land sitna’e in
Snow Sh e Township, Centre County, and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol
tows to wit:
No.1. Bituate in the village of Snow Shoe,
and being and designated | the 1 plan or
plot of sald town as lots No's 22and 2t Staluing
in front on Olive Strest each 60 feet and extend.
Street 290 feet to an allay, be-
wes which William Craver
1th day of aps,
book 2 No. 2, page 606, granted and conveyed to
Herbert Williams, to which the said Herbert
his last will and testament devised
ed nnto the said Reberos Williams,
Thereou erecied a iwostory frame dwelling
house, stable and other out-bulldings,
No, 2. siteste in the village of Spow Ehoe,
fronting on Moshannon Avenne and adjoin
an Aled,
They are Here
For Spring.
The Walk-Over Shoe for Men
A $5 Value in every pair.
Hundreds who have been waiting on
them, are pleased they have the style,
come in any leather. They are like
wearing old shoes for fit. We get 1200
pairs of them.
Don’t be misled by others advertis.
ing they have $3 shoes just as good for
they havn't even $6 shoes that will be
near as good.
For the ladies, the Saracens and the
famous “Herrick" Shoes from $2 50 to
$3.60 are the leaders.
Powers Shoe Co.
Bush Arcade. Bellefonte.
The well GAVE FC Cave, Per
A ee
a :
can fd Robin bec. The cave hes
a he y iin er oe a,
with constant {llustrations on the Farm
and in the Laborstory.
dion study with the micrascops, |, oo
cour me
evar NG NREL
pci See,
th very
EE avcibes ih the Field the Shop, and. ihe
——— I — ——— { Pill, when the directions are strictly ¢ mpl : oat ! Ln at Beginning wi 0 tous ade ]
A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Jour- | wu, That ate purely Yegesaile, and Paet fail | ands of Susan Crader north 63 degrees cast
i give eiion. T% boxes coucain 100 Pills, f s00 sorb ts at thenoe #b 1a of
nal, Doyelstown, Ohio, suffered for a Jot busts Smiain 0 Pills, Je boxes contain 15 | Thomas P Cope oh Shoe Sn i 10 |
A ” "iis, porate of subs iullons and mitations . y BOTY S30 ‘ong Int h 2-1
number of years from rheumatism iD | goni'by mai): stamps taken. NERVITA MRDICAL | phsehies 10 sont i. thence slong lauds of Cuiset
his right shoulder and side. He says: | ©0.. Cor. Chutes & Jackson Sus, Chicago, IIL | north 27 derers west 108 7 12 serches 10 post and :
“My right arm at times was entirely Sold by J. D. Murray, Druggiet, Centre Hall Pa. | plare of beginning, containg
; ham ’ i eC i ETIMOR... — 105 ACRES AND 154 PERCHES.
useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain | “CR7RIT IX PARTITION: — | About half of the above described tract is well |
Balm, and was surprised to receive re | uv the heirs and Joga! representatives of Re- | imberedt with yellow pine, onk and chestnut. |
lief almost immediately. The Pain | becca Walliams, late of Ssow Shoe Towashin. |” TRACT NO. 2
Balm has been a constant companion | Centre County, Pa, deceassd: Herbert N. Walk A die Or
of mine ever since and it never fails.” | Halker. Ey Ecce room ai.
For sale by J. H. Ross, Linden Hall; | Mabel Iain, Snow Shoe, Centre County, Pa. W
8B. M. Bwartz, Tussey ville; F. A. Car- sents Walker, Edna Walker, Edith Walker, Ro
son, Potters Mille; H. F. Rossman, | fe siding st Sane hoe. Pay and for wom C
Spring Mills; J. F. Smith, Centre Hall. 3 Bower. , of Bellefonte, Pa, has been ap:
——— . cans —— ow guardian,
Sale Hegister, haan Oro In pi nee of an order of
th 4 v the an's Court of Centre County, Penns iva
MARCH 20.—P. A. Leister, Potters Mills: 2 horses, | nia a writ and partition has been ssued from
Spanish Jack, milch cow, Jumbet sled, 10P | said court to the Sheriff of said county, returna
bugey. spring waeon, harness, organ. chamber | pie on Monday the 220d day of April, 199, and |
wit, sowing math ine, tabigs, Jn, beds, sofa. | 1hat an Inquest be held for the pa ‘ *
writing , thal, y Vinegar, : : ‘
"aie at 1 clock. pola log partition of the real estate of
MARCH 27. James W_ Lee, at Farmers Mills, 6
head of horses, 16 head of cows and young eat-
tie. 10 head sheep. 2 head fall b d Poland
hoes, mower and lot of other farm implements.
Wm. Goheen, suck
MARCH 28 Kate Horner, Centre Hall; Range,
tables, sink, chairs, stands, bedsteads, bureso,
dishes, carpets, tubs, copper ke. tie, sewing ma.
chine, Estey organ, eto. sale at 1 olock; W.
A. Randoe, Aue'l.
MARCH 28 —Wm. Strong. st Colyer, 2 homes,
Je heifer, 2 shone hoary 2 horse wagon,
new sled , stave tack, Jersey cow, fiynets,
harness, hay ‘adders, ete.
MARCH 20 = D. J. Meyer, 2 miles south of Lin-
den Hall; # horses, 4 ooits, 15 cows, 30 head
young cattle, 80 head hogs, along, with large
Mok of new farm implemen ia m. Goheen,
and being one-half of lots No Sst an
being the same premi os which David
M. Wagner aud wife by deed dated August 2th,
1872, sud recorded in Centre County in Deed
book 0" No. 2 page 518, granted and eonveyed
unto will and which
No.8. Situate in the town of Snow Bho, be-
south-east corner of
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